% \iffalse meta-comment
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% Part of the TeXPower bundle
% Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Stephan Lehmke
% Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Hans Fredrik Nordhaug
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
% as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
% of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% texpower.dtx,v 1.13 2005/04/09 23:37:36 hansfn Exp
% \fi
% \iffalse
    [2005/04/08 v0.2 Create Dynamic Presentations with LaTeX.]
% \fi
% \CheckSum{5957}
% \CharacterTable
%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
% \GetFileInfo{texpower.dtx}
% \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\newenvironment}
% \title{The \textsf{texpower} package\thanks{This document
%   corresponds to \textsf{texpower}~\fileversion, dated \filedate.}}
% \author{ Stephan Lehmke \\ \texttt{Stephan.Lehmke@cs.uni-dortmund.de}}
% \maketitle
% \tableofcontents
% \section{Introduction}

% LaTeX Package for creating `dynamic' presentations.
% The user documentation is found in \texttt{manual.tex} and the FAQ.
% Only the implementation documentation is covered in this document.
% The TeXPower Bundle can be found at |http://texpower.sourceforge.net/|
% \section{Disclaimer}
% This is still work in progress.
% During the subsequent error correction and extension of the
% functionality, the syntax and implementation of the macros are
% liable to change. 
% Even though we are using dtx-files, these are still not fully 
% documented dtx-files.
% \StopEventually{\PrintChanges\PrintIndex}
% \section{Implementation}
% \changes{v0.0.1}{1999/10/26}{First pre-alpha version.}
% \changes{v0.0.2}{2000/02/15}{Squashing a bug...}
% \changes{v0.0.3}{2000/03/13}{Tidying up command syntax; adding some in-line documentation.}
% \changes{v0.0.4}{2000/03/17}{In-line documentation for the first pre-alpha version completed.}
% \changes{v0.0.5}{2000/03/17}{Fixed some problems with incompatible versions of hyperref (spotted
% by Marc van Dongen).  (Apr 14: this code no longer exists)}
% \changes{v0.0.6}{2000/03/20}{Added papersize settings. (Mar 28: these are now in fixseminar.sty)}
% \changes{v0.0.7}{2000/04/07}{Removed dependency on hyperref; added support for color emphasis;
% respect the display option; now loading tpsettings.cfg and tpoptions.cfg; added \cs{bstep},
% \cs{switch}, \cs{rebstep}, \cs{reswitch}.}
% \changes{v0.0.7a}{2000/04/28}{\cs{pause} and \cs{stepwise} now use \cs{leaders} for inserting duplicated
% parts of pages. This way, processing of whatsits is turned off in the duplicates so that table of
% contents entries are no longer duplicated when a section occurs on a page where \cs{pause} or
% \cs{stepwise} is used (spotted by heiner richter). Thanks to Heiko Oberdiek for his suggestion how
% \cs{leaders} can be successfully applied for this purpose.  \cs{stepwise} now does the right thing if
% no \cs{step} command occurs in contents.  There was a bug in \cs{save@TP} which would become
% apparent if \cs{stepwise} was the first thing on a page. Spotted and fixed by Ross Moore (thanks!).}
% \changes{v0.0.7b}{2000/05/04}{Changed hyperref version check from 2000/03/22 to 2000/03/23.
% Spotted by Ross Moore.}
% \changes{v0.0.7c}{2000/05/06}{\cs{eject} changed to \cs{newpage} in \cs{stepwise} to cure some problems
% with the foils package. Spotted by Ross Moore.}
% \changes{v0.0.7d}{2000/05/18}{\cs{everydisplay} finally removed from colormath option because it
% only causes trouble. Maybe I should look for a less fragile solution for the whole thing. Fixed a
% bug in texpower's definition of \cs{set@page@color} (used only if pdftex.def doesn't define it)
% which would cause a fatal error if two \cs{pagecolor} commands occur. Added command
% \cs{replacecolor}.}
% \changes{v0.0.8}{2000/05/24}{Now providing two methods for creating duplicates of page contents
% (used by \cs{pause} and \cs{stepwise}). The former default method using \cs{leaders}, which leads to
% problems with footnotes (spotted by Heiner Richter), is now activated by the newly introduced
% option robustduplicates. The new default method uses \cs{unvbox} as the \cs{pause} command from
% texpause.sty, but redefines \cs{write} for suppressing duplicate toc and bookmark entries due to
% duplicated whatsits.  Changed the way \cs{liststepwise} and \cs{parstepwise} are implemented. Instead
% of wrapping the whole contents in a minipage (which caused a lot of problems), an invisible
% \cs{hrule} is inserted in front of contents, which seems to do the job as well. With option
% robustduplicates, this seems to be unneccessary for \cs{parstepwise}.  Now all counters are saved
% before \cs{stepwise} starts and restored for every \cs{step}. This remedies problems with equation
% numbers etc.  Added a modification for the slides class so that slides are not centered if the
% display option is given.  Option slifonts now also handles math fonts.  Added a \cs{hidetext}
% command which respects line breaks (needs soul package).}
% \changes{v0.0.8a}{2000/06/02}{Fixed a bug in the code which disables \cs{pageDuration} if the
% pdfpageduration key doesn't exist (spotted by Friedrich Eisenbrand).}
% \changes{v0.0.8b}{2000/06/09}{Added additional `dimmed' and `enhanced' color sets for all standard
% colors, with corresponding commands \cs{dimcolors} and \cs{enhancecolors}.  Added a `color stack
% correction' option fixcolorstack, which should avoid that the duplication of ``color push'' and
% ``color pop'' specials confuses the driver's color stack (spotted by Ross Moore).  Added new
% display commands \cs{hidedimmed}, \cs{hidevanish}, \cs{highlightenhanced}.  Added \cs{step} variants
% \cs{dstep} and \cs{vstep}.  Added patches for \cs{[}, equation, eqnarray, and eqnarray* when the
% colormath option is used.  Now also saving and restoring footnotes at \cs{pause} and \cs{stepwise}.
% Added a command \cs{releasecounter} to keep a counter from `freezing' during the execution of
% \cs{stepwise}.}
% \changes{v0.0.8c}{2000/06/13}{The default duplication method will now (only) attack
% \cs{protected@write}. There's a new option hackwrite which restores the former default method (of
% attacking \cs{write}).  Corrected a bug newly introduced into \cs{switch} with version 0.0.8b.
% Corrected a bug in the color correction code (spotted by Ross Moore).}
% \changes{v0.0.8d}{2000/06/15}{Corrected a minor quirk in \cs{hidetext}.  Added a command
% \cs{addTPcolor} for defining new `standard' colors.  In printout versions, the last step will no
% longer think it's `first activated'.}
% \changes{v0.0.8e}{2000/06/21}{Yet another rewrite of the page duplication code. I hope it's
% perfect this time :) The options robustduplicates and hackwrite are obsolete now.  Thanks to
% Martin Schroeder for permission to use his everyshi code.  Fixed a small quirk in \cs{dstep} and
% \cs{vstep}.  \cs{darkbackground} and relatives now set both page and text color.}
% \changes{v0.0.8f}{2000/06/27}{A small change in the definition of \cs{liststepwise} to enhance
% vertical spacing.}
% \changes{v0.0.8g}{2000/07/19}{Color management extended and largely rewritten.  A small change to
% make page transition and page duration settings local to groups.  \cs{dstep} and \cs{vstep} now
% understand the usual optional arguments.}
% \changes{v0.0.9}{2000/10/17}{Added support for structured backgrounds (command
% \cs{backgroundstyle}).  New commands for gradient rules and boxes.  Added a hack to keep hyperref
% from producing duplicate page anchors (suggested by Thomas Emmel).  Some slight changes in the
% mode of accounting in \cs{step} to hopefully give better results for `complicated' orders of
% activating steps using \cs{step}'s optional arguments.  Added (experimental) commands \cs{multistep}
% and \cs{movie} for aiding in (simple) animations.  \cs{pagecolor} hack removed, as pdftex.def on CTAN
% now supports \cs{pagecolor}.  \cs{set@color} hack for seminar removed (made unneccessary by
% enhancements to powersem).  Added rudimentary support for panels.  Added rudimentary support for
% navigation elements.  Now put a hyper anchor ``firstpage.n'' on the first element of the sequence
% for page n.}
% \changes{v0.0.9a}{2002/02/01}{Tidying up the inline documentation.  When the color package is
% loaded before texpower, texpower's color management is no longer activated automatically.
% Definitions of standard colors moved to file tpcolors.cfg.  Option `slifonts' is obsolete now. The
% code is now part of the much more sophisticated package ``tpslifonts''.  Now the `colormath'
% option cooperates with array.sty (and thus colortbl.sty).  New option ``nineminutes'' to
% circumvent a strange behaviour of acrobat/acroread v4.05 and later wrt. page duration.  Option
% `fixcolorstack' now checks also for VTeX.  \cs{hidedimmed}, \cs{highlightenhanced} and \cs{dstep} now
% check for math mode.  Now using ifpdf package if available.}
% \changes{v0.0.9b}{2002/11/13}{colormath adapted to different handling of `equation' by amsmath
% 2.x.  Adapted for new version of soul package.  Added another patch to colormath for handling
% array package's ``m'' columns without color change.  `Turn on' seminar parameters in panel boxes
% even before \cs{begin\{document\}}.  Added a command \cs{overlays}, sibling of \cs{multistep}, which
% prints all steps over each other.  Added a command \cs{steponce}, sibling of \cs{step}, which is
% active only for one step.  Removed a bug in color correction code introduced in v0.0.8g.}
% \changes{v0.0.9c}{2003/04/29}{A small fix to give \cs{overlays} a width.  \cs{mklength} is now a user
% command.  The \cs{@nobreak} switch and \cs{everypar} are now saved and restored by \cs{stepwise},
% hopefully enhancing cooperation with section headings and list environments.  Changed
% \cs{newcommand} to \cs{providecommand} to allow background.sty to be loaded in parallel (thanks to
% Hans Fr. Nordhaug for the original patch).}
% \changes{v0.0.9d}{2003/05/15}{Release.}
% \changes{v0.1}{2003/06/03}{Removed font stuff (now resides in tpslifonts).  A small fix to avoid
% warnings about extremely overfull hboxes when measuring steps.  Our dabbling with \cs{shipout}
% created display errors with some packages like pdfscreen. Thanks to Maarten Fokkinga for spotting
% it. Fixed.}
% \changes{v0.1a}{2003/06/04}{Color management extended a little to integrate better with LaTeX.
% Made \cs{step}-like commands give better error messages when outside \cs{stepwise}.}
% \changes{v0.1b}{2004/07/27}{Moved to dtx format. No other code changes.}
% \changes{v0.2}{2005/04/07}{Fixed bugs \#1029803 and \#1073319 reported at SourceForge.
% Made the handling of whatsits smarter (making write to file and hyperref
% commands) stepwise-aware. Added option/command to turn on/off the old
% aggressive/robust filtering. Added fragilesteps environment.}
% We need the programming tools provided by these packages.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Options and general setup}
% \subsubsection{General options}
% The option verbose turns on some automatic messages.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The (global) option display is respected and turns on the `dynamic' features.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The option printout turns off the `dynamic' features. Can be used to undo a default setting of display.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The option fixcolorstack switches on a `color stack correction' method which undoes damage to the driver's color stack
% when ``color push'' and ``color pop'' specials are duplicated.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The option oldfiltering reverts to the old (pre v0.2) aggressive/robust filtering of whatsits.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The option nineminutes sets the page duration of every single page to a high value (of about nine minutes; this seems
% to be a hardcoded upper limit in acrobat 5; see below). This way, a setting in acrobat reader's fullscreen dialogue
% is masked. Otherwise, pages without an explicit page duration setting don't get any page duration setting at all, so
% they will follow the dialogue setting.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Color options}
% The following switch indicates whether color management should be turned on at all.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The option coloremph makes |\em| and |\emph| switch the text color instead of the font shape.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The option colormath makes math formulae be color highlighted.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The option colorhighlight makes highlighting commands use colors.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The option whitebackground selects standard colors for white backgrounds.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\setboolean{whitebackground@TP}{true}% This is the default.
%    \end{macrocode}
% The option lightbackground selects standard colors for light (but not white) backgrounds.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The option blackbackground selects standard colors for black backgrounds.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The option darkbackground selects standard colors for dark (but not black) backgrounds.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Load the config file with default options if file exists.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Process options.
%    \begin{macrocode}

{\PackageInfo{texpower}{Producing display version. Dynamic features activated.}}
{\PackageInfo{texpower}{Producing printout version. Dynamic features inactive.}}
%    \end{macrocode}
% General option-driven initialization.
% If the verbose option is set, we give a lot of context information when an error is raised.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Driver-specific defaults.
% We provide a switch which (hopefully) allows to distinguish whether postscript specials (as used by PSTricks) can be
% used safely or not.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\setboolean{psspecialsallowed}{true} % optimistic default
%    \end{macrocode}
% The switch |\ifpdf| is to determine whether pdfLaTeX is being run and outputting pdf, using Heiko Oberdiek's faultproof
% pdf detector: 
%    \begin{macrocode}
 \expandafter\newif\csname ifpdf\endcsname
}{% \ifpdf is defined - nothing to do

%    \end{macrocode}
% Class-specific defaults.
% The following switches centering of slides off for the slides document class because this would disturb dynamic
% building of slides.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Some registers and macros for general use throughout texpower.sty.
%    \begin{macrocode}



%    \end{macrocode}
% These are needed for calculating the size of the page background box.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\TPpagewidth}{\strip@pt\paperwidth truept}
\newcommand{\TPpageheight}{\strip@pt\paperheight truept}
% \AtBeginDocument
% {%
%   \edef\TPpagewidth{\strip@pt\paperwidth truept}%
%   \edef\TPpageheight{\strip@pt\paperheight truept}%
% }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\mkfactor}
% |\mkfactor{<cs>}{<exp>}| is a helper command for automatically generating the fixed point numbers between 0 and 1
% which are employed by the color calculation commands. |<exp>| can be anything which can stand behind * in calc
% (for instance: |\value{counter}/\value{maxcounter}| or |\ratio| or whatever). |<cs>| should be a valid macro name. |<exp>|
% is converted into a fixed-point representation which is then assigned to |<cs>|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% Make a string representation of a length expression.
%    \begin{macrocode}

%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Color management, color emphasis and highlighting}
% Initialization. 
% If we are to use colors, we need the color package.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Color management kernel}
% Only load the kernel if TeXPower's color management is active.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\ifthenelse{\boolean{TPcolor}}{% Yes.
%    \end{macrocode}
% We need a hook which can be defined otherwise to turn off colors.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Overload |\definecolor| to store a `driver-independent' copy of the color definition for later use by |\colorbetween|
% and relatives. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \expandafter\edef\csname colordef@TP@#1\endcsname%
    {\csname processcolor@TP@#2\endcsname{#3}}%        
%    \end{macrocode}
% Repeat color.sty's standard color definitions to make the original definitions available to TeXPower.
% Begin excerpt from color.sty:
%    \begin{macrocode}

%    \end{macrocode}
% End excerpt from color.sty.
% \subsubsection{Commands for calculating new colors}
% \begin{macro}{\interpolate@TP} Calculates the weighted average between two fixed point values.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \setlength{\tempdima@TP}{1pt-#1pt}%               Calculate the second factor for the weighted average.
    \setlength{\tempdima@TP}{#2pt*\real{#1}+#3pt*\real{\secondfactor@TP}}% Calculate the weighted average.
    \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\tempdima@TP<0pt}}%       Bound the result to the interval [0,1] (just in case the first
    {\setlength{\tempdima@TP}{0pt}}%                  factor was not from [0,1]).
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\interpolate@three@TP} Interpolates a three-piece color value.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \interpolate@TP{#7}{#1}{#4}%                      First intermediary value.
    \edef\newcolordef@TP{\result@TP,}%                Store first value.
    \interpolate@TP{#7}{#2}{#5}%                      Second intermediary value.
    \edef\newcolordef@TP{\newcolordef@TP\result@TP,}% Store second value.
    \interpolate@TP{#7}{#3}{#6}%                      Third intermediary value.
    \edef\newcolordef@TP{\newcolordef@TP\result@TP}%  Store third value.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\interpolate@four@TP} Interpolates a four-piece color value.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \interpolate@TP{#9}{#1}{#5}%                      First intermediary value.
    \edef\newcolordef@TP{\result@TP,}%                Store first value.
    \interpolate@TP{#9}{#2}{#6}%                      Second intermediary value.
    \edef\newcolordef@TP{\newcolordef@TP\result@TP,}% Store second value.
    \interpolate@TP{#9}{#3}{#7}%                      Third intermediary value.
    \edef\newcolordef@TP{\newcolordef@TP\result@TP,}% Store third value.
    \interpolate@TP{#9}{#4}{#8}%                      Fourth intermediary value.
    \edef\newcolordef@TP{\newcolordef@TP\result@TP}%  Store fourth value.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\convert@cmykvalue@rgbvalue@TP} Converts one color value from CMYK to rgb.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\convert@cmyk@rgb@TP} Converts CMYK color to rgb.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \edef\newcolordef@TP{\result@TP,}%                Store first value.
    \edef\newcolordef@TP{\newcolordef@TP\result@TP,}% Store second value.
    \edef\newcolordef@TP{\newcolordef@TP\result@TP}%  Store third value.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\convert@RGBvalue@rgbvalue@TP} Converts one color value from RGB to rgb.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\convert@RGB@rgb@TP} Converts RGB color to rgb.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \edef\newcolordef@TP{\result@TP,}%                Store first value.
    \edef\newcolordef@TP{\newcolordef@TP\result@TP,}% Store second value.
    \edef\newcolordef@TP{\newcolordef@TP\result@TP}%  Store third value.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% |\colorbetween[<factor>]{<target>}{<source1>}{<source2>}| calculates a `weighted average' between
% two colors. |<source1>| and |<source2>| are the names of the two colors. |<factor>| (default: 0.5)
% is a fixed-point number between 0 and 1 giving the `weight' for the interpolation between
% |<source1>| and |<source2>|. |<target>| is the name to be given to the resulting mixed color.  If
% |<factor>| is 1, then |<target>| will be identical to |<source1>| (up to color model conversions,
% see below), if |<factor>| is 0, then |<target>| will be identical to |<source2>|, if |<factor>| is
% 0.5, then |<target>| will be exactly in the middle between |<source1>| and |<source2>|.
% |\colorbetween| supports the following color models: rgb, RGB, gray, cmyk, hsb. If both colors are
% of the same model, the resulting color is also of the respective model. If |<source1>| and
% |<source2>| are from \texttt{different} models, then |<target>| will \texttt{always} be an rgb
% color. The only exception is the hsb color model: As I don't know how to convert hsb to rgb,
% mixing hsb with another color model will always raise an error.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \begingroup%                               Make the definition of \processcolor... local.
      \newcommand{\processcolor@TP@rgb}[3]%    What if the first color is an rgb color?
        \ifx##2\processcolor@TP@rgb%           Are both colors rgb colors?
          \interpolate@three@TP##1;##3;{#1}%   Calculate interpolated values.
          \ifx##2\processcolor@TP@gray%        Is the second color from the gray model?
            \interpolate@three@TP##1;##3,##3,##3;{#1}%    Calculate interpolated values.
            \ifx##2\processcolor@TP@cmyk%      Is the second color from the cmyk model?
              \convert@cmyk@rgb@TP##3;%        Convert to rgb.
              \ifx##2\processcolor@TP@RGB%     Is the second color from the RGB model?
                \convert@RGB@rgb@TP##3;%       Convert to rgb.
                \ifx##2\processcolor@TP@hsb%   Is the second color from the hsb model?
                  \PackageError{texpower}{Don't know how to convert an hsb color!}
        \edef\newcolordef@TP{{rgb}{\newcolordef@TP}}% Store the result
      \newcommand{\processcolor@TP@gray}[3]%          What if the first color is a gray color?
        \ifx##2\processcolor@TP@gray%                 Are both colors gray colors?
          \interpolate@TP{#1}{##1}{##3}%              Calculate interpolated value.
          \edef\newcolordef@TP{{gray}{\result@TP}}%   Store the result
          \processcolor@TP@rgb{##1,##1,##1}{##2}{##3}% Otherwise, convert first color to rgb and continue.
      \newcommand{\processcolor@TP@cmyk}[3]%          What if the first color is a cmyk color?
        \ifx##2\processcolor@TP@cmyk%                 Are both colors cmyk colors?
          \interpolate@four@TP##1;##3;{#1}%           Calculate interpolated values.
          \edef\newcolordef@TP{{cmyk}{\newcolordef@TP}}% Store the result
          \convert@cmyk@rgb@TP##1;%                   Otherwise, convert first color to rgb ...
          \expandafter\processcolor@TP@rgb\expandafter{\newcolordef@TP}{##2}{##3}% ... and continue.
      \newcommand{\processcolor@TP@RGB}[3]%           What if the first color is an RGB color?
        \convert@RGB@rgb@TP##1;%                      Convert to rgb ...
        \expandafter\processcolor@TP@rgb\expandafter{\newcolordef@TP}{##2}{##3}% ... and continue.
      \newcommand{\processcolor@TP@hsb}[3]%           What if the first color is an hsb color?
        \ifx##2\processcolor@TP@hsb%                  Are both colors hsb colors?
          \interpolate@three@TP##1;##3;{#1}%          Calculate interpolated values.
          \edef\newcolordef@TP{{hsb}{\newcolordef@TP}}% Store the result
          \PackageError{texpower}{Don't know how to convert an hsb color!}
      \firstcol@TP\csname colordef@TP@#3\endcsname    % Retrieve definition of color <source1>...
      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\firstcol@TP% and apply (remember \processcolor... is part of the definition)
      \csname colordef@TP@#4\endcsname%                 to definition of color <source2>.
      \edef\end@TP%                                     Define color <target> (outside the enclosing group).
    }% matches \newcommand{\colorbetween}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\complement@TP} Calculates the complement of a fixed point value.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\complement@three@TP} Complements a three-piece color value.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \edef\newcolordef@TP{\result@TP,}%                Store first value.
    \edef\newcolordef@TP{\newcolordef@TP\result@TP,}% Store second value.
    \edef\newcolordef@TP{\newcolordef@TP\result@TP}%  Store third value.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\grabfourth@TP} Separates the fourth element of a four-piece color value from the rest.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \def\mem@TP{#4}%                         Store fourth element.
    \def\result@TP{#1,#2,#3;}%               Store first three elements.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\complementcolor}
% |\complementcolor{<target>}{<source>}| calculates the numerical complement of a color. |<source>| is the name of the
% color to be complemented. |<target>| is the name to be given to the resulting color.
% |\complementcolor| supports the following color models: rgb, RGB, gray, cmyk, hsb. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \begingroup%                               Make the definition of \processcolor... local.
      \newcommand{\processcolor@TP@rgb}[1]%    What if the color is an rgb color?
        \complement@three@TP##1;%              Calculate complemented values.
        \edef\newcolordef@TP{{rgb}{\newcolordef@TP}}% Store the result
      \newcommand{\processcolor@TP@gray}[1]%   What if the color is a gray color?
        \complement@TP{##1}%                   Calculate complemented value.
        \edef\newcolordef@TP{{gray}{\result@TP}}% Store the result
      \newcommand{\processcolor@TP@cmyk}[1]%   What if the color is a cmyk color?
        \grabfourth@TP##1;%                    Remember fourth element.
        \expandafter\complement@three@TP\result@TP%  Calculate complemented values of first three elements.
        \edef\newcolordef@TP{{cmyk}{\newcolordef@TP,\mem@TP}}% Store the result, putting back the fourth element.
      \newcommand{\processcolor@TP@RGB}[1]%    What if the color is an RGB color?
        \convert@RGB@rgb@TP##1;%               Convert to rgb ...
        \expandafter\processcolor@TP@rgb\expandafter{\newcolordef@TP}% ... and continue.
      \newcommand{\processcolor@TP@hsb}[1]%    What if the color is an hsb color?
        \complement@three@TP##1;%              Calculate complemented values.
        \edef\newcolordef@TP{{hsb}{\newcolordef@TP}}% Store the result
      \csname colordef@TP@#2\endcsname%        Execute definition of color <source> (which contains \processcolor...)
      \edef\end@TP%                            Define color <target> (outside the enclosing group).
    }% matches \newcommand{\complementcolor}
  }% matches \ifthenelse{\boolean{TPcolor}}{% Yes.
{% No. Do nothing.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \subsection{Color name and color set management}
% \begin{macro}{\replacecolor}
% |\replacecolor[<tset>]{<tcol>}[<sset>]{<scol>}| will make |<tcol>| have the same definition as |<scol>| (if |<scol>| is
% defined at all), where <tcol> and <scol> are color names as given in the first argument of |\definecolor|.  If (one
% of) |<tset>| and |<sset>| are given, the colors will be taken from the respective color sets.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \let\replacecolor@hook@TP=\@gobble% This hook can be used for variant checking (see below).
  \replacecolor@TP%                   Pick up arguments.

