% \iffalse meta-comment
% Copyright (C) 2015-2020 by Scott Pakin <scott+bmp@pakin.org>
% ------------------------------------------------------------
% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license
% or (at your option) any later version.  The latest version of this
% license is in:
%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/
% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
% 2008/05/04 or later.
% \fi
% \iffalse
    [2020/04/19 v1.1 Boxed LaTeX2e minipages]

% Specify this document's metadata.
\title{The \pkgname{boxedminipage} package\thanks{This document
    corresponds to \pkgname{boxedminipage}~\fileversion, dated \filedate.}}
\author{Scott Pakin \\ \textit{scott+bmp@pakin.org}}
\edef\versionnumber{\expandafter\@gobble\fileversion}  % Drop the "v" in the file version.
  pdftitle={The boxedminipage package},
  pdfauthor={Scott Pakin},
  pdfsubject={LaTeX2e minipages with a surrounding frame},
  pdfkeywords={LaTeX, minipages, boxes, frames, fbox, fboxsep},
  pdfcopyright={Copyright (C) 2015-2020, Scott Pakin},
  pdfcaptionwriter={Scott Pakin},
  pdfcontacturl={http://www.pakin.org/\xmptilde scott/},

% Begin the documentation.
  \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Change History}
% \fi
% \CheckSum{62}
% \CharacterTable
%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
% \changes{v1.0}{2015/03/09}{Initial version}
% \changes{v1.1}{2020/04/19}{Renamed the package from
%   \protect\pkgname{boxedminipage2e} to \protect\pkgname{boxedminipage}}
% \DoNotIndex{\@ifnextchar,\MessageBreak,\addtolength,\begin,\def,\else}
% \DoNotIndex{\end,\fi,\ifx,\ifx,\newcommand,\newenvironment,\relax}
% \DoNotIndex{\setlength,\the}
% ^^A  Define a shortcut for typesetting package names.
% \let\pkgname=\textsf
% \maketitle
% \sloppy
% \section{Introduction}
% This is a very simple package.  It defines a single environment,
% |boxedminipage| that is essentially equivalent to
% |\fbox{\begin{minipage}|\dots |\end{minipage}}|.  The difference is
% that the width of a |boxedminipage| includes the width of the frame,
% while the width of the |\fbox|~$+$ |minipage| combination is wider
% than the width specified to the |minipage|.
% The following example exaggerates the effect by setting
% |\fboxrule=8pt| and |\fboxsep=4pt| and defining |minipage|s of width
% |\linewidth|:
% \begin{center}
%   \setlength{\fboxrule}{8pt}
%   \setlength{\fboxsep}{4pt}
%   \begin{minipage}{0.8\linewidth}
%     \setlength{\parindent}{2em}
%     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce
%     condimentum id elit in fringilla. Vivamus tempus magna non tortor
%     aliquet, ac porta justo venenatis. Suspendisse quis efficitur
%     nibh.
%     \noindent\fbox{%
%     \begin{minipage}[t]{\linewidth}
%       This box was created by putting a |minipage| within an
%       \cs{fbox}.  Notice how the frame is aligned with the left margin
%       of the surrounding text but juts out into the right margin.
%     \end{minipage}}
%     Suspendisse pulvinar vel elit at dapibus. Interdum et malesuada
%     fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Cras nibh orci, posuere
%     quis viverra a, gravida nec velit. Pr\ae{}sent porta semper
%     tellus, eu pulvinar ante mollis faucibus.
%     \noindent
%     \begin{boxedminipage}[t]{\linewidth}
%       This box was created with the |boxedminipage| environment.
%       Notice how the frame is aligned properly with both margins of
%       the surrounding text.
%     \end{boxedminipage}
%     Duis est neque, aliquet at augue a, auctor condimentum orci. Donec
%     arcu magna, eleifend a consequat in, vehicula non elit. Sed id est
%     sed ipsum interdum posuere.
%   \end{minipage}
% \end{center}
% \paragraph{History}
% Prior to \pkgname{boxedminipage}~v1.1 (April 2020), the package was
% known as \pkgname{boxedminipage2e} to distinguish it from Mario
% Wolczko's \pkgname{boxedminipage} package, developed for \LaTeX~2.09.
