% \iffalse meta-comment
% Copyright 2017-2024 by Tibor Tomacs
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Tibor Tomacs.
% \fi
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%<package>\ProvidesPackage{fgruler}[2024/04/11 v1.6 Package for drawing rulers on the foreground or in the text]
\AddToHook{begindocument/before}[doc/hyperref]{\hypersetup{pdfstartview=FitH,allcolors=black}}% see in doc.sty and hypdoc.sty




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% \GetFileInfo{fgruler.sty}
% \title{The \texorpdfstring{{\bfseries\sffamily fgruler} package\\{\large v1.6 (2024/04/11)}}{fgruler package}}
% \author{\texorpdfstring{Tibor T\'{o}m\'{a}cs\\{\normalsize\href{mailto:tomacs.tibor@gmail.com}{\texttt{tomacs.tibor@gmail.com}}}}{Tibor T\'{o}m\'{a}cs}}
% \date{}
% \maketitle
% \fgruler*[color=red!80!black]{upperleft}
% \noindent{\rulerparams{}{\scriptsize\sffamily\color{teal}}{blue}{}{}\ruler{taperight}{\textwidth}}
% \section{Introduction}
% The |fgruler| package draws horizontal and vertical rulers on the foreground of every (or the current) page at absolute position.
% In this way, you can check the page layout dimensions.
% You can also draw various rulers in the text.
% \medskip\noindent
% The |fgruler| package requires the services of the following packages: |kvoptions|, |etoolbox|, |xcolor|, |graphicx|, |eso-pic|.
% \section{Loading package}
% Load the package with
% \begin{flushleft}
% \commandinline|\usepackage[!<package options>!]{fgruler}|
% \end{flushleft}
% or
% \begin{flushleft}
% \commandinline|\usepackage{fgruler}|\\
% \commandinline|\setfgruler{!<package options>!}|
% \end{flushleft}
% The |\setfgruler| command is usable in the document body, too.
% \section{Package options}\label{sec:options}
% By default, the |fgruler| package draws a square ruler on the foreground of every page. 
% The following package options set the parameters of these rulers.
% \begin{description}
% \item\commandinline|unit=!<unit>!|\\
% Ruler unit. Possible \commandinline|!<unit>!| values:
% \begin{description}
% \item\commandinline|cm| Metric ruler (centimeter). Default value.
% \item\commandinline|in| English ruler (inch).
% \end{description}
% \item\commandinline|type=!<type name>!|\\
% It determines the origin, directions, and lengths of the ruler. Possible \commandinline|!<type name>!| values:
% \begin{description}
% \item\commandinline|upperleft| Default value. Square ruler (origin: upper left corner of the paper; directions: down and right; lengths: paper sizes). See Example \ref{example:upperleft}.
% \item\commandinline|upperright| Square ruler (origin: upper right corner of the paper; directions: down and left; lengths: paper sizes). See Example \ref{example:upperright}.
% \item\commandinline|lowerleft| Square ruler (origin: lower left corner of the paper; directions: up and right; lengths: paper sizes). See Example \ref{example:lowerleft}.
% \item\commandinline|lowerright| Square ruler (origin: lower right corner of the paper; directions: up and left; lengths: paper sizes). See Example \ref{example:lowerright}.
% \item\commandinline|upperleftT| Square ruler (origin: upper left corner of the text area; directions: down and right; lengths: text area sizes). See Example \ref{example:upperleftT}.
% \item\commandinline|upperrightT| Square ruler (origin: upper right corner of the text area; directions: down and left; lengths: text area sizes). See Example \ref{example:upperrightT}.
% \item\commandinline|lowerleftT| Square ruler (origin: lower left corner of the text area; directions: up and right; lengths: text area sizes). See Example \ref{example:lowerleftT}.
% \item\commandinline|lowerrightT| Square ruler (origin: lower right corner of the text area; directions: up and left; lengths: text area sizes). See Example \ref{example:lowerrightT}.
% \item\commandinline|alledges| There are rulers on all edges of the paper. 
% Top ruler origin: upper left corner of the paper (direction: right). 
% Bottom ruler origin: lower left corner of the paper (direction: right). 
% Left ruler origin: upper left corner of the paper (direction: down). 
% Right ruler origin: upper right corner of the paper (direction: down). Lengths: paper sizes. See Example \ref{example:alledges}.
% \item\commandinline|alledges*| It is similar to |alledges| option, but bottom ruler origin is lower right corner of the paper (direction: left), 
% and left ruler origin is lower left corner of the paper (direction: up). 
% See Example \ref{example:alledges*}.
% \item\commandinline|alledgesT| It is similar to |alledges| option, but on the edges of the text area. See Example \ref{example:alledgesT}.
% \item\commandinline|alledgesT*| It is similar to |alledges*| option, but on the edges of the text area. See Example \ref{example:alledgesT*}.
% \item\commandinline|user| Each \commandinline|!<unit>!|--\commandinline|!<type name>!| pair activates an \commandinline|\fgrulertype{!<unit>!}{!<type name>!}| command.
% So the expansion of \commandinline|\fgrulertype{!<unit>!}{user}| determines the effect of this option.
% It will be \commandinline|!<code>!| after using the \commandinline|\fgrulerdefuser{!<code>!}| command, 
% where in the \commandinline|!<code>!| you have to referrence the unit as \commandinline|\fgrulerunit|.
% For example, after\\ |\fgrulerdefuser{\fgrulertype{\fgrulerunit}{alledges}}|\\ the |type=user| option will be equivalent to the |type=alledges|.
% See also Examples \ref{example:user-first}--\ref{example:user-last}.
% \item\commandinline|none| No ruler drawn.
% \end{description}
% \item\commandinline|type={!<type name list>!}|\\
% The \commandinline|!<type name list>!| is a list of valid type names separated by commas. 
% These types will be combined.
% For example |type={alledges,alledgesT}|.
% See the result in Example \ref{example:combining}.
% \item\commandinline|hshift=!<length>!|\\
% Horizontal shift of the ruler, if the \commandinline|!<type name>!| is |upperleft|, |lowerleft|, |upperright|, or |lowerright|.
