% Filename: Lambda.sty
% Author: Alan Jeffrey
% Last modified: 12 Feb 1990
% Modified 24 July 2003 by Robin Fairbairns, to change file name and
%                       licence requirements, at Alan Jeffrey's request
% This package is (c) 1990 Alan Jeffrey.
% Version 1.0a
% Use and distribution are subject to the LaTeX Project Public
% License (lppl), version 1.2 (or any later version, at your
% convenience).
% A copy of the latest version of lppl may be found at
% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% See the Gnu manifesto for details on why software ought to be free.
% Tugboat are given permission to publish any or all of this.
% This package provides a pile of lambda-calculus and list-handling
% macros of an incredibly obtuse nature.  Read lazylist.tex to find
% out what they all do and how they do it.  This \TeX\ code was
% formally verified.
% Alan Jeffrey, 25 Jan 1990.


   {\errmessage{Abandon verification all 
                ye who enter here}}







\def\Lessthan#1#2{\TeXif{\ifnum#1<#2 }}











\def\Commaize#1#2{, #1#2}