\newcommand{\replacecolor@TP}[2][]% Pick up the first two arguments of \replacecolor.
  \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{\edef\tcolname@TP{#2}}{\edef\tcolname@TP{#2@#1}}% Construct `real' target color name.
  \@replacecolor@TP%                                                        Read second argument.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\ifthenelse{\boolean{TPcolor}}% Only if TeXPower's color management is active.
{% Yes.
  \newcommand{\undefinecolor@TP}[1]%                                Make a color undefined.
  {\expandafter\let\csname\string\color @#1\endcsname=\@undefined}% 

  \newcommand{\ifcolorexists@TP}[3]%                                Conditional for testing whether a color is defined.
  {\@ifundefined{\string\color @#1}{#3}{#2}}%                       Test whether a given color is defined.

  \newcommand{\@replacecolor@TP}[2][]%                              Second part of \replacecolor.
    \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{\edef\scolname@TP{#2}}{\edef\scolname@TP{#2@#1}}% Construct `real' source color name.
    \ifcolorexists@TP{\scolname@TP}%                                            Does the source color exist at all?
    {% Yes.
      \replacecolor@hook@TP{\tcolname@TP}%                                      Execute hook.
      \expandafter\let\csname\string\color @\tcolname@TP\expandafter\endcsname% Make value of target color
      \csname\string\color @\scolname@TP\endcsname%                             identical with source color.
      \expandafter\let\csname colordef@TP@\tcolname@TP\expandafter\endcsname%   Make definition of target color
      \csname colordef@TP@\scolname@TP\endcsname%                               identical with source color.
    {% No. Do nothing.
%    \end{macrocode}
% The set of TeXPower's `standard colors' and some commands to manipulate them.
% \begin{macro}{\colors@TP} |\colors@TP| is the list of all standard colors defined by texpower.
% The list is empty initially.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\removecolor@TP} Removes a color name from the list.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \def\processme@TP##1%              This macro does the real work.
      \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{##1}}%    Is this the color to be removed?
      {% Yes. Do nothing, so it vanishes.
      {% No. Re-insert.
    \expandafter\let\expandafter\colors@TP\expandafter\empty% Initialize \colors@TP.
    \colors@TP%                                               Execute \processme@TP for every color on the list.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\addTPcolor}
% |\addTPcolor{<color>}| adds the color named |<color>| to TeXPower's list of standard colors.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \removecolor@TP{#1}%               Remove this color from the list (to avoid duplicates).
    \expandafter\def\expandafter\colors@TP\expandafter{\colors@TP\processme@TP{#1}}% ... and insert.
    \register@normalvariant@TP{#1}%    Register the normal variant for this color.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\defineTPcolor}
% |\defineTPcolor[<set>]{<name>}{<model>}{<def>}| acts like\\ |\definecolor{<name>}{<model>}{<def>}|, but
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item color |<name>| is automatically added to the list of standard colors and
% \item if the optional parameter is given, the color is defined in the color set |<set>| instead of 
%    the current color set. 
% \end{enumerate}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \addTPcolor{#2}%                   Add color to the list.
    \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}%         Color from the current color set?
    {\definecolor{#2}{#3}{#4}}%        Yep. Just define the color.
    {\definecolor{#2@#1}{#3}{#4}}%     No. Add color set identifyer.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% Some commands for manipluating whole color sets.
% \begin{macro}{\replacecolors@TP} Low level command for replacing a complete color set.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \@ifstar%                                    The starred version will put the color set into normal variant.

  \newcommand{\@replacecolors@TP}[4]%            This part does the real work.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\usecolorset}
% |\usecolorset{<set>}| switches to color set |<set>|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \replacecolors@TP*{}{}{#1}{}%   Replace normal variant (registering variants).
    \replacecolors@TP{}{d}{#1}{d}%  Replace dimmed variant.
    \replacecolors@TP{}{e}{#1}{e}%  Replace enhanced variant.
    \color{textcolor}%              Activate textcolor.
    \pagecolor{pagecolor}%          Activate pagecolor.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\dumpcolorset}
% |\dumpcolorset{<set>}| saves all standard colors from the current color set to the color set |<set>|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \nonnormalwarnings@TP{Dumping color set #1}% Output a warning for every color not in the normal variant.
    \replacecolors@TP{#1}{}{}{}%                 Dump normal variant (hopefully).
    \replacecolors@TP{#1}{d}{}{d}%               Dump dimmed variant.
    \replacecolors@TP{#1}{e}{}{e}%               Dump enhanced variant.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% Commands for color variants.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \newcommand{\registervariant@TP}[2]%           Remember which variant a color is currently in.
  {\expandafter\def\csname cvar@#1@TP\endcsname{#2}}

  \newcommand{\register@normalvariant@TP}[1]%    Register that a color is now in the normal variant.

  \newcommand{\currentvariant@TP}[1]%            Return the current variant of a color.
  {\csname cvar@#1@TP\endcsname}
  \newcommand{\ifnormalvariant@TP}[3]%           Conditional for checking whether a color is in the normal variant.
  \newcommand{\nonnormalwarnings@TP}[1]%         Checks the current variant for every standard color and gives a warning
  {%                                             if it's not the normal one.
        {#1\MessageBreak when color ##1 is in \currentvariant@TP{##1} variant}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Default dim level for automatic color dimming.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\dimcolor[<level>]{<color>}| dims the color named |<color>|. It checks whether an explicit `dimmed' variant d<color>
% exists. If yes, |<color>| is replaced by |d<color>|. Otherwise, the dimmed color is calculated by interpolating between
% pagecolor and |<color>|. The parameter for |\colorbetween| is given by the optional argument |<level>| (default:
% |\dimlevel|). 
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \ifnormalvariant@TP{#2}%            Color in the normal variant?
    {% Yes.
      \registervariant@TP{#2}{d}%       Register dimmed variant.
      \ifcolorexists@TP{d#2}%           Dedicated dimmed color found?
      {\replacecolor{#2}{d#2}}%         Yes. use that one.
      {\colorbetween[#1]{#2}{pagecolor}{#2}}% No. Dim numerically using \colorbetween.
    {}% No. Do nothing.
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\dimcolors[<level>]| dims all standard colors using |\dimcolor|. See the description of |\dimcolor| for details.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Default enhance level for automatic color enhancing.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\enhancecolor[<level>]{<color>}| enhances the color named |<color>|. It checks whether an explicit `enhanced' variant
% |e<color>| exists. If yes, |<color>| is replaced by |e<color>|. Otherwise, the enhanced color is calculated by
% `extrapolating' from pagecolor and |<color>|. The parameter for |\colorbetween| is given by the optional argument
% |<level>| (default: |\enhancelevel|).  
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \ifnormalvariant@TP{#2}%            Color in the normal variant?
      \registervariant@TP{#2}{e}%       Register enhanced variant.
      \ifcolorexists@TP{e#2}%           Dedicated enhanced color found?
      {\replacecolor{#2}{e#2}}%         Yes. use that one.
      {\colorbetween[-#1]{#2}{pagecolor}{#2}}% No. Enhance numerically using \colorbetween.
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\enhancecolors[<level>]| enhances all standard colors using |\enhancecolor|. See the description of |\enhancecolor| for
% details. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Replace all colors from the current color set by a single color.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The color used to make things `vanish'.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\vanishcolors| replaces all standard colors by |\vanishcolor|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% TeXPower's predefined color sets and commands to activate them. Redefine in tpcolors.cfg as convenient. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\whitebackground| sets the standard colors up for white background.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% When the whitebackground option (or no background option, but some other color-activating option like colormath) is
% given, |\whitebackground| is executed automatically (at the end of the package to ensure that texpower.cfg was read). 
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\lightbackground| sets the standard colors up for `light' background.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% When the lightbackground option is given, |\lightbackground| is executed automatically. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\darkbackground| sets the standard colors up for `dark' background.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Execute |\darkbackground| automatically if the darkbackground option was given.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\blackbackground| sets the standard colors up for black background.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Execute |\blackbackground| automatically if the blackbackground option was given.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% If TeXPower's color management is active, setup LaTeX color management to use the dedicated colors.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \renewcommand{\normalcolor}{\color{textcolor}}%      \normalcolor should produce textcolor.

    \let\o@textnormal@TP=\textnormal%                       \textnormal should also set text color.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Make sure current color is correct for the rest of the preamble.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The following is deferred to the beginning of the document to allow redefinitions of colors and loading of 
% packages. We set page and text color and make amsmath's |\text| command switch to text color.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% If TeXPower's color management is active, set page and text color at the beginning of the document.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  }% matches \ifthenelse{\boolean{TPcolor}}{% Yes.
{% No; provide dummies.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Implementation of the coloremph option}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\ifthenelse{\boolean{coloremph@TP}}%                       Should \emph use color?
{%  Yes;
  \DeclareRobustCommand{\em}%                              Redefine \em.
    \@nomath\em \color{emcolor}%                           Change color.
    \replacecolor{tmp@TP}{emcolor}%                        Exchange emcolor and altemcolor.
{}% No; keep original definition.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Implementation of the colormath option}
% Note that the following code is quite fragile and contains some modifications of LaTeX internals. Thus it is likely to
% cause trouble, especially in conjunction with other packages modifying the LaTeX kernel. The array package is
% supported, but no explicit support of other packages exists. If you experience strange and inexplicable errors while
% the colormath option is active, first of all try switching it off to see whether anything changes. 
% The implementation of colormath is likely to change several times before the first beta release, so expect backward
% incompatible changes in behaviour.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\ifthenelse{\boolean{colormath@TP}}%                       Should we color math?
{%  Yes.
%    \end{macrocode}
% The most basic magical incantation: Color inline math using |\everymath|. Beware of side effects of this hack.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Color displayed math by overloading LaTeX's own math environments. Note that this doesn't work for the TeX
% notation \$\$, which is deprecated in LaTeX anyway. 
% Note further that for the eqnarray and eqnarray* environments, the current implementation places the color change
% command \textbf{outside} the math environment (for technical reasons; maybe this can be remedied by a more sophisticated
% implementation), which will almost invariably lead to unwanted extra vertical space before and after equation
% arrays. Currently there is no clean remedy, apart from using amsmath's align environment.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \let\o@dm@TP=\[%                                      Save the original definitions of begin and end macros for 
    \let\o@enddm@TP=\]%                                   LaTeX's displayed math environments.
    \expandafter\let\expandafter\o@eqastar@TP\csname eqnarray*\endcsname%
    \expandafter\let\expandafter\o@endeqastar@TP\csname endeqnarray*\endcsname%
    \def\[{\o@dm@TP\begingroup\color{mathcolor}}%         Redefine the begin and end macros for LaTeX's displayed math
    \def\]{\endgroup\o@enddm@TP}%                         environments, adding the color change commands and an extra
    \def\eqnarray{\begingroup\color{mathcolor}\o@eqa@TP}% level of grouping.
    \@ifpackageloaded{amsmath}%                            Amsmath's displayed math environments are covered by the
    {%                                                     \everymath hack because they are `fake' displayed equations.
      \@ifpackagelater{amsmath}{2000/01/15}%                 As amsmath 1.x redefines the equation environment to be a 
      {%                                                     variant of gather, treating it as a displayed math 
        \let\o@eq@TP=\equation%                              environment would lead to problems, so this redefinition is 
        \let\o@endeq@TP=\endequation%                        made only if amsmath 1.x is not loaded.
  }% matches \AtBeginDocument{
%    \end{macrocode}
% Sometimes, a math environment is used for something other than displaying math. The macro |\origmath| will put its
% argument in math mode, but turn off coloring. If another math environemt should be nested inside the argument of
% |\origmath|, it will be coloured. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% We need to redefine some LaTeX macros which internally use math mode, to make sure that not all tabulars and
% parboxes are coloured. Note that this can break packages which mess with tabular themselves.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \@ifpackageloaded{array}%                           The array package redefines \@tabular
      \hbox \bgroup \everymath{}$\everymath{\color{mathcolor}}\col@sep\tabcolsep \let\d@llarbegin\begingroup % $
        \@tempcnta \count@
          \ifcase \@chnum
          \d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend \hfill \or
          \hfill\kern\z@ \d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend \or
          \@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert@column \@endpbox $\or % $
          \vtop \@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert@column \@endpbox \or
          \vbox \@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert@column \@endpbox
        \@tempcnta \count@
        \@addtopreamble{\ifcase \@chnum
          \d@llarend \hfil \or
          \hskip1sp\d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend \hfil \or
          \hfil\hskip1sp\d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend \or
          \@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert@column \@endpbox $\or        % $
          \vtop \@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert@column \@endpbox \or
          \vbox \@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert@column \@endpbox
    \DeclareRobustCommand\@startvcenter{\everymath{}$\everymath{\color{mathcolor}}\vcenter}% $
    \def\@tabular{\leavevmode \hbox \bgroup \everymath{}$\everymath{\color{mathcolor}}\let\@acol\@tabacol
      \let\@classiv\@tabclassiv \let\\\@tabularcr\@tabarray% $
      \else\if #1t\vtop
      \else\@pboxswtrue \everymath{}$\everymath{\color{mathcolor}}\vcenter
      \csname bm@#3\endcsname}%
    \if@pboxsw \m@th$\fi
  }% matches \ifthenelse{\boolean{colormath@TP}}{%  Yes.
{% No; keep original definition.
  \let\origmath=\ensuremath%      \origmath needs to have a sensible definition.
%    \end{macrocode}
% New highlighting and emphasis commands. Most of them have a sensible alternative definition if the colorhighlight
% option is not given.
% |\code{<text>}| will display <text> in a `code-like' style (for shell commands or macro names).
% |\codeswitch| switches to the style used by |\code|, for use e.g. in verbatim environments.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\ifthenelse{\boolean{colorhighlight@TP}}%                Color highlighting enabled?
{%  Yes; code is displayed typewriter-style, bold and in a special color.
{%  No; code is displayed just in typewriter-style and bold.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\macroname}
% |\macroname{<text>}| acts like |\code|, but adds a backslash in front.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\commandapp}
% |\commandapp[<opt>]{<name>}{<arg>}| displays a macro with an argument. |<name>| is the macro name, |<opt>| is an optional
% argument, <arg> is the macro argument. Note that only one pair of braces is added for |<arg>|; for several arguments,
% |\}\{| needs to be used inside |<arg>| to separate arguments.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\carg}
% |\carg{<text>}| displays a `symbolic argument', i.e. |<text>| in code style enclosed in pointy braces.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\underl}
% |\underl{<text>}| emphasises |<text>| using a special color if the colorhighlight option is given and by boldfacing
% otherwise. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
\ifthenelse{\boolean{colorhighlight@TP}}%                  Color highlighting enabled?
{%  Yes;
  \DeclareRobustCommand{\underl}{\textcolor{underlcolor}}% Use color to highlight.
{%  No;
  \DeclareRobustCommand{\underl}{\textbf}%                 Use bold face.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\concept}
% |\concept{<text>}| emphasises |<text>| using a special color if the colorhighlight option is given and by boldfacing
% otherwise. To be used for emphasizing names of (new) concepts.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\ifthenelse{\boolean{colorhighlight@TP}}%                  Color highlighting enabled?
{%  Yes;
  \DeclareRobustCommand{\concept}{\textcolor{conceptcolor}}% Use color to highlight.
{%  No;
  \DeclareRobustCommand{\concept}{\textbf}%                  Use bold face.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\inactive}
% |\inactive{<text>}| emphasises |<text>| using a special color if the colorhighlight option is given. Nothing is done if
% the option is not given. To be used for `de-emphasizing' things not currently of interest.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\ifthenelse{\boolean{colorhighlight@TP}}%                  Color highlighting enabled?
{%  Yes;
  \DeclareRobustCommand{\inactive}{\textcolor{inactivecolor}}% Use color to highlight.
{%  No;
  \DeclareRobustCommand{\inactive}{\monochromeinactive}%       Use monochrome default.

\providecommand{\monochromeinactive}{}% What should \inactive do if colors can't be used? We provide a hook for
                                      % user definitions.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\present}
% |\present[<opt>]{<text>}| puts its argument into an |\fbox| with coloured background.
% If |<opt>| is given, it is added to the left of the box without taking any space, i.e. it will overlap text to the left
% of the box. This addition is useful mainly for adding `constraints' to things presented in a description or center
% environment.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\ifthenelse{\boolean{colorhighlight@TP}}%                  Color highlighting enabled?
{%  Yes; use a colored box.
  \newcommand{\mkpbox@TP}[1]{\fcolorbox{presentcolor}{presentcolor}{#1}}% Internal macro for use by \presentbox.
{%  No; use an \fbox.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{environment}{presentbox}
% The presentbox environment creates a coloured patch of width |\linewidth| with a minipage inside. If the
% colorhighlight option is not given, an |\fbox| containing the minipage is created.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newsavebox{\pbox@TP}%                                  Container for the minipage to be boxed.
  \par\smallskip%                                       First a small space to separate the area from preceding text.
  \begin{lrbox}{\pbox@TP}%                              Save the contents in a minipage inside \pbox@TP.
    \begin{minipage}{\linewidth-2\fboxsep-2\fboxrule}%  Reduce the width of the minipage to leave space for the frame.
      \replacecolor{presentcolor}{pagecolor}%           If \present is used inside the colored area...
  \noindent\mkpbox@TP{\usebox{\pbox@TP}}%               This typesets the saved minipage inside the coloured area.
  \smallskip%                                           A small space to separate the area from succeding text.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \subsection{Structured rules, box and page backgrounds}
% \subsubsection{Structured rules}
% Some configurable defaults for rules and box backgrounds.
% Default number of stripes for gradient rules and box backgrounds.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Default stripe overlap for avoiding `gaps' in color gradients.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Default gradient progression for rules and box backgrounds (single gradients or first part of double gradients).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Default gradient progression for rules and box backgrounds (second part of double gradients).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Default position of the `middle' color of a double gradient.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The following are used internally when making color gradients.
%    \begin{macrocode}





%    \end{macrocode}
% Special versions of |\mkfactor| which apply gradient progressions.
%    \begin{macrocode}


\newcommand{\mkgradfactor@TP}[3]% Calculate a factor modified by a `progression' parameter.
  \mkfactor{#2}{#3}%                               Calculate the unmodified factor.
  \setcounter{gradprogression@TP}{#1}%             Factor definition may contain a calc-expression.
  \ifthenelse{\value{gradprogression@TP}=1}{}%     Progression value 1 is neutral.
    \ifthenelse{\value{gradprogression@TP}<0}%     `Negative' progression?
    {% Yes.
      \@tempcnta-\value{gradprogression@TP}\relax% Complement progression wrt 0.
      \mkfactor{#2}{1-1pt*\real{#2}}%              Complement factor definition wrt 1pt.
    {\@tempcnta\value{gradprogression@TP}\relax}%  No; Use progression as given.
    \whiledo{\the\@tempcnta>1}%                    Calculate (factor definition)^(progression).
    {\advance\@tempcnta by -1\relax\mkfactor{#2}{\real{#2}*\real{#2}}}%
    \ifthenelse{\value{gradprogression@TP}<0}%     `Negative' progression?
    {% Yes.
      \mkfactor{#2}{1-1pt*\real{#2}}%              Complement result wrt 1pt.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\vgradrule}
% |\vgradrule[<stripes>][<startmodel>]{<startcolor>}[<endmodel>]{<endcolor>}[<raise>]{<width>}{<height>}| creates a
% rule-like object consisting of a vertical color gradient composed of horizontal stripes.
% The topmost stripe has color |{<startcolor>}|, the bottommost stripe has color |{<endcolor>}|. Inbetween, color changes
% gradually from top to bottom.
% The colors are specified exactly as for the |\color| command: if the optional argument |<startmodel>| is given,
% |<startcolor>| contains an explicit definition of a color from model |<startmodel>|, otherwise |<startcolor>| 
% is the name of a defined color. The same holds for |<endmodel>| and |<endcolor>|.
% The arguments |[<raise>]{<width>}{<height>}| work exactly as for the |\rule| command.
% The optional argument |<stripes>|, if given, should contain a (calc expression for a) number specifying the number of
% stripes. If |<stripes>| is not given, the default is the content of |\rulestripes| (default 10).
% There is one more parameter which is not given as an argument. The control sequence |\rulefirstgradprogression| should
% expand to an (calc expression for an) integer. This value (default 1) controls the `order' of progression from
% |<startcolor>| to |<endcolor>|.
% The default value 1 means linear progression. 2 means quadratic progression, i.e. color values `nearer' to <endcolor>
% are reached `later' (the square of 0.5, for instance, is 0.25, i.e. in the geometric middle point of the rule
% produced, the color gradient will have traveled only to one quarter of the `distance' between |<startcolor>| and
% |<endcolor>|). 
% 3 means cubic progression and so on. 0 and -1 mean the same as 1. -2 means quadratic progression ``from bottom to
% top'', i.e. color values `nearer' to |<endcolor>| are reached `earlier', and analogously for -3, -4, ... 
% If you wish to give the second optional argument but not the first, just write |\vgradrule[][<startmodel>]|...
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\vgradrule}[1][]% Pick up first optional argument: [<stripes>]
  \let\firstgradprogression@TP=\rulefirstgradprogression%  Use progression parameter for rules.
  \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}%                               First optional argument given?
  {\setcounter{stripes@TP}{\rulestripes}}%                 No; use default value.
  {\setcounter{stripes@TP}{#1}}%                           Yes.
  \vgradrule@TP%                                           Pick up [<startmodel>]{<startcolor>}.

\newcommand{\vgradrule@TP}[2][]% Pick up next pair of arguments: [<startmodel>]{<startcolor>}.
  \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}%               <startmodel> given?
  {\replacecolor{startcolor@TP}{#2}}%      No; <startcolor> is a color name.
  {\definecolor{startcolor@TP}{#1}{#2}}%   Yes; {<startmodel>}{<startcolor>} is a color definition.
  \@vgradrule@TP%                          Pick up [<endmodel>]{<endcolor>}.