% The shift direction is right, if the \commandinline|!<type name>!| is |upperleft| or |lowerleft|.
% The shift direction is left, if the \commandinline|!<type name>!| is |upperright| or |lowerright|.
% Default: |hshift=0cm|.
% See Examples \ref{example:shift-first}--\ref{example:shift-last}.
% \item\commandinline|vshift=!<length>!|\\
% Vertical shift of the ruler, if the \commandinline|!<type name>!| is |upperleft|, |lowerleft|, |upperright|, or |lowerright|.
% The shift direction is down, if the \commandinline|!<type name>!| is |upperleft| or |upperright|.
% The shift direction is up, if the \commandinline|!<type name>!| is |lowerleft| or |lowerright|.
% Default: |vshift=0cm|.
% See Examples \ref{example:shift-first}--\ref{example:shift-last}.
% \item\commandinline|color=!<color name>!|\\
% Ruler color (see |xcolor| package). Default: |color=black|. 
% See Example \ref{example:showframe-color}.
% \item\commandinline|numsep=!<length>!|\\
% Separation between number and ruler. Default: |numsep=3pt|.
% \item\commandinline|markthick=!<length>!|\\
% Mark thickness. Default: |markthick=0.4pt|.
% \item\commandinline|marklength=!<length>!|\\
% Mark length at integer units (see the red marks):
% {\fgrulernoborderline\fgrulercaptioncm{}\fgrulerthickcm{}{}{1pt}\fgrulercolorcm{}{}{red}\ruler{rightup}{3cm}}
% Default: |marklength=2mm|. See the length of the other marks in Section \ref{sec:additional}.
% \item\commandinline|numfont=!<font type>!|\\
% Number font type. Default: |numfont=\scriptsize\sffamily|. You can use this option only in |\setfgruler| and |\fgruler*| (see Section \ref{sec:currentpage}) commands.
% \item\commandinline|showframe| or \commandinline|showframe=true|\\
% It draws visible frames for the text and margin area, and lines for the head and foot.
% Their color and thickness are determined by the |color| and the |markthick| options.
% See Example \ref{example:showframe-color}.
% \item\commandinline|showframe=false|\\
% It deactivates the |showframe| option.
% \item\commandinline|nonefgrulers|\\
% It kills all of the rulers on the foreground, including also those, which are generated by |\fgruler| or |\fgruler*| (see Section \ref{sec:currentpage}).
% But the rulers, which were drawn by |\ruler| and |\squareruler| (see Section \ref{sec:intext}), do not disappear.
% Furthermore it deactivates the |showframe| option, too.
% In this case the |fgruler| package does not load the |eso-pic| package.
% This option works only in preamble.
% It is recommended to use in two cases:
% \begin{itemize}
% \item To draw rulers only in text, there is no need for the checking function.
% \item To halt the checking function temporarily.
% \end{itemize}
% The |type=none| is not identical with |nonefgrulers| option. The differences:
% \begin{itemize}
% \item |type=none| does not kill the |\fgruler| and |\fgruler*| commands and the |showframe| option.
% \item |type=none| is alterable in any point of the document.
% \item The |fgruler| package loads the |eso-pic| package, if you use the |type=none| option without |nonefgrulers|.
% \end{itemize}
% \end{description}
% \section{Drawing rulers on the foreground of the current page}\label{sec:currentpage}
% \begin{description}
% \item\commandinline|\fgruler[!<unit!>]{!<type name>!}{!<hshift>!}{!<vshift>!}|\\
% It draws a square ruler on the foreground of that page, where this command is expanded.
% You can use more |\fgruler| commands in the same page.
% The package options (see Section \ref{sec:options}) also work on this command, except for |type|, |hshift|, and |vshift|.
% This command is effectless, if you use the |nonefgrulers| package option in the preamble.
% \begin{description}
% \item\commandinline|!<unit!>| options: 
% \commandinline|cm|, \commandinline|in| (see Section \ref{sec:options}).
% Its default value is the same as the value specified by the |unit=|\commandinline|!<unit!>| package option.
% \item\commandinline|!<type name!>| parameters:
% \commandinline|upperleft|, \commandinline|upperright|, \commandinline|lowerleft|, \commandinline|lowerright| (see Section \ref{sec:options}).
% \item\commandinline|!<hshift>!|
% Horizontal shift.
% The shift direction is right, if the \commandinline|!<type name>!| is |upperleft| or |lowerleft|, otherwise left.
% \item\commandinline|!<vshift>!|
% Vertical shift.
% The shift direction is down, if the \commandinline|!<type name>!| is |upperleft| or |upperright|, otherwise up.
% \end{description}
% Example: |\fgruler[in]{upperright}{1in}{2.5in}|
% \end{description}
% \begin{description}
% \item\commandinline|\fgruler*[!<package options!>]{!<type name>!}|\\
% It draws a ruler on the foreground of that page, where this command is expanded.
% You can use more |\fgruler*| commands in the same page.
% The package options (see Section \ref{sec:options}) also work on this command, except for |type|.
% This command is effectless, if you use the |nonefgrulers| package option in the preamble.
% \begin{description}
% \item\commandinline|!<package options!>|
% All options from Section \ref{sec:options}, except for |type|, |showframe|, and |nonefgrulers|.
% \item\commandinline|!<type name!>| 
% All possible values of the |type| option from Section \ref{sec:options}, except for the |none| value.
% \end{description}
% Example: |\fgruler*[color=red,type=in]{alledges}|
% Note that the following two commands are equivalent:\\
% |\fgruler*[unit=in,hshift=1in,vshift=2.5in]{upperright}|\\
% |\fgruler[in]{upperright}{1in}{2.5in}|
% \end{description}
% \section{Drawing rulers in the text}\label{sec:intext}
% \begin{description}
% \item\commandinline|\ruler[!<unit!>]{!<type name>!}{!<length>!}|\\
% It draws a horizontal or a vertical ruler.
% The bottom of the ruler is aligned to the baseline of the surrounding text.
% The package options (see Section \ref{sec:options}) do not work on this command.
% \begin{description}
% \item\commandinline|!<unit!>| options:\\
% \commandinline|cm| Metric ruler (centimeter). Default option.\\
% \commandinline|in| English ruler (inch).
% \item\commandinline|!<type name!>| parameters:\\
