% \iffalse meta-comment %<=*COPYRIGHT> %% Copyright (C) 2011-2025 by Martin Scharrer %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 2005/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Martin Scharrer. %% %% This work consists of the files adjustbox.dtx, adjustbox.ins %% and the derived file adjustbox.sty. %% %<=/COPYRIGHT> % \fi % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ^^A DRIVER ((( % \iffalse %<*driver> \ProvidesFile{adjustbox.dtx}[% %<=*DATE> 2025/02/26 %<=/DATE> %<=*VERSION> v1.3c %<=/VERSION> DTX file for the adjustbox package] \documentclass[a4paper]{ydoc}[2011/08/11] \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{fourier} \usepackage{newverbs} \usepackage{xparse} \MakeSpecialShortVerb\qverb\" %\AtBeginDocument{\MakeShortMacroArgs\`\relax} %\AtEndDocument{\DeleteShortVerb\`} \GetFileInfo{adjustbox.dtx} \usepackage{adjustbox}[\filedate] \usepackage{tikz} \renewenvironment{example}[1][Example:]{% \subsubsection*{#1}% }{% \par } \newenvironment{examples}[1][Examples:]{% \subsubsection*{#1}% }{% \par } \global\optionaloff \let\optionalon\relax \lstdefinelanguage{none}{}% \lstdefinelanguage{adjustbox}{% moretexcs={% begin,end,adjustbox }, emph={% frame,fbox,cframe,cfbox,minipage,raise }, }% \lstdefinestyle{examplecode}{% basicstyle=\ttfamily\small, numbers=none,language=none, classoffset=1, morekeywords={begin,end}, keywordstyle=\bfseries, classoffset=0, morekeywords={adjustbox,minsizebox,maxsizebox,lapbox,marginbox,phantombox}, keywordstyle=\macrodescstyle, emph={viewport, trim, Trim, Viewport, Clip, Clip*, frame, fbox, cframe, cfbox, reflect, lap, margin, margin*, dpi, pxdim, execute, raise, valign, bgcolor, set, height, depth, vsize, width, totalheight, center, left, right, outer, inner, min, max, size, totalsize, minipage, varwidth, innerenv, innercode, env, Addcode, addcode, precode, Precode, appcode, angle, scale, height, width, totalheight, resolution, }, emphstyle=\keydescstyle, } \makeatletter \def\PrintExample{% \begingroup \par\smallskip\noindent \leavevmode \BoxExample \@tempdima=\textwidth \advance\@tempdima by -\wd\examplecodebox\relax \advance\@tempdima by -\wd\exampleresultbox\relax \advance\@tempdima by -15pt\relax \ifdim\@tempdima>\bigskipamount \hbox to \textwidth{% \null\hss \minipage[c]{\wd\examplecodebox}\usebox\examplecodebox\endminipage \hfill\hskip\bigskipamount\hfill \minipage[c]{\wd\exampleresultbox}% \EXAMPLERESULT \endminipage \hss\null }% \else \vbox{% \leftline{\usebox\examplecodebox}% \vspace{\bigskipamount}% \rightline{\EXAMPLERESULT}% }% \fi \par\smallskip \endgroup } \def\EXAMPLERESULT{% \leavevmode\hbox{% \textcolor{exampleborder}{% \boxframe {\dimexpr\wd\exampleresultbox+2\fboxrule\relax}% {\dimexpr\ht\exampleresultbox+\fboxrule\relax}% {\dimexpr\dp\exampleresultbox+\fboxrule\relax}% \hskip-\wd\exampleresultbox \hskip-\fboxrule }% \usebox\exampleresultbox }% }% \makeatother \colorlet{exampleborder}{black!33} \def\Descsep{\par\vskip-2.5ex\relax} %\EnableCrossrefs %\CodelineIndex %\RecordChanges \OnlyDescription \renewcommand{\bottomfraction}{0.5} \begin{document} \DocInput{adjustbox.dtx} \PrintChanges %\newpage\PrintIndex \end{document} % % \fi % ^^A ))) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ^^A Title page ((( % \CheckSum{3488} % % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % % \changes{v0.1}{2011/01/24}{First internal version} % \changes{v0.2}{2011/01/27}{First released version} % \changes{v0.3}{2011/03/20}{Bug fix for wrong baseline placed on the bottom} % \changes{v0.4}{2011/07/xx}{Added pdftex driver} % \changes{v0.5}{2011/08/13}{Added more macros and keys} % \changes{v0.5a}{2011/08/21}{Fixed \Key{left} and \Key{right} keys. Fixed \Key{valign}'='t} % \changes{v0.6}{2011/09/04}{Added tabular support.} % \changes{v0.6a}{2011/10/29}{Fixed issue with keys affecting the content in an unwanted way.} % \changes{v0.7}{2011/10/30}{Added \cs{adjustboxset} and \cs{adjustimage} macros.} % \changes{v0.8}{2011/11/14}{ % Added driver files for dvips and xelatex. Moved pdftex driver code to own file. % Fixed and improved default unit code for the \opt{calc} option. % Changed \cs{adjustimage} code to use internals of \cs{includegraphics}. This allows the redefinition of \cs{includegraphics}. % Added manual for \Key{bgcolor} and added \Key{bgcolor*}. % Changed \Key{bgimage} to use \cs{adjustimage}. % Added manual entries for \Key{cfbox} and \Key{cframe}. % Removed loading of non-mandatory \pkg{storebox} package for now. % Added \Key{set vsize}. % Added shortcuts \Key{rlap} and \Key{llap}. % Added \adjincludegraphics and the Export option. % Fix for \Key{innerenv} argument. % Added lengths \cs{Width}, \cs{Height}, \cs{Depth} and \cs{Totalheight} for the original dimensions of the content. % Added own \cs{raisebox} variant to support math expressions even for \cs{includegraphics}. % Some code cleanup. % Added \Key{varwidth} key as an alternative to \Key{minipage}. % Added \stackbox and \Key{stack} key and \env{stackbox} environment (similar to \cs{shortstack}) % Added check for \pkg{xcolor} package. % } % \changes{v0.9}{2012/05/16}{ % Basic trim and clip macros and driver files are now placed in a dedicated minimal package 