\newcommand{\@vgradrule@TP}[2][]% Pick up next pair of arguments: [<endmodel>]{<endcolor>}.
  \@@vgradrule@TP%                         Pick up rule arguments and proceed.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Helper command for making \textbf{one} stripe. Can be overladed for making histograms.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Main part of |\vgradrule|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \ifthenelse{\value{stripes@TP}<2}%       A `pathological case' which can happen in animations: If 0 or 1 stripes are
                                   %       requested, a division by zero error would be produced by the gradient code.
  {\mbox{{\setcolor@TP{startcolor@TP}\rule[#1]{#2}{#3}}}}% In this case, just produce a colored rule.
    \raisebox{#1}%                         Evaluate the <raise> argument of the rule.
      \vbox%                               A vbox with \offinterlineskip allows to align the stripes vertically.
        \setcounter{stripe@TP}{0}%         Initialize the number of the current stripe.
          \mkgradfirstfactor@TP{\tmp@TP}%  Make the weight for \colorbetween, based on the number of the current stripe
          {\value{stripe@TP}/(\value{stripes@TP}-1)}% and the first gradient progression.
          \colorbetween[\tmp@TP]{stripecolor@TP}{endcolor@TP}{startcolor@TP}% Calculate stripe color.
          \ifthenelse{\value{stripe@TP}=\value{stripes@TP}}%     Last stripe?
          {\hstripe@TP{\tmp@TP}{#2}{(#3)/\value{stripes@TP}}{}}% Yes; make stripe w/o overlap.
          {%                                                     No; add a kern to make stripes overlap.
          }% matches \whiledo{\value{stripe@TP}<\value{stripes@TP}}{%
        }% matches \vbox{%
      }% matches \raisebox{#1}{%
    }% matches second argument of \ifthenelse{\value{stripes@TP}<2}
  }% matches \newcommand{\@@vgradrule@TP}[3][0pt]{%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\dblvgradrule}
% |\dblvgradrule[<midpoint>][<stripes>][<startmodel>]|\\
% |   {<startcolor>}[<midmodel>]{<midcolor>}[<endmodel>]|\\
% |   {<endcolor>}[<raise>]{<width>}{<height>}|
% creates a rule-like object consisting of a vertical color gradient composed of horizontal stripes.
% The behaviour is exactly like |\vgradrule|, only in addition to the defined `start' and `end' color, there is an
% additional defined `middle' color. The color gradient first progresses from the start to the middle color and then
% from the middle to the end color.
% |[<midmodel>]{<midcolor>}| specify the middle color exactly as described for the other colors in the description of
% |\vgradrule|.
% The additional optional parameter |<midpoint>| is a fixed-point value specifying where in the produced gradient the
% middle color is placed. 0 means the middle color replaces the start color; 1 means the middle color replaces the end
% color; 0.5 means the middle color is placed in the geometric middle between start and end color. If |<midpoint>| is not
% given, the default is the content of |\rulegradmidpoint| (default 0.5).
% There is another parameter not passed as an argument: while |\rulefirstgradprogression| specifies the order of
% progression from first to middle color as described for |\vgradrule|, |\rulesecondgradprogression| specifies the order of
% progression from middle to end color.
% If you wish to give one from the first row of optional arguments but not the other(s), any one can be replaced by |[]|
% to use the default.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\dblvgradrule}[1][]% Pick up first optional argument: [<midpoint>]
  \let\firstgradprogression@TP=\rulefirstgradprogression%  Use progression parameters for rules.
  \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}%                               First optional argument given?
  {\let\gradmidpoint@TP=\rulegradmidpoint}%                No; use default value.
  {\def\gradmidpoint@TP{#1}}%                              Yes.
  \dblvgradrule@TP%                                        Pick up second optional argument.

\newcommand{\dblvgradrule@TP}[1][]% Pick up second optional argument: [<stripes>]

\newcommand{\@dblvgradrule@TP}[2][]% Pick up next pair of arguments: [<startmodel>]{<startcolor>}.

\newcommand{\@@dblvgradrule@TP}[2][]% Pick up next pair of arguments: [<midmodel>]{<midcolor>}.

\newcommand{\@@@dblvgradrule@TP}[2][]% Pick up next pair of arguments: [<endmodel>]{<endcolor>}.
  \@@@@dblvgradrule@TP%                         Pick up rule arguments and proceed.

\newcommand{\@@@@dblvgradrule@TP}[3][0pt]%              Main part of \dblvgradrule.
  \ifthenelse{\value{stripes@TP}<2}%                    The gradient code is not equipped for making less than 2 stripes.
  {\mbox{{\setcolor@TP{midcolor@TP}\rule[#1]{#2}{#3}}}}% In this case, just produce a rule colored with the middle color.
    \raisebox{#1}%                                      Evaluate the <raise> argument of the rule.
      \vbox%                                            A vbox with \offinterlineskip allows to align the stripes
      {%                                                vertically.
        \setcounter{stripe@TP}{0}%                      Initialize the number of the current stripe.
        \setcounter{tmpcnta@TP}%                        Number of the `middle' stripe.
        \whiledo{\value{stripe@TP}<\value{tmpcnta@TP}}% Produce the upper part of the gradient.
          \mkgradfirstfactor@TP{\tmp@TP}%               Make the weight for \colorbetween, based on the number of the 
          {\value{stripe@TP}/\value{tmpcnta@TP}}%       current stripe and the first gradient progression.
          \colorbetween[\tmp@TP]{stripecolor@TP}{midcolor@TP}{startcolor@TP}% Calculate stripe color.
          \hstripe@TP{\tmp@TP}%                                               Make stripe with overlap.
          {#2}{(#3)/\value{stripes@TP}+\stripeoverlap}{\kern-\stripeoverlap}% This is the upper part, remember?
        \ifthenelse{\value{stripes@TP}=\value{tmpcnta@TP}}% Only one stripe left to produce?
        {\hstripe@TP{1}{#2}{(#3)/\value{stripes@TP}}{}}%    Just produce one stripe colored with the end color.
          \whiledo{\value{stripe@TP}<\value{stripes@TP}}%   Produce the lower part of the gradient.
            \mkgradsecondfactor@TP{\tmp@TP}%                Make the weight for \colorbetween.
            \colorbetween[\tmp@TP]{stripecolor@TP}{endcolor@TP}{midcolor@TP}% Calculate stripe color.
            \ifthenelse{\value{stripe@TP}=\value{stripes@TP}}%     Last stripe?
            {\hstripe@TP{\tmp@TP}{#2}{(#3)/\value{stripes@TP}}{}}% Yes; make stripe w/o overlap.
            {%                                                     No; add kern to make stripes overlap.
            }% matches \whiledo{\value{stripe@TP}<\value{stripes@TP}}%
          }% matches second argument of \ifthenelse{\value{stripes@TP}=\value{tmpcnta@TP}}%
        }% matches \vbox{%
      }% matches \raisebox{#1}{%
    }% matches second argument of \ifthenelse{\value{stripes@TP}<2}%
  }% matches \newcommand{\@@@@dblvgradrule@TP}[3][0pt]%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\hgradrule}
% |\hgradrule[<stripes>][<startmodel>]{<startcolor>}|\\
% |   [<endmodel>]{<endcolor>}[<raise>]{<width>}{<height>}| creates a
% rule-like object consisting of a horizontal color gradient composed of vertical stripes.
% Parameters are exactly as those for |\vgradrule| (replacing `top' by `left' and `bottom' by `right'). See there for
% explanations. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\hgradrule}[1][]% Pick up first optional argument: [<stripes>].
  \let\firstgradprogression@TP=\rulefirstgradprogression%  Use progression parameter for rules.
  \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}%                               First optional argument given?
  {\setcounter{stripes@TP}{\rulestripes}}%                 No; use default value.
  {\setcounter{stripes@TP}{#1}}%                           Yes.
  \hgradrule@TP%                                           Pick up [<startmodel>]{<startcolor>}.

\newcommand{\hgradrule@TP}[2][]% Pick up next pair of arguments: [<startmodel>]{<startcolor>}.

  \@@hgradrule@TP%                         Pick up rule arguments and proceed.

\newcommand{\vstripe@TP}[4]%              Helper command for making _one_ stripe. Can be overladed for making historams.

\newcommand{\@@hgradrule@TP}[3][0pt]%      Main part of \hgradrule.
  \ifthenelse{\value{stripes@TP}<2}%       A `pathological case' which can happen in animations: If 0 or 1 stripes are
                                   %       requested, a division by zero error would be produced by the gradient code.
  {\mbox{{\setcolor@TP{startcolor@TP}\rule[#1]{#2}{#3}}}}% In this case, just produce a colored rule.
    \raisebox{#1}%                         Evaluate the <raise> argument of the rule.
      \setcounter{stripe@TP}{0}%           Initialize the number of the current stripe.
        \mkgradfirstfactor@TP{\tmp@TP}%    Make the weight for \colorbetween, based on the number of the current stripe
        {\value{stripe@TP}/(\value{stripes@TP}-1)}% and the first gradient progression.
        \colorbetween[\tmp@TP]{stripecolor@TP}{endcolor@TP}{startcolor@TP}% Calculate stripe color.
        \ifthenelse{\value{stripe@TP}=\value{stripes@TP}}%     Last stripe?
        {\vstripe@TP{\tmp@TP}{(#2)/\value{stripes@TP}}{#3}{}}% Yes; make stripe w/o overlap.
        {%                                                     No; add a kern to make stripes overlap.
        }% matches \whiledo{\value{stripe@TP}<\value{stripes@TP}}{%
      }% matches \raisebox{#1}{%
    }% matches second argument of \ifthenelse{\value{stripes@TP}<2}%
  }% matches \newcommand{\@@hgradrule@TP}[3][0pt]{%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}

% \begin{macro}{\dblhgradrule}
% |\dblhgradrule[<midpoint>][<stripes>][<startmodel>]|\\
% |   {<startcolor>}[<midmodel>]{<midcolor>}[<endmodel>]|\\
% |   {<endcolor>}[<raise>]{<width>}{<height>}|
% creates a rule-like object consisting of a horizontal color gradient composed of vertical stripes.
% Parameters are exactly as those for |\dblvgradrule| (replacing `top' by `left' and `bottom' by `right'). See there for
% explanations. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\dblhgradrule}[1][]% Pick up first optional argument: [<midpoint>].
  \let\firstgradprogression@TP=\rulefirstgradprogression%  Use progression parameters for rules.

\newcommand{\dblhgradrule@TP}[1][]% Pick up second optional argument: [<stripes>].

\newcommand{\@dblhgradrule@TP}[2][]% Pick up next pair of arguments: [<startmodel>]{<startcolor>}.


  \@@@@dblhgradrule@TP%                         Pick up rule arguments and proceed.

\newcommand{\@@@@dblhgradrule@TP}[3][0pt]%             Main part of \dblhgradrule.
  \ifthenelse{\value{stripes@TP}<2}%                   The gradient code is not equipped for making less than 2 stripes.
  {\mbox{{\setcolor@TP{midcolor@TP}\rule[#1]{#2}{#3}}}}% In this case, just produce a rule colored with the middle color.
    \raisebox{#1}%                                     Evaluate the <raise> argument of the rule.
      \setcounter{stripe@TP}{0}%                       Initialize the number of the current stripe.
      \setcounter{tmpcnta@TP}%                          Number of the `middle' stripe.
      \whiledo{\value{stripe@TP}<\value{tmpcnta@TP}}%   Produce the left part of the gradient.
        \mkgradfirstfactor@TP{\tmp@TP}%                 Make the weight for \colorbetween, based on the number of the 
        {\value{stripe@TP}/\value{tmpcnta@TP}}%         current stripe and the first gradient progression.
        \colorbetween[\tmp@TP]{stripecolor@TP}{midcolor@TP}{startcolor@TP}% Calculate stripe color.
        \vstripe@TP{\tmp@TP}%                                               Make stripe with overlap.
        {(#2)/\value{stripes@TP}+\stripeoverlap}{#3}{\kern-\stripeoverlap}% This is the left part, remember?
      \ifthenelse{\value{stripes@TP}=\value{tmpcnta@TP}}% Only one stripe left to produce?
      {\vstripe@TP{1}{(#2)/\value{stripes@TP}}{#3}{}}%    Just produce one stripe colored with the end color.
        \whiledo{\value{stripe@TP}<\value{stripes@TP}}%   Produce the right part of the gradient.
          \mkgradsecondfactor@TP{\tmp@TP}%                Make the weight for \colorbetween.
          \colorbetween[\tmp@TP]{stripecolor@TP}{endcolor@TP}{midcolor@TP}% Calculate stripe color.
          \ifthenelse{\value{stripe@TP}=\value{stripes@TP}}%     Last stripe?
          {\vstripe@TP{\tmp@TP}{(#2)/\value{stripes@TP}}{#3}{}}% Yes; make stripe w/o overlap.
          {%                                                     Add kern to make stripes overlap.
          }% matches \whiledo{\value{stripe@TP}<\value{stripes@TP}}{%
        }% matches second argument of \ifthenelse{\value{stripes@TP}=\value{tmpcnta@TP}}%
      }% matches \raisebox{#1}{%
    }% matches second argument of \ifthenelse{\value{stripes@TP}<2}%
  }% matches \newcommand{\@@@@dblhgradrule@TP}[3][0pt]{% 
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% Clipbox stuff. The first part isn't used currently.
%    \begin{macrocode}
% PDF:
% \def\clipbox{\@ifnextchar[{\clipbox@}{\clipbox@[0pt]}}
% \def\clipbox@[#1]#2{%
%   \begingroup
%     \setlength{\@tempdima}{#1}%
%     \setbox\@tempboxa=\hbox{%
%       \color@begingroup
%       #2%
%       \color@endgroup
%     }%
%     \leavevmode\hbox to \wd\@tempboxa{%
%       \@ifundefined{dimexpr}{%
%         \@defbp\x{-\@tempdima}%
%         \@tempdimc=\dp\@tempboxa
%         \advance\@tempdimc by \@tempdima
%         \@defbp\y{-\@tempdimc}%
%         \@tempdimc=\wd\@tempboxa
%         \advance\@tempdimc by 2\@tempdima
%         \@defbp\w{\@tempdimc}%
%         \@tempdimc=\dp\@tempboxa
%         \advance\@tempdimc by \ht\@tempboxa
%         \advance\@tempdimc by 2\@tempdima
%         \@defbp\h{\@tempdimc}%
%         \pdfliteral{%
%           q % gsave
%           \x\space\y\space\w\space\h\space re % rectangle
%           W n% make clip-path
%         }%
%       }{% e-TeX
%          \pdfliteral{%
%           q % gsave
%           \@dimtobp{-\@tempdima} % x
%           \@dimtobp{-\dp\@tempboxa-\@tempdima} % y
%           \@dimtobp{\wd\@tempboxa+2\@tempdima} % width
%           \@dimtobp{\dp\@tempboxa+\ht\@tempboxa+2\@tempdima} % height
%           re % rectangle
%           W n% make clip-path
%         }%
%       }%
%       \rlap{\unhbox\@tempboxa}%
%       \pdfliteral{%
%         Q% grestore
%       }%
%       \hss
%     }%
%   \endgroup
% }
% \begingroup\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endgroup
% \expandafter\ifx\csname dimexpr\endcsname\relax
%   \def\@defbp#1#2{%
%     \setlength{\@tempdimb}{#2}%
%     \setlength{\@tempdimb}{.99626401\@tempdimb}%
%     \edef#1{\strip@pt\@tempdimb}%
%   }
% \else
%   \def\@dimtobp#1{%
%     \strip@pt\dimexpr.99626401\dimexpr#1\relax\relax
%   }
% \fi
% PS: 
% \def\clipbox{\@ifnextchar[{\clipbox@}{\clipbox@[0pt]}}
% \def\clipbox@[#1]#2{%
%   \begingroup
%     \setlength{\@tempdima}{#1}%
%     \setbox\@tempboxa=\hbox{%
%       \color@begingroup
%       #2%
%       \color@endgroup
%     }%
%     \leavevmode\hbox to \wd\@tempboxa{%
%       \@ifundefined{dimexpr}{%  
%         \@defpt\x{-\@tempdima}% 
%         \@tempdimc=\ht\@tempboxa
%         \advance\@tempdimc by \@tempdima
%         \@defpt\y{-\@tempdimc}% 
%         \@tempdimc=\wd\@tempboxa
%         \advance\@tempdimc by 2\@tempdima
%         \@defpt\w{\@tempdimc}%  
%         \@tempdimc=\dp\@tempboxa
%         \advance\@tempdimc by \ht\@tempboxa
%         \advance\@tempdimc by 2\@tempdima
%         \@defpt\h{\@tempdimc}%
%         \special{ps:%
%           gsave %
%           SDict begin %
%           \x\space PTtoDVIPS \y\space PTtoDVIPS rmoveto %
%           currentpoint %
%           \w\space PTtoDVIPS \h\space PTtoDVIPS rectclip %
%           end%
%         }%
%       }{% e-TeX
%          \special{ps:%
%           gsave %
%           SDict begin %
%           \@dimtopt{-\@tempdima} PTtoDVIPS % x
%           \@dimtopt{-\ht\@tempboxa-\@tempdima} PTtoDVIPS % y
%           rmoveto currentpoint %
%           \@dimtopt{\wd\@tempboxa+2\@tempdima} PTtoDVIPS % width
%           \@dimtopt{\dp\@tempboxa+\ht\@tempboxa+2\@tempdima} %
%           PTtoDVIPS % height
%           rectclip %
%           end%
%         }%
%       }%
%       \rlap{\unhbox\@tempboxa}%
%       \special{ps:grestore}%
%       \hss
%     }%
%   \endgroup
% }
% \special{!%
%   /PTtoDVIPS{72.27 div Resolution mul}def%
%   % rectclip is a level 2 feature
%   /rectclip where{pop}{%
%     /rectclip{%
%       newpath %
%       4 2 roll moveto %
%       exch dup 0 rlineto %
%       exch 0 exch rlineto %
%       neg 0 rlineto %
%       closepath %
%       clip %
%       newpath %
%     }bind def% 
%   }%
%   ifelse%
% }
% \begingroup\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endgroup
% \expandafter\ifx\csname dimexpr\endcsname\relax
%   \def\@defpt#1#2{%
%     \setlength{\@tempdimb}{#2}%
%     \edef#1{\strip@pt\@tempdimb}%
%   }
% \else
%   \def\@dimtopt#1{%
%     \strip@pt\dimexpr#1\relax
%   }
% \fi

%    \end{macrocode}
% |\dgradslope| stuff.
%    \begin{macrocode}



%    \end{macrocode}
% |\dgradrule| stuff.
%    \begin{macrocode}




        {\makebox[0pt]{{\setcolor@TP{stripecolor@TP}\hbox to 0pt{\@sline\hss}}}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Structured box backgrounds}
% \begin{macro}{\vgradbox}
% |\vgradbox[<stripes>][<startmodel>]{<startcolor>}[<endmodel>]{<endcolor>}{<content>}| creates an mbox containing
% |<content>|, which has a background made up of a vertical color gradient. In fact, the background exceeds the extent of
% |<content>| by the value of |\fboxsep| on every side, just like the |\colorbox| command from the color package. 
% The gradient background is constructed using the |\vgradrule| command; see the description of |\vgradrule| on the way the
% gradient is constructed and on the meaning of the parameters |<stripes>|, |<startmodel>|, |<startcolor>|, |<endmodel>|,
% |<endcolor>| and the additional parameter |\rulefirstgradprogression| which has the same meaning for |\vgradbox| as for
% |\vgradrule|. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\vgradbox}[1][]% Pick up first optional argument: [<stripes>].
  \let\firstgradprogression@TP=\rulefirstgradprogression%  Use progression parameter for rules.
  \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}%                               First optional argument given?
  {\setcounter{stripes@TP}{\rulestripes}}%                 No; use default value.
  {\setcounter{stripes@TP}{#1}}%                           Yes.
  \vgradbox@TP%                                            Pick up remaining optional arguments.


  \@@gradbox@TP\@@vgradrule@TP%                    Make a generic background box with vertical gradient background.

\newcommand{\@@gradbox@TP}[2]%                     Generic background box.
  \leavevmode%                                     Make box behave like \mbox.
  \hbox{\kern\fboxsep{\set@color#2}\kern\fboxsep}% An \hbox containing <contents> plus additional white space.
  \rlap%                                           Underlay box background with rule command passed as #1.
    #1[-\fboxsep-\dp\tempbox@TP]%                  Box depth augmented by `white' space.
    {\wd\tempbox@TP}%                              Space on the sides has already been added.
    {\ht\tempbox@TP+\dp\tempbox@TP+2\fboxsep}}%    Total height.
  \box\tempbox@TP%                                 Overlay box contents.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\hgradbox}
% |\hgradbox[<stripes>][<startmodel>]{<startcolor>}[<endmodel>]{<endcolor>}{<content>}| acts like |\vgradbox|, but creates
% the background using |\hgradrule|. See comments above.
%    \begin{macrocode}


%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\dblvgradbox}
% |\dblvgradbox[<midpoint>][<stripes>][<startmodel>]|\\
% |    {<startcolor>}[<midmodel>]{<midcolor>}[<endmodel>]{<endcolor>}{<contents>}| 
% acts like |\vgradbox|, but creates the background using |\dblvgradrule| (hence the additional parameters). See comments
% above (and the description of |\dblvgradrule| concerning the meaning of |\dblvgradrule| parameters). 
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \let\firstgradprogression@TP=\rulefirstgradprogression%  Use progression parameters for rules.