% \commandinline|downright | Direction: down. The numbers are on the right side.\\
% \commandinline|downleft  | Direction: down. The numbers are on the left side.\\
% \commandinline|upright   | Direction: up. The numbers are on the right side.\\
% \commandinline|upleft    | Direction: up. The numbers are on the left side.\\
% \commandinline|rightdown | Direction: right. The numbers are on the down side.\\
% \commandinline|rightup   | Direction: right. The numbers are on the up side.\\
% \commandinline|leftdown  | Direction: left. The numbers are on the down side.\\
% \commandinline|leftup    | Direction: left. The numbers are on the up side.\\
% \commandinline|taperight | Tape measure (direction: right). See Example \ref{example:tape}.\\
% \commandinline|tapeleft  | Tape measure (direction: left). See Example \ref{example:tape}.
% \item\commandinline|!<length>!|
% Ruler length.
% \end{description}
% Example: |\ruler{rightdown}{5cm}| \ruler{rightdown}{5cm}
% \item\commandinline|\ruler*[!<unit!>]{!<type name>!}{!<length>!}|\\
% It works like |\ruler|, but the top of the ruler is aligned to the baseline of the surrounding text.
% Example:
% |\ruler*{taperight}{5cm}|
% \ruler*{taperight}{5cm}
% \item\commandinline|\squareruler[!<unit!>]{!<type name>!}{!<width>!}{!<height>!}|\\
% It draws a square ruler.
% The bottom of the square ruler is aligned to the baseline of the surrounding text.
% The package options (see Section \ref{sec:options}) do not work on this command.
% \begin{description}
% \item\commandinline|!<unit!>| options:\\
% \commandinline|cm| Metric ruler (centimeter). Default option.\\
% \commandinline|in| English ruler (inch).
% \item\commandinline|!<type name!>| parameters:\\
% \commandinline|upperleft | Directions: down and right.\\
% \commandinline|upperright| Directions: down and left.\\
% \commandinline|lowerleft | Directions: up and right.\\
% \commandinline|lowerright| Directions: up and left.
% \item\commandinline|!<width>!|
% Square ruler width.
% \item\commandinline|!<height>!|
% Square ruler height.
% \end{description}
% Example:
% |\squareruler{upperleft}{5cm}{1cm}|
% \squareruler{upperleft}{5cm}{1cm}
% \item\commandinline|\squareruler*[!<unit!>]{!<type name>!}{!<width>!}{!<height>!}|\\
% It works like |\squareruler|, but the top of the square ruler is aligned to the baseline of the surrounding text.
% Example:
% |\squareruler*{upperleft}{5cm}{1cm}|
% \squareruler*{upperleft}{5cm}{1cm}
% \item\commandinline|\rulerparams{!<markthick>!}{!<numfont>!}{!<color>!}{!<marklength>!}{!<numsep>!}|\\
% It sets the parameters of the rulers, which are drawn by |\ruler| or |\squareruler|. 
% If an argument is empty, then that parameter will not be changed.
% \begin{description}
% \item\commandinline|!<markthick>!| Mark thickness. Default: |0.4pt|
% \item\commandinline|!<numfont>!| Number font type. Default: |\scriptsize\sffamily|
% \item\commandinline|!<color>!| Ruler line color. Default: |black|
% \item\commandinline|!<marklength>!| Mark length at integer units. Default: |2mm|
% \item\commandinline|!<numsep>!| Separation between number and ruler. Default: |3pt|
% \end{description}
% For example, |\rulerparams{}{}{red}{}{}| changes the ruler color to red.
% \item\commandinline|\rulerparamsfromfg|\\
% It sets the ruler parameters from the current foreground ruler parameters.
% \item\commandinline|\rulernorotatenum|\\
% By default, the numbers of the vertical rulers (which were generated by |\ruler| or |\squareruler|) are rotated by 90$^\circ$.
% It kills this action.
% This command can only be expanded in the document body.
% Example: |{\rulernorotatenum\ruler{upright}{1cm}}| {\rulernorotatenum\ruler{upright}{1cm}}
% \item\commandinline|\rulerrotatenum|\\
% After |\rulernorotatenum|, it reactivates the number rotating.
% This command can only be expanded in the document body.
% \end{description}
% \section{Additional setting commands}\label{sec:additional}
% The following commands can work on all of the rulers, which are drawn by |fgruler| package.
% \begin{description}
% \item\commandinline|\fgrulerstartnum{!<num>!}|\\
% The \commandinline|!<num>!| is a nonnegative integer, which will be the starting number on the horizontal and vertical rulers.
% Default: |\fgrulerstartnum{0}|
% Example: |{\fgrulerstartnum{5}\squareruler{lowerleft}{3cm}{1cm}}| {\fgrulerstartnum{5}\squareruler{lowerleft}{3cm}{1cm}}
% \item\commandinline|\fgrulerstartnumh{!<num>!}|\\
% The \commandinline|!<num>!| is a nonnegative integer, which will be the starting number on the horizontal rulers.
% Default: |\fgrulerstartnumh{0}|
% Example: |{\fgrulerstartnumh{5}\squareruler{lowerleft}{3cm}{1cm}}| {\fgrulerstartnumh{5}\squareruler{lowerleft}{3cm}{1cm}}
% \item\commandinline|\fgrulerstartnumv{!<num>!}|\\
% The \commandinline|!<num>!| is a nonnegative integer, which will be the starting number on the vertical rulers.
% Default: |\fgrulerstartnumv{0}|
% Example: |{\fgrulerstartnumv{5}\squareruler{lowerleft}{3cm}{1cm}}| {\fgrulerstartnumv{5}\squareruler{lowerleft}{3cm}{1cm}}
% \item\commandinline|\fgrulernoborderline|\\
% By default, there is a borderline on one side of the ruler.
% It disappears by this command.
% Example: |{\fgrulernoborderline\ruler{rightup}{3cm}}| {\fgrulernoborderline\ruler{rightup}{3cm}}
% \item\commandinline|\fgrulerborderline|\\
% After |\fgrulernoborderline|, it reactivates the previous default effect.
% \item\commandinline|\fgrulercaptioncm{!<caption>!}|\\
% Unit caption in metric ruler.
% Default: |\fgrulercaptioncm{cm}|
% Example: |{\fgrulercaptioncm{}\ruler{rightup}{3cm}}| {\fgrulercaptioncm{}\ruler{rightup}{3cm}}
% \item\commandinline|\fgrulercaptionin{!<caption>!}|\\
% Unit caption in English ruler.
% Default: |\fgrulercaptionin{inch}|
% \item\commandinline|\fgrulerdefnum{!<definition>!}|\\
% The ruler numbers are determined by the \commandinline|fgrulernum| counter.
% Its current value is printed by the \commandinline|\thefgrulernum|.
% Its default definition is |\def\thefgrulernum{\arabic{fgrulernum}}|, which is equivalent to |\fgrulerdefnum{\arabic{fgrulernum}}|.