'trimclip'. % Special thanks goes to Joseph Wright (LaTeX3 project) for his work on the driver files. % Clipping drivers are provided for 'pdftex' (incl. LuaTeX), 'dvips' and 'xetex' as well as a PGF fall-back % driver. % Packages: New dedicated 'trimclip' package with own manual. % Better separation between 'adjcalc' and 'adjustbox' package. % Review of manuals % New adjustbox keys: % * content % * gstore % * gstore* % * gstore width/height/depth/totalheight/sizes % * gobble/discard % * phantom % * warn width % * float % * nofloat % * figure % * label % * caption % * vspace % * vspace* % * padding (alias of 'margin') % * padding* (alias of 'margin*') % Fixes: env key now works correctly; Fixed raise box code. % Macro changes: Added third optional argument to \stackbox. % } % \changes{v1.0}{2012/05/21}{%^^A % * Updated manual to contain all new keys and macro. % * Code optimisations. % * Improvements of (re-)boxing code. % * Added user-level macros to define keys. % * Changed horizontal alignment keys to box the content and added matching macros. % * Changed horizontal inner/outer side keys to use 'ifodd' package and added matching macros. % * Added missing \cs{leavevmode} for "raise" key. % * Simplified code for "valign" key. Fixed spurious space for "valign=v". % * Fixed min/max size keys to double a single value correctly. % * Code cleanup with "warn width" key. % } % \changes{v1.1}{2018/04/08}{%^^A % * Several bug fixes. % * Support for round corners and frames. % } % \changes{v1.2}{2019/01/04}{%^^A % * Added missing 'clip' feature for rounded frames. % * Changed order of corner values for rounded frames. This includes an update to the clipping drivers. % * Corrected 'adjnofloat' environment used by the 'nofloat' key to support the 'hypcap' feature of the 'caption' and 'hypcap' packages. % * Updated manual description of `export` option as requested by Issue #9. % * Updated manual to use (left, bottom, right, top) for the side values instead of (llx, lly, urx, ury). % * Some other improvements in the manual. % * Added keys and matching commands and environments to align to the page margins and text area borders: % 'pagecenter', 'pageleft', 'pageright', 'pageinner', 'pageouter', % 'textareacenter', 'textarealeft', 'textarearight', 'textareainner', 'textareaouter'. % * Added 'noindent' key. % * Added \newadjustimage and \NewAdjustImage commands to define custom versions of \adjustimage with predefined key % lists. This include variation to renew, provide and declare such macros. % * Added \provideadjustboxenv and \declareadjustboxenv. % * Added \provideadjustboxcmd and \declareadjustboxcmd. % } % \changes{v1.3}{2020/08/19}{%^^A % * Added support for (hopefully) all 'graphicx' keys. % * Added missing \leavevmode for framing keys. % * Added key "leavevmode" on request of Frank Mittelbach. % * Added 'process' key. % * Added 'clap' key on user request. % * Removed old graphicx key 'print'. % * trimclip: Added explicit luatex driver which uses the pdftex driver to avoid the fallback to PGF driver. % } % \changes{v1.3a}{2022/10/17}{%^^A % * Updated documentation with new repository URL and new email address. % * Added dependency file for texlive. % } % \changes{v1.3b}{2025/02/21}{Added missing tc-luatex.def into .ins file.} % \changes{v1.3c}{2025/02/26}{Added support for newer LuaTeX versions in tc-luatex.def.} % % \GetFileInfo{adjustbox.dtx} % % \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\newenvironment,\def,\edef,\xdef,\gdef,\let} % % \author{Martin Scharrer} % \email{martin.scharrer@web.de} % \repository{https://github.com/MartinScharrer/adjustbox/} % \ydocpdfsettings % \maketitle % % \makeatletter % \def\LATeX{\texorpdfstring{(L\kern -.36em{\sbox \z@ T\vbox to\ht \z@ {\hbox {\check@mathfonts % \fontsize \sf@size \z@ \math@fontsfalse \selectfont A}\vss }}\kern -.15em)\TeX}{(La)TeX}} % \makeatother % % \begin{abstract} % This package allows to adjust general \LATeX\ material in several ways using a key=value interface. % It got inspired by the interface of \Macro\includegraphics from the \pkg{graphicx} package. % This package also loads the \pkg{trimclip} package which code was once included in this package. % \end{abstract} % \clearpage% \tableofcontents % % ^^A ))) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \clearpage\section{Introduction} ^^A ((( % The standard \LaTeX{} package \pkg{graphicx} (the extended version of \pkg{graphics}) provides the macro % \Macro\includegraphics[]{} which can be used to include graphic files. Several options can be used % to scale, resize, rotate, trim and/or clip the graphic. % The macros \Macro\scalebox, \Macro\resizebox and \Macro\rotatebox are also provided to apply the corresponding % operation on \LATeX{} material, which is subsequently placed inside a \Macro\hbox. % However no macros are provided to trim or clip \LATeX{} material, most likely because this operations % are not done by \TeX{} but by the output format, i.e.