%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\dblhgradbox}
% |\dblhgradbox[<midpoint>][<stripes>][<startmodel>]|\\
% |    {<startcolor>}[<midmodel>]{<midcolor>}[<endmodel>]{<endcolor>}{<contents>}| 
% acts like |\dblvgradbox|, but creates the background using |\dblhgradrule|. See comments above. 
%    \begin{macrocode}




%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \subsubsection{Structured page backgrounds}
% \begin{macro}{\backgroundstyle}
% |\backgroundstyle[<options>]{<style>}| is the central command for structured page backgrounds. It works like |\pagestyle|
% and other commands of this type. This means |<style>| is a symbolic name specifying the general method by which the page
% background is constructed.
% The detailed construction is influenced by parameters which can be set in |<options>|. If given, the optional parameter
% |<options>| should contain a list of settings in ``keyval'' manner. The keyval method (which is used by the
% |\includegraphics| command from the graphicx package, for instance) is based on associating a symbolic name with every
% parameter. |<options>| is then a comma-separated list of parameter settings of the form |<name>=<value>|, where |<name>| is
% the symbolic name of the parameter to be set and |<value>| is the value it is to be set to.
% Not every |<style>| evaluates every parameter. In the following, a description of all styles, together with lists of the
% parameters employed, is given. It is followed by a list of all parameters.
% Note that some parameter names internally access the same parameter. For instance, parameters startcolor and
% startcolordef both set the start color of a color gradient. In case of conflict, the last setting in the list
% |<options>| will prevail. It is noted in the list of parameters which other parameters are overwritten. 
% |<style>| may have one of the following values:
% \begin{longtable}{@{}lp{0.5\textwidth}}
% none  & No background. This means the page background is whatever it would be if |\backgroundstyle| wasn't used at all
%       (for instance, a plain area of color pagecolor if one of the color options has been given).
%       Parameters used: none. \\
% plain & Plain background. This means the page background is whatever it would be if |\backgroundstyle| wasn't used at all
%       (for instance, a plain area of color pagecolor if one of the color options has been given). In addition to
%       background style ``none'', the background style ``plain'' does produce panel backgrounds. The colors and
%       dimensions of a ``top panel'', ``bottom panel'', ``left panel'', and ``right panel'' can be specified. 
%       Parameters used: hpanels, autopanels, toppanelcolor, bottompanelcolor, leftpanelcolor, rightpanelcolor, 
%                        toppanelcolordef, bottompanelcolordef, leftpanelcolordef, rightpanelcolordef, 
%                        toppanelheight, bottompanelheight, leftpanelwidth, rightpanelwidth.\\
% vgradient &   Vertical gradient. The page background is constructed using the |\vgradrule| command.
%               In addition to the usual parameters of gradient rules, the vgradient background style allows to leave
%               space for headers, footers, or panels. The colors and dimensions of a ``top panel'', ``bottom panel'',
%               ``left panel'', and ``right panel'' can be specified. The gradient rule fills the rectangular space left
%               between the specified panels.
%               Parameters used:        stripes, firstgradprogression, startcolor, startcolordef, endcolor, endcolordef,
%                                       hpanels, autopanels,
%                                       toppanelcolor, bottompanelcolor, leftpanelcolor, rightpanelcolor, 
%                                       toppanelcolordef, bottompanelcolordef, leftpanelcolordef, rightpanelcolordef, 
%                                       toppanelheight, bottompanelheight, leftpanelwidth, rightpanelwidth.\\
% hgradient &   Horizontal gradient. The page background is constructed using the |\hgradrule| command.
%               See the description of vgradient concerning panels.
%               Parameters used:        stripes, firstgradprogression, startcolor, startcolordef, endcolor, endcolordef,
%                                       hpanels, autopanels,
%                                       toppanelcolor, bottompanelcolor, leftpanelcolor, rightpanelcolor, 
%                                       toppanelcolordef, bottompanelcolordef, leftpanelcolordef, rightpanelcolordef, 
%                                       toppanelheight, bottompanelheight, leftpanelwidth, rightpanelwidth.\\
% doublevgradient & `Double' vertical gradient. The page background is constructed using the |\dblvgradrule| command.
%                  See the description of vgradient concerning panels.
%               Parameters used:        stripes, gradmidpoint, firstgradprogression, secondgradprogression,
%                                       startcolor, startcolordef, midcolor, midcolordef, endcolor, endcolordef,
%                                       hpanels, autopanels,
%                                       toppanelcolor, bottompanelcolor, leftpanelcolor, rightpanelcolor, 
%                                       toppanelcolordef, bottompanelcolordef, leftpanelcolordef, rightpanelcolordef, 
%                                       toppanelheight, bottompanelheight, leftpanelwidth, rightpanelwidth.\\
% doublehgradient & `Double' horizontal gradient. The page background is constructed using the |\dblhgradrule| command.
%                  See the description of vgradient concerning panels.
%               Parameters used:        stripes, gradmidpoint, firstgradprogression, secondgradprogression,
%                                       startcolor, startcolordef, midcolor, midcolordef, endcolor, endcolordef,
%                                       hpanels, autopanels,
%                                       toppanelcolor, bottompanelcolor, leftpanelcolor, rightpanelcolor, 
%                                       toppanelcolordef, bottompanelcolordef, leftpanelcolordef, rightpanelcolordef, 
%                                       toppanelheight, bottompanelheight, leftpanelwidth, rightpanelwidth.
% \end{longtable}
% Now, a list of all parameters and their meaning. In the following,
% \begin{longtable}{@{}lp{0.5\textwidth}}
% |<n>| &  denotes a (calc expression for a) nonnegative integer\\
% |<i>| &  denotes a (calc expression for an) integer\\
% |<r>| &  denotes a fixed-point number\\
% |<l>| &  denotes a (calc expression for a) length\\
% |<c>| &  denotes the name of a defined color\\
% |<cm>|&  denotes a valid color model name (in the sense of the color package)\\
% |<cd>|&  denotes a valid color definition (in the sense of the color package) wrt a given |<cm>| parameter\\
% |<t>| &  denotes a `truth value' in the sense of the ifthen package: either true or false. As usual for keyval, 
%       if |=<t>| is omitted, the default true is assumed.
% \end{longtable}
% \begin{longtable}{@{}lp{0.5\textwidth}}
% Parameter                   & Meaning\\
% |stripes=<n>|               & Set the |<stripes>| parameter of gradient rules to |<n>|.
%                               Default: |\bgndstripes|
%                               Used by: vgradient, hgradient, doublevgradient, doublehgradient\\
% |gradmidpoint=<r>|          & Set the |<midpoint>| parameter of double gradient rules to |<r>|.
%                               Default: |\bgndgradmidpoint|
%                               Used by: doublevgradient, doublehgradient\\
% |firstgradprogression=<i>|  & Set the first gradient progression of gradient rules to |<i>|.
%                               Default: |\bgndfirstgradprogression|
%                               Used by: vgradient, hgradient, doublevgradient, doublehgradient\\
% |secondgradprogression=<i>| & Set the second gradient progression of double gradient rules to |<i>|.
%                               Default: |\bgndsecondgradprogression|
%                               Used by: doublevgradient, doublehgradient\\
% |startcolor=<c>|            & Set the |<startcolor>| parameter of gradient rules to |<c>|.
%                               Default: If neither startcolor nor startcolordef is given, the color bgndstartcolor is
%                                        used as |<startcolor>|.
%                               Used by: vgradient, hgradient, doublevgradient, doublehgradient
%                               Overwrites: startcolordef\\
% |startcolordef={<cm>}{<cd>}|& Set the |<startcolor>| parameter of gradient rules to color foo, which is obtained by
%                               |\definecolor{foo}{<cm>}{<cd>}|. Note that the two pairs of curly braces are mandatory.
%                               Default: If neither startcolor nor startcolordef is given, the color bgndstartcolor is
%                                        used as |<startcolor>|.
%                               Used by: vgradient, hgradient, doublevgradient, doublehgradient
%                               Overwrites: startcolor\\
% |endcolor=<c>|             &  Set the |<endcolor>| parameter of gradient rules to |<c>|.
%                               Default: If neither endcolor nor endcolordef is given, the color bgndendcolor is
%                                        used as |<endcolor>|.
%                               Used by: vgradient, hgradient, doublevgradient, doublehgradient
%                               Overwrites: endcolordef\\
% |endcolordef={<cm>}{<cd>}| &  Set the |<endcolor>| parameter of gradient rules to color foo, which is obtained by
%                               |\definecolor{foo}{<cm>}{<cd>}|. Note that the two pairs of curly braces are mandatory.
%                               Default: If neither endcolor nor endcolordef is given, the color bgndendcolor is
%                                        used as |<endcolor>|.
%                               Used by: vgradient, hgradient, doublevgradient, doublehgradient
%                               Overwrites: endcolor\\
% |midcolor=<c>|             &  Set the |<midcolor>| parameter of double gradient rules to |<c>|.
%                               Default: If neither midcolor nor midcolordef is given, the color bgndmidcolor is
%                                        used as |<midcolor>|.
%                               Used by: doublevgradient, doublehgradient
%                               Overwrites: midcolordef\\
% |midcolordef={<cm>}{<cd>}|  & Set the |<midcolor>| parameter of double gradient rules to color foo, which is obtained by
%                               |\definecolor{foo}{<cm>}{<cd>}|. Note that the two pairs of curly braces are mandatory.
%                               Default: If neither midcolor nor midcolordef is given, the color bgndmidcolor is
%                                        used as |<midcolor>|.
%                               Used by: doublevgradient, doublehgradient
%                               Overwrites: midcolor\\
% |hpanels=<t>|         &       Specifies the `direction' of panels produced. hpanels=true means the top and bottom
%                               panel span the full width of the screen. In the space left in the middle, the left
%                               panel, the background itself, and the right panel are displayed.
%                               hpanels=false means the left and right panel span the full height of the screen. In the
%                               space left in the middle, the top panel, the background itself, and the bottom panel are
%                               displayed. 
%                               Default: hpanels=true is the default for plain, hgradient and
%                                        doublehgradient. hpanels=false is the default for vgradient and
%                                        doublevgradient.
%                               Used by: plain, vgradient, hgradient, doublevgradient, doublehgradient\\
% |autopanels=<t>|      &       Specifies whether the default values of the parameters toppanelheight,
%                               bottompanelheight, leftpanelwidth, rightpanelwidth should be calculated automatically
%                               from the contents of declared panels. 
%                               The automatism used is analogous to that of |\DeclarePanel*|.
%                               Note that for panel arrangement, both the width and the height of all declared panels
%                               are overwritten. If you don't want this, calculate the panel parameters yourself and set
%                               autopanels=false. In this case, the current panel dimensions of declared panels are used
%                               as defaults for toppanelheight, bottompanelheight, leftpanelwidth, rightpanelwidth.  
%                               Default: true.
%                               Used by: plain, vgradient, hgradient, doublevgradient, doublehgradient\\
% |toppanelheight=<l>| & \\
% |bottompanelheight=<l>| & \\
% |leftpanelwidth=<l>| & \\
% |rightpanelwidth=<l>|   &     Set the height/width of the space left for the top/bottom/left/right panel to <l>.
%                               Note that the remaining dimensions of panels, for instance the width of the top panel,
%                               are always calculated automatically, depending on the setting of the hpanels parameter.
%                               Default: If a respective panel has been defined using |\DeclarePanel|, the default used
%                                        depends on the setting of the autopanels parameter. 
%                                        If autopanels=true, the correct dimension is calculated from the contents of
%                                        the panel. The respective one of |\toppanelheight|, |\bottompanelheight|,
%                                        |\leftpanelwidth|, |\rightpanelwidth| is overwritten with the result.
%                                        If autopanels=false, then the respective setting of |\toppanelheight|,
%                                        |\bottompanelheight|, |\leftpanelwidth|, |\rightpanelwidth| is taken as the default.
%                                        If a panel has not been declared, the appropriate one of |\bgndtoppanelheight|,
%                                        |\bgndbottompanelheight|, |\bgndleftpanelwidth|, |\bgndrightpanelwidth| is used as
%                                        default. 
%                               Used by: plain, vgradient, hgradient, doublevgradient, doublehgradient\\
% |toppanelcolor=<c>| & \\
% |bottompanelcolor=<c>| & \\
% |leftpanelcolor=<c>| & \\
% |rightpanelcolor=<c>|   &     Set the color of the space left for the top/bottom/left/right panel to <c>.
%                               Default: The standard colors toppanelcolor, bottompanelcolor, leftpanelcolor,
%                                        rightpanelcolor are used as defaults.
%                               Used by: plain, vgradient, hgradient, doublevgradient, doublehgradient
%                               Overwrites: toppanelcolordef bottompanelcolordef leftpanelcolordef rightpanelcolordef \\
% |toppanelcolordef={<cm>}{<cd>}| & \\
% |bottompanelcolordef={<cm>}{<cd>}| & \\
% |leftpanelcolordef={<cm>}{<cd>}| & \\
% |rightpanelcolordef={<cm>}{<cd>}| & 
%                               Set the color of the space left for the top/bottom/left/right panel to color foo, which
%                               is obtained by |\definecolor{foo}{<cm>}{<cd>}|. Note that the two pairs of curly braces
%                               are mandatory.  
%                               Default: See the description of top/bottom/left/rightpanelcolor.
%                               Used by: plain, vgradient, hgradient, doublevgradient, doublehgradient
%                               Overwrites: toppanelcolor bottompanelcolor leftpanelcolor rightpanelcolor 
% \end{longtable}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \replacecolor{startcolor@TP}{bgndstartcolor}%                           Initialize the internal counterparts 
  \replacecolor{midcolor@TP}{bgndmidcolor}%                               of parameters to their default values.
  \let\bgndtoppanelheight@TP=\empty%                 The panel dimensions depend on other parameters. If they are not 
  \let\bgndbottompanelheight@TP=\empty%              set directly, defaults are calculated after setting keyval
  \let\bgndleftpanelwidth@TP=\empty%                 parameters.
  \csname set#2bgnd@TP\endcsname{#1}%                Execute the style-specific command which defines the background box.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% Background-specific default values.
% Default number of stripes for gradient page backgrounds.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Default position of the `middle' color of a double gradient.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Default gradient progression for page backgrounds (single gradients or first part of double gradients).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Default gradient progression for page backgrounds (second part of double gradients).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Default height/width of the space left for the top/bottom/left/right panel, in case no panel in the respective
% position has been declared. Otherwise, the defaults are taken from |\toppanelheight|, |\bottompanelheight|,
% |\leftpanelwidth|, |\rightpanelwidth| or calculated automatically, depending on the setting of the autopanels parameter.
% Note that the remaining dimensions of panels, for instance the width of the top panel, are always calculated
% automatically, depending on the setting of the hpanels parameter.
%    \begin{macrocode}



%    \end{macrocode}
% Internal names for parameter values.
%    \begin{macrocode}









%    \end{macrocode}
% The following commands define the keys for setting the parameters using the keyval package.
%    \begin{macrocode}























%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Implementation of \cs{backgroundstyle}}
% In this box, the constructed background is stored. This box is placed behind every page at |\shipout| time by the kernel
% (see below).
%    \begin{macrocode}
\setbox\bgndbox@TP\null% Default: Empty.
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\mkpanels@TP{<command>}| adds the panels to the main page background. The main page background should be produced by the
% command |<command>|, which is given the width and height of the central area as arguments.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \ifthenelse{\boolean{hpanels@TP}}%                                    `horizontal' panels?
  {% Yes. Vertically align top panel, center area with left and right panels, and bottom panel.
    \vbox%                                                              A vbox with \offinterlineskip allows to align the
    {%                                                                  horizontal panels with the `background center'.
      \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\bgndtoppanelheight@TP=0pt}}%             Should top panel be created?
      {}% No.
            \rule{\bgndtoppanelwidth@TP}{\bgndtoppanelheight@TP}%       Make horizontal colored area.
      \hbox%                                                            Make `background center'.
        \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\bgndleftpanelwidth@TP=0pt}}%           Should left panel be created?
        {}% No.
            \rule{\bgndleftpanelwidth@TP}{\bgndleftpanelheight@TP}%     Make vertical colored area.
        #1%                                                             Make main background object.
        {\bgndtoppanelwidth@TP-\bgndleftpanelwidth@TP-\bgndrightpanelwidth@TP}% Calculate remaining space in the center.
        \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\bgndrightpanelwidth@TP=0pt}}%          Should right panel be created?
        {}% No.
            \rule{\bgndrightpanelwidth@TP}{\bgndrightpanelheight@TP}%   Make vertical colored area.
        }% matches \hbox{%
      \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\bgndbottompanelheight@TP=0pt}}%          Should bottom panel be created?
      {}% No.
            \rule{\bgndbottompanelwidth@TP}{\bgndbottompanelheight@TP}% Make horizontal colored area.
      }% matches \vbox{%
    }% matches \ifthenelse{\boolean{hpanels@TP}}{%
  {% No. Horizontally align left panel, center area with top and bottom panels, and right panel.
    \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\bgndleftpanelwidth@TP=0pt}}%               Should left panel be created?
    {}% No.
        \rule{\bgndleftpanelwidth@TP}{\bgndleftpanelheight@TP}%         Make vertical colored area.
    \vbox%                                                              A vbox with \offinterlineskip allows to align
    {%                                                                  the horizontal panels with the center object.
      \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\bgndtoppanelheight@TP=0pt}}%             Should top panel be created?
      {}% No.
            \rule{\bgndtoppanelwidth@TP}{\bgndtoppanelheight@TP}%       Make horizontal colored area.
      \hbox%                                                            Make main background object.
        {\bgndleftpanelheight@TP-\bgndtoppanelheight@TP-\bgndbottompanelheight@TP}% Calculate space in the center.
      \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\bgndbottompanelheight@TP=0pt}}%          Should bottom panel be created?
      {}% No.
            \rule{\bgndbottompanelwidth@TP}{\bgndbottompanelheight@TP}% Make horizontal colored area.   
      }% matches \vbox{%
    \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\bgndrightpanelwidth@TP=0pt}}%              Should right panel be created?
    {}% No.
        \rule{\bgndrightpanelwidth@TP}{\bgndrightpanelheight@TP}% Make vertical colored area.
    }% matches second argument of \ifthenelse{\boolean{hpanels@TP}}
  }% matches \newcommand{\mkpanels@TP}[1]{%
%    \end{macrocode}
% For those background styles which use panels, |\initpanels@TP{<hpanels>}| sets all panel-related parameters depending on
% the options and defaults. <hpanels> gives the background style dependent default of the hpanels option.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \ifx\hpanelsvalue@TP\empty%                          Has the hpanels parameter been given?
    \setboolean{hpanels@TP}{#1}%                       No; use default.
    \setboolean{hpanels@TP}{\hpanelsvalue@TP}%         Yes; use parameter setting.
  \ifthenelse{\boolean{hpanels@TP}}%                   `horizontal' panel direction?
  {% Yes. Horizontal panels are `outer', vertical panels are `inner'.
    \let\bgndtoppanelwidth@TP=\TPpagewidth%            Full width for horizontal panels.
    \ifthenelse{\equal{\bgndtoppanelheight@TP}{}}%     Has the top panel height been set?
    {% No. Guess default.
      \ifx\toppanelcontents@TP\empty%                  Is the panel defined?
        \mklength@TP{\bgndtoppanelheight@TP}{\bgndtoppanelheight}% Use background-specific default.
        \ifthenelse{\boolean{autopanels@TP}}%          Calculate panel dimensions?
        {% Yes.
          \calcvdimen@TP{\bgndtoppanelheight@TP}{\bgndtoppanelwidth@TP}% Measure the height of panel contents.
          \let\toppanelheight=\bgndtoppanelheight@TP%  Overwrite panel settings.
          \def\toppanelshift{0pt}%                     Top panel spans the whole upper screen.
        {% No
          \mklength@TP{\bgndtoppanelheight@TP}{\toppanelheight}%   Use panel-specific default.
      }% matches \ifthenelse{\equal{\bgndtoppanelheight@TP}{}}
    {% Yes.
      \let\toppanelheight=\bgndtoppanelheight@TP%      Overwrite panel settings  - use user-supplied value.
    \ifthenelse{\equal{\bgndbottompanelheight@TP}{}}%         Has the bottom panel height been set?
    {% No. Guess default.
      \ifx\bottompanelcontents@TP\empty%                      Is the bottom panel defined?
        \mklength@TP{\bgndbottompanelheight@TP}{\bgndbottompanelheight}% Use background-specific default.
        \ifthenelse{\boolean{autopanels@TP}}%                 Calculate panel dimensions?
        {% Yes.
          \calcvdimen@TP{\bgndbottompanelheight@TP}{\bgndbottompanelwidth@TP}% Measure the height of panel contents.
          \let\bottompanelheight=\bgndbottompanelheight@TP%   Overwrite panel settings.
          \def\bottompanelshift{0pt}%                         Bottom panel spans the whole upper screen.
        {% No
          \mklength@TP{\bgndbottompanelheight@TP}{\bottompanelheight}%   Use panel-specific default.
      }% matches \ifthenelse{\equal{\bgndbottompanelheight@TP}{}}
    {% Yes.
      \let\bottompanelheight=\bgndbottompanelheight@TP%   Overwrite panel settings - use user-supplied value.
    \mklength@TP{\bgndleftpanelheight@TP}%                Calculate remaining space in the center.
    \let\bgndrightpanelheight@TP=\bgndleftpanelheight@TP% Height of left and right panels is equal.
    \ifthenelse{\equal{\bgndleftpanelwidth@TP}{}}%        Has the left panel width been set?
    {% No. Guess default.
      \ifx\leftpanelcontents@TP\empty%                    Is the panel defined?
        \mklength@TP{\bgndleftpanelwidth@TP}{\bgndleftpanelwidth}% Use background-specific default.
        \ifthenelse{\boolean{autopanels@TP}}%             Calculate panel dimensions?
        {% Yes.
          \calchdimen@TP{\bgndleftpanelwidth@TP}{\bgndleftpanelheight@TP}% Measure the `optimal' width of panel contents.
          \let\leftpanelheight=\bgndleftpanelheight@TP%   Overwrite panel settings.
          \let\leftpanelraise=\bgndbottompanelheight@TP%  Left panel is raised above bottom panel.
        {% No
          \mklength@TP{\bgndleftpanelwidth@TP}{\leftpanelwidth}%   Use panel-specific default.
      }% matches \ifthenelse{\equal{\bgndleftpanelwidth@TP}{}}
    {% Yes.
      \let\leftpanelwidth=\bgndleftpanelwidth@TP%         Overwrite panel settings - use user-supplied value.
    \ifthenelse{\equal{\bgndrightpanelwidth@TP}{}}%       Has the right panel width been set?
    {% No. Guess default.
      \ifx\rightpanelcontents@TP\empty%                   Is the panel defined?
        \mklength@TP{\bgndrightpanelwidth@TP}{\bgndrightpanelwidth}% Use background-specific default.
        \ifthenelse{\boolean{autopanels@TP}}%             Calculate panel dimensions?
        {% Yes.
          \calchdimen@TP{\bgndrightpanelwidth@TP}{\bgndrightpanelheight@TP}% Measure `optimal' width of panel contents.
          \let\rightpanelheight=\bgndrightpanelheight@TP% Overwrite panel settings.
          \let\rightpanelraise=\bgndbottompanelheight@TP% Right panel is raised above bottom panel.
        {% No
          \mklength@TP{\bgndrightpanelwidth@TP}{\rightpanelwidth}%   Use panel-specific default.
      }% matches \ifthenelse{\equal{\bgndrightpanelwidth@TP}{}}
    {% Yes.
      \let\rightpanelwidth=\bgndrightpanelwidth@TP%       Overwrite panel settings - use user-supplied value.
    }% matches \ifthenelse{\boolean{hpanels@TP}}
  {% No. Vertical panels are `outer', horizontal panels are `inner'.
    \let\bgndleftpanelheight@TP=\TPpageheight%          Full height for vertical panels.
    \ifthenelse{\equal{\bgndleftpanelwidth@TP}{}}%      Has the left panel width been set?
    {% No. Guess default.
      \ifx\leftpanelcontents@TP\empty%                  Is the panel defined?
        \mklength@TP{\bgndleftpanelwidth@TP}{\bgndleftpanelwidth}% Use background-specific default.
        \ifthenelse{\boolean{autopanels@TP}}%           Calculate panel dimensions?
        {% Yes.
          \calchdimen@TP{\bgndleftpanelwidth@TP}{\bgndleftpanelheight@TP}% Measure the `optimal' width of panel contents.
          \let\leftpanelheight=\bgndleftpanelheight@TP% Overwrite panel settings.
          \def\leftpanelraise{0pt}%                     Left panel spans the whole left part of the screen.
        {% No
          \mklength@TP{\bgndleftpanelwidth@TP}{\leftpanelwidth}%   Use panel-specific default.
      }% matches \ifthenelse{\equal{\bgndleftpanelwidth@TP}{}}
    {% Yes.
      \let\leftpanelwidth=\bgndleftpanelwidth@TP%       Overwrite panel settings - use user-supplied value.
    \ifthenelse{\equal{\bgndrightpanelwidth@TP}{}}%       Has the right panel width been set?
    {% No. Guess default.
      \ifx\rightpanelcontents@TP\empty%                   Is the panel defined?
        \mklength@TP{\bgndrightpanelwidth@TP}{\bgndrightpanelwidth}% Use background-specific default.
        \ifthenelse{\boolean{autopanels@TP}}%             Calculate panel dimensions?
        {% Yes.
          \calchdimen@TP{\bgndrightpanelwidth@TP}{\bgndrightpanelheight@TP}% Measure `optimal' width of panel contents.
          \let\rightpanelheight=\bgndrightpanelheight@TP% Overwrite panel settings.
          \def\rightpanelraise{0pt}%                      Right panel spans the whole left part of the screen.
        {% No
          \mklength@TP{\bgndrightpanelwidth@TP}{\rightpanelwidth}%   Use panel-specific default.
      }% matches \ifthenelse{\equal{\bgndrightpanelwidth@TP}{}}
    {% Yes.
      \let\rightpanelwidth=\bgndrightpanelwidth@TP%       Overwrite panel settings - use user-supplied value.
    \mklength@TP{\bgndtoppanelwidth@TP}%                Calculate remaining space in the center.
    \let\bgndbottompanelwidth@TP=\bgndtoppanelwidth@TP% Width of top and bottom panels is equal.
    \ifthenelse{\equal{\bgndtoppanelheight@TP}{}}%      Has the top panel height been set?
    {% No. Guess default.
      \ifx\toppanelcontents@TP\empty%                   Is the panel defined?
        \mklength@TP{\bgndtoppanelheight@TP}{\bgndtoppanelheight}% Use background-specific default.
        \ifthenelse{\boolean{autopanels@TP}}%           Calculate panel dimensions?
        {% Yes.
          \calcvdimen@TP{\bgndtoppanelheight@TP}{\bgndtoppanelwidth@TP}% Measure the height of panel contents.
          \let\toppanelheight=\bgndtoppanelheight@TP%   Overwrite panel settings.
          \let\toppanelshift=\bgndleftpanelwidth@TP%    Shift top panel to the right of left panel.
        {% No
          \mklength@TP{\bgndtoppanelheight@TP}{\toppanelheight}%   Use panel-specific default.
      }% matches \ifthenelse{\equal{\bgndtoppanelheight@TP}{}}
    {% Yes.
      \let\toppanelheight=\bgndtoppanelheight@TP%       Overwrite panel settings - use user-supplied value.
    \ifthenelse{\equal{\bgndbottompanelheight@TP}{}}%       Has the bottom panel height been set?
    {% No. Guess default.
      \ifx\bottompanelcontents@TP\empty%                    Is the panel defined?
        \mklength@TP{\bgndbottompanelheight@TP}{\bgndbottompanelheight}% Use background-specific default.
        \ifthenelse{\boolean{autopanels@TP}}%               Calculate panel dimensions?
        {% Yes.
          \calcvdimen@TP{\bgndbottompanelheight@TP}{\bgndbottompanelwidth@TP}% Measure the height of panel contents.
          \let\bottompanelheight=\bgndbottompanelheight@TP% Overwrite panel settings.
          \let\bottompanelshift=\bgndleftpanelwidth@TP%     Shift bottom panel to the right of left panel.
        {% No
          \mklength@TP{\bgndbottompanelheight@TP}{\bottompanelheight}%   Use panel-specific default.
      }% matches \ifthenelse{\equal{\bgndbottompanelheight@TP}{}}
    {% Yes.
      \let\bottompanelheight=\bgndbottompanelheight@TP%     Overwrite panel settings - use user-supplied value.
    }% matches second argument of \ifthenelse{\boolean{hpanels@TP}}
  }% matches \newcommand{\initpanels@TP}[1]{
%    \end{macrocode}
% Make an `invisible' rule.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Implementations of individual background styles.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\setnonebgnd@TP}[1]%              Implementation of the background style ``none''.
{\global\setbox\bgndbox@TP=\null}%            Just produce an empty box.

