%  C O P Y R I G H T B O X . S T Y    ver 0.1  (Nov 27, 2011)
%  Copyright (C) 2010-2011   
%  Thomas Fischer       <thomas.fischer@t-fischer.net> 
%       and
%  Ives van der Flaas   <ives.vdf@gmail.com>
%  This software is released under the terms of the LaTeX Project 
%  public license.

%%%%%  ----- Begin definitions ----- %%%%%
    \coordinate (tmpnamea) at (#1);%
    \coordinate (tmpnameb) at (#2);%
    \advance\CRB@ydiffl by -\tu@tmpa%
    \coordinate (tmpnamea) at (#1);%
    \coordinate (tmpnameb) at (#2);%
    \advance\CRB@xdiffl by -\tu@tmpa%



\node[inner sep=0pt,minimum size=2em](ciimage){#2};
\node[inner sep=0pt,right=1ex of ciimage.south east,anchor=north west,rotate=90]%
\node[inner sep=2ex,right=1ex of ciimage.south west,anchor=south west,rotate=90]
% Separation needed to be 2ex otherwise letters like j would
% cross into the image
\node[inner sep=0pt,below=1ex of ciimage.south west,anchor=north west]%

\ProvidesPackage{copyrightbox}[2011/11/27 \space  v 0.1]

%%%%%  ----- End definitions ----- %%%%%

%%%%%  ----- Begin Instructions ----- %%%%%
See copyrightbox.pdf, but the short version is


where <placement> is either
 r    (Default) Text to the right of the image
 l    Text to the left of the image
 b    Text below the image

which puts <text> positioned according to <placement> near <image>. E.g.

		{Image put in the public domain by the U.S. Mint.}