% Example: |{\fgrulerdefnum{}\fgrulercaptioncm{}\ruler{rightdown}{2cm}}| {\fgrulerdefnum{}\fgrulercaptioncm{}\ruler{rightdown}{2cm}}
% \item\commandinline|\fgrulerratiocm{!<ratio1>!}{!<ratio2>!}|\\
% Mark length ratios in metric rulers.
% If an argument is empty, then that parameter will not be changed.
% \begin{description}
% \item\commandinline|!<ratio1>!|
% Mark length ratio at $k/10$\,cm, where $k$ is positive integer and not divisible by 5.\\
% {\fgrulerthickcm{1pt}{}{}\fgrulercolorcm{red}{}{}\ruler{rightup}{3cm}}\\
% For example, if this ratio is 0.5 and the mark length at integer unit is 2\,mm, then this mark length will be $0.5\cdot 2\,\mathrm{mm}=1\,\mathrm{mm}$.
% \item\commandinline|!<ratio2>!|
% Mark length ratio at $k/2$\,cm, where $k$ is positive odd integer.\\
% {\fgrulerthickcm{}{1pt}{}\fgrulercolorcm{}{red}{}\ruler{rightup}{3cm}}
% \end{description}
% Default: |\fgrulerratiocm{0.5}{0.75}|
% \item\commandinline|\fgrulerratioin{!<ratio1>!}{!<ratio2>!}{!<ratio3>!}{!<ratio4>!}|\\
% Mark length ratios in English rulers.
% If an argument is empty, then that parameter will not be changed.
% \begin{description}
% \item\commandinline|!<ratio1>!|
% Mark length ratio at $k/16$\,inch, where $k$ is positive odd integer.\\
% {\fgrulerthickin{1pt}{}{}{}{}\fgrulercolorin{red}{}{}{}{}\ruler[in]{rightup}{2in}}
% \item\commandinline|!<ratio2>!|
% Mark length ratio at $k/8$\,inch, where $k$ is positive odd integer.\\
% {\fgrulerthickin{}{1pt}{}{}{}\fgrulercolorin{}{red}{}{}{}\ruler[in]{rightup}{2in}}
% \item\commandinline|!<ratio3>!|
% Mark length ratio at $k/4$\,inch, where $k$ is positive odd integer.\\
% {\fgrulerthickin{}{}{1pt}{}{}\fgrulercolorin{}{}{red}{}{}\ruler[in]{rightup}{2in}}
% \item\commandinline|!<ratio4>!|
% Mark length ratio at $k/2$\,inch, where $k$ is positive odd integer.\\
% {\fgrulerthickin{}{}{}{1pt}{}\fgrulercolorin{}{}{}{red}{}\ruler[in]{rightup}{2in}}
% \end{description}
% Default: |\fgrulerratioin{0.25}{0.375}{0.625}{0.75}|
% \item\commandinline|\fgrulerthickcm{!<thick1>!}{!<thick2>!}{!<thick3>!}|\\
% Mark thicknesses in metric rulers.
% If an argument is empty, then that parameter will not be changed.
% \begin{description}
% \item\commandinline|!<thick1>!|
% Mark thickness at $k/10$\,cm, where $k$ is positive integer and not divisible by 5.
% \item\commandinline|!<thick2>!|
% Mark thickness at $k/2$\,cm, where $k$ is positive odd integer.
% \item\commandinline|!<thick3>!|
% Mark thickness at integer units.
% \end{description}
% The default values are given by \commandinline|!<markthick>!| of |\rulerparams|, respectively by |markthick| option.
% Example:\\
% |{\fgrulerthickcm{}{}{2pt}|\\
% |\rulerparams{}{}{}{5mm}{}|\\
% |\fgrulernoborderline|\\
% |\ruler{rightdown}{3cm}}|\\[2mm]
% {\fgrulerthickcm{}{}{2pt}
% \rulerparams{}{}{}{5mm}{}
% \fgrulernoborderline
% \ruler{rightdown}{3cm}}
% \item\commandinline|\fgrulerthickin{!<thick1>!}{!<thick2>!}{!<thick3>!}{!<thick4>!}{!<thick5>!}|\\
% Mark thicknesses in English rulers.
% If an argument is empty, then that parameter will not be changed.
% \begin{description}
% \item\commandinline|!<thick1>!|
% Mark thickness at $k/16$\,inch, where $k$ is positive odd integer.
% \item\commandinline|!<thick2>!|
% Mark thickness at $k/8$\,inch, where $k$ is positive odd integer.
% \item\commandinline|!<thick3>!|
% Mark thickness at $k/4$\,inch, where $k$ is positive odd integer.
% \item\commandinline|!<thick4>!|
% Mark thickness at $k/2$\,inch, where $k$ is positive odd integer.
% \item\commandinline|!<thick5>!|
% Mark thickness at integer units.
% \end{description}
% The default values are given by \commandinline|!<markthick>!| of |\rulerparams|, respectively by |markthick| option.
% Example:\\
% |{\fgrulerthickin{}{}{}{}{2pt}|\\
% |\rulerparams{}{}{}{5mm}{}|\\
% |\fgrulernoborderline|\\
% |\ruler[in]{rightdown}{3in}}|\\[2mm]
% {\fgrulerthickin{}{}{}{}{2pt}
% \rulerparams{}{}{}{5mm}{}
% \fgrulernoborderline
% \ruler[in]{rightdown}{3in}}
% \item\commandinline|\fgrulercolorcm{!<color1>!}{!<color2>!}{!<color3>!}|\\
% Mark colors in metric rulers.
% If an argument is empty, then that parameter will not be changed.
% \begin{description}
% \item\commandinline|!<color1>!|
% Mark color at $k/10$\,cm, where $k$ is positive integer and not divisible by 5.
% \item\commandinline|!<color2>!|
% Mark color at $k/2$\,cm, where $k$ is positive odd integer.
% \item\commandinline|!<color3>!|
% Mark color at integer units.
% \end{description}
% The default values are given by \commandinline|!<color>!| of |\rulerparams|, respectively by |color| option.
% Example:\\
% |{\fgrulercolorcm{green}{blue}{red}|\\
% |\rulerparams{1pt}{}{}{5mm}{}|\\
% |\fgrulernoborderline|\\
% |\ruler{rightdown}{3cm}}|\\[2mm]
% {\fgrulernoborderline
% \fgrulercolorcm{green}{blue}{red}
% \rulerparams{1pt}{}{}{5mm}{}
% \ruler{rightdown}{3cm}}
% \item\commandinline|\fgrulercolorin{!<color1>!}{!<color2>!}{!<color3>!}{!<color4>!}{!<color5>!}|\\
% Mark color in English rulers.
% If an argument is empty, then that parameter will not be changed.
% \begin{description}
% \item\commandinline|!<color1>!|
% Mark color at $k/16$\,inch, where $k$ is positive odd integer.
% \item\commandinline|!<color2>!|
% Mark color at $k/8$\,inch, where $k$ is positive odd integer.
% \item\commandinline|!<color3>!|
% Mark color at $k/4$\,inch, where $k$ is positive odd integer.
% \item\commandinline|!<color4>!|
% Mark color at $k/2$\,inch, where $k$ is positive odd integer.
% \item\commandinline|!<color5>!|
% Mark color at integer units.
% \end{description}
% The default values are given by \commandinline|!<color>!| of |\rulerparams|, respectively by |color| option.
% Example:\\
% |{\fgrulercolorin{yellow}{orange}{green}{blue}{red}|\\
% |\rulerparams{1pt}{}{}{5mm}{}|\\
% |\fgrulernoborderline|\\
% |\ruler[in]{rightdown}{3in}}|\\[2mm]
% {\fgrulernoborderline
% \fgrulercolorin{yellow}{orange}{green}{blue}{red}
% \rulerparams{1pt}{}{}{5mm}{}
% \ruler[in]{rightdown}{3in}}
% \item\commandinline|\fgrulerreset|\\
% It sets all options and parameters to default values.