\newcommand{\setplainbgnd@TP}[1]%             Implementation of the background style ``plain''.
  \setkeys{bgnd@TP}{#1}%                      Evaluate parameters.
  \initpanels@TP{true}%                       Initialize panel parameters.
  \global\setbox\bgndbox@TP=\hbox{\mkpanels@TP{\phantomrule@TP}}% Make panels only.

\newcommand{\setvgradientbgnd@TP}[1]%         Implementation of the background style ``vgradient''.
  \setkeys{bgnd@TP}{#1}%                      Evaluate parameters.
  \initpanels@TP{false}%                      Initialize panel parameters.
  \global\setbox\bgndbox@TP=\hbox{\mkpanels@TP{\@@vgradrule@TP}}% Make background box.

\newcommand{\sethgradientbgnd@TP}[1]%         Implementation of the background style ``hgradient''.
  \setkeys{bgnd@TP}{#1}%                      Evaluate parameters.
  \initpanels@TP{true}%                       Initialize panel parameters.
  \global\setbox\bgndbox@TP=\hbox{\mkpanels@TP{\@@hgradrule@TP}}% Make background box.

\newcommand{\setdoublevgradientbgnd@TP}[1]%   Implementation of the background style ``doublevgradient''.
  \setkeys{bgnd@TP}{#1}%                      Evaluate parameters.
  \initpanels@TP{false}%                      Initialize panel parameters.
  \global\setbox\bgndbox@TP=\hbox{\mkpanels@TP{\@@@@dblvgradrule@TP}}% Make background box.

\newcommand{\setdoublehgradientbgnd@TP}[1]%   Implementation of the background style ``doublehgradient''.
  \setkeys{bgnd@TP}{#1}%                      Evaluate parameters.
  \initpanels@TP{true}%                       Initialize panel parameters.
  \global\setbox\bgndbox@TP=\hbox{\mkpanels@TP{\@@@@dblhgradrule@TP}}% Make background box.
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\hpagecolor[<start>]{<end>}| is provided here for compatibility with background.sty from PPower4. It sets a horizontal
% gradient background. See the PPower4 documentation on the meaning of the arguments (which is quite confusing).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\vpagecolor[<start>]{<end>}| is provided here for compatibility with background.sty from PPower4. It sets a vertical
% gradient background.  See the PPower4 documentation on the meaning of the arguments (which is quite confusing).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Panels}
% The following code is rather preliminary and provides only the very basics for constructing panels. If you're using a
% document class or package which allows to do this or know how to achieve it using fancy headers, don't even consider
% using the following.
% Some configurable panel parameters.
% Margin around panels (space [on all sides] between beginning of background and panel contents).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Dimensions of top panel. Note that parts or all of these dimensions might be overwritten by |\DeclarePanel*| or
% using |\backgroundstyle| with specific settings.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\toppanelwidth}{\TPpagewidth}%     Width.
\newcommand{\toppanelheight}{\TPpageheight/5}% Height.
\newcommand{\toppanelshift}{0pt}%              Space between left screen edge and left edge of top panel.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Dimensions of bottom panel.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\bottompanelwidth}{\TPpagewidth}%     Width.
\newcommand{\bottompanelheight}{\TPpageheight/5}% Height.
\newcommand{\bottompanelshift}{0pt}%              Space between left screen edge and left edge of bottom panel.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Dimensions of left panel.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\leftpanelwidth}{\TPpagewidth/5}% Width.
\newcommand{\leftpanelheight}{\TPpageheight}% Height.
\newcommand{\leftpanelraise}{0pt}%            Space between bottom screen edge and bottom edge of left panel.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Dimensions of right panel.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\rightpanelwidth}{\TPpagewidth/5}% Width.
\newcommand{\rightpanelheight}{\TPpageheight}% Height.
\newcommand{\rightpanelraise}{0pt}%            Space between bottom screen edge and bottom edge of left panel.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Some internal panel parameters.
% Storage for panel contents.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Panel-specific user level commands}
% \begin{macro}{\DeclarePanel}
% |\DeclarePanel[<name>]{<pos>}{<contents>}| declares the contents |<contents>| of the panel at position |<pos>|.
% Afterwards, on every page the panel contents are set in a parbox of dimensions and position specified by
% |<pos>panelwidth|, |<pos>panelheight|, |\panelmargin| and |<pos>panelshift| for top and bottom panels and |<pos>panelraise| for
% left and right panels. The parbox is constructed anew on every page, so all changes influencing panel contents or
% parameters (like a |\thepage| in the panel contents) are respected.
% The panel contents are set in color |<pos>paneltextcolor|. There is another standard color |<pos>panelcolor|, which is
% however not activated by |\DeclarePanel| but by selecting an appropriate background style.
% Note that pages are constructed as follows: first the page background, then the panels, and then the page
% contents. Hence, panels overwrite the background and the page contents overwrite the panels. The user is supposed to
% make sure themselves that there is enough space left on the page for the panels (document class specific settings).
% The panel declaration is global. A panel can be `undeclared' by using |\DeclarePanel{<pos>}{}|.
% There is a starred version which will (try to) automatically calculate the `flexible' dimension of each panel. For top
% and bottom panels this is the height, for left and right panels this is the width. Make sure the panel contents are
% `valid' at the time |\DeclarePanel*| is called so the calculation can be carried out in a meaningful way.
% While the automatic calculation of the height of top and bottom panels is trivial (using |\settoheight|), there is a
% sophisticated procedure for calculating a `good' width for the parbox containing the panel. Owing to limitations set
% by TeX, there are certain limits to the sophistication of the procedure. For instance, any `whatsits' (specials (like
% color changes), file accesses (like |\label|), or hyper anchors) or rules which are inserted directly in the vertical
% list of the parbox `block' the analysis, so the procedure can't `see' past them (starting at the bottom of the box)
% when analysing the contents of the parbox. The user should make sure such items are set in horizontal mode (by using
% |\leavevmode| or enclosing stuff in boxes). Furthermore, only overfull and underfull hboxes which occur while setting
% the parbox are considered when judging which width is `best'. This will reliably make the width large enough to
% contain `wide' objects like tabulars, logos and buttons, but might not give optimal results for justified text.
% vboxes occurring directly in the vbox are ignored.
% Note further that hboxes with fixed width (made by |\hbox| to...) which occur directly in the vbox may disturb the
% procedure, because the fixed width cannot be recovered. These hboxes will be reformatted with the width of the vbox,
% generating an extremely large badness, unsettling the calculation of maximum badness. To avoid this such hboxes should
% be either contained in a vbox or set in horizontal mode with appropriate glue at the end.
% If the optional argument <name> is given, the panel contents and (calculated) size will also be stored under the given
% name, to be restored later with |\restorepanels|. This is nice for switching between different sets of panels.
%    \begin{macrocode}

\newcommand{\declarepanel@TP}[3][]%                          Non-starred version of \DeclarePanel.
  \expandafter\gdef\csname #2panelcontents@TP\endcsname{#3}% Just store panel contents.
  \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{}{\csname store#2panel@TP\endcsname{#1}}% If <name> was given, store panel parameters away.

% Store away top panel parameters.
  \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname toppanelcontents@TP@#1\endcsname\toppanelcontents@TP% Contents.
  \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname toppanelwidth@TP@#1\endcsname\toppanelwidth@TP%       Width.
  \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname toppanelheight@TP@#1\endcsname\toppanelheight@TP%     Height.
  \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname toppanelshift@TP@#1\endcsname\toppanelshift@TP%       Raise.

% Store away bottom panel parameters.
  \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname bottompanelcontents@TP@#1\endcsname\bottompanelcontents@TP%
  \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname bottompanelwidth@TP@#1\endcsname\bottompanelwidth@TP%
  \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname bottompanelheight@TP@#1\endcsname\bottompanelheight@TP%
  \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname bottompanelshift@TP@#1\endcsname\bottompanelshift@TP%

% Store away left panel parameters.
  \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname leftpanelcontents@TP@#1\endcsname\leftpanelcontents@TP%
  \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname leftpanelwidth@TP@#1\endcsname\leftpanelwidth@TP%
  \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname leftpanelheight@TP@#1\endcsname\leftpanelheight@TP%
  \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname leftpanelraise@TP@#1\endcsname\leftpanelraise@TP%

% Store away right panel parameters.
  \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname rightpanelcontents@TP@#1\endcsname\rightpanelcontents@TP%
  \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname rightpanelwidth@TP@#1\endcsname\rightpanelwidth@TP%
  \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname rightpanelheight@TP@#1\endcsname\rightpanelheight@TP%
  \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname rightpanelraise@TP@#1\endcsname\rightpanelraise@TP%

\newcommand{\auto@declarepanel@TP}[2]%                           Starred version of \DeclarePanel.
{\csname calc#1dimen@TP\endcsname{#2}\declarepanel@TP{#1}{#2}} % Calculate `optimal' dimension and store contents.

% Restore panel parameters stored away under a given name.
    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\expandafter\toppanelcontents@TP\csname toppanelcontents@TP@#1\endcsname
    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\expandafter\toppanelwidth@TP\csname toppanelwidth@TP@#1\endcsname
    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\expandafter\toppanelheight@TP\csname toppanelheight@TP@#1\endcsname
    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\expandafter\toppanelshift@TP\csname toppanelshift@TP@#1\endcsname
    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\expandafter\bottompanelcontents@TP\csname bottompanelcontents@TP@#1\endcsname
    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\expandafter\bottompanelwidth@TP\csname bottompanelwidth@TP@#1\endcsname
    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\expandafter\bottompanelheight@TP\csname bottompanelheight@TP@#1\endcsname
    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\expandafter\bottompanelshift@TP\csname bottompanelshift@TP@#1\endcsname
    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\expandafter\leftpanelcontents@TP\csname leftpanelcontents@TP@#1\endcsname
    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\expandafter\leftpanelwidth@TP\csname leftpanelwidth@TP@#1\endcsname
    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\expandafter\leftpanelheight@TP\csname leftpanelheight@TP@#1\endcsname
    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\expandafter\leftpanelraise@TP\csname leftpanelraise@TP@#1\endcsname
    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\expandafter\rightpanelcontents@TP\csname rightpanelcontents@TP@#1\endcsname
    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\expandafter\rightpanelwidth@TP\csname rightpanelwidth@TP@#1\endcsname
    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\expandafter\rightpanelheight@TP\csname rightpanelheight@TP@#1\endcsname
    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\expandafter\rightpanelraise@TP\csname rightpanelraise@TP@#1\endcsname
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \subsubsection{Implementation of automatic dimension calculation}
% Interface to the horizontal and vertical calculation procedures. The first argument is being recalculated, the second
% and third ones are parameters.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Remove any contents which could mess up the box analysis.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Calculate height of `horizontal' panel.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \setbox\tempbox@TP=\hbox{\panel@sanitize@TP\@@mk@panel@TP{#2}{}{toppaneltextcolor}{#3}}% Set panel into a dummy box.
  \mklength@TP{#1}{\ht\tempbox@TP+\dp\tempbox@TP}%                                       % Measure total height.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Calculate `optimal' width of `vertical panel.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \optwidth@TP{#1}{#2-\panelmargin*2}%              Calculate `optimal' width of a parbox. Panel margins are respected.
  {.5\textwidth-\panelmargin*2}{\panelalignment#3}% .5\textwidth is the hardcoded absolute maximum width.
%    \end{macrocode}
% User-configurable: Which `resolution' should be used when searching for `best' width?
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% User-configurable: Which badness should be tolerated as `perfect' (stopping the search for a better one).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Internal parameter: Badness of the parbox currently under consideration.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% A hook to disable some commands which would be in the way while measuring things.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Calculate `best' width of a parbox. The current algorithm will set the textual contents into parboxes of increasing
% width, starting from 0pt and ending with the maximum width given, in |\optwidthsteps| steps. The `badness' of every
% parbox is measured. If it is below the threshold defined by |\optwidthlinetolerance|, the process is stopped and the
% found width accepted. If this doesn't happen, the width of the parbox with the least badness is returned.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \setcounter{tmpcnta@TP}{0}%                                  Initialize `probe counter' for box width.
  \let\best@cnt@TP=\empty%                                     Initialize number of best `probe' so far.
  \def\bestbadness@TP{1000000}%                                Initialize badness of best `probe'.
  \setboolean{carryon@TP}{true}%                               Flag for breaking out of loop.
  \setlength{\tempdimb@TP}{#2}%                                Store maximal box height.
  {\value{tmpcnta@TP}<\optwidthsteps\and\boolean{carryon@TP}}% Probes done or break of loop?
    \stepcounter{tmpcnta@TP}%                                  Start next probe.
    \setbox\@tempboxa=\hbox%                                   The trick with vbox/lastbox is to get the vbox
    {%                                                         produced by \parbox `immediately' into a box register.
      \optwidthdisablecommands@TP%                             Turn off some nasties not needed when measuring.
      \parbox[b]{(#3)/\optwidthsteps*\value{tmpcnta@TP}}%      Make the next parbox.
      \global\setbox\tempbox@TP=\lastbox%                      ... and assign \tempbox@TP to it.
    \setlength{\tempdima@TP}{\ht\tempbox@TP+\dp\tempbox@TP}%   Measure total height.
    \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\tempdima@TP>\tempdimb@TP}}%       If it exceeds the maximum height given, the box isn't 
    {}%                                                        acceptable anyway.
      \calcmaxbadness@TP{\maxbadness@TP}{\tempbox@TP}%         Calculate `worst badness' of any hbox appearing in parbox.
      \ifthenelse{\not\maxbadness@TP>\optwidthlinetolerance}%  Below Threshold?
      {% Yes. Accept this width.
        \edef\best@cnt@TP{\thetmpcnta@TP}%                     Store this probe number.
        \setboolean{carryon@TP}{false}%                        Break loop.
      {% No. Carry on.
        \ifthenelse{\maxbadness@TP<\bestbadness@TP}%           Below lowest badness found so far?
        {% Yes. Store probe number.
          \edef\bestbadness@TP{\number\maxbadness@TP}%         Store badness value.
          \edef\best@cnt@TP{\thetmpcnta@TP}%                   Store probe number.
        {}% No. Try next probe.
        }% matches second argument of \ifthenelse{\not\maxbadness@TP>\optwidthlinetolerance}%
      }% matches second argument of \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\tempdima@TP>\tempdimb@TP}}%
    }% matches \whiledo{\value{tmpcnta@TP}<\optwidthsteps\and\boolean{carryon@TP}}{%
  \ifx\best@cnt@TP\empty%                                      Was _any_ badness below the initialization value found?
    \mklength@TP{#1}{#3}% No; return max width.                                   
    \mklength@TP{#1}{(#3)/\optwidthsteps*\best@cnt@TP}% Yes; return width of best probe.
  }% matches \newcommand{\optwidth@TP}[4]{%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Calculate maximal badness of any hbox occurring in a vbox.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \let\@resultcnt@TP=#1%           Here we store the result.
  \global\@resultcnt@TP=\z@\relax% Just in case no hbox occurs...
  \setlength{\@tempdima}{\wd#2}%   This is the width to which every hbox is stretched for finding its badness.
  \setbox\@tempboxa=\vbox%         A dummy vbox for recursively analysing the vbox contents using \lastbox
    \unvbox#2%                     `free' the contents of the vbox.
    \measureboxes@TP%              Analyse `tail to head' using \lastbox.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Recursively analyse vertical list using |\lastbox|, to find maximum badness of any contained hbox.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \unskip\unpenalty\unkern%    This is a kluge for TeX, because there is no certain way of finding out whether there's a 
  \unskip\unpenalty\unkern%    penalty, glue or kern on the vertical list. \lastpenalty will give its value, but a 
  \unskip\unpenalty\unkern%    value of 0 might mean there was none or there was one of value 0.
  \unskip\unpenalty\unkern%    This is different in eTeX. I might make a switch to a smarter solution.
  \setbox\@tempboxa=\lastbox% Grab last box.
  \ifhbox\@tempboxa%          Was this an hbox?
    \setbox0=\hb@xt@\@tempdima{\unhbox\@tempboxa}% Yes. Reformat with given width.
    \ifnum\badness>\@resultcnt@TP%                 Badness larger than largest recorded badness?
      \global\@resultcnt@TP=\badness%              Yes. Memorize.
    \expandafter\measureboxes@TP%                  Recursive call.
    \ifvbox\@tempboxa%                                      Was this a vbox?
      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\measureboxes@TP% Ignore, but execute recursive call.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Actually typeset panels}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\mk@toppanel@TP}% top panel
  \ifx\toppanelcontents@TP\empty%           top panel specified?
   \else%                                   Yes; create box with appropriate dimensions, background color and contents.

\newcommand{\mk@bottompanel@TP}% bottom panel
  \ifx\bottompanelcontents@TP\empty%        bottom panel specified?
   \else%                                   Yes; create box with appropriate dimensions, background color and contents.

\newcommand{\mk@leftpanel@TP}% left panel
  \ifx\leftpanelcontents@TP\empty%          left panel specified?
   \else%                                   Yes; create box with appropriate dimensions, background color and contents.

\newcommand{\mk@rightpanel@TP}% right panel
  \ifx\rightpanelcontents@TP\empty%         right panel specified?
   \else%                                   Yes; create box with appropriate dimensions, text color and contents.

\newcommand{\@mk@panel@TP}[2]% Generate `standard' parbox parameters for panels.

  \newcommand{\panelalignment}%            Justification for panels. This setting allows a certain amount of 
  {\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 20pt}}% `right-raggedness'. Leave empty for standard parbox formatting.

% Make a panel box.
    \kern\panelmargin%  Top margin.
        \ifthenelse{\boolean{instepwise@TP}}%  Inside \stepwise, colors mat have been dimmed, leaking out to panels.
        {\usecolorset{stwcolors}}{}%           Restore them, just in case.
        \color{#3}%                            Set panel text color.
        \kern\panelmargin%                     Left margin.
        \parbox[b]#2{#1-\panelmargin*2}%       The parbox with the main panel contents.
          \hrule\@height\z@%            The hrule makes sure the total height of this box can be measured appropriately.
        \kern\panelmargin%              Right margin.
    \kern\panelmargin%                  Bottom margin.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Navigation helpers}
% The following code is rather preliminary and provides only the very basics for making navigation buttons and such. If
% you're using a package which allows to do this, don't even consider using the following. 
% Some configurable button parameters.
% Space between button label and border.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Width of button frame.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Horizontal displacement of button shadow.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Vertical displacement of button shadow.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Button-specific user level commands.
% \begin{macro}{\button}
% |\button[<width>][<height>][<depth>][<alignment>]{<navcommand>}{<text>}| creates a button labelled |<text>| which executes
% |<navcommand>| when pressed.
% |<navcommand>| can be for instance |\Acrobatmenu{<command>}| or |\hyperlink{<target>}| (note that <navcommand> should take
% one (more) argument specifying the sensitive area which is provided by |\button|). 
% If given, the optional parameters |<width>|, |<height>|, and |<depth>| give the width, height and depth, respectively, of
% the framed area comprising the button (excluding the shadow, but including the frame). Default are the `real' width,
% height and depth, respectively, of |<text>|, plus allowance for the frame.
% If given, the optional parameter |<alignment>| (one of l,c,r) gives the alignment of |<text>| inside the button box (makes
% sense only if |<width>| is given).
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\button}[1][0pt]%      Collect first optional parameter.
  \mklength@TP\bt@width@TP{#1}%    Store optional argument.

