% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode %% Copyright 2023-2025 Clea F. Rees %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 2008-05-04 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Clea F. Rees. %% %% This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the package %% chronos. You may however distribute the package chronos without %% such generated files. %% %% This work consists of all files listed in manifest.txt. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \RequirePackage{chronos} \ProvidesPackageSVN{$Id: chronos-lib-styles.sty 10885 2025-02-28 21:34:09Z cfrees $}[v0.9 \revinfo] \pgfqkeys{/chronos}{% % BEGIN styles XXX % BEGIN on line styles modern/.style={% /chronos/.cd, modern/.meaning to context, colour scheme=modern, no colour rotation, timeline={% dates=1500:1900, timeline years=on line, timeline line={chronos timeline background colour, opacity=1}, timeline height'=5mm, timeline marks, timeline border height'=5pt, major step font=\sffamily\bfseries\small, minor step font=\sffamily\bfseries\footnotesize, eras font=\sffamily\bfseries, timeline mark={line width=.4pt, shorten <=-2pt, shorten >=0pt}, timeline minor mark={line width=.2pt, shorten <=-2pt, shorten >=0pt}, }, every chronos connectors'=coordinate, every text tag connectors+={circle, anchor=center, draw=none, fill=none, minimum size=\pgflinewidth}, connections={draw=##1, {Triangle[width=0pt 3,reversed,length=0pt 1.5]}-{Triangle[width=0pt 5,reversed,length=0pt 2.5]}}, period/line={fill=chronos timeline foreground colour, blend mode=overlay}, life/line={fill=chronos timeline foreground colour, blend mode=overlay}, event/line={draw=chronos timeline foreground colour, thick, blend mode=overlay}, every text tags={fill=chronos main background colour, text=####1, fill opacity=.75, text opacity=1, draw=none, rounded corners, align=center, font=\sffamily\footnotesize}, only years, without eras, connections on=background, subheadings style={align=center, anchor=base, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt, text=chronos main colour!75!chronos main background colour, opacity=.8, font=\sffamily\footnotesize}, headings style={align=center, anchor=base, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt, text=chronos main colour!75!chronos main background colour, opacity=.8, font=\sffamily\bfseries\small}, main/frame={inner sep=5pt, ultra thick, draw=chronos main colour, fill=none,},% oedd chronos@prifliw@cefndir main/title={/chronos/main/@frame, font=\sffamily\huge\bfseries, text=chronos main colour, anchor=center, align=center, draw=chronos main colour,ultra thick,drop shadow,fill=chronos main background colour,fill opacity=1}, headings drops'=10pt:10pt:7.5pt, bce year label=BCE, ce year label=CE, levels=3:3, }, lavender menace/.style={% /chronos/.cd, lavender menace/.meaning to context, modern, colour scheme=lavender, rotate all colours, every text tags+={draw=####1,sharp corners,text opacity=1,fill opacity=1,draw opacity=1,drop shadow}, period/line+={top color=chronosSilver,bottom color=chronos timeline border outer colour,fill opacity=1}, life/line+={top color=chronosSilver,bottom color=chronos timeline border outer colour,fill opacity=1}, main/title+={text=chronos main colour!75!chronosDarkGray}, }, serif on line/.style={% /chronos/.cd, serif on line/.meaning to context, no colour rotation, colour scheme=default, text tag connectors'={fill=##1, opacity=1, circle, minimum size=2.5pt, anchor=center, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt}, chronos connectors'={fill=##1, opacity=.75, circle, minimum size=2.5pt, anchor=center, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt}, timeline ce label={CE}, timeline bce label={BCE}, special date=none, timeline={% start date={1800-01-01}, end date={1900-01-01}, timeline years=on line, timeline marks, timeline year={text=chronos timeline foreground colour, align=center}, timeline mark={draw=chronos timeline foreground colour, thick, shorten >=2.5pt}, timeline minor mark={draw=chronos timeline foreground colour, thick, shorten >=3.5pt}, timeline bare mark={draw=chronos timeline foreground colour, semithick, shorten >=2pt, shorten <=2pt}, minor years, step divisions=2, timeline line={chronos timeline background colour}, major step font=\normalfont\bfseries, minor step font=\normalfont\bfseries\small, eras font=\normalfont\bfseries, }, headings style={text=chronos main colour!75!chronos main background