% This command can only be expanded in the document body.
% \end{description}
% \medskip\noindent
% \colorbox{red!10}{\parbox{\dimexpr\textwidth-2\fboxsep\relax}{\textcolor{red}{\faWarning}
% \itshape All setting commands obey the normal scoping rules, i.e.~if you use them inside a group, then the changing of the parameters is not valid outside the group.}}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \section{Examples}
% \subsection{Deafult case}\label{example:upperleft}
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{The \texttt{showframe} and \texttt{color} options}\label{example:showframe-color}
% \setfgruler{color=red,showframe}
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[color=red,showframe]{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{The \texttt{type=upperright} option}\label{example:upperright}
% \setfgruler{type=upperright}
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[type=upperright]{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{The \texttt{type=lowerleft} option}\label{example:lowerleft}
% \setfgruler{type=lowerleft}
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[type=lowerleft]{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{The \texttt{type=lowerright} option}\label{example:lowerright}
% \setfgruler{type=lowerright}
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[type=lowerright]{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{Shift in default case}\label{example:shift-first}
% \setfgruler{hshift=1cm,vshift=2cm}
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[hshift=1cm,vshift=2cm]{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{Shift in case \texttt{type=upperright} option}
% \setfgruler{type=upperright,hshift=1cm,vshift=2cm}
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[type=upperright,hshift=1cm,vshift=2cm]{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{Shift in case \texttt{type=lowerleft} option}
% \setfgruler{type=lowerleft,hshift=1cm,vshift=2cm}
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[type=lowerleft,hshift=1cm,vshift=2cm]{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{Shift in case \texttt{type=lowerright} option}\label{example:shift-last}
% \setfgruler{type=lowerright,hshift=1cm,vshift=2cm}
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[type=lowerright,hshift=1cm,vshift=2cm]{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{The \texttt{type=alledges} option}\label{example:alledges}
% \setfgruler{type=alledges}
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[type=alledges]{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{The \texttt{type=alledges*} option}\label{example:alledges*}
% \setfgruler{type=alledges*}
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[type=alledges*]{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{The \texttt{type=upperleftT} option}\label{example:upperleftT}
% \setfgruler{type=upperleftT}
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[type=upperleftT]{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{The \texttt{type=upperrightT} option}\label{example:upperrightT}
% \setfgruler{type=upperrightT}
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[type=upperrightT]{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{The \texttt{type=lowerleftT} option}\label{example:lowerleftT}
% \setfgruler{type=lowerleftT}
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[type=lowerleftT]{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{The \texttt{type=lowerrightT} option}\label{example:lowerrightT}
% \setfgruler{type=lowerrightT}
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[type=lowerrightT]{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{The \texttt{type=alledgesT} option}\label{example:alledgesT}
% \setfgruler{type=alledgesT}
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[type=alledgesT]{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{The \texttt{type=alledgesT*} option}\label{example:alledgesT*}
% \setfgruler{type=alledgesT*}
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[type=alledgesT*]{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{Combining type names}\label{example:combining}
% \setfgruler{type={alledges,alledgesT}}
% \fgrulerdefusercm{\fgrulertype{cm}{alledges}\fgrulertype{cm}{alledgesT}}
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[type={alledges,alledgesT}]{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{Setting the \texttt{type=user} option}\label{example:user-first}
% In the next example the |type=user| option activates |type=upperright| or |type=upperleft|, depending on the page number is odd or even.
% \setfgruler{type=none}
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[type=user]{fgruler}
% \fgrulerdefuser{
%     \ifodd\value{page}\fgrulertype{\fgrulerunit}{upperright}
%         \else\fgrulertype{\fgrulerunit}{upperleft}\fi
% }
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{Setting the \texttt{type=user} option}
% In the next example the |type=user| option places a vertical ruler at the left border of the text area.
% \setfgruler{type=user}
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[type=user]{fgruler}
% \fgrulerdefuser{
%     \AtTextLowerLeft{% See eso-pic package!
%         \rulerparamsfromfg
%         \llap{\ruler[\fgrulerunit]{downleft}{\textheight}}
%     }
% }
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{Setting the \texttt{type=user} option}
% In the next example the |type=user| option places rulers at the right and bottom borders of the text area.
% \setfgruler{type=user}
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[type=user]{fgruler}
% \fgrulerdefuser{
%     \AtTextLowerLeft{% See eso-pic package!
%         \rulerparamsfromfg
%         \rulernorotatenum
%         \llap{\ruler[\fgrulerunit]{downleft}{\textheight}}%
%         \ruler*[\fgrulerunit]{rightdown}{\textwidth}
%     }
% }
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{Setting the \texttt{type=user} option}\label{example:user-last}