\ using PostScript (PS) or PDF operations. % % This package started by providing the missing macros \Macro\clipbox and \Macro\trimbox. % Then a general \Macro\adjustbox macro which allows to combine many operations using a key=value syntax was added and % further extended until it represented the main feature of this package. Newly added keys are also provided as % dedicated macros and corresponding environments. % The \Macro\clipbox and \Macro\trimbox macros were then moved together with the required output driver code to a % dedicated package \pkg{trimclip}. This allows documents and other packages to use these basic features without % loading the full \pkg{adjustbox} package. % % % ^^A )))2 % \subsection{Dependencies} ^^A (((2 % The \pkg{adjustbox} package and its \pkg{trimclip} sub-package require the author's other packages \pkg{adjcalc} % (bundled with \pkg{adjustbox}) and \pkg{collectbox}, as well as the packages \pkg{xkeyval}, \pkg{graphicx} and \pkg{ifpdf}. % The \pkg{varwidth} package is automatically loaded if installed, otherwise the \Key{varwidth} and \Key{stack} keys are % disables as well as \Macro\stackbox and the \env{stackbox} environment. % The \pkg{ifoddpage} package is automatically loaded if installed, otherwise the \Key{outer} and \Key{inner} keys are % disables as well as \Macro\outersidebox and \Macro\innersidebox macros and corresponding environments. % For features which use colors the \pkg{xcolor} package must also be loaded manually (the \pkg{color} package is fine, too). % The experimental |split| and |pagebreak| features also require the \pkg{storebox} package to be loaded manually. % % ^^A )))2 % \subsection{Verbatim Support}\label{sec:verbatim} ^^A (((2 % The macros provided by \pkg{adjustbox} and \pkg{trimclip} read the content as a horizontal \TeX{} box and not as an % macro argument in order to support verbatim content. % This means that the braces around the content can also be written as \Macro\bgroup and \Macro\egroup: % \begin{macroquote} % \adjustbox{key=value,\ldots}\AlsoMacro\bgroup~\AlsoMacro\egroup % \end{macroquote} % Special care is taken to allow the \meta{content} to be a single macro (except \Macro\bgroup) without any braces: % \begin{macroquote} % \adjustbox{key=value,\ldots}\AlsoMacro\somemacro % \end{macroquote} % This is to support the habit of some \LaTeX{} users to drop the braces for single token arguments. % All environments support verbatim content. % Note that the plain\TeX{} syntax for environments (\Macro\adjustbox\ldots\Macro\endadjustbox) can not be used % because it will trigger \Macro\adjustbox as a macro. However, the braces around the content can be replaced % by \Macro\bgroup and \Macro\egroup. % % ^^A )))2 % ^^A ))) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \clearpage\section{Package Options}\label{sec:options} ^^A ((( % This package accepts the following options: % % \begin{description}\def\oitem#1{\item[{\normalfont\opt{#1}}]} % \oitem{export} Exports the keys of \Macro\adjustbox to \Macro\includegraphics so that they can be used with this % macro as well. Note that not all keys will works properly with \Macro\includegraphics as its internal % code does not support all features. If problems occur the option |Export| should be used. % For new documents it is recommended to use the macro \Macro\adjustimage{}{} instead. % \oitem{Export} Sets \Macro\includegraphics to be identical to \Macro\adjincludegraphics, which also allows the usage % of all \Macro\adjustbox keys. % \oitem{pgf} This option is passed to \pkg{trimclip} and makes it to use the \pkg{pgf} package for all clip operations. % This overrides all automatically detected drivers. % \oitem{PGF} This option will pass the \opt{pgf} to \pkg{trimclip} and enable the \opt{pgfmath} option of % \pkg{adjcalc}, i.e.\ the \pkg{pgf} % package is used for clip operations and the \pkg{pgfmath} pacakge is used to parse length arguments. % \oitem{minimal} Only load a minimal set of code, i.e.\ \pkg{trimclip} and \Macro\adjustbox/\env{adjustbox} % but no additional keys and macros. % \end{description} % % \noindent % The following options define the way length values are processed by the provided macros. % They are passed to the \Macro\adjcalcset macro of the \pkg{adjcalc} package and load any required packages. % These options can also be used as local keys on \Macro\adjustbox. See the \pkg{adjcalc} manual for more details on % them. % % \begin{description}\def\oitem#1{\item[{\normalfont\opt{#1}}]} % \oitem{etex} Uses the $\epsilon$-\TeX\ primitive \Macro\glueexpr to parse length values. % \oitem{calc} Uses the \pkg{calc} package to parse length values. % \oitem{pgfmath} Uses the \pkg{pgfmath} package of the \pkg{pgf} bundle to parse length values. % \oitem{defaultunit}\MacroArgs!{\hspace*{-1ex}}!'='\relax % This sets the default unit used for values which accept length without units, e.g.