colour, font=\footnotesize\uishape}, subheadings style={font=\scriptsize\uishape,text=chronos main colour!75!chronos main background colour}, event/text tag+={font=\small\scshape}, period/text tag+={font=\small\scshape}, life/text tag+={font=\small\scshape}, period/line+={fill=##1, fill opacity=.25}, life/line+={fill=##1, fill opacity=.25}, every text tags+={text=####1!75!black},% add global default o/w ignored (ond nid eisiau inner sep=0pt) levels=3:3, main/title={font=\Large\bfseries,text=chronos main colour,draw=none}, frame, main/frame={draw=chronos timeline background colour, ultra thick}, }, rainbow serif/.style={% /utils/exec={\selectcolormodel{rgb}}, /chronos/.cd, rainbow serif/.meaning to context, serif on line, colour scheme=xcolseries, rotate all colours, timeline={% dates=1500:2100, timeline mark eras, timeline bare marks=false, }, only years, without eras, }, sober judge/.style={% /chronos/.cd, sober judge/.meaning to context, colour scheme=sobriety, timeline={% start date=1001-10-01, end date=1003-06-14, step years=1, step divisions=6, timeline minor marks, timeline bare marks, }, ce year label=CE, levels=3:3, no colour rotation, % period/line'={draw=##1,fill=none}, % life/line'={fill=none}, every connections'={draw=####1, -{Triangle[width=1.5pt, reversed, length=.75pt, fill=####1]}}, every text tags'={fill opacity=.75, fill=####1!25, draw=####1, rounded corners, font=\footnotesize\sffamily, text=chronos timeline foreground colour}, main/title={font=\sffamily\bfseries\LARGE, text=chronos main colour}, main/frame={draw=chronos main colour, line width=1pt, rounded corners}, headings style={font=\rmfamily\small\itshape,text=chronos main colour!75!chronos main background colour}, subheadings style={/chronos/@amseraumawr,font=\scriptsize\rmfamily\itshape}, every lines+={fill=none,draw=none}, }, % END on line styles % BEGIN off line styles somewhat plain/.style={% /chronos/.cd, somewhat plain/.meaning to context, no colour rotation, colour scheme=default, timeline={% major step font=\normalfont\sffamily\small\bfseries, minor step font=\normalfont\sffamily\footnotesize, eras font=\normalfont\normalsize\sffamily, timeline width'=100mm, timeline years=above, timeline ce label={CE}, timeline bce label={BCE}, timeline margin'=12.5pt, minor years=false, start=-500, end=2050, timeline year={inner xsep=0pt}, }, special date=none, ce year label={CE}, bce year label={BCE}, text tag yshift'=-10pt, every text tags+={fill=chronos main background colour,fill opacity=.25,text opacity=1,font=\sffamily\small}, every connections+={draw=####1,{Triangle[width=0pt 3,reversed,length=0pt 1.5]}-{Triangle[width=0pt 3,reversed,length=0pt 1.5]}}, every event below, every period below, every life below, levels=0:3, frame, headings style={font=\footnotesize\sffamily,text=chronos main colour!75!chronos main background colour}, subheadings style={/chronos/@amseraumawr,font=\scriptsize\sffamily}, main/frame={draw=chronos main colour!75!chronos main background colour,semithick}, main/title={/chronos/main/title lines={draw=chronos main colour!50!chronos main background colour,thick},text=chronos main colour!75!chronos main background colour,font=\Large\sffamily,}, headings drops'=12pt:10pt:7.5pt, headings border'=30pt, }, contemporary 90/.style={% /chronos/.cd, contemporary 90/.meaning to context, colour scheme=contninety, every text tags+={text=####1,font=\sffamily}, every lines+={line width=1pt}, no colour rotation, timeline={% start date=2002-01-01, end date=2016-12-31, timeline arrow, conditional timeline arrow={% timeline/timeline width-=3pt+4.5\timelineht, timeline/timeline line+={shorten >={-3pt-4.5\timelineht}, -Stealth}, before headings+={% \path (chronos post) -- +(3pt+4.5\timelineht,0pt); }, }{}, timeline marks, timeline minor marks, timeline mark={ultra thick}, timeline minor mark={thick}, step divisions=4, step major years=2, timeline year={fill=none}, timeline margin'=5mm, timeline width'=90mm, timeline year={rotate=90}, major step font=\sffamily\upshape\tlstyle\bfseries, minor step font=\sffamily\upshape\tlstyle, eras font=\sffamily\upshape\tlstyle\bfseries, timeline years=above, timeline years anchor=west, }, without eras, every event below, every life below, every period below, levels=0:3, frame, headings style={font=\small\sffamily\plstyle,text=chronos main colour!80!chronos main background colour}, subheadings style={font=\footnotesize\sffamily\plstyle,text=chronos main colour!60!chronos main background