% In the next example the |type=user| option places rulers at the right and top borders of the text area.
% \setfgruler{type=user}
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[type=user]{fgruler}
% \fgrulerdefuser{
%     \AtTextUpperLeft{% See eso-pic package!
%         \rulerparamsfromfg
%         \ruler[\fgrulerunit]{rightup}{\textwidth}%
%         \rulernorotatenum
%         \csname fgrulercaption\fgrulerunit\endcsname{}%
%         \ruler*[\fgrulerunit]{downright}{\textheight}
%     }
% }
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{Rulers on the foreground of the current page and in the text}
% \setfgruler{color=blue}
% \fgruler{upperleft}{1cm}{1.5cm}\fgruler*[color=red,unit=in]{lowerrightT}
% \noindent
% text
% \rulerparams{}{\color{red}\tiny\ttfamily}{green}{}{}
% {\fgrulernoborderline\ruler{rightdown}{3cm}}
% text
% \ruler*{rightdown}{3cm}
% text
% \rotatebox[origin=tl]{30}{\ruler*{rightdown}{3cm}}
% \bigskip
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[color=blue]{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
%     \fgruler{upperleft}{1cm}{1.5cm}
%     \fgruler*[color=red,unit=in]{lowerrightT}
%     \noindent
%     text
%     \rulerparams{}{\color{red}\tiny\ttfamily}{green}{}{}
%     {\fgrulernoborderline\ruler{rightdown}{3cm}}
%     text
%     \ruler*{rightdown}{3cm}
%     text
%     \rotatebox[origin=tl]{30}{\ruler*{rightdown}{3cm}} 
%     % \rotatebox is defined in graphicx package
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{Ruler types in the text}
% \setfgruler{type=none}
% \noindent
% \rulerparams{}{}{red}{}{3pt}
% \ruler{rightdown}{3cm}
% \hfill
% \ruler{rightup}{3cm}
% \hfill
% \ruler{leftup}{3cm}
% \hfill
% \ruler{leftdown}{3cm}
% \bigskip\noindent
% \rulerparams{}{}{green}{}{}
% {\rulernorotatenum\ruler{upright}{3cm}}
% \hfill
% \ruler{downright}{3cm}
% \hfill
% \ruler{upleft}{3cm}
% \hfill
% \ruler{downleft}{3cm}
% \bigskip\noindent
% \rulerparams{}{}{blue!50!black}{}{}
% {\rulernorotatenum\fgrulercaptioncm{}\squareruler{upperleft}{2cm}{3cm}}
% \hfill
% \squareruler{lowerright}{2cm}{3cm}
% \hfill
% \squareruler{lowerleft}{2cm}{3cm}
% \hfill
% \squareruler{upperright}{2cm}{3cm}
% \hfill
% {\rulerparams{}{\footnotesize\bfseries\color{red}}{}{5mm}{}\squareruler[in]{lowerleft}{2in}{3cm}}
% \bigskip
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[a4paper,margin=25mm]{geometry}
% \usepackage[nonefgrulers]{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
%     \noindent
%     \rulerparams{}{}{red}{}{3pt}
%     \ruler{rightdown}{3cm}
%     \hfill
%     \ruler{rightup}{3cm}
%     \hfill
%     \ruler{leftup}{3cm}
%     \hfill
%     \ruler{leftdown}{3cm}
%     \bigskip\noindent
%     \rulerparams{}{}{green}{}{}
%     {\rulernorotatenum\ruler{upright}{3cm}}
%     \hfill
%     \ruler{downright}{3cm}
%     \hfill
%     \ruler{upleft}{3cm}
%     \hfill
%     \ruler{downleft}{3cm}
%     \bigskip\noindent
%     \rulerparams{}{}{blue!50!black}{}{}
%     {\rulernorotatenum\fgrulercaptioncm{}\squareruler{upperleft}{2cm}{3cm}}
%     \hfill
%     \squareruler{lowerright}{2cm}{3cm}
%     \hfill
%     \squareruler{lowerleft}{2cm}{3cm}
%     \hfill
%     \squareruler{upperright}{2cm}{3cm}
%     \hfill
%     {\rulerparams{}{\footnotesize\bfseries\color{red}}{}{5mm}{}
%     \squareruler[in]{lowerleft}{2in}{3cm}}
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{Measuring tapes}\label{example:tape}
% \setfgruler{type=none}
% \bigskip
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[a4paper,margin=25mm]{geometry}
% \usepackage[nonefgrulers]{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
%     \noindent
%     \ruler{taperight}{\textwidth}\\[2pt]
%     \rotatebox[origin=br]{-90}{\ruler{tapeleft}{3cm}}
%     \ruler{taperight}{10cm}
%     \medskip\noindent
%     {\fgrulerdefnum{}
%     \ruler{taperight}{\textwidth}}
%     \medskip\noindent
%     {\fgrulerdefnum{}
%     \fgrulercaptioncm{}
%     \rulerparams{}{}{red}{}{0pt}
%     \ruler{taperight}{\textwidth}}
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{Mark length and rotating}
% \setfgruler{type=none}
% \noindent
% {\fgrulerdefnum{\rotatebox{45}{\arabic{fgrulernum}\,cm}}
% \fgrulercaptioncm{}
% \rulerparams{}{\tiny\color{red}}{blue}{8mm}{}
% \fgrulercolorcm{}{}{black}
% \rotatebox{-45}{\ruler{rightup}{10cm}}\\
% \ruler{rightup}{5cm}}
% \bigskip
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[nonefgrulers]{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
%     \noindent
%     {\fgrulerdefnum{\rotatebox{45}{\arabic{fgrulernum}\,cm}}
%     \fgrulercaptioncm{}
%     \rulerparams{}{\tiny\color{red}}{blue}{8mm}{}
%     \fgrulercolorcm{}{}{black}
%     \rotatebox{-45}{\ruler{rightup}{10cm}}\\
%     \ruler{rightup}{5cm}}
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{Coordinate system}
% \setfgruler{type=none}
% \noindent
% \rulernorotatenum
% \fgrulercaptioncm{}
% \fgrulercolorcm{}{}{red}
% \rulerparams{}{\scriptsize\color{red}}{}{}{}
% {\fgrulerdefnum{$-\arabic{fgrulernum}$}\squareruler*{upperright}{3cm}{3cm}}\ignorespaces
% \squareruler{lowerleft}{13cm}{6cm}
% \bigskip
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[a4paper,margin=25mm]{geometry}
% \usepackage[nonefgrulers]{fgruler}
% \begin{document}
%     \noindent
%     \rulernorotatenum
%     \fgrulercaptioncm{}
%     \fgrulercolorcm{}{}{red}
%     \rulerparams{}{\scriptsize\color{red}}{}{}{}
%     {\fgrulerdefnum{$-\arabic{fgrulernum}$}\squareruler*{upperright}{3cm}{3cm}}%
%     \squareruler{lowerleft}{13cm}{6cm}
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \newpage\fgrulerreset
% \subsection{A new square ruler type}
% \setfgruler{type=none}
% {\rulernorotatenum\fgrulercaptioncm{}\ruler*{downleft}{5cm}}\ruler{rightup}{3cm}
% \bigskip
% \begin{examplelst}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[type=none]{fgruler}
% \newcommand{\usersquareruler}[2]{%
%     {\rulernorotatenum\fgrulercaptioncm{}\ruler*{downleft}{#2}}%
%     \ruler{rightup}{#1}%
% }
% \begin{document}
% \usersquareruler{3cm}{5cm}
% \end{document}
% \end{examplelst}
% \StopEventually
%    \begin{macrocode}