% Mario's package, last updated in~1992, lacks support for the
% \LaTeXe\ |minipage|'s \meta{height} and \meta{inner-pos} arguments.
% In contrast, this package supports |minipage|'s complete functionality.
% At Frank Mittelbach's suggestion and with Mario Wolczko's consent,
% this \pkgname{boxedminipage} replaces the \LaTeX~2.09 version.
% \pkgname{boxedminipage2e} is now an alias for \pkgname{boxedminipage}
% except that it issues a warning message that new documents should
% instead use \pkgname{boxedminipage}.
% \section{Usage}
% \DescribeEnv{boxedminipage}
% The \pkgname{boxedminipage} package defines a single environment,
% |boxedminipage|.  It takes the same parameters as \LaTeXe's |minipage|
% environment:
% \bigskip
% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}
% \hspace*{-2em}%
% \begin{tabular}{|l|}
%   \hline
%     \verb|\begin{boxedminipage}|
%     \oarg{pos} \oarg{height} \oarg{inner-pos} \marg{width} \\
%       \quad\meta{text} \\
%     \verb|\end{boxedminipage}| \\
%   \hline
% \end{tabular}
% \MakeShortVerb{\|}
% \bigskip
% The semantic difference is that the values specified by the \meta{height}
% and \meta{width} arguments are reduced to accommodate the space needed
% by the surrounding frame.
% \section{Implementation}
% Most readers can ignore this section.  It presents an annotated
% version of \pkgname{boxedminipage}'s source code.
% \Cref{sec:boxedminipage} describes the contents of |boxedminipage.sty|.
% \Cref{sec:boxedminipage2e} represents a separate stub file,
% |boxedminipage2e.sty|, which merely issues a warning message and
% instructs the author to load \pkgname{boxedminipage} instead of
% \pkgname{boxedminipage2e}.
% \subsection{boxedminipage}
% \label{sec:boxedminipage}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \begin{macro}{\bmp@box}
% The contents of the |minipage| are collected into |\bmp@box|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\bmp@width}
% \begin{macro}{\bmp@height}
% The adjusted width and height of the |minipage| are stored in
% |\bmp@width| and |\bmp@height|, respectively.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\bmp@relax}
% We determine if the |minipage|'s \meta{height} argument contains only
% |\relax| by comparing it to |\bmp@relax|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{environment}{boxedminipage}
% The |boxedminipage| environment is the only environment exposed by the
% \pkgname{boxedminipage} package.  It takes the same parameters as
% \LaTeXe's ordinary |minipage| environment:\par
% \smallskip
% \begin{tabular}{lcccc}
%   \emph{Arguments}: & \oarg{pos} & \oarg{height} & \oarg{inner-pos} & \marg{width} \\
%   \emph{Default values}: & |c| & |\relax| & |s| & --- \\
% \end{tabular}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{macro}{\bminipage@i}
% The top-level |boxedminipage| environment invokes |\bminipage@i| with
% the \meta{pos} and \meta{height} arguments.  |\bminipage@i| checks for
% an \meta{inner-pos} argument and provides ``|s|'' if absent.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\bminipage@ii}
% The |\bminipage@ii| macro is passed all four of |boxedminipage|'s
% arguments.  It subtracts two |\fboxrule| and two |\fboxsep| lengths
% from each of the \meta{height}~(|#2|) and \meta{width}~(|#4|)
% arguments to make room for the lines and padding that |\fbox|
% introduces.  |\bminipage@ii| then begins a |minipage| with the
% appropriate parameters and prepares to store it in box |\bmp@box|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\endboxedminipage}
% When the document invokes |\end{boxedminipage}| we typeset the
% |minipage| we just created within an |\fbox|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \subsection{boxedminipage2e}
% \label{sec:boxedminipage2e}
% Issue a warning if the user loaded \pkgname{boxedminipage2e} instead of
% the newer name, \pkgname{boxedminipage}.  Then load \pkgname{boxedminipage}.
% \medskip
% \noindent
% {\sffamily\small
% }
%    \begin{macrocode}
  The boxedminipage2e package has been\MessageBreak
  renamed to boxedminipage.  New documents\MessageBreak
  should load boxedminipage instead of\MessageBreak
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% {\sffamily\small
% }
% \Finale