         [2006/01/17 v1.03 NCC-LaTeX default settings (NCC)]
% \changes{v1.01}{2006/01/05}{This version is uploaded to CTAN}
% \changes{v1.02}{2006/01/06}{Remove \SetTOCStyle and \ChapterPrefixStyle}
% \changes{v1.03}{2006/01/17}{addtopackage -> afterpackage}
% The package specifies default settings to be applied to some packages
% from ncctools collection when they will be loaded. All this technique
% is based on the `afterpackage' package from ncctools.
% Declare the equation counter to be dynamic and specify the default
% count style depending on class in use.
% The default style of table headers is \scriptsize
% Change defaults for the nccsect package
% Specify section, toc, and caption syffices and default section style.
  \SectionTagSuffix{.\hskip .6em}
  \CaptionTagSuffix{.\hskip .6em \@plus .2em \@minus .1em}
  \NumberlineSuffix{.\hskip .6em}{.\hskip .4em}
% \openrightorany clears page or double page depending on openright
% mode selected.
      \if@openright \if@twoside
        \begingroup\let\leftmark\relax \cleardoublepage\endgroup
% The following hooks are specified in books and reports only. 
% Redefine the start-part and start-chapter hooks:
% Specify the appearance of part and chapter prefices
    \def\NCC@thetocpart{\partname\ \thepart}
    \ChapterPrefixStyle{}% no prefix by default
% Provide \frontmatter, \mainmatter, and \backmatter commands
      \newif\if@mainmatter \@mainmattertrue
      \openrightorany \@mainmatterfalse
% Specify default styles for theorems
  \AfterTheoremHeaderSkip{\hskip .7em \@plus .2em \@minus .1em}
% Patch to the russian style of babel
  \ifx\cyrillicencoding\undefined \else
% Add a small kern to German left double quote shorthand
    \declare@shorthand{russian}{"`}{\glqq\nobreak\hskip.0166667em }
% Remove last Babel's ``improvements'' to \flqq and \frqq commands.
% The result of these improvements is that russian corner quotes
% are taken from another font encoding than T2 and look very bad.
% Redefine the numero sign to work in any encoding