\ \Key{trim}. % \end{description} % % \noindent % In addition, all driver options of the \pkg{trimclip} package are also accepted and passed to it. % All unknown options are passed to the \pkg{graphicx} package, which might pass them down to the \pkg{graphics} % package. % % ^^A ))) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \clearpage\section{Main Macros}^^A ((( % The following macros and environments represent the main functionality of this package. % Special care is taken so that the macros and the environments can have the same name. % For starred environments the star can be either part of the name or an optional argument. % % \subsection{Adjust Box Content} ^^A (((2 % \vskip-\lastskip % \DescribeMacro\adjustbox{}{} % The \Macro\adjustbox macro allows the modification of general \LATeX\ content using a key=value syntax. % This can be seen as an extension of the \Macro\includegraphics macro from images to any \LATeX{} material. % The macro supports the all \Macro\includegraphics keys and many more. % However, they are provided as a mandatory not as an optional argument, because an \Macro\adjustbox without options % would not make sense and can be replaced by a simple \Macro\mbox. % As already stated the content is read as a box, not as a macro argument, therefore verbatim or other special % content is supported and the braces can also be replaced by \Macro\bgroup and \Macro\egroup. % There is no starred version of this macro. % % \DescribeEnv[]{adjustbox}{} % The environment version of \Macro\adjustbox. A difference to the macro is that it includes \Macro\noindent % to suppress paragraph indention. % % \Needspace*{5\baselineskip} % \clearpage\subsection{Adjust Images} % \vskip-\lastskip % \DescribeMacro\adjustimage{}{} % This macro can be used as an extension of \Macro\includegraphics. % While \Macro\adjustbox is based on the same interface as \Macro\includegraphics it provides more keys and allows % global keys set by \Macro\adjustboxset. Most keys can be exported to \Macro\includegraphics using the \opt{export} % option, but there is no support for global keys\footnote{However some keys, but not all, can be set globally using % \Macro\setkeys{Gin}{}}. Therefore it can make sense to use % \Macro\adjustbox{}{\AlsoMacro\includegraphics{}}, which is the definition of % \Macro\adjustimage. % However, it does not use \Macro\includegraphics directly, but an internal macro, to allow the redefinition of % \Macro\includegraphics. % This macro does not require the \opt{export} option and therefore helps to avoid option clashes % if \pkg{adjustbox} is loaded at several places. % % % \DescribeMacro\adjincludegraphics[]{} % Like \Macro\adjustimage but in the same format as \Macro\includegraphics, i.e.\ with an optional argument. This macro % allows to use all features of \Macro\adjustbox on images, however special care must be taken if the values include % `|[ ]|'. In this case either the whole value or the while optional argument must be wrapped in `|{ }|': % \Macro\adjincludegraphics['key='{[..]},...]{..} or \\\Macro\adjincludegraphics[{key=[..],...}]{..}. \\ % It is possible to redefine \Macro\includegraphics to \Macro\adjincludegraphics and this is done by % the \opt{Export} option (not to be confused with the \opt{export} option). % % ^^A )))2 % \clearpage\subsection{Defining custom environments and macros} ^^A (((2 % After \pkg{adjustbox} is used to define custom environments to format specific content. % If an environment contains other environments these are often written in the plain form \Macro\foo \ldots % \Macro\endfoo to avoid the overhead of \Macro\begin and \Macro\end and to keep the outer environment name for % meaningful error messages. As mentioned, the dual nature of \Macro\adjustbox which will detect if it is used % as environment of macro does not permit this plain form, which can be a pitfall for custom environment definitions. % Instead the macro form \Macro\adjustbox{}\AlsoMacro\bgroup \ldots \Macro\egroup should be used. % To simplify custom environment definitions based on \Macro\adjustbox/\env{adjustbox} the following macros are % provided. % % % \DescribeMacro\newadjustboxenv{}[][]{} % This declaration defines an environment and macro with the given name which will apply the given \pkg{adjustbox} keys % to its content. The environment/macro can also posses arguments, including one leading optional argument, which can be % used inside the key=value pairs. It is recommended to wrap the arguments into braces, e.g.\ use `|{#1}|' instead of % `|#1|' etc., to avoid issues with potentially included commas and equal signs. % The number and type of arguments are defined using two optional arguments in the same % way as for \Macro\newcommand and \Macro\newenvironment. % % % \DescribeMacro\newadjustboxenv*{}[][]{} % This declaration works similar to the unstarred version but only defines an environment. % This environment can therefore be used like any other normal \LaTeX\ environment, including in its plain % form {\macrodescstyle\textbackslash\meta{name}} \ldots {\macrodescstyle{\textbackslash end\meta{name}}}. % % % \DescribeMacro\renewadjustboxenv{}[][]{} % \DescribeMacro\renewadjustboxenv*{}[][]{} % Like \Macro\newadjustboxenv and \Macro\newadjustboxenv* but will redefine an existing macro/environment and cause an % error if it was not yet defined. % % % \DescribeMacro\provideadjustboxenv{}[][]{} % \DescribeMacro\provideadjustboxenv*{}[][]{} % Like \Macro\newadjustboxenv and \Macro\newadjustboxenv* but will define a macro/environment only if it does not exists % yet. % % % \DescribeMacro\declareadjustboxenv{}[][]{} % \DescribeMacro\declareadjustboxenv*{}[][]{} % Like \Macro\newadjustboxenv and \Macro\newadjustboxenv* but will