colour}, main/frame={double=chronos timeline foreground colour!25!chronos timeline background colour,draw=chronos timeline foreground colour!75!chronos timeline background colour,thin}, main/title={font=\sffamily\upshape\plstyle\bfseries\huge,text=chronos main colour}, }, blues below/.style={% /utils/exec={\selectcolormodel{rgb}}, /chronos/.cd, blues below/.meaning to context, colour scheme=blues, rotate all colours, timeline={% timeline years=above, timeline marks, timeline minor marks, step minor year=50, step divisions=10, step major year=100, dates=1550:2050, timeline height'=3pt, timeline line={chronos timeline foreground colour,double=chronos timeline background colour,line width=\timelineht/3,double distance=\timelineht/3}, timeline arrow, conditional timeline arrow={% timeline/timeline line+={Bar-Latex,shorten <=-\timelineht/3,shorten >=-3pt-2.1\timelineht}, timeline/timeline width-={3pt+2.43\timelineht}, before headings+={\path (chronos post) -- ++(3pt+2.1\timelineht,0pt) coordinate (chronos arrow tip) (chronos pre) -- ++(-\timelineht/3,0pt) coordinate (chronos arrow tail);}, }{}, timeline mark={chronos timeline foreground colour,line width=.6pt,shorten >=-4pt}, timeline minor mark={chronos timeline foreground colour,line width=.5pt,shorten >=-3.5pt}, timeline bare mark={chronos timeline foreground colour,line width=.3pt,shorten >=-2.5pt}, timeline year={fill=none,text=chronos timeline foreground colour,rotate around={45:(chronos year \chronosyeari |- chronos top)}}, major step font=\sffamily\footnotesize\tlstyle, timeline years anchor=south west, minor step font=\sffamily\scriptsize\tlstyle, timeline margin'=17.5pt, }, minor year format={!Y}, every event below, every life below, every period below, levels=0:3, headings style+={text=chronos main colour!75!chronos main background colour,font=\small\itshape\bfseries}, subheadings style+={text=chronos main colour!75!chronos main background colour,font=\footnotesize\itshape}, main/title+={font=\LARGE,text=chronos timeline foreground colour,draw=chronos timeline background colour,semithick}, main/frame+={thick,draw,chronos timeline foreground colour,double=chronos timeline background colour}, copyright={font=\footnotesize\sffamily, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt, text=chronos timeline foreground colour!50!chronos main background colour}, copyright/rotate=90, copyright/tag anchor=north west, }, timeline year rotate/.code={% }, flipping blues/.style={% /chronos/.cd, flipping blues/.meaning to context, blues below, timeline={% timeline years=below, timeline year={fill=none,rotate around={-90:(chronos year \chronosyeari)},text=chronos timeline foreground colour}, timeline years anchor=north west, }, every event above, every life above, every period above, levels=3:0, }, rotated 45/.style={% /chronos/.cd, rotated 45/.meaning to context, colour scheme=default, rotate all colours, timeline={% start date={{-25}-01-01}, end date={20-01-01}, step major years=5, timeline years=off line, timeline years=above, timeline marks, timeline font=\scriptsize, mark at era switch, }, only text, year format={!Y !E}, lines={draw=#1}, every text tags+={rotate=-45}, event/tag+={tag anchor=west}, period/tag+={tag anchor=west}, life/tag+={tag anchor=west}, text tag yshift'=2.5pt, every event below, every period below, every life below, no connectors, no connections, lines on=foreground, frame, every text tags+={font=\sffamily}, main/frame={draw=chronos main colour,rounded corners=10pt,thick}, main/title={draw=chronos main colour,rounded corners=3pt,semithick,font=\sffamily\LARGE}, headings style={font=\itshape\small\bfseries,text=chronos main colour!50!chronos main background colour}, subheadings style={font=\itshape\small,text=chronos timeline foreground colour!50!chronos timeline background colour}, }, off line colour/.style={% ateb: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/324106/ /chronos/.cd, off line colour/.meaning to context, colour scheme=offlinebasic, rotate all colours, timeline={% timeline width'=120mm, timeline height'=3pt, start date={-3000}-01-01, end date={-2000}-01-01, timeline font=\sffamily\tiny, timeline year={text=chronos main colour}, timeline arrow, conditional timeline arrow={% timeline/timeline width-=#1, timeline/timeline line+={% shorten >={-#1}, -{Triangle Cap[length=#1]}, }, before headings+={% \path (chronos post) -- +(#1,0pt); }, }{}, timeline border height'=0pt, step major years=100, step minor years=0, step