  \expandafter\ifx\csname fgruler@caption@\fgruler@unit\endcsname\@empty%
    \settoheight{\fgruler@width}{\fgruler@font@\csname fgruler@caption@\fgruler@unit\endcsname}%






\PackageError{fgruler}{\fgruler@unit\space is invalid unit}{Valid units: cm, in}%
\PackageError{fgruler}{\fgruler@type@item\space is invalid type}%
{Valid types:\MessageBreak
upperleft, upperright, lowerleft, lowerright,\MessageBreak
upperleftT, upperrightT, lowerleftT, lowerrightT,\MessageBreak
alledges, alledges*, alledgesT, alledgesT*, user, none}%
\g@addto@macro\fgruler@output{\csname fgruler@\fgruler@unit @##1@fg\endcsname}}%















\fgruler@tempdimb=#2\fgruler@tempdimb\divide\fgruler@tempdima by \fgruler@tempdimb

\PackageError{fgruler}{\fgruler@param\space is invalid parameter}{Valid parameters: cm, in}%
\PackageError{fgruler}{\fgruler@param\space is invalid parameter}%
{Valid parameters:\MessageBreak
rightdown, rightup, leftdown, leftup,\MessageBreak
downright, downleft, upright, upleft, taperight, tapeleft}%

\PackageError{fgruler}{\fgruler@param\space is invalid parameter}{Valid parameters: cm, in}%
\PackageError{fgruler}{\fgruler@param\space is invalid parameter}%
{Valid parameters:\MessageBreak
upperleft, upperright, lowerleft, lowerright}%