always define a macro/environment even if it does already exist. % % % \DescribeMacro\newadjustboxcmd{<\textbackslash macro>}[][]{} % This declaration defines a macro which applies the given \pkg{adjustbox} keys to its content. % As with \Macro\adjustbox the content is read as box, not as macro argument. % The macro arguments (if any) are defined in the same way as with \Macro\newcommand. % The arguments can then be used inside the key=value pairs. The number of arguments does not % include the content. % This declaration is intended if no environment form is required and is more efficient than the dual declaration. % % \begin{example} % \begin{examplecode} % \newadjustboxcmd{\frotate}[1]{rotate={#1},fbox}% % \frotate{30}{Text} % \end{examplecode} % \end{example} % % \DescribeMacro\renewadjustboxcmd{<\textbackslash macro>}[][]{} % Like \Macro\newadjustboxcmd but will redefine an existing macro and cause an % error if it was not yet defined. % % % \DescribeMacro\provideadjustboxcmd{<\textbackslash macro>}[][]{} % Like \Macro\newadjustboxcmd but will define the macro only if it does not exist yet. % % % \DescribeMacro\declareadjustboxcmd{<\textbackslash macro>}[][]{} % Like \Macro\newadjustboxcmd but will define the macro in any case even if it does exist yet.% % % % \DescribeMacro\newadjustimage{<\textbackslash macro>}[][]{} % \DescribeMacro\renewadjustimage{<\textbackslash macro>}[][]{} % \DescribeMacro\provideadjustimage{<\textbackslash macro>}[][]{} % These macros allow to define new versions of \Macro\adjustimage with predefined key lists. % The new define image macros can also have arguments which can be used in the predefined key list to % substitude values or one or multiple keys. % % They work like \Macro\newcommand, \Macro\renewcommand and \Macro\providecommand, respectively, where % \meta{num} is the number of arguments and \meta{default} provides a default value for the then optional % first argument. However, instead of a macro content a \meta{key=value} list must be present, which can % contain the arguments (|#1|, |#2|, etc). If arguments are used as values they should be wrapped in braces. % If there are only part of a value the whole value should be wrapped in braces. This is to avoid causes commas % inside the arguments to cause issues with the key=value list. % % \begin{example} % \begin{examplecode} % \newadjustimage{\myimage}[2][red]{width={#2},cfbox={#1}}% % \myimage{2cm}{example-image} % \myimage[blue]{2cm}{example-image} % \end{examplecode} % \end{example} % % \DescribeMacro\declareadjustimage{<\textbackslash macro>}[][]{} % Like \Macro\newadjustimage but will not cause an error if the macro is already defined. % % % \DescribeMacro\NewAdjustImage{<\textbackslash macro>}{}{} % \DescribeMacro\RenewAdjustImage{<\textbackslash macro>}{}{} % \DescribeMacro\ProvideAdjustImage{<\textbackslash macro>}{}{} % \DescribeMacro\DeclareAdjustImage{<\textbackslash macro>}{}{} % These macros also allow to define new versions of \Macro\adjustimage with predefined key lists, but use % the \pkg{xparse} package (which must be loaded separately!) and its macros \Macro\NewDocumentCommand, \Macro\RenewDocumentCommand, % \Macro\ProvideDocumentCommand and \Macro\DeclareDocumentCommand instead of the standard \LaTeX\ macro creation % macros. This allows a larger variety of optional and mandatory arguments. Please see the \pkg{xparse} manual % for more details. % % \begin{example} % \begin{examplecode} % \NewAdjustImage{\myimage}{O{red}m}{width={#2},cfbox={#1}}% % \myimage{2cm}{example-image} % \myimage[blue]{2cm}{example-image} % \end{examplecode} % \end{example} % % % ^^A )))2 % \clearpage\subsection{Setting keys globally} ^^A (((2 % \vskip-\lastskip % \DescribeMacro\adjustboxset{} % \DescribeMacro\adjustboxset*{} % Using these two macros all keys can be set globally, i.e.\ for all future \Macro\adjustbox macros and \env{adjustbox} % environments. Note that these settings are actually \emph{local} to the current \TeX\ group and only really global if % used in the preamble or outside any group. The normal macro will place all given keys before the keys used in first % argument of \Macro\adjustbox\ / \env{adjustbox}, while the starred version will place them afterwards. % % If these macros are used several times there keys are accumulated. This happens in the given order for the normal % version and in reversed order for the starred version, i.e.\ the keys of further \Macro\adjustboxset or % \Macro\adjustboxset* are always added so they face inwards. If used without any keys but an empty argument, all keys % previously set with the same macro are removed (from the current \TeX\ scope). This means \Macro\adjustboxset{} % clears all keys set be previously usages of \Macro\adjustboxset{} and \Macro\adjustboxset*{} clears all set by % \Macro\adjustboxset*{}. Such resets are again local to the current \TeX\ group. % % % \begin{examples} % The macros: % \begin{macroquote} % \adjustboxset{keya=1} \\ % \adjustboxset*{keyc=3}\\ % \adjustbox{keyb=2}{content} % \end{macroquote} % are effectively the same as: % \begin{macroquote} % \adjustbox{keya=1,keyb=2,keyc=3}{content} % \end{macroquote} % \par\medskip\noindent % The macros: % \begin{macroquote} % \adjustboxset{keya=1,keyb=2} \\ % \adjustboxset{keyc=3,keyd=4} \\ % \adjustboxset*{keyg=7,keyh=8}\\ % \adjustboxset*{keyi=9,keyj=10}\\ % \adjustbox{keye=5,keyf=6}{content} % \end{macroquote} % are effectively the same as: % \begin{codequote} % \AlsoMacro\adjustbox'{keya=1,keyb=2,keyc=3,keyd=4,keye=5,keyf=6,'\\ % !