Version number v0.3 Summary description robust control symbols and active characters not skipping spaces Announcement text \MakeNotSkipping non-typesetting behavior fixed ________________________________________________________________________ Version number v0.21a Summary description make commands not skipping spaces, discussion No Announcement text documentation includes more about amsmath, mathtools, texhax, TeXbook Date/Time of submission 2011-06-15 19:54:52 UTC Submitted to host ________________________________________________________________________ Version number v0.21 Summary description make commands not skipping spaces, cf. amsmath/mathtools Announcement text After hints on texhax by Heiko Oberdiek and on LATEX-L by Bruno Le Floch (May 11) and Frank Mittelbach (May 15; that I now finally read, 2011-06-02), \IfNextToken and \IfStarNextToken of v0.21 essentially (not exactly) are \new@ifnextchar and \@ifstar, resp., from amsmath; main own features (i) control of where to employ them, (ii) use outside math, indeed rather thinking of humanities. Documentation now mentions amsmath and mathtools. ________________________________________________________________________ Date/Time of submission 2011-05-31 18:40:43 UTC Version number v0.2 Summary description make commands not skipping spaces Announcement text v0.2 provides \MakeNotSkipping<target>{<on-space>} modifying a given document-level command <target>, based on \IfNextSpace{<if>}{<else>}, actually addressing what the abstract of ifnextok.pdf has promised so far (including active double quote); maybe rather showing problems than being practically useful (as opposed to package options useful for end-users) ________________________________________________________________________ Date/Time of submission 2011-05-27 18:31:24 UTC Version number v0.11 Location on CTAN /macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok Summary description replacing \@ifnextchar so `\\ [' prints `[' in new line etc. License type lppl Announcement text option `stdbreaks' replaces `all'; reworked documentation should be more helpful for end-users (\usepackage[stdbreaks]{ifnextok} for `\\ [') ________________________________________________________________________ Date/Time of submission 2011-05-23 12:39:33 UTC Version number v0.1 Summary description replacing \@ifnextchar so `\\ [' prints `[' in new line etc. Announcement text `ifnextok' deals with the behavior of LaTeX's internal `\@ifnextchar' to skip blank spaces. This sometimes has surprising or for some users really unwanted effects, especially with brackets following `\\' where the user does not intend to specify an optional argument, rather wants that brackets are printed. The package offers commands and options for modifying this behavior, maybe limited to certain parts of the document source.