\newcommand{\button@TP}[1][0pt]%   Collect second optional parameter.
  \mklength@TP\bt@height@TP{#1}%   Store optional argument.

\newcommand{\@button@TP}[1][0pt]%  Collect third optional parameter.
  \mklength@TP\bt@depth@TP{#1}%    Store optional argument.

\newcommand{\@@button@TP}[3][c]%   Collect fourth optional and two mandatory parameters and proceed.
  \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\bt@width@TP=0pt}}%       <width> given?
  {\mklength@TP{\bt@width@TP}{\widthof{#3}}}%       No. Calculate width of <text>.
  {\mklength@TP{\bt@width@TP}{\bt@width@TP-\buttonsep*2-\buttonrule*2}}% Yes. Calculate area left for <text>.
  \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\bt@height@TP=0pt}}%      <height> given?
  {\mklength@TP{\bt@height@TP}{\heightof{#3}}}%     No. Calculate height of <text>.
  {\mklength@TP{\bt@height@TP}{\bt@height@TP-\buttonsep-\buttonrule}}% Yes. Calculate area left for <text>.
  \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\bt@depth@TP=0pt}}%       <depth> given?
  {\mklength@TP{\bt@depth@TP}{\depthof{#3}}}%       No. Calculate depth of <text>.
  {\mklength@TP{\bt@depth@TP}{\bt@depth@TP-\buttonsep-\buttonrule}}% Yes. Calculate area left for <text>.
  \leavevmode% \rlap creates a `raw' hbox. So we get into horizontal mode.
  \rlap%       Make shadow.
    \hspace*{\buttonshadowhshift}%  Horizontal displacement.
    \raisebox{\buttonshadowvshift}% Vertical displacement.
      {% Inner group for correct color handling.
        \setcolor@TP{buttonshadowcolor}% Button shadow color.
        \rule%                           Create colored rectangular patch of appropriate dimensions.
        }% matches inner group
      }% matches \raisebox{\buttonshadowvshift}{%
    }% matches \rlap{%
  \edef\o@fboxrule@TP{\the\fboxrule}%    Preserve original definitions of \fbox parameters.
  #2%                                    Execute <navcommand>.
    \setlength{\fboxrule}{\buttonrule}%        Set \fbox parameters for button frame.
    \fcolorbox{buttonframecolor}{buttoncolor}% Create button frame with the right colors.
      \makebox[\bt@width@TP][#1]%              Create box of correct width to contain <text>.
        \raisebox{0pt}[\bt@height@TP][\bt@depth@TP]% Create box of correct height and depth.
          \setlength{\fboxrule}{\o@fboxrule@TP}\setlength{\fboxsep}{\o@fboxsep@TP}% Restore fbox parameters.
          \setcolor@TP{buttontextcolor}#3%           Produce <text>. 
          }% matches \raisebox{0pt}[\bt@height@TP][\bt@depth@TP]{%
        }% matches \makebox[\bt@width@TP][#1]{%
      }% matches \fcolorbox{buttonframecolor}{buttoncolor}{%
    }% matches argument of <navcommand>.
  }% matches \newcommand{\@@button@TP}[3][c]{%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% Some predefined buttons.
% Size of predefined button symbols.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Define predefined button symbols.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\@ifpackageloaded{amssymb}%     AMS symbols available?
{% Yes. Use `black' symbols.
  \newcommand{\buttonleftarrowsymbol}{{\buttonsymbolsize\boldmath\origmath{\blacktriangleleft}}}%   `left' arrow.
  \newcommand{\buttonrightarrowsymbol}{{\buttonsymbolsize\boldmath\origmath{\blacktriangleright}}}% `right' arrow.
  \newcommand{\buttonbackarrowsymbol}{{\buttonsymbolsize\boldmath\origmath{\vartriangleleft}}}%     `back' arrow.
{% No. Use replacements from standard set.
  \newcommand{\buttonleftarrowsymbol}{{\buttonsymbolsize\boldmath\origmath{\lhd}}}%       `left' arrow.
  \newcommand{\buttonrightarrowsymbol}{{\buttonsymbolsize\boldmath\origmath{\rhd}}}%      `right' arrow.
  \newcommand{\buttonbackarrowsymbol}{{\buttonsymbolsize\boldmath\origmath{\leftarrow}}}% `back' arrow.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Width of predefined buttons.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Customizeable default: How to find the number of the current page?
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Predefined button: last subpage of previous page.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Predefined button: previous step.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Predefined button: `undo action' (go back to whatever was before last action).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Predefined button: next step.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Predefined button: first subpage of next page.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Predefined button: last subpage of next page.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Predefined button: toggle fullscreen mode.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Set acrobat reader's page transition mode}
% Most of the following is snarfed from an email message of Marc van Dongen to the ppower4 mailing list on Thu, 7 Oct
% 1999. 
% Thanks to Marc for his permission to include his code into this package.
% \begin{macro}{\pagetransition}
% |\pagetransition{<setting>}| is a generic command for setting the page transition with hyperref's |\hypersetup|. The
% command is defined to a noop in case hyperref is not loaded.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\ifthenelse{\boolean{display}}%            Are dynamic features enabled?
{% Yes.
  \newcommand{\pagetransition}[1]%         Definition for preamble.
    \@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}%           Can we use \hypersetup?
    {% Yes.
      \hypersetup{pdfpagetransition={#1}}% Set page transition with \hypersetup.
    {% No. In this case, we can't set the page transition.
      {Package hyperref not loaded.\MessageBreak Page transition not set}%
    }% matches \newcommand{\pagetransition}[1]{%
  \AtBeginDocument%                      Definition for document body.
    \@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}%         Can we use \hypersetup?
    {% Yes.
      \hypersetup{pdfpagetransition={}}% Make pagetransition setting (consistently) local to groups.
    {% No. Disable page transitions.
      {Package hyperref not loaded.\MessageBreak Page transitions disabled}%
    }% matches \AtBeginDocument{%
  }% matches \ifthenelse{\boolean{display}}{%
{\let\pagetransition=\@gobble}% No. Disable page transitions.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% Some standard page transitions.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\pageTransitionSplitHO}{\pagetransition{Split /Dm /H /M /O}}% Split Horizontally to the outside.

\newcommand{\pageTransitionSplitHI}{\pagetransition{Split /Dm /H /M /I}}% Split Horizontally to the inside.

\newcommand{\pageTransitionSplitVO}{\pagetransition{Split /Dm /V /M /O}}% Split Vertically to the outside.

\newcommand{\pageTransitionSplitVI}{\pagetransition{Split /Dm /V /M /I}}% Split Vertically to the inside.

\newcommand{\pageTransitionBlindsH}{\pagetransition{Blinds /Dm /H}}% Horizontal Blinds.

\newcommand{\pageTransitionBlindsV}{\pagetransition{Blinds /Dm /V}}% Vertical Blinds.

\newcommand{\pageTransitionBoxO}{\pagetransition{Box /M /O}}% Growing Box.

\newcommand{\pageTransitionBoxI}{\pagetransition{Box /M /I}}% Shrinking Box.

% argument must be number fom 0 to 360
\newcommand{\pageTransitionWipe}[1]{\pagetransition{Wipe /Di #1}}% Wipe from one edge of the page to the facing edge.

\newcommand{\pageTransitionDissolve}{\pagetransition{Dissolve}}% Dissolve.
% argument must be number fom 0 to 360
\newcommand{\pageTransitionGlitter}[1]{\pagetransition{Glitter /Di #1}}% Glitter from one edge to the facing edge.

\newcommand{\pageTransitionReplace}{\pagetransition{Replace}}% Simple Replace (the default). 
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Set acrobat reader's automatic page advancing feature}
% |\pageDuration{<d>}| will force pages to be advanced automatically after |<d>| seconds when in full screen mode. The
% effect starts on the current page and is undone by a group end or the command |\stopAdvancing|. |<d>| should be a
% (fixed-point) number. 
% Note a very strange behaviour of acrobat and acroread v4.05 and onwards: Automatic advancing is disabled unless
% explicitly enabled by the ``advance every n seconds'' setting in the full screen dialogue. But in this case, all
% pages not having any page duration setting will be advanced after |<n>| seconds. As another trap, at least in some
% versions of acroread and acrobat, the maximum for |<n>| when set in the dialogue is 60 seconds. To make matters even
% worse, there seems to be a (quite arbitrary) even for duration setting of pages: 546 seconds (about nine minutes).
% This leaves you with the following options if you want to use automated advancing in your presentations (for animation
% effects, say):
% \begin{enumerate} 
% \item You're using a version of acrobat or acroread predating 4.05 (or any other version where this misbehaviour
% miraculously isn't present): All is well, nothing to do.
% \item You're using a `buggy' version where more than 60 seconds can be set as a value for |<n>| in the full screen dialogue
% (I'm not sure whether such a beast exists; maybe both `features' coincide): Just activate automatic advancing in the
% full screen dialogue and set an `infinite' number of seconds (3600, say). This value is masked by an explicit setting
% using |\pageDuration|, so animations will still work.
% \item You're using a `buggy' version with a maximum dialogue setting of 60, but you're comfortable with your presentation
% always advancing automatically at least every 60 seconds: Set |<n>| to 60 and proceed as above.
% \item You're using a `buggy' version with a maximum dialogue setting of 60 and you're comfortable with your presentation
% always advancing automatically at least every 546 seconds (9.1 minutes): Give the package option ``nineminutes'' to
% texpower. This will put an explicit duration setting of 546 seconds on every page (overridden by explicit settings
% using |\pageDuration|). Set the advancing time in the full screen dialogue to anything; it will be ignored because every
% page has an explicit setting.
% \item You're using a `buggy' version with a maximum dialogue setting of 60, you'd like your presentation to advance more
% slowly than every 546 seconds and your version of acroread or acrobat miraculously doesn't have the upper bound of 546
% seconds (which I've empirically discovered with acrobat 5.0 on Win NT): Put |\renewcommand{\infinitepageduration}{3600}|
% in your preamble and see what happens. If the value is too high, acroread will go into fast forward mode or do other
% strange things. Otherwise: Lucky you.
% \item You're using a `buggy' version with a maximum dialogue setting of 60, you'd like your presentation to advance more
% slowly than every 546 seconds and your version of acroread or acrobat also has the upper bound of 546 seconds: In this
% case you're out of luck. Of course you can try to get the guys at adobe to clean up this whole mess. Good luck with
% that! 
% \end{enumerate} 
% If |\infinitepageduration| is set to empty, then a page duration setting will appear only where |\pageDuration| was
% used. Otherwise, every page without explicit setting gets a page duration of |\infinitepageduration|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\infinitepageduration}{}%          Default: No page duration setting on every page.

\ifthenelse{\boolean{nineminutes@TP}}%         If the option nineminutes is given, every page without explicit setting
{\renewcommand{\infinitepageduration}{546}}{}% gets a setting of 546 seconds (9.1 minutes).
%    \end{macrocode}
% Implementation of |\pageDuration|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\ifthenelse{\boolean{display}}%            Are dynamic features enabled?
{% Yes.
  \newcommand{\pageDuration}[1]%           Definition for preamble.
    \@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}%           Can we use \hypersetup?
    {% Yes.
      \hypersetup{pdfpageduration={#1}}%   Set page duration with \hypersetup.
    {% No. In this case, we can't set the page duration.
      {Package hyperref not loaded.\MessageBreak Page duration not set}%
    }% matches \newcommand{\pageDuration}[1]{% 
  \AtBeginDocument%                        Make sure this also works if texpower is loaded before hyperref.
    \@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}%                    Can we use \hypersetup?
    {% Yes.
      \next%                                        Set default page duration.
      \renewcommand{\pageDuration}[1]{\hypersetup{pdfpageduration={#1}}}% Set page duration with \hypersetup.
    {% No. In this case, we can't set the page duration.
      {Package hyperref not loaded.\MessageBreak Page duration disabled}%
    }% matches \AtBeginDocument{% 
  }% matches \ifthenelse{\boolean{display}}{%
{\let\pageDuration=\@gobble}% No. Disable page duration.
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\stopAdvancing| undoes any setting effected by |\pageDuration|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
{\edef\next{\noexpand\pageDuration{\infinitepageduration}}\next}% Reset to default page duration.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{TeXPower kernel}
% This area contains the `low level' implementation of TeXPowers central functions. Mainly, (La)TeX's |\shipout| and
% |\output| routines are overloaded, adding some necessary functionality (duplication of page contents for incremental
% page building; display of backgrounds and panels).
% Also, the user command |\pause| is implemented here, using the kernel functions for saving and restoring page contents.
% The code for overloading the output routine is derived from Klaus Guntermanns texpause package which can be obtained
% from the PPower4 Web site 
% |http://www-sp.iti.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/software/ppower4/|
% Thanks to Heiko Oberdiek for his suggestion how |\leaders| can be used to disable processing of whatsits in the
% duplicated text.
% The code for overloading |\shipout| is derived from everyshi.sty with permission by Martin Schroeder.
% \subsubsection{Overload \cs{shipout}}
% Overloading is done at the beginning of the document just in case some other package messes with |\shipout|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Replace |\shipout| by own definition.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \let\o@shipout@TP=\shipout% Memorize previous definition.
  \let\shipout\shipout@TP%    Replace by own one.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Our own version of |\shipout| takes the offered box and passes it to another routine for further inspection.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \global\setbox\@cclv= %
%    \end{macrocode}
% If |\shipout| is called with an argument of the form |\box<n>|, then the box will have indeed been assigned to |\@cclv| at
% the time |\shipout@test@TP| is called. In this case, |\shipout@output@TP| is called immediately. If |\shipout| is called
% with an argument of the form |\vbox{...}|, then |\shipout@test@TP| is called at the beginning of the box definition,
% \textbf{before} the box is assigned (this is a feature of |\afterassignment|). In this case, the call of 
% |\shipout@output@TP| is moved \textbf{after} the box definition using |\afetrgroup|, so that |\@cclv| is correctly 
% defined at the time |\shipout@output@TP| is executed.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \ifvoid\@cclv\relax%               Is the box assigned yet?
    \aftergroup\shipout@output@TP%   No; defer execution of \shipout@output@TP.
    \shipout@output@TP%              Yes; execute \shipout@output@TP immediately.
%    \end{macrocode}
% The main part of our redefinition of |\shipout|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \shipout@hook@TP%          Here, our own stuff is executed, manipulating \@cclv.
  \o@shipout@TP\box\@cclv%   Execute original shipout routine.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{The kernel functions to be executed at \cs{shipout}}
% |\AtShipout{<code>}| will save |<code>| in a special place where it is executed at the time of the next |\shipout| (and 
% then deleted). Needless to say it should not produce any output. This is mainly for placing anchors in a controlled way
% even inside incremental builds. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
{\expandafter\gdef\expandafter\at@shipout@once@TP\expandafter{\at@shipout@once@TP#1}}% Add argument to container.
%    \end{macrocode}
% The container for |<code>| stored away by |\AtShipout|. This is placed on the page by the next |\shipout| and then deleted.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Save the original definition of |\hyper@@anchor|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The following makes sure that a hyper target |firstpage.<n>| is placed on the \textbf{first} subpage of every page. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
\@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}%                            Is hyperref loaded?
{% Yes. Prepare hook.
  \newcommand{\do@insert@firstanchor@TP}%               This is executed on the first subpage of every page.
  {\hypertarget{firstpage.\number\currentpagevalue}{}}% Create target.
{\newcommand{\do@insert@firstanchor@TP}{}}% No. Leave hook empty.
%    \end{macrocode}
% This is executed on every subpage which is \textbf{not} the first one.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% This is the hook itself which is executed on every page.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The hook executed at every call of |\shipout|. It executes the following tasks:
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item Filter out whatsits on duplicate pages.
% \item Put page background at the `lowest' layer.
% \item Put panels at the `second lowest' layer.
% \item Execute |\AtShipout| code and place hypertarget |firstpage.<n>|.
% \item Put |\box\@cclv| at `top' layer.
% \end{enumerate}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \filterpage@TP%                  Filter out whatsits on duplicate pages.
  \setbox\@cclv=%                  Create `real' page box (which is later shipped out).
    \raise\ht\@cclv\rlap%                         Place background box.
      \vtop to \TPpageheight
        \kern -1truein\relax
        \kern -\voffset\relax
        \moveleft 1truein\hbox{\kern-\hoffset\copy\bgndbox@TP}%
        \kern 1truein\relax
    \raise\ht\@cclv\rlap%                         Place `vertical' panels.
      \vtop to \TPpageheight
        \kern -1truein\relax
        \kern -\voffset\relax
        \moveleft 1truein\hb@xt@\TPpagewidth
        \kern 1truein\relax
    \raise\ht\@cclv\rlap%                         Place `horizontal' panels.
      \vtop to \TPpageheight
        \kern -1truein\relax
        \kern -\voffset\relax
        \moveleft 1truein\hbox{\kern-\hoffset\kern\toppanelshift\mk@toppanel@TP}%
        \moveleft 1truein\hbox{\kern-\hoffset\kern\bottompanelshift\mk@bottompanel@TP}%
        \kern 1truein\relax
      \let\hyper@@anchor\o@hyper@@anchor%       Reactivate hyper anchors.
      \insert@firstanchor@TP%                   Execute hook for creating target firstpage.<n>
      \ifshippingduplicate%                     Will further subpages follow?
        \global\let\insert@firstanchor@TP=\dont@insert@firstanchor@TP% Deactivate hook for next page.
        \global\let\insert@firstanchor@TP=\do@insert@firstanchor@TP%   Reactivate hook for next page.
      \at@shipout@once@TP%                      Execute code stored away by \AtShipout.
    \global\let\at@shipout@once@TP=\empty%      Clear \AtShipout container.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Implementation of `fixcolorstack' option}
% The problem is this: dvips (and some other tools) maintains a color stack when converting dvi to ps. Its function is
% to always be able to correctly switch back to the previously used color even if there is a page break (and according
% typesetting of headers etc) inbetween switching to another color and switching back. 
% This has many advantages (pdftex, for instance, which doesn't maintain a color stack, always has problems to restore
% the correct text color after a page break).
% In connection with TeXPower, however, this leads to problems. For controlling the color stack, push and pop commands
% are inserted into the dvi using specials. At typesetting time, these specials are stored in the vertical list. When
% page contents are copied, it might be that the copy contains an unequal number of push and pop commands, which will
% make dvips's color stack go out of sync.
% To remedy this, texpower maintains a `counter stack' which should contain all color stack commands issued on the
% current page. Whenever a copied page is shipped out, appropriate color stack correction commands are issued to balance
% the stack.
% As this is necessary only for drivers implementing a color stack, the option is disabled for some drivers.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\def\colorcorrections@TP{\relax}%          The `counter stack' of color correction codes, reset at every \shipout.

\AtBeginDocument%                          Make sure to catch color.sty even if it's loaded after texpower.
  \ifthenelse{\boolean{fixcolorstack@TP}}% Was the fixcolorstack option given?
    \@ifundefined{VTeXversion}%            Using vtex?
    {% No. Go on.
      \ifthenelse{\boolean{pdf}}%          Producing pdf with pdftex?
      {% Yes. Color stack fixing unnecessary.
        {pdftex doesn't need color stack correction.\MessageBreak Option fixcolorstack disabled.}%
      {% No. We need to add corrections for the color stack...
        \@ifpackageloaded{color}%          ... but only if color.sty is loaded at all.
          \expandafter\def\expandafter\shipout@hook@TP\expandafter% Extend \shipout hook ...
          {\shipout@hook@TP\clearcolorcorrections@TP}%              ... by a command to clear counter stack.
          \newcommand{\clearcolorcorrections@TP}%                          The counter stack is cleared...
          {%                                                               ... on all `final' shipouts.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Pray to god all drivers will support the following hacks...
% Save `original' definition of |\set@color|. Our redefinition of |\reset@color| needs to know which color is
% being reset, so we add this as an argument. As it would be inconvenient to add a lot of tokens with
% |\aftergroup|, we wrap everything in a control sequence.
%    \begin{macrocode}
            \set@color%                                                This is the `real' original definition.
            \expandafter\aftergroup\csname\current@color\endcsname%    Add definition of \current@color.

          \let\o@reset@color@TP=\reset@color%                          Save original definition of \reset@color.
%    \end{macrocode}
% We need one command to `just push' a color on the stack. Pushing is done by |\set@color| in a driver-specific
% way. But |\set@color| also creates an instance of |\reset@color| using |\aftergroup|. This instance is gobbled by
% this hack, hopefully leaving only the driver-specific code to push a color. Of course, this will break
% spectacularly if |\set@color| doesn't have the form |{<do something>\aftergroup\reset@color}|. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\reset@color| gets the color definition in the form of a control sequence (because of |\aftergroup|, see
% above). We have to `unwrap' it before pushing.
%    \begin{macrocode}
            \begingroup \escapechar\m@ne\xdef\@gtempa{\string#1}\endgroup% Get the coded tokens back (without \ ).
            \expandafter\pushcolor@TP\expandafter{\@gtempa}%               ... and execute push.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Our own definition of |\set@color| adds a |\reset@color| command for the color just set to |\colorcorrections@TP|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
            \o@set@color@TP%                                             `Original' definition of \set@color.
            \expandafter\@temptokena\expandafter{\colorcorrections@TP}%  Add \o@reset@color@TP command at the front
            \xdef\colorcorrections@TP{\noexpand\o@reset@color@TP\the\@temptokena}% ...  of \colorcorrections@TP.

          \def\reset@color#1%                                            \reset@color now receives the name of the color.
            \expandafter\addpushtoccor@TP\colorcorrections@TP\@nil{#1}%  Add a push command for this color to the front
                                                                      %  of \colorcorrections@TP.
            \o@reset@color@TP%                                           `Original' definition of \reset@color.