\PackageError{fgruler}{\fgruler@param\space is invalid parameter}{Valid parameters: cm, in}%
\PackageError{fgruler}{\fgruler@param\space is invalid type}%
{Valid types:\MessageBreak
upperleft, upperright, lowerleft, lowerright,\MessageBreak
upperleftT, upperrightT, lowerleftT, lowerrightT,\MessageBreak
alledges, alledges*, alledgesT, alledgesT*, user}%

\newcommand{\fgruler@ruler}[3][cm]{\fgruler@check@param{#1}{#2}\fgruler@intextsetting\csname fgruler@#1@#2@\endcsname{#3}}
\newcommand{\fgruler@ruler@}[3][cm]{\fgruler@check@param{#1}{#2}\fgruler@intextsetting\csname fgruler@#1@#2@@\endcsname{#3}}

\newcommand{\fgruler@squareruler}[4][cm]{\fgruler@check@param@{#1}{#2}\fgruler@intextsetting\csname fgruler@#1@#2@\endcsname{#3}{#4}}
\newcommand{\fgruler@squareruler@}[4][cm]{\fgruler@check@param@{#1}{#2}\fgruler@intextsetting\csname fgruler@#1@#2@@\endcsname{#3}{#4}}

\newcommand{\fgruler@fgruler}[4][\fgruler@unit]{\fgruler@check@param@{#1}{#2}\g@addto@macro\fgruler@output@{\csname fgruler@#1@#2@fg@\endcsname{#3}{#4}}}
\newcommand{\fgruler@fgruler@}[2][]{\g@addto@macro\fgruler@output@{{\setkeys{fgruler}{#1}\fgruler@check@param@@{\fgruler@unit}{#2}\csname fgruler@\fgruler@unit @#2@fg\endcsname}}}









\else\PackageError{fgruler}{Don't use \protect\rulernorotatenum\space in preamble!}{}\fi%

\else\PackageError{fgruler}{Don't use \protect\rulerrotatenum\space in preamble!}{}\fi%

\def\fgruler@output{\csname fgruler@\fgruler@unit @\fgruler@type @fg\endcsname}%
\else\PackageError{fgruler}{Don't use \protect\fgrulerreset\space in preamble!}{}\fi%













\iffgruler@borderline\put(-\@halfwidth,0){\line(1,0){#1+\@wholewidth}}\fi% \@wholewidth is current line thickness and \@halfwidth = 0.5\@wholewidth (see in latex.ltx)








































































































\def\fgrulertype#1#2{\csname fgruler@#1@#2@fg\endcsname}

\def\fgrulerdefusercm#1{\def\fgruler@cm@user@fg{#1}} % for old versions
\def\fgrulerdefuserin#1{\def\fgruler@in@user@fg{#1}} % for old versions

\@namedef{fgruler@\fgruler@unit @user@fg}{#1}}

%    \end{macrocode}
% \Finale