% Package delims 
% source code
% Version 2.0
% 2016-02-14
% Colin C. Graham
% Haines Junction Yukon Canada
% ccgraham@alum.mit.edu
% Revision history:
%  20156/02/01
% a) Added the next 3 lines
%    This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License 1.3. See
%    http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html for the
%    details of that license.
% b) Tidied up the code visually & added some explanatory comments
% c) Added the \llgg set of delimiters (5 sizes in plain and bold. No
%    two sided versions.
% d) Added \valentine and \diamondsgbf.
% e) Added L and R macros for one-sided (easier to read); 
%    retained earlier versions
% f) Added  \bnom
% g) Added \D... versions (no sizing; no BF)
% paired round parens
%  paired square braces
% paired curly braces
\newcommand\crl[1]{{ \{ }{#1}{ \} }}
\newcommand\crlbb[1]{\Big{\{ }{#1}\Big{\} }}
\newcommand\crlbbb[1]{\bigg{\{ }{#1}\bigg{\} }}
\newcommand\crlbbbb[1]{\Bigg{\{ }{#1}\Bigg{\} }}
%% langle and rangle
\newcommand\ngl[1]{{ \langle }{#1}{\rangle}}
%% floor
\newcommand\flr[1]{{ \lfloor }{#1}{\rfloor }}
% ceil
\newcommand\ceil[1]{{ \lceil }{#1}{\rceil }}
%% vert
\newcommand\abs[1]{{ \vert }{#1}{\vert }}
%% Vert
\newcommand\nrm[1]{{ \Vert }{#1}{\Vert }}
%Left delimeters
\newcommand \lprn{(} 
\newcommand \lprnb{\big{(}}
\newcommand \lprnbb{\Big{(}} 
\newcommand \lprnbbb{\bigg{(}} 
\newcommand \lprnbbbb{\Bigg{(}}
\newcommand \lsqpr{[}   
\newcommand \lsqprb{\big{[}  }
\newcommand \lsqprbb{\Big{[} }
\newcommand \lsqprbbb{\bigg{[}}
\newcommand \lsqprbbbb{\Bigg{[}}
\newcommand\lcrl{ \{ }
\newcommand\lcrlb{\big{ \{ }}
\newcommand\lcrlbb{\Big{ \{ }}
\newcommand\lcrlbbb{\bigg{ \{ }}
\newcommand\lcrlbbbb{\Bigg{ \{ }}
%Left delimeters - cap L
%Right delimeters
%Right delimeters - R versions
%    Bold left delimeters
%    Bold left delimeters - L version
%BF Right delimeters
%BFRightdelimeters -R versions
%boldfacetwosided delimeters
% BF paired round parens
%BFpaired square braces
%BF paired curly braces
%% BF langle and rangle
% BF ceil
%% BF vert
%% BF Vert
%reversed round parens
%  reversed paired square braces
% reversed bold paired round parens
%  reverse bold paired square braces
%paired lessthan greaterthan
% left lessthan greaterthan
% right stgt's
% \bigb, etc
% easier to modify and remember than LaTeX built-ins
% \big % single b - already exists
\newcommand\bigb{\Big}% double b in delimiter commands
\newcommand\bigbb{\bigg}% triple b
\newcommand\bigbbb{\Bigg}% quadruple b
% muchlessthan muchmorethan
% \big\ll does not exist; hence the kerning of <<, etc.
% kerning was uneven without all the curly braces to isolate items. The blanks don't seem
%   to matter and are left in to show how I debugged the commands.
% Could probably have done the first one with \ll \gg but wanted to be consistent.
% Could probably have done the first one with \ll \gg but wanted to be consistent.
% Valentine macros%
% First 2 \defs (\length and \getlength) are adapted from 
% TeXBook, p. 219, adding \mylen to avoid changing one of 
% TeX's built-in counters and deleting "\number\mylen" to 
% suppress printing of the value by \length.
% Used \global to ensure value of \mylen is available outside
% of \length and \getlength.
\newcount\mylen%define it outside where modified so it's global
\else\global\advance\mylen by1 \let\next=\getlength\fi\next}
% \valentine 
% puts one heart above an below name for each
% letter/number in #1.
% Use only in Math mode (because of \overset and \underset)
% Since Math mode ignores spaces, if your beloved's name has spaces
% you will need to protect them with a backslash.
\def\myhearts{}%make empty string
\ifnum\mylen<1\def\myhearts{\heartsuit}%one heart for no name
% maybe could do a loop but that would mean writing a string
%   concatenation routine
\def\myhearts{\heartsuit\heartsuit\heartsuit\heartsuit\heartsuit\heartsuit} \else
% if your beloved has a really long name, add a few more \ifnums \else\fi to
% this
% Diamonds are a girl's best friend
% Just like \valentine but puts \diamondsuit(s) around the name.
% See \valentine code above for explanatory comments.
\def\myhearts{}%make empty string
\ifnum\mylen<1\def\myhearts{\heartsuit}% one heart for no name
% maybe could do a loop but that would mean writing a string
 %concatenation routine
% better binomial coefficients
%variations on the theme
\newcommand\bnomngl[2]{\ngl{{{#1}\atop{#2}}}} %\bnomngl
%leave it to LaTeX
% \left...\right does not like \pmb, \mathbf or \boldsymbol
% \big\ll   does not exist