          \def\addpushtoccor@TP#1#2\@nil#3%      Add a push command for some color to the front of \colorcorrections@TP.
            \ifx\o@reset@color@TP#1%             For efficiency, a push immediately followed by a reset cancel out.
              \gdef\colorcorrections@TP{\pushcolorname@TP{#3}#1#2}% Otherwise, add the push to \colorcorrections@TP.
          }% matches \@ifpackageloaded{color}
        {}% No changes needed if color.sty is not loaded.
        }% matches second argument of \ifthenelse{\boolean{pdf}}
      }% matches \@ifundefined{VTeXversion}
    {% Yes. Color stack fixing unnecessary.
      {vtex doesn't need color stack correction.\MessageBreak Option fixcolorstack disabled.}%
    }% matches \ifthenelse{\boolean{fixcolorstack@TP}}
  }% matches \AtBeginDocument
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Kernel functions for overloading \cs{output}}
% This is the `inner kernel' which lies behind all dynamic effects.
% Some user level parameters.
% This flag can be evaluated at |\output| (resp. |\shipout|) time and tells whether the page being shipped out is a
% duplicate page.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The command used to shipout a duplicate page.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Some internal registers to store away things.
% Contents of the page so far. These have to be duplicated on every subpage.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Footnotes on the page being duplicated. These have to be duplicated also.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Original definition of output routine.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Save current page contents to a box.
% Which counters are to be restored to their original value after |\pause|?
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Save values of counters from |\cl@@ckptpause@TP| so that they can be restored with |\restorepausecounters@TP|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \def\@elt##1{\global\csname c@##1\endcsname\the\csname c@##1\endcsname}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% User-level command to add a counter name to |\cl@@ckptpause@TP|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Setting |\pausesafecounter| for common classes
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Making some commands stepwise-aware (if we are in display modus) so we avoid duplicates 
% when not using the old aggressive/robust filtering of whatsits.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    %%% \ifthenelse{\boolean{instepwise@TP}}%
    \ifthenelse{\boolean{instepwise@TP} \AND \NOT \boolean{oldfiltering@TP}}%
      {\ifthenelse{\NOT \boolean{instep@TP}}%
       {\ifthenelse{\boolean{active} \AND \boolean{firstactivation}}%
            {\@hyper@@anchor#1\relax#2\relax}{}}% End \ifthenelse{\boolean{active} ... 
      }% End \ifthenelse{\NOT \boolean{instep@TP}}
      {\@hyper@@anchor#1\relax#2\relax}% End \ifthenelse{\boolean{instepwise@TP}}
    \ifthenelse{\boolean{instepwise@TP} \AND \NOT \boolean{oldfiltering@TP}}%
      {\ifthenelse{\NOT \boolean{instep@TP}}%
       {\ifthenelse{\boolean{active} \AND \boolean{firstactivation}}%
            {\hyper@anchorstart@TP{#1}}{}}% End \ifthenelse{\boolean{active} ... 
      }% End \ifthenelse{\NOT \boolean{instep@TP}}
      {\hyper@anchorstart@TP{#1}}% End \ifthenelse{\boolean{instepwise@TP}}
  }{}}% End \AtBeginDocument{\@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}{
  % Changing \protected@write to avoid duplicates in aux-file
    \ifthenelse{\boolean{instepwise@TP} \AND \NOT \boolean{oldfiltering@TP}}%
      {\ifthenelse{\NOT \boolean{instep@TP}}%
       {\ifthenelse{\boolean{active} \AND \boolean{firstactivation}}%
            {\protected@write@TP{#1}{#2}{#3}}{}}% End \ifthenelse{\boolean{active} ... 
      }% End \ifthenelse{\NOT \boolean{instep@TP}}
      {\protected@write@TP{#1}{#2}{#3}}% End \ifthenelse{\boolean{instepwise@TP}}
}{}% End \ifthenelse{\boolean{display}}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Save the current page contents to the box |\mempageconts@TP| by overloading and triggering |\output|. Footnotes are also
% saved. The saved page contents are used by |\pause| and all |\stepwise| variants for making duplicates of page contents.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \par%                                                Always end current paragraph.
  \global\setbox\mempageconts@TP=\copy\voidb@x%        Initialise \mempageconts@TP (suggested by Ross Moore).
  \savepausecounters@TP%                               Save counters.
  \memoutput@TP=\output%                               Make backup copy of output routine.
  \output={\global\setbox\mempageconts@TP=\box\@cclv}% Copy current page contents.
  \eject%                                              Trigger now.
  \global\setbox\memfootins@TP=\copy\footins%          Save footnotes.
  \output=\memoutput@TP%                               Restore output routine.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Kernel functions for re-inserting page contents}
% Used by |\pause| and also by variants of |\stepwise|.
% Filter file and anchor whatsits out of a duplicate page. Called by |\shipout@hook@TP|. Does nothing by default.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Interpretation of |\filterpage@TP| for duplicate pages. Assigned by |\outputduplicate@TP|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    {\global\setbox\@cclv=\hbox{\leaders\copy\@cclv\hskip\wd\@cclv}}% Old aggressive/robust filtering
    {}% No filtering - handled by \insertfilterwhatsits@TP and stepwise aware commands.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Insert saved page contents for the first time.
%    \begin{macrocode}
{\unvcopy\mempageconts@TP}%             Just output the vbox's contents.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Execute color correction stack accumulated when the fixcolor option is given.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \colorcorrections@TP%               Execute color correction stack.
    \gdef\colorcorrections@TP{\relax}%  Re-initialize for next round.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Insert saved page contents for the second time (and all further times).
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \do@colorcorrections@TP%                         Execute color correction stack.
  \global\setbox\footins=\copy\memfootins@TP%      Restore footnotes.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Ship out a duplicated page.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \shippingduplicatetrue%                       This switch can be evaluated in panels or headers/footers.
  \global\let\filterpage@TP\filterwhatsits@TP%  Filter out file whatsits when shipping out.
  \global\let\o@hyper@@anchor@TP\hyper@@anchor% Save definition of hyperref command for hyper anchors.
  \global\let\hyper@@anchor\@gobble%            Disable hyper anchors on duplicate pages to avoid duplicate page anchors.
  \TPeject%                                     Shipout page.
  \global\let\hyper@@anchor\o@hyper@@anchor@TP% Restore definition of hyperref command for hyper anchors.
  \global\let\filterpage@TP\relax%              Disable whatsit filtering.
  \shippingduplicatefalse%                      Unset switch.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Implementation of \cs{pause}}
% |\pause| ends the current paragraph, ships out the current page, starts a new page and copies whatever was on the
% current page onto the new page, where typesetting is resumed. This will create the effect of a `pause' in the
% presentation, i.e. the presentation stops because the current page ends at the point where the |\pause| command occurred
% and is resumed at this point when the presenter switches to the next page.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\providecommand\pause% If pause.sty is loaded, the existing definition of \pause is not overwritten.
  \save@TP%                                         Save contents of the page...
  \insertfirstduplicate@TP%                         ... and insert again.
  \ifthenelse{\boolean{display}}%                   Are dynamic features enabled?
  {% Yes.
    \outputduplicate@TP%                            Output page.
    \restorepausecounters@TP%                       Restore counters (page number).
    \insertsecondduplicate@TP%                      Reinsert saved contents.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Implementing \cs{stepwise} and all functions surrounding it}
% General usage: |\stepwise{<contents>}|
% As of itself, |\stepwise| doesn't do very much. If |<contents>| contains one or more constructs of the form
% |\step{<stepcontents>}|, the following happens: 
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item The current paragraph is ended.
% \item The current contents of the page are saved (as with |\pause|).
% \item As many pages as there are |\step| commands in |<contents>| are produced.
%    Every page starts with what was on the current page when |\stepwise| started.
%    The first page also contains everything in |<contents>| which is not in |<stepcontents>| for any |\step| command. 
%    The second page additionally contains the |<stepcontents>| for the first |\step| command, and so on, until all
%    |<stepcontents>| are displayed. 
% \item When all |<stepcontents>| are displayed, |\stepwise| ends and typesetting is resumed (still on the current page). 
% \end{enumerate}
% This will create the effect that the |\step| commands are executed `step by step'.
% For a more detailed description of |\stepwise|, |\step| and their options, see below.
% Most of the registers, macros and environments defined in the following are part of the user interface, so no @s.
% \subsubsection{Command administration}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    {Command \string#1 can be used only inside \string\stepwise}
      Commands like \string\step, \string\switch, 
      \string\multistep\space or \string\overlays\MessageBreak
      can be used only inside the argument of a \string\stepwise\space variant.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Registers}
% The total number of |\step| commands occurring in |<contents>|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The number at which the counter step starts counting. Can be set in the optional argument of |\stepwise|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The number of the step currently being performed.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The number of the current |\step| command (only useful inside |<stepcontents>|).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The total number of |\step| commands which have been activated so far (this can differ from
% |\value{step}| if the order of |\step| commands is changed via the optional argument of |\step|).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Is this |\step| command currently active for the first time? (only useful inside |<stepcontents>|).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Is this |\step| command currently active? (only useful inside |<stepcontents>|).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Custom commands for displaying step contents}
% Some of them are selected by the switches |\boxedsteps| and |\nonboxedsteps|.
% Display |<stepcontents>| in a box.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \ifmmode                                           % We need to distinguish between math and text mode.
    \expandafter\mathpalette\expandafter\math@db@TP  % In math mode, the style has to be respected.
\newcommand{\text@db@TP}[1]{\mbox{#1}}            % In text mode, we just use an \mbox.
\newcommand{\math@db@TP}[2]{\mbox{$\m@th#1{#2}$}} % In math mode, the style (#1) is inserted by \mathpalette.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Display |<stepcontents>| `as is'.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection[Custom commands for `hiding' stepcontents ...]%
%      {Custom commands for `hiding' stepcontents at the time 
%       the corresponding \cs{step} is not active.}
% Hiding stuff is not as easy as it seems...
% Often, it is desirable that an appropriate amount of `space' is left where something is hidden, in case something
% visible follows or the hidden stuff is part of an alignment structure. Even if this is not the case, completely
% ignoring hidden text containing further |\step|'s can disturb the accounting of |\stepwise|, because |\step| numbers become
% unaligned.
% On the other hand, a lot of things which might be hidden (solitary |&|'s if the hidden text is part of an alignment
% structure, for instance) execute an implicit group closing and don't like it at all to be enclosed in boxes, for
% instance.
% Because of these conflicting constraints, several methods for hiding content are provided. It is up to the user to
% select the one most appropriate for each type of content, or to use the suggestions below as inspiration for own
% definitions. 
% Hide |<stepcontents>|, but display an appropriate amount of white space in the form of an appropriately dimensioned,
% empty box.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  {% a group makes redefinitions local
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\phantom| normally produces an |\hbox|. |\leavevmode| makes it behave like |\mbox|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Ignore |<stepcontents>| completely.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Sometimes, ignoring |<stepcontents>| completely can lead to confusion of |\stepwise|'s accounting when |<stepcontents>|
% contains further |\step| commands. |\hidesmartignore| produces no output, but executes |<stepcontents>| (in a box). Note
% that this will lead to errors if for instance |<stepcontents>| contains a tabular character |&| from an alignment
% structure. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The command |\hidetext| makes its argument `invisible', but without putting it into a box, thus preserving line
% breaks. 
% |\hidetext| needs the soul package to work. If it is not loaded, |\hidetext| is defined to be equal to |\hideboxed|.
% Because of restrictions implied by the soul package, |\hidetext| is quite picky about the `regularity' of its
% argument. That is, a lot of things will break when in the argument of |\hidetext|. See the documentation of the
% soul package for hints how to prevent this.
% To allow soul to be loaded after texpower, we use |\AtBeginDocument|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% To prevent \cs{phantom} from inserting an hbox into the vertical list.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Make current token `invisible'.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Output an `invisible' hyphen if needed.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Too old soul package - encourage people to update.
%    \begin{macrocode}
      {Package soul too old.\MessageBreak Command \string\hidetext\space disabled}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Using \cs{hidephantom} which is a sorry excuse for \cs{hidetext}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    {Package soul not loaded.\MessageBreak Command \string\hidetext\space disabled}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Helper command to switch to `dimmed' textcolor or mathcolor (if in math mode and colormath option is set).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Switch to mathcolor if in math mode, to textcolor otherwise.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  {\textcolor{\ifmmode mathcolor\else textcolor\fi}}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The command |\hidedimmed| doesn't really make its argument `invisible'. Instead, it dims all colors so the argument
% `fades' into the background.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Adding a group to make the color changes local.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Just in case we currently are in dimmed mode.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The command |\hidevanish| makes its argument `invisible' by switching to the background color. Of course, this only
% works if the background is uniformly colored. If we don't use colors, we just use \cs{hidephantom}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Displaying and hiding of step contents} 
% The displaying and hiding of |<stepcontents>| is controlled by the commands |\displaystepcontents| and
% |\hidestepcontents|. The following switches define these to be either the boxed or the `as is' versions defined above.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\boxedsteps}          % Use boxed versions.

\newcommand{\nonboxedsteps}       % Use nonboxed versions.
%    \end{macrocode}
% The default is to use the nonboxed versions. This can be changed in the optional argument of |\stepwise|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% There is another command named |\activatestep| which controls what happens when a |\step| command is activated for the
% first time. This is defined to do nothing by default.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The length |\highlightboxsep| gives the width of the frame around the box created by |\highlightboxed|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\highlightboxed{<text>}| puts |<text>| into an |\mbox| with coloured background if the colorhighlight option is set, and
% into an |\fbox| otherwise. As this is meant as an interpretation of |\activatestep|, it is made sure that the resulting
% box has the same dimensions as the argument (the outer frame may overlap surrounding text). 
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \ifmmode%                                           Check for math mode.
    \expandafter\mathpalette\expandafter\math@hb@TP%  Math mode version needs to respect current style.
    \expandafter\text@hb@TP%                          Text mode version.            
%    \end{macrocode}
% Math mode version of |\highlightboxed|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The text mode version of |\highlightboxed| does the `real' work.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\ifthenelse{\boolean{colorhighlight@TP}}%                  Color highlighting enabled?
{%  Yes; use a box with colored background.
    \makebox[\width-2\highlightboxsep]%                    Make the frame stick out at the sides.
      \setlength{\fboxsep}{\highlightboxsep}%              Set frame size.
      \raisebox{0pt}[\height-\fboxsep][\depth-\fboxsep]%   Make the frame stick out above and below.
      {\colorbox{highlightcolor}{#1}}%                     Make colored box containing <text>.
  }% matches \ifthenelse{\boolean{colorhighlight@TP}}
{%  No; use an \fbox.
    \makebox[\width-2\highlightboxsep-2\fboxrule]%         Make the frame stick out at the sides.
      \setlength{\fboxsep}{\highlightboxsep}%              Set frame size.
      \raisebox{0pt}[\height-\fboxsep-\fboxrule][\depth-\fboxsep-\fboxrule]% Make the frame stick out above and below.
      {\fbox{#1}}%%                                        Make an fbox containing <text>.
  }% matches second argument of \ifthenelse{\boolean{colorhighlight@TP}}
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\highlighttext| is the counterpart of |\highlightboxed| for arbitrary text. It puts its argument on a colored background
% without putting it into a box (i.e. line breaks and hyphenation still work) if the colorhighlight option is set, and
% underlines otherwise. As this is meant as an interpretation of |\activatestep|, it is made sure that the resulting text
% has the same dimensions as the argument (the outer frame may overlap surrounding text).
% |\highlighttext| needs the soul package to work. If it is not loaded, |\highlighttext| is defined to do nothing.
% Because of restrictions implied by the soul package, |\highlighttext| is quite picky about the `regularity' of its
% argument. That is, a lot of things will break when in the argument of |\highlighttext|. See the documentation of the
% soul package for hints how to prevent this.
% To allow soul to be loaded after texpower, we use |\AtBeginDocument|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \@ifpackageloaded{soul}%                      Can we use the soul package?
     \@ifpackagelater{soul}{2002/05/28}%         Correct version?
     {% Yes. Let's define the necessary macros.
       \ifthenelse{\boolean{colorhighlight@TP}}%         Color highlighting enabled?
       {%  Yes; use a colored background.
        %  This is implemented as an application of soul (modifying the code for underline). See the documentation of the
        %  soul package for details on soul.
         \newlength{\SOUL@boxheight@TP}%                 Height of colored patch.
         \newlength{\SOUL@boxtotalheight@TP}%            Total height of colored patch.
         \newlength{\SOUL@boxdepth@TP}%                  Depth of colored patch.
           \leavevmode%                                  To prevent \smash from inserting an hbox into the vertical list.
           \SOUL@ulsetup%                                Underline initialization.
             \setlength{\SOUL@boxdepth@TP}%                  \SOUL@uldepth is below the depth of any letter.
             \def\SOUL@uldepth{-\SOUL@boxheight@TP}%         For correctly positioning the rule.
             \setlength{\SOUL@boxheight@TP}{\heightof{/}+\highlightboxsep}%             Calculate `good' height.
             \setlength{\SOUL@boxtotalheight@TP}{\SOUL@boxdepth@TP+\SOUL@boxheight@TP}% Calculate total height.
             \def\SOUL@ulthickness{\SOUL@boxtotalheight@TP}% The thickness of the rule is the total height of the box.
             \smash%                                         Make the left border of the colored patch.
             \SOUL@ulpreamble%                               Underline preamble.
       }% matches \ifthenelse{\boolean{colorhighlight@TP}}%
     {% No. Underline.
         \SOUL@ulsetup%                        We modify SOUL's standard definition of underlining, making sure
         \def\SOUL@everysyllable%                 the result uses no more space than the non-underlined text.
       }% matches second argument of \ifthenelse{\boolean{colorhighlight@TP}}%
     {% No. Encourage people to update.
       {Package soul too old.\MessageBreak Command \string\highlighttext\space disabled}%
   }% matches \@ifpackageloaded{soul}
   {% No. In this case, there is no useful definition for \highlighttext.
     {Package soul not loaded.\MessageBreak Command \string\highlighttext\space disabled}%
     }% matches second argument of \@ifpackageloaded{soul}
   }% matches \AtBeginDocument% 
%    \end{macrocode}
% The command |\highlightenhanced| enhances all colors so the argument `stands out'.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\ifthenelse{\boolean{TPcolor}}% Can we use colors at all?
{% Yes.
  \newcommand{\highlightenhanced}[1]%             Make argument appear in `enhanced' colors.
    {% A group makes the color changes local.
      \ifthenelse{\boolean{instepwise@TP}}{\usecolorset{stwcolors}}{}% Just in case we currently are in enhanced mode...
      \enhancecolors%          Enhance colors.
      \commitcolor@TP{#1}%     Switch on enhanced color.
{\let\highlightenhanced=\displayidentical}% No. Disable this command.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Implementation of \cs{step}, \cs{switch} and relatives}
% |\step| takes two optional arguments for influencing the mode of activation, like this:
% |\step[<activatefirst>][<whenactive>]{<stepcontents>}|
% Both |<activatefirst>| and |<whenactive>| should be conditions in the syntax of the |\ifthenelse| command.
% |<activatefirst>| checks whether this |\step| is to be activated for the first time. The default value is
% |\value{step}=\value{stepcommand}|. By using |\value{step}=<n>|, this |\step| can be forced to appear as the n'th one.  
% |<whenactive>| checks whether this |\step| is to be considered active at all. The default behaviour is to check whether
% this |\step| has been activated before (this is saved internally for every step).  
% Both optional arguments allow two syntctical forms: 
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item enclosed in square brackets |[...]| like explained above.
% \item enclosed in braces |(...)|. 
% In this case, |<activatefirst>| and |<whenactive>| are not treated as conditions in the sense
% of |\ifthenelse|, but as conditionals like those used internally by \LaTeX. That means, |<activatefirst>| (when enclosed
% in braces) can contain arbitrary \TeX code which then takes two arguments and expands to one of them, depending on
% whether the condition is fulfilled or not fulfilled. For instance, |\step[<activatefirst>]{<stepcontents>}| could be
% replaced by |\step(\ifthenelse{<activatefirst>}){<stepcontents>}|. 
% \end{enumerate}
% Internally, the default for the treatment of |<whenactive>| is |(\if@first@TP@true)|, where |\if@first@TP@true| is an
% internal condition checking whether this |\step| has been activated before.  
% If you wish to give the second optional argument but not the first, just write |\step[][<whenactive>]...|
% There are the following variants of |\step|. In all cases, the treatment of optional arguments for controlling
% activation are the same as for |\step|: 
% |\bstep[<activatefirst>][<whenactive>]{<stepcontents>}|    Like |\step|, but is always boxed.
% |\switch[<activatefirst>][<whenactive>]{<from>}{<to>}|     Instead of hiding and displaying |<stepcontents>|, switch from
%                                                          |<from>| to |<to>|.
% |\vstep[<activatefirst>][<whenactive>]|                    Doesn't take an argument, but switches to `invisible' color.
% |\dstep[<activatefirst>][<whenactive>]|                    Doesn't take an argument, but switches to dimmed colors.
% |\steponce[<activatefirst>]{<stepcontents>}|               Like |\step|, but goes inactive again in the subsequent step.
% The following variants act like their counterparts, but appear at the same time as the previous |\step| (or variant).
% |\restep[<activatefirst>][<whenactive>]{<stepcontents>}|
% |\rebstep[<activatefirst>][<whenactive>]{<stepcontents>}|
% |\reswitch[<activatefirst>][<whenactive>]{<from>}{<to>}|
% |\revstep[<activatefirst>][<whenactive>]|
% |\redstep[<activatefirst>][<whenactive>]|
% Optional argument handling.
% |\pickup@s@optargs@TP| reads the optional arguments of |\step| (or |\switch|, or relatives) and then calls |\@do@s@TP|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \@ifnextchar[%]            Check for first optional argument in [...] syntax.
    \@ifnextchar(%)          Check for first optional argument in (...) syntax.
    {\f@brackstep@TP[]}%     No optional argument given; call with empty argument in [...] syntax (default).

\def\f@brackstep@TP[#1]%     First optional argument was given in [...] syntax.
  \ifx\tmp@TP\empty%         Optional argument empty?
    \def\f@step@TPcheck{\ifthenelse{\value{step}=\value{stepcommand}}}% Yes; use default.
    \def\f@step@TPcheck{\ifthenelse{#1}}% No; condition is defined via \ifthenelse.
  \f@step@TP%                Go on and check for second optional argument.

\def\f@parenstep@TP(#1)%     First optional argument was given in (...) syntax.
  \def\f@step@TPcheck{#1}%   Save condition (given as argument).
  \f@step@TP%                Go on and check for second optional argument.

\newcommand{\f@step@TP}%     Pick up the second optional argument.
  \@ifnextchar[%]            Check for second optional argument in [...] syntax.                       
    \@ifnextchar(%)          Check for second optional argument in (...) syntax.                 
    {\s@parenstep@TP(\if@first@TP@true)}% No second optional argument given;
    }%                                    call with \if@first@TP@true in (...) syntax (default).

\def\s@brackstep@TP[#1]%     Second optional argument was given in [...] syntax.
  \def\s@step@TPcheck{\ifthenelse{#1}}% Condition is defined via \ifthenelse.
  \@do@s@TP%                Go on. 

