%  This is file `floatflt.ins', the installation file for the 
%  `floatflt' package. Last revised 2008/03/17.  
%  Copyright (c) 1994-1998 by Mats Dahlgren <matsd@sssk.se>, 
%  http://www.homenet.se/matsd/ .  All rights reserved.
%  You may use the `floatflt' package freely, but at your own
%  risk.  The authors of floatflt.dtx and floatflt.ins (the
%  complete `floatflt' package distribution) can not be held
%  responsible for any consequence of your using any of these
%  files, or files created from these, including hardware,
%  software, and data damage.  You may not make any changes to
%  the files floatflt.dtx or floatflt.ins.  You are allowed to make 
%  changes to the `\documentclass' and/or `\usepackage' commands 
%  of the file `floatexm.tex'.  You may incorporate
%  the code from these files in other files under different
%  names, provided the original authors are given full credit for
%  their work and that you yourself take the complaints from the
%  user(s) of your file(s).  You may freely distribute the
%  files floatflt.dtx and floatflt.ins, provided that you
%  always distribute `floatflt.dtx' and `floatflt.ins' together
%  at the same time. 
\input docstrip.tex


Copyright (c) 1994-1998 by Mats Dahlgren <matsd@sssk.se>.  
All rights reserved.  See the file `floatflt.ins' for information
on how you may (re-)distribute the `floatflt' package files.
You are not allowed to make any changes to this file without
explicit permission from the author.  



\Msg{ }
\Msg{  To finish the installation you have to move the file}
\Msg{  `floatflt.sty' into a directory searched by TeX.}
\Msg{ }
\Msg{  To type-set the documentation, run the file `floatflt.dtx'}
\Msg{  twice through LaTeX.  The original `floatfig' documentation}
\Msg{  can be type-set by running the file `floatfge.tex' through }
\Msg{  LaTeX.  To get an example file, run the file `floatexm.tex'}
\Msg{  through LaTeX.}
\Msg{ }
%%  end of file   floatflt.ins  