divisions=0, timeline years=below, timeline marks, timeline minor marks=false, minor years=false, timeline bare marks=false, }, every text tags+={text=####1!75!black,font=\sffamily\scriptsize,fill=chronos main background colour,fill opacity=.75}, every connections+={draw=####1,{Triangle[width=0pt 3,reversed,length=0pt 1.5]}-{Triangle[width=0pt 3,reversed,length=0pt 1.5]}}, event/line'={}, year format={!q!Y}, event/date format={!q!Y}, main/title={font=\sffamily\Large,text=chronos timeline foreground colour}, chronos tikz+={% \ifchronos@timeline@showyears \scoped[on chronos middle ground layer]{\fill [chronos main background colour, fill opacity=.75] (chronos pre) -| (chronos post |- chronos phantom year.south) -| cycle ;} \fi }, }, off line colour/.default=20mm, off line color/.forward to=/chronos/off line colour, off line colour alt/.style={% /chronos/.cd, off line colour alt/.meaning to context, off line colour=#1, % use cronoleg colours colour scheme=offlinealt, rotate all colours, event/colours below from clist={lliwiau_byw_isod}, event/colours above from clist={lliwiau_byw_uchod}, }, off line colour alt/.default=20mm, off line color alt/.forward to=/chronos/off line colour alt, off line simple/.style={% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/324106/ /chronos/.cd, off line simple/.meaning to context, off line colour=#1, rotate no colours, }, off line simple/.default=20mm, simple arrow/.style={% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/342699/ /chronos/.cd, simple arrow/.meaning to context, timeline={% start date={1-01-01}, end date={2000-01-01}, step major years=250, timeline height'=2.5mm, timeline years=off line, timeline width'=200mm, timeline arrow, conditional timeline arrow={% timeline/timeline width-=#1, timeline/timeline line+={shorten >={-#1}, -{Triangle Cap[length=#1]}}, before headings+={% \path (chronos post) -- +(#1,0pt); }, }{}, mark at era switch=false, }, date format={!d/!m/!Y}, every event below, every period below, every life below, no colour rotation, headings style={font=\footnotesize\itshape}, subheadings style={font=\scriptsize\itshape}, }, simple arrow/.default=10mm, event splitter/.style={% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/325890/ /chronos/.cd, event splitter/.meaning to context, no colour rotation, timeline={% start date=2014-01-13, end date=2014-02-22, timeline width'=150mm, timeline margin'=0pt, timeline era margin'=0pt, timeline years=none, timeline years=off line, }, event/date format={!b !d \thinspace !Y}, event dates split, text tag yshift'=3pt, event text tag={font=\sffamily\small}, no connectors, every event below, main/title={font=\sffamily\Large}, frame, main/frame={draw}, }, % END off line styles % BEGIN no year styles date centric/.style={% /chronos/.cd, date centric/.meaning to context, timeline={% timeline width'=150mm, timeline height'=5mm, start date=1935-01-01, end date=2010-12-31, timeline font=\sffamily\small, timeline border height'=5pt, }, event/text tag+={font=\sffamily\scriptsize, fill=none}, no colour rotation, event/default colour=chronos main colour, event years on line, main/title+={font=\sffamily\LARGE,text=chronos main colour,/chronos/main/title lines={draw=chronos timeline background colour,line width=1.5pt}}, }, lines on line/.style={% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/324453/ /chronos/.cd, lines on line/.meaning to context, rotate all colours, timeline={% timeline width'=120mm, timeline height'=#1, start date=01-01-01, end date=2016-12-31, timeline years=none, timeline years=above, timeline arrow, conditional timeline arrow={% timeline/timeline width'-=20mm, timeline/timeline line+={shorten >=-20mm, -{Triangle Cap[length=20mm]}}, before headings+={% \path (chronos post) -- +(20mm,0pt); }, }{}, }, only years, period/line+={line width=#1,draw=##1}, life/line+={line width=#1,draw=##1}, line yshift=.5*#1, event/line+={semithick}, text tag yshift=2.5pt+.5*#1, every event above, every period below, every life below, headings style={font=\footnotesize\bfseries}, subheadings style={font=\footnotesize}, }, lines on line/.default=5mm, plain arrow/.style={% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/324453/ /chronos/.cd, plain arrow/.meaning to context, lines on line=#1, line yshift'=1pt, text tag yshift'=2.5pt, period/line+={line width=2pt,draw=##1}, life/line+={line width=2pt,draw=##1}, }, plain arrow/.default=5mm, % END no year styles % END styles } \endinput