\def\s@parenstep@TP(#1)%     Second optional argument was given in (...) syntax.
  \def\s@step@TPcheck{#1}%   Save condition (given as argument).
  \@do@s@TP%                Go on.
%    \end{macrocode}
% The following are needed to switch between the `switch behaviour' and the `step behaviour' of |\@@switch@TP|, which
% implements the functionality of both |\switch| and |\step|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\deactivate@inner@TP}% \switch behaviour.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Both |\inner@display@TP| and |\inner@hide@TP| just expand to their argument.
%    \begin{macrocode}

\newcommand{\activate@inner@TP}% \step behaviour.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Use the user interface macros |\displaystepcontents| and |\hidestepcontents|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Implementation of |\step|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\proper@step@TP| is the `real' implementation of |\step|. Most of the time, |\step| is defined to execute
% |\proper@step@TP|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\@step@TP| implements the functionality of |\step| by calling |\@@switch@TP|, which points to |\@switch@TP| most 
% of the time.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Inside, |\@step@TP| executes |\@@switch@TP|, which is the implementation of the |\switch| command (see below).
% Implementation of |\switch|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\switch| works exactly like |\step|, but it takes \textbf{two} mandatory arguments and selects the first 
% if `not active', the second if `active'.
% |\proper@switch@TP| is the `real' implementation of |\switch|. Most of the time, |\switch| is defined to execute
% |\proper@switch@TP|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\if@first@TP@true| checks whether the |\switch| command number |\value{stepcommand}| has already been activated in this
% |\stepwise| session and selects one of its arguments accordingly. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \expandafter                   % \first@TP@<n> is set to \@undefined if \switch command number <n> has not yet been
  \ifx\csname first@TP@\the\c@stepcommand\endcsname\empty%                            activated and \empty otherwise.
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\switch| shouldn't change the status quo in AMSLaTeX's measuring pass in typesetting aligned formulae. To guarantee
% this, we check whether AMSLaTeX is measuring with AMSLaTeX's |\ifmeasuring@|. When AMSLaTeX is not loaded, we provide
% this check ourselves. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\@switch@TP| implements the functionality of |\switch|. Most of the time, |\@@switch@TP| (which is called after checking 
% for optional arguments) is defined to execute |\@switch@TP|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \global\advance\c@stepcommand by 1\relax% This execution of \switch is counted.
  \setboolean{instep@TP}{true}%             Set indicator.
  % If the verbose option is set, type out some accounting information which can be used for debugging. 
    {Step: \the\c@step, Stepcommand: \the\c@stepcommand,\MessageBreak Stepsperformed: \the\c@stepsperformed}%
  \f@step@TPcheck% Is this step to be activated? \f@step@TPcheck is defined by the first optional argument of \switch.
  {% Yes.
    \if@first@TP@true{}% For non-unique conditions given as optional argument or when \reswitch is used, it might happen
    {%       that \first@TP@\value{stepcommand} is already set. In this case, don't advance the counter stepsperformed.
      \ifmeasuring@\else% Do nothing in AMSLaTeX's measuring pass for aligned equations.
        \global\expandafter\let\csname first@TP@\the\c@stepcommand\endcsname=\empty% Set \first@TP@\value{stepcommand}
      \global\advance\c@stepsperformed by 1\relax% Advance the counter for `real' first activations.
    \setboolean{firstactivation}{true}% This switch can be tested in <stepcontents>, but also in <whenactive>.
  {% No.
    \setboolean{firstactivation}{false}% This switch can be tested in <stepcontents>, but also in <whenactive>.
    }% End of \f@step@TPcheck
  \let\o@afterstep@TP=\afterstep% We need to save the current definition of \afterstep.
  \s@step@TPcheck% Is this step active? \s@step@TPcheck is defined by the second optional argument of \switch.
  {% Yes.
    \setboolean{active}{true}%               Make this fact known to the user.
    {\inner@display@TP{\activatestep{#2}}}%  `First' display of <stepcontents>.
    {\inner@display@TP{#2}}%                 Display <stepcontents>.
  {% No.
    \setboolean{active}{false}%              Make this fact known to the user.
    \let\afterstep=\@gobble%                 Don't execute \afterstep here.
    {\inner@hide@TP{\activatestep{#1}}}%     Hide <stepcontents>, but with `first activation'.
    {\inner@hide@TP{#1}}%                    Hide <stepcontents>.
    }% End of \s@step@TPcheck
  \let\afterstep=\o@afterstep@TP%            Restore the definition of \afterstep.
  \setboolean{instep@TP}{false}%             Set indicator.
  }% End of the definition of \@switch@TP.
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\restep| is identical with |\step|, but is displayed at the same time as the previous |\step|.
%    \begin{macrocode}

  \global\advance\c@stepcommand by -1% This is done by simply counting \value{stepcommand} backwards.
  \proper@step@TP%                     Go on with \step.
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\reswitch| is identical with |\switch|, but is displayed at the same time as the previous |\switch|.
%    \begin{macrocode}

  \global\advance\c@stepcommand by -1% This is done by simply counting \value{stepcommand} backwards.
  \proper@switch@TP%                     Go on with \switch.
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\bstep| is a variant of |\step| which is always boxed.
%    \begin{macrocode}

%    \end{macrocode}
% |\@bstep@TP| implements the functionality of |\bstep| by calling |\boxedsteps| and |\@step@TP|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\rebstep| is identical with |\bstep|, but is displayed at the same time as the previous |\bstep|.
%    \begin{macrocode}

  \global\advance\c@stepcommand by -1% This is done by simply counting \value{stepcommand} backwards.
  \proper@bstep@TP%                     Go on with \bstep.
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\dstep| is a variant of |\step| which takes \textbf{no} argument, but switches colors to `dimmed'.
% Helper command to switch to `dimmed' textcolor or mathcolor (if in math mode and colormath option is set).
%    \begin{macrocode}
\ifthenelse{\boolean{colormath@TP}}% Should we color math?
{% Yes.
  {\color{\ifmmode mathcolor\else textcolor\fi}}% Switch to mathcolor if in math mode, to textcolor otherwise.
{% No.
  \newcommand{\commitcolors@TP}{\color{textcolor}}% Switch to textcolor.



\ifthenelse{\boolean{TPcolor}}% Can we use colors at all?
{% Yes.
{\newcommand{\@dstep@TP}{\@@switch@TP{}{}}}% No. Disable this command.
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\redstep| is identical with |\dstep|, but is displayed at the same time as the previous |\dstep|.
%    \begin{macrocode}

  \global\advance\c@stepcommand by -1% This is done by simply counting \value{stepcommand} backwards.
  \proper@dstep@TP%                     Go on with \dstep.
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\vstep| is a variant of |\step| which takes \textbf{no} argument, but switches all colors to |\vanishcolor|.
%    \begin{macrocode}


\ifthenelse{\boolean{TPcolor}}% Can we use colors at all?
{% Yes.
{\newcommand{\@vstep@TP}{\@@switch@TP{}{}}}% No. Disable this command.
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\revstep| is identical with |\vstep|, but is displayed at the same time as the previous |\vstep|.
%    \begin{macrocode}

  \global\advance\c@stepcommand by -1% This is done by simply counting \value{stepcommand} backwards.
  \proper@vstep@TP%                     Go on with \vstep.
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\steponce[<activatefirst>]{<stepcontents>}| is a variant of |\step| which is active only at the time of activation and
% goes inactive again in the subsequent step.
%    \begin{macrocode}

{\@ifnextchar[{\brack@steponce@TP}{\@steponce@TP}}% Optional argument in square brackets?

  \@ifnextchar(%%          Optional argument in parentheses?
  {\brack@steponce@TP[]}%  [] is the default if no optional argument is given.

  \def\optarg@so@TP{[#1]}% Store optional argument for later re-insertion.
  \@@steponce@TP%          Proceed.

%    \end{macrocode}
% Main body of |\steponce|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\multistep*[<activatefirst>]{<n>}{<stepcontents>}| is a shorthand macro for executing several steps successively. In
% fact, it would better be called |\multiswitch|, because its functionality is based on |\switch|, it only acts like a
% (simplified) |\step| command which is executed `several times'.
% |\multistep[<activatefirst>]{<n>}{<stepcontents>}| expands to a sequence of |<n>| commands of the form
%      |\switch[<activatefirst>][\boolean{firstactivation}]{}{<stepcontents>}|
% with the effect that |<stepcontents>| is executed |<n>| times at different iterations of |\stepwise|. Note that
% |[<activatefirst>]| can also have the form |(<activatefirst>)|, as usual for |\switch|.
% Because of the second optional argument |[\boolean{firstactivation}]|, only one instance of |<stepcontents>| is displayed
% at a time.
% Inside |<stepcontents>|, a counter substep can be evaluated which tells the number of the current instance.
% In the starred form, the optional argument |[\boolean{firstactivation}]| is left out for the very last instance, so the
% last instance of |<stepcontents>| stays visible.
% New counter for the number of the current substep.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% User interface for |\multistep|.
%    \begin{macrocode}

  \let\ns@ms@TP=\normalstep@ms@TP% Placeholder for `every step but the last one'.
  \let\nshook@ms@TP=\relax%        These hooks are used by \movie.
  \@ifstar%                        Starred version?
    \let\ls@ms@TP=\laststep@ms@TP% Last step acts differently.
    \multistep@TP%                 Collect optional argument and proceed.
    \let\ls@ms@TP=\normalstep@ms@TP% Last step acts like all other steps.
    \multistep@TP%                   Collect optional argument and proceed.

\newcommand{\multistep@TP}% Collect optional argument.
{\@ifnextchar[{\brack@multistep@TP}{\@multistep@TP}}% Optional argument in square brackets?

  \@ifnextchar(%%          Optional argument in parentheses?
  {\brack@multistep@TP[]}% [] is the default if no optional argument is given.

  \def\optarg@ms@TP{[#1]}% Store optional argument for later re-insertion.
  \@@multistep@TP%         Proceed.


%    \end{macrocode}
% Execute one step.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \expandafter\switch\optarg@ms@TP%  Re-insert optional argument.
  [\boolean{firstactivation}]{}{#1}% `normal' steps appear only once.

{\expandafter\switch\optarg@ms@TP{}{#1}}% In the starred version, the last step doesn't disappear.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Main body of |\multistep|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \setcounter{substep}{0}%       Initialize substep counter.
  \whiledo{\value{substep}<#1}%  Iterate <n> times.
    \ifthenelse{\value{substep}=#1}% Last step?
    {\ls@ms@TP{\lshook@ms@TP#2}}%    Execute single step (together with \movie hooks).
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\movie*[<activatefirst>]{<n>}{<dur>}[<stop>]{<stepcontents>}| works like |\multistep|, but between |\steps|, pages are
% advanced automatically every |<dur>| seconds.
% The additional optional argument |<stop>| gives the code (default: |\stopAdvancing|) which stops the animation. 
% User interface for |\movie|.
%    \begin{macrocode}

  \let\ns@ms@TP=\normalstep@ms@TP% Placeholder for `every step but the last one'.
  \def\nshook@ms@TP{\afterstep{\pageDuration{\dur@ms@TP}}}% Page duration to be used between steps.
  \def\lshook@ms@TP{\afterstep{\end@ms@TP}}%                Page duration setting after last step.
  \@ifstar%                        Starred version?
    \let\ls@ms@TP=\laststep@ms@TP% Last step acts differently.
    \movie@TP%                     Collect optional argument and proceed.
    \let\ls@ms@TP=\normalstep@ms@TP% Last step acts like all other steps.
    \movie@TP%                       Collect optional argument and proceed.

\newcommand{\movie@TP}% Collect optional argument.
{\@ifnextchar[{\brack@movie@TP}{\@movie@TP}}%        Optional argument in square brackets?

{\@ifnextchar({\paren@movie@TP}{\brack@movie@TP[]}}% Optional argument in parentheses?

\def\brack@movie@TP[#1]{\def\optarg@ms@TP{[#1]}\@@movie@TP}% Store optional argument and proceed.

\newcommand{\@@movie@TP}[2]% Collect <n> and <dur> arguments.

\newcommand{\@@@movie@TP}[1][\stopAdvancing]% Collect second optional argument and call body of \multistep.
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\overlays[<activatefirst>]{<n>}{<stepcontents>}| is another shorthand macro for executing several steps
% successively. In contrast to |\multistep|, it doesn't print things \textbf{after} each other, but \textbf{over} 
% each other. Obviously, there is no need for a starred version.
% |\overlays[<activatefirst>]{<n>}{<stepcontents>}| expands to a sequence of |<n>| commands of the form
%      |\switch[<activatefirst>]{}{\rlap{<stepcontents>}}|
% with the effect that |<stepcontents>| is executed |<n>| times at different iterations of |\stepwise|, and all results are
% overlaid over each other. Note that |[<activatefirst>]| can also have the form |(<activatefirst>)|, as usual for |\switch|.
% Inside |<stepcontents>|, a counter substep can be evaluated which tells the number of the current instance.
% User interface for |\overlays|.
%    \begin{macrocode}

{\@ifnextchar[{\brack@overlays@TP}{\@overlays@TP}}% Optional argument in square brackets?

  \@ifnextchar(%%          Optional argument in parentheses?
  {\brack@overlays@TP[]}%  [] is the default if no optional argument is given.

  \def\optarg@ov@TP{[#1]}% Store optional argument for later re-insertion.
  \@@overlays@TP%          Proceed.

%    \end{macrocode}
% Main body of |\overlays|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \setcounter{substep}{1}%       Initialize substep counter.
  \leavevmode%                   Make sure that \rlap doesn't insert anything in the vertical list.
  \whiledo{\value{substep}<#1}%  Iterate <n-1> times (since we start at 1).
  \expandafter\switch\optarg@ov@TP{}{\mbox{#2}}% Always using \mbox for last overlay.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Implementation of \cs{stepwise}}
% Every variant of |\stepwise| takes an optional argument, like this
% |\stepwise[<settings>]{<contents>}|
% |<settings>| will be placed right before the internal loop which produces the sequence of pages.  It can contain
% settings of parameters which modify the behaviour of |\stepwise| or |\step|. |<settings>| is placed inside a group so all
% changes are local to this call of |\stepwise|. 
% Usually, the first page of a sequence produced contains only material which is not part of any |<stepcontents>|. The
% first |<stepcontents>| are displayed on the second page of the sequence. 
% For special effects, it might be desirable to have the first |<stepcontents>| active even on the first page of the
% sequence. 
% All variants of |\stepwise| have a starred version (e.\,g.\ |\stepwise*|) which does exactly that.
% When |\stepwise| is executed, for every page of the sequence generated, |<contents>| is wrapped in the environment
% stepcapsule (but not grouped by default). This is empty by default for minimum intrusion. Redefine stepcapsule in the
% optional argument of |\stepwise| to change this (as is done for instance by |\liststepwise|).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Because |\step| commands usually occur deep in some nested structure, it is difficult to set local parameters (like page
% transitions) only for certain steps (local settings executed in |<stepcontents>| would be undone by closing groups).
% |\afterstep{<setting>}| has the effect that |<setting>| will be performed \textbf{after} the current execution of 
% |<contents>|, right before the page break for this page of the sequence generated.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \gdef\@afterstep@TP{#1}% The argument is simply stored in \@afterstep@TP, which is executed in \stepwise.
%    \end{macrocode}
% One new counter for saving the value of firststep.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\stepwise| user interface.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \global\c@o@fs@TP=\c@firststep\relax%     Save the default value of counter firststep.
  \@ifstar%                                 Using the starred version?
  {% Yes.
    \c@firststep=1\relax%                   Start with counter step at number 1.
    \@stepwise@TP%                          Collect optional argument and proceed.
  {% No.
    \@stepwise@TP%                          Use the default.
    }% End of \@ifstar.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Sometimes, it might happen that vertical spacing is different on every page of a sequence generated by |\stepwise|,
% making lines `wobble'.  
% There are two custom versions |\liststepwise|, |\parstepwise| of |\stepwise| which produce better vertical spacing by
% putting an invisible rule before |<contents>|. This will almost certainly lead to `consistent' spacing which might
% nevertheless be different from the spacing if |\liststepwise| wasn't present.
% |\liststepwise{<contents>}| works exactly like |\stepwise|, but |<contents>| is delimited by a rule of height zero. Use for
% list environments and aligned equations. 
% |\parstepwise{<contents>}| works like |\liststepwise|, but |\boxedsteps| is turned on by default. Use for texts where 
% steps are to be filled into blank spaces. 
% Command to activate special stepcapsule for |\liststepwise|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \renewenvironment{stepcapsule}%                    stepcapsule is to put an invisible rule on the vertical list.
  {\vspace*{\parskip}\hrule \@height\z@\relax}{}

\let\par@stepcapsule=\list@stepcapsule%              Identical for \parstepwise.
%    \end{macrocode}
% User interface for |\liststepwise|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \@ifstar%                           Starred version? 
  {\def\star@TP{*}\@liststepwise@TP}% Save star in \star@TP, collect optional argument and proceed.
  {\def\star@TP{}\@liststepwise@TP}%  Collect optional argument and proceed (non-starred version).

\newcommand{\@liststepwise@TP}[1][]%  Collect optional argument.
  \expandafter\stepwise\star@TP%                             Re-insert the star (if given).
    \list@stepcapsule%                                       Activate special stepcapsule.
    #1%                                                      Insert optional argument of \liststepwise.
%    \end{macrocode}
% User interface for |\parstepwise|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \@ifstar%                           Starred version? 
  {\def\star@TP{*}\@parstepwise@TP}%  Save star in \star@TP, collect optional argument and proceed.
  {\def\star@TP{}\@parstepwise@TP}%   Collect optional argument and proceed (non-starred version).

\newcommand{\@parstepwise@TP}[1][]%  Collect optional argument.
  \expandafter\stepwise\star@TP%     Re-insert the star (if given).
    \boxedsteps%                     Activate \boxedsteps.
    \par@stepcapsule%                Activate special stepcapsule.
    #1%                              Insert optional argument of \parstepwise.
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\count@em@TP| is used by |\stepwise| as a redefinition of |\@@switch@TP| for counting |\step| commands.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \global\advance\c@stepcommand by 1\relax% We simply advance the number of \step commands...
  #2%                                     ... and execute the second argument (to find nested uses of \step).
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\savecounters@TP| saves the values of all counters that have ever been defined by |\newcounter| in the macro
% |\restorecounters@TP|, which can be used later to restore the saved values. The code is snarfed from amsmath.sty.
% During execution of |\stepwise|, this is used to restore the values of all counters between steps so that things counted
% in the argument of |\stepwise| (like equation numbers) do not `run wild'.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \def\@elt##1{\global\csname c@##1\endcsname\the\csname c@##1\endcsname}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\saveTPcounters@TP| saves the values of all `stepwise-specific' counters in the macro |\restoreTPcounters@TP|.
% This is used to `counteract' |\restorecounters@TP|, leaving the values of `stepwise-specific' counters intact.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \def\@elt##1{\global\csname c@##1\endcsname\the\csname c@##1\endcsname}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% This list gives the names of all `stepwise-specific' counters.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\releasecounter{<name>}| inserts |<name>| into the list |\cl@@ckpt@TP|. This way, the counter |<name>| is not restored
% between steps.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\disable@counting@TP| is executed when counting |\step| commands. Everything the execution of which would be harmful
% during counting, or which needs much computing resources, can be disabled here.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The boolean |instepwise@TP| indicates whether the execution of |\stepwise| is currently going on.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The boolean |instep@TP| indicates whether we are inside a |\step| command.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% |\@stepwise@TP| implements the functionality of |\stepwise|. It is called by |\stepwise| after checking for the star.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \save@TP%                               Save the current contents of the page.
  \savecounters@TP%                       Save the values of all counters.
  \dumpcolorset{stwcolors}%               Make a copy of all color definitions.
  \begingroup%                            A group makes redefinitions local.
    \setboolean{instepwise@TP}{true}%     Set indicatior.
    \let\step\proper@step@TP%             By default, \step executes \proper@step@TP.
    \let\switch\proper@switch@TP%         By default, \switch executes \proper@switch@TP.
%    \end{macrocode}
% One big problem with math is that |\mathchoice| typesets its argument four times. If |\step| commands are inside the
% argument of |\mathchoice|, counters (which are advanced globally by |\step|) go astray. So far, I don't know any
% remedy for this apart from (locally) hacking |\mathchoice|. I know this is a very fragile and non-recommended
% method, but it works for the examples and will hopefully do until someone helps me find a better solution. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \let\orig@mathchoice@TP=\mathchoice%  Save the current definition of \mathchoice...
    \def\mathchoice##1##2##3##4%          ... and redefine.
      \orig@mathchoice@TP%                The original definition of \mathchoice is called...
      {##1}%                              ... with the first argument untouched and in all other arguments, \step ...
      {\let\step\restep\let\bstep\rebstep\let\dstep\redstep\let\vstep\revstep\let\switch\reswitch##2}% ... redefined ...
      {\let\step\restep\let\bstep\rebstep\let\dstep\redstep\let\vstep\revstep\let\switch\reswitch##3}% ... to execute ...
      {\let\step\restep\let\bstep\rebstep\let\dstep\redstep\let\vstep\revstep\let\switch\reswitch##4}% ... \restep.
    \c@stepcommand=0\relax%               Initialize the counter for \step commands.
    \let\@@switch@TP=\count@em@TP%        Next, we count the \step commands in <contents>...
    \setbox\tempbox@TP%                    ... by putting <contents> into a \vbox (which is then discarded). 
      \hfuzz\maxdimen\hbadness\@M\relax%  No bogus `overfull \hbox' warnings.
      \disable@counting@TP#2%             Inside the \vbox, some commands are redefined for safety and efficiency.
    \c@totalsteps=\c@stepcommand%         Now, we know the total number of \step commands.
    % Next, we have to reset \first@TP@<n> for <n>=0...\value{totalsteps}.
      \advance\c@step by 1\relax
      \expandafter\let\csname first@TP@\the\c@step\endcsname=\@undefined% \first@TP@<n>=\@undefined means step <n>
                                                                        % hasn't yet been activated.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Next, the optional argument of |\stepwise| is executed. At this point, |\value{totalsteps}| already has its final
% value and |\value{step}| has not yet been set to |\value{firststep}|, so both totalsteps and firststep can
% meaningfully be modified in |<settings>|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \c@step=\c@firststep%                   Set the counter for the current step to its starting value...
    \c@stepsperformed=0\relax%              ... and also the counter for the \step commands which are already activated.
    \let\@@switch@TP=\@switch@TP%           \step will now act normally.
    \ifthenelse{\boolean{verbose@TP}}%      Some accounting info (if verbose option is set).
    {\PackageInfo{texpower}{Total number of step commands: \the\c@totalsteps}}
    \ifthenelse{\boolean{display}}%         Are dynamic features enabled?
    {}% Yes.
    {%  No. Do only one loop.
      \c@stepsperformed=\c@totalsteps%      Set everything up for the last loop.
      \c@step=0\relax%                      Set \first@TP@<n> for <n>=0...\value{totalsteps}.
        \advance\c@step by 1\relax
        \expandafter\let\csname first@TP@\the\c@step\endcsname=\@empty% \first@TP@<n>=\@empty means step <n>
                                                                      % has already been activated.
      \advance\c@step by 1\relax%           This way, the last step won't think it's `first activated'.
    \let\insertdup@TP=\insertfirstduplicate@TP% Setup command to restore page contents for the first time.
    \loop%                                  This is the central loop.
      \c@stepcommand=0\relax%               Initialize the counter for the current \step command.
      \saveTPcounters@TP%                   Save the `stepwise-specific' counters.
      \restorecounters@TP%                  Restore the `original' values of all counters...
      \restoreTPcounters@TP%                ... and the current values of the `stepwise-specific' counters.
      \let\@afterstep@TP=\relax%            Reset the container for \afterstep.
      \insertdup@TP%                        Insert saved page contents.
      \begin{stepcapsule}%                  This is usually empty, but may start a minipage (or whatever).
        \usecolorset{stwcolors}%            Restore colors to state at the beginning of \stepwise.
        #2%                                 Execute <contents>
      \@afterstep@TP%                       Whatever has been saved with \afterstep is now executed.
     \ifnum\c@stepsperformed<\c@totalsteps% Doing one more round?
      \outputduplicate@TP%                  Shipout this page and round we go again.
      \let\insertdup@TP=\insertsecondduplicate@TP% Setup command to restore page contents for subsequent times.
      \advance\c@step by 1\relax%           Round we go again
  \global\c@firststep=\c@o@fs@TP\relax%     Restore default value of counter firststep.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Implementation of the fragilesteps environment}
% Defining fragilesteps - an environment for fragile/verbatim stuff.
% The code is contributed by Till Tantau, the author of the excellent
% presentation class beamer.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Internals used in the fragilesteps environment.
%    \begin{macrocode}

  \@whilenum\count@<255 \do{%
    \advance\count@ by 1%
  \@makeother\^^L% and whatever other special cases
  \endlinechar`\^^M \catcode`\^^M=12 \texpower@processframefirstline}



%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Input system-specific settings}
% If file exists.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \Finale