\hskip0pt!' keyi=9,keyj=10,keyg=7,keyh=8}'{content} % \end{codequote} % \end{examples} % % ^^A )))2 % \clearpage\subsection{Argument Values}\label{sec:argval} ^^A (((2 % All length values given in the arguments of all macros and keys provided by this package are parsed % by and advanced version of \Macro\setlength\relax (called \Macro\adjsetlength) which uses either $\epsilon$-\TeX\ % expressions (default), the \pkg{calc} package (default fall-back) or the \Macro\pgfmathparse of the \pkg{pgf} package. % This allows for arithmetic expressions in these arguments. See the package options in \autoref{sec:options} to learn % how to change the used length parser. Note that early versions of this package used \Macro\pgfmathparse by default. % Older documents therefore might need now use the \opt{pgfmath} option to compile correctly. % % Note that the four values for \Macro\trimbox and \Macro\clipbox as well as for the % \Key{trim} and \Key{viewport} option of \Macro\adjustbox are separated by spaces. If the expression of any of this % values holds a space or ends with a macro (eats trailing spaces!) it must be wrapped into braces "{ }". % % % \DescribeMacros % \hbox{\Macro\width~~~\Macro\height~~~\Macro\depth~~~\Macro\totalheight}% % \endDescribeMacros % These \LaTeX{} lengths hold the current dimensions of the content and can be used as part all length arguments. When % the size of the content is changed by a key these lengths will be adjusted to hold the new size for all further keys. % The totalheight is the height plus depth. With the \pkg{patch} option these lengths can also be used for % \Macro\includegraphics. % % \DescribeMacros % \hbox{\Macro\Width~~~\Macro\Height~~~\Macro\Depth~~~\Macro\Totalheight}% % \endDescribeMacros % These \LaTeX{} lengths hold the original dimension of original unchanged content and are not modified. They are % useful if the size of the content is modified by several keys, but further keys should still work relative to the % original content. % % % \DescribeMacro\smallestside % This macro expands to either \Macro\width or \Macro\totalheight whatever is smaller. % % \DescribeMacro\largestside % This macro expands to either \Macro\width or \Macro\totalheight whatever is larger. % % \DescribeMacro\Smallestside % This macro expands to either \Macro\Width or \Macro\Totalheight whatever is smaller. % % \DescribeMacro\Largestside % This macro expands to either \Macro\Width or \Macro\Totalheight whatever is larger. % % % \subsubsection*{Default unit} % If no unit is provided for of the bounding box coordinates (left, bottom, right, top) in the trim and clip features then % PostScript points (\emph{big points}, bp, $72\,\text{bp}=1\,\text{inch}$) are used, as it is the default behaviour of % the \Key{trim} and \Key{viewport} options of \pkg{graphicx}'s \Macro\includegraphics. Note that \pkg{graphicx} % converts all values, independent if a unit is provided or not, internally to bp, because graphics where traditionally % stored in Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files. The more modern PDF files also use bp instead of pt. Because the % \pkg{adjustbox} package macros target \LATeX{} material and users will mostly use pt values this internal conversion % to bp got disabled for them to avoid unnecessary rounding errors. Since v0.5 the default unit can be changed using the % |defaultunit|\MacroArgs'='\relax key (which is also usable as global package option). % % ^^A )))2 % ^^A ))) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \clearpage\section{Adjustbox Keys} ^^A ((( % This packages provides the following \Macro\adjustbox keys with matching macros and environments. % % % \subsection{Trimming and Clipping} ^^A (((2 % The following keys allow content to be trimmed (i.e.\ the official size is made smaller, so the remaining material % laps over the official boundaries) or clipped (overlapping material is not displayed). % These keys come in different variants, where the lower-case keys represent the behavior of % the corresponding \Macro\includegraphics keys. The corresponding macros (\Macro\trimbox, \Macro\clipbox, etc.) % and environments (\env{trimbox}, \env{clipbox}, etc.) are included in the % accompanying \pkg{trimclip} package and are explained in its manual. % % \DescribeKey{trim}'=' % \DescribeKey{trim}'='~ % \DescribeKey{trim}'='~~~ % This key represents the original \Key{trim} key of \Macro\includegraphics but accepts its value in different forms. % Unlike most other keys it always acts on the original content independent in which order it is used with other keys. % If only one value is given it will be used for all four sites. % If only two values are given, seperated by a space, the first one will be used for the left and right side and the second for the % bottom and top side. % % % \DescribeKey{viewport}'='~~~ % This key represents the original \Key{viewport} key of \Macro\includegraphics. % It always trims the original content to the given view port independent from its position. % % \DescribeKey{clip} % \DescribeKey{clip}'=true|false' % This boolean key represents the original \Key{clip} key of \Macro\includegraphics. % It is intended to be used to make \Key{trim} or \Key{viewport} clip the trimmed material. % Note that the material will still be part of the output file but is simply not shown. % It might be exported from the output file using special tools, so using it to censor classified information is a % bad idea. % % % \DescribeKey{Trim}'=' % \DescribeKey{Trim}'='~ % \DescribeKey{Trim}'='~~~ % \DescribeKey{Viewport}'='~~~ % The normal \Key{trim} and \Key{viewport} keys are applied on the original content before any resizing or (most) other % keys take effect. This is because for \Macro\includegraphics the trimming is done by the internal graphic driver, % while the effects can be applied later (but can also be driver dependent). % If the \Key{trim} and \Key{viewport} keys are used multiple times only the last values will be used for the trimming, % i.e. the content is only trimmed once. The upper case variants \Key{Trim} and \Key{Viewport} will wrap the content % internally in a \Macro\trimbox or \Macro\trimbox*\relax macro which can be applied multiple times, e.g.\ before and % after the content is rotated. These two keys awaits the same format as the original keys. However, the \Key{clip} key % has no effect on them. % % % \DescribeKey{Clip}'=' % \DescribeKey{Clip}'='~ % \DescribeKey{Clip}'='~~~ % \DescribeKey{Clip*}'='~~~ % The \Key{Clip} key will clip the given amounts from the current content and can be used several times if required. % The starred version will use the given coordinates as \Key{viewport}. % These keys work by wrapping the content internally in a \Macro\clipbox or \Macro\clipbox*\relax macro. % % % \DescribeKey{rndcorners}'=' % \DescribeKey{rndcorners}'='~ % \DescribeKey{rndcorners}'='~~~ % This key produces round corners by clipping the content. This is done using the same way as the % above clipping keys but instead of a rectangle clipping path one with quarter circles is used. % The radius of the every round corner can be given separately if wanted. If only one value is given % it is used for all four corners. If only two values are given they will be used for the left and right side, respectively. % A value of 0pt will produce a normal rectangular corner. % No radius should be larger than half the smallest side (minimum of \Macro\width and \Macro\totalheight). % % Please see also the related keys \Key{rndfbox} and \Key{rndframe}, which allow to add a rounded frame around the content as well. % % % ^^A )))2 % \clearpage\subsection{Margins and Vertical Spacing} ^^A (((2 % \vspace{-\baselineskip} % % \DescribeKey{margin}'=' % \DescribeKey{margin}'='~ % \DescribeKey{margin}'='~~~ % This key can be used to add a margin (white space) around the content. It can be seen as the opposite of \Key{Trim}. % The original baseline of the content is preserved because \meta{bottom} is added to the depth. % It is also available under the alternative name \Key{padding}, which can be used to more visually distinguish an inner % margin from an outer margin e.g.\ if a frame is added. % % \begin{example} % \begin{examplecode} % Before \adjustbox{padding=1ex 2ex 3ex 4ex,frame,margin=1ex 2ex 3ex 4ex}{Text} After % \end{examplecode} % \end{example} % % \DescribeKey{margin*}'=' % \DescribeKey{margin*}'='~ % \DescribeKey{margin*}'='~~~ % This starred version is almost identical to the normal \Key{margin} key, but also raises the content by the \MacroArgs % amount, so that the original depth is preserved instead of the original baseline. % Note that while \Key{margin} is basically the opposite of \Key{Trim}, \Key{margin*} is not the opposite of \Key{Trim*}. % Instead it also takes the same values as the unstarred key and not viewport values like \Key{Trim*}. % An alternative name of \Key{margin*} is \Key{padding*}. % % \begin{example} % \begin{examplecode} % Before \adjustbox{padding*=1ex 2ex 3ex 4ex,frame,margin*=1ex 2ex 3ex 4ex}{Text} After % \end{examplecode} % \end{example} % % % \DescribeKey{vspace}'=' % \DescribeKey{vspace}'='~ % The \Key{vspace} key adds a vertical space before and after the content. % This is done by adding paragraph breaks and \Macro\vspace macros, which will yield better spacing between % paragraphs then when using the \Key{margin} key. % However \Key{vspace} forces vertical mode around the content. Adding further keys after \Key{vspace} will force % restricted horizontal mode again and the vertical space will be ignored. For this situation the \Key{margin} key is % better suited. % % \DescribeKey{vspace*}'=' % \DescribeKey{vspace*}'='~ % Identical to \Key{vspace} but uses \Macro\vspace'*' instead. % The difference is that the vertical space is not ignored at page breaks, but its full amount is always forced. % % % ^^A )))2 % \clearpage\subsection{Minimum and Maximum Size} ^^A (((2 % The following keys allow to set a minimum or maximum size. % The content will be scaled down or up if required. % % % \DescribeKey{min width}'=' % \DescribeKey{max width}'=' % \DescribeKey{min height}'=' % \DescribeKey{max height}'=' % \DescribeKey{min totalheight}'=' % \DescribeKey{max totalheight}'=' % These keys allow to set the minimum and maximum width, height or totalheight of the content. % The current size of the content is measured and the content is resized if the constraint is not already met, % otherwise the content is unchanged. Multiple usages of these keys are checked one after each other, and therefore % it is possible that a later one is undoing the size changes of an earlier one. % A good example is \Key{max width}'='\AlsoMacro\textwidth which will limit large content to the text width but will not affect smaller % content. % % \DescribeKey{min size}'='{}{} % \DescribeKey{max size}'='{}{} % \DescribeKey{min totalsize}'='{}{} % \DescribeKey{max totalsize}'='{}{} % These keys allow to specify the minimum or maximum width and (total)height of the content together, % which is more efficient than using the width and (total)height keys described earlier. % % % % \DescribeMacro\minsizebox{}{}{} % \DescribeMacro\minsizebox'*'{}{}{} % This macro is like \Macro\resizebox of the \pkg{graphics/x} package, but only resizes the content if its natural size is smaller % than the given \meta{width} or \meta{height}. % If only one value should be set the other one can be replaced by "!". % If required the content is scaled up so that the width and height is equal or larger than the given values, but does not change % the aspect ratio. % The star variant uses the total height instead of only the height. % This macro is used internally for the \Key{min width}, \Key{min height}, \Key{min totalheight} and \Key{min totalsize} keys. % % \begin{examples} % \begin{examplecode} % \minsizebox{3cm}{2ex}{Some Text} which will be enlarged % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \minsizebox{!}{4ex}{\fbox{Some Text}} which will be enlarged % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \minsizebox*{!}{4ex}{\fbox{Some Text}} which will be enlarged % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \minsizebox{3cm}{!}{Some Text} which will be enlarged % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \minsizebox{1cm}{1ex}{Some Text}, already large enough % \end{examplecode} % \end{examples} % % % \DescribeMacro\maxsizebox{}{}{} % \DescribeMacro\maxsizebox'*'{}{}{} % This macro is like \Macro\resizebox of the \pkg{graphics/x} package, but only resizes the content if its natural size is larger % than the given \meta{width} or \meta{height}. % If only one value should be set the other one can be replaced by "!". % If required the content is scaled down so that the width and height is equal or smaller than the given values, but does not change % the aspect ratio. % The star variant uses the total height instead of only the height. % This macro is used internally for the \Key{max width}, \Key{max height}, \Key{max totalheight} and \Key{max totalsize} keys. % % \begin{examples} % \begin{examplecode} % \maxsizebox{1cm}{1ex}{Some Text} which will be reduced % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \maxsizebox{!}{1ex}{\fbox{Some Text}} which will be reduced % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \maxsizebox*{!}{1ex}{\fbox{Some Text}} which will be reduced % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \maxsizebox{1cm}{!}{Some Text} which will be reduced % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \maxsizebox{3cm}{1cm}{Some Text}, already small enough % \end{examplecode} % \end{examples} % % % \DescribeKey{warn width} % \DescribeKey{warn width}= % If this key is used the current width of the content is measured and compared with the given maximum width (default is % \Macro\linewidth). % If the content is wider than this value by more than the \TeX\ length \Macro\hfuzz\relax (by default 0.1pt) % an \emph{Overfull hbox} warning is produced. % The warning will include the source code position and the information that it was an |adjustbox| not a normal % paragraph: % \par\smallskip\par % {\ttfamily Overfull |\hbox| (X.Ypt too wide) in adjustbox at line N} % % {\ttfamily Overfull |\hbox| (X.Ypt too wide) in adjustbox at lines N-M} % \par\smallskip\par\noindent % Note that this key is not able to take any horizontal space before the |adjustbox| % into account. This includes a paragraph indention which might be present with \Macro\adjustbox. % % This key is useful to be used before the horizontal alignment keys which change the official width of the content % and prevent the normal \emph{Overfull} warnings to take affect. % % % ^^A )))2 % \Needspace*{8\baselineskip} % \clearpage\subsection{Scaling} ^^A (((2 % \vspace{-\baselineskip} % % \DescribeKey{scale}'=' % \DescribeKey{scale}'='{}{} % The normal \Key{scale} key of \pkg{graphicx} only allows for one scale factor which is used for both the horizontal and vertical scaling. % With \pkg{adjustbox} it is also possible to provide the horizontal and vertical scale factors separately. % % \begin{examples} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{scale=2}{Some text!} % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{scale={2}{1}}{