% ProgressBar
% kindly supported by mrunix-forum: http://www.mrunix.de/
%% progressbar.sty
%% Copyright 2010-2013 Marcel Jira
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Marcel Jira.
% This work consists of the files progressbar.sty and progressbar.tex.
\ProvidesPackage{progressbar}[2014/05/04 v1.0b~4: progressbar]%
% Define lengths for later use
% This length will be used for the realisation of the progressbars
% And the ticks
% All user-variables
% Keys corresponding to the user-variables
% KeyVal-Options
% Define default-Keyval-Options for this package
	\expandafter\edef\csname progressbar@value\the\value{progressbar@counter}\endcsname{\progressbar@value}%
	\expandafter\DeclareStringOption\expandafter[\csname progressbar@value\the\value{progressbar@counter}\endcsname]{\progressbar@key}%
% Change Keyval family and prefix
% Define Keyval-Options that are used in the macro
\newcommand{\setBarHeightCenter}{\setlength{\BarHeightCenter}{\BarHeight - \BarBorderWidth}}%
\newcommand{\setBarWidthCenter}{\setlength{\BarWidthCenter}{\BarWidth - \BarBorderWidth}}%
	\setlength{\BarHeight}{\heightof{I} * \real{\progressbarlocal@heightr}}%
% Macor to change Options
% The actual realisation of the progressbar
	% Get the global keys in the local keys
		\@expandtwoargs\kvsetkeys{progressbarlocal}{\progressbar@key=\csname progressbar@\progressbar@key\endcsname}%
	% Now get the optional user input keys
	% Make a correct roundndess, if roundnessr was defined
		\setlength{\BarRoundedCorners}{\BarHeightCenter * \real{\progressbarlocal@roundnessr}}%
	% BarSubDivision
	\setlength{\BarSubDivisionsWidthANU}{\BarWidthCenter / \progressbarlocal@subdivisions}%
	\setlength{\BarSubDivisionsWidthBNU}{\BarSubDivisionsWidthANU * 2}%
	\setlength{\BarSubDivisionsWidthCNU}{\BarWidthCenter - \BarSubDivisionsWidthANU}%
	% The filled part of the bar is calculated and set
	\setlength{\BarPartWidth}{\BarWidthCenter * \real{#2}}%
	% Now let's draw a bar ;)
		\coordinate (Begin) at (0,0);%
		\coordinate (End) at (\BarWidthCenter,\BarHeightCenter);%
		\coordinate (Part) at (\BarPartWidth,\BarHeightCenter);%
		% Rounded Corners
		\draw[rounded corners=\BarRoundedCorners,line width=\BarBorderWidth,color=\progressbarlocal@linecolor] (Begin) rectangle (End);%
		\clip[rounded corners=\BarRoundedCorners] (Begin) rectangle (End);%
		% Fill the bar
		\fill[fill=\progressbarlocal@emptycolor] (Begin) rectangle (End);%
		% the full part
		\fill[fill=\progressbarlocal@filledcolor] (Begin) rectangle (Part);%
		% Ticks
		\foreach \x in {\strip@pt\BarSubDivisionsWidthANU,\strip@pt\BarSubDivisionsWidthBNU,...,\strip@pt\BarSubDivisionsWidthCNU}%
		\draw[draw=\progressbarlocal@tickscolor,line width=\progressbarlocal@tickswidth] (\x pt,0) -- (\x pt,\BarHeightCenter*\progressbarlocal@ticksheight);%
		% Rounded Corners again
		\draw[rounded corners=\BarRoundedCorners,line width=\BarBorderWidth,color=\progressbarlocal@linecolor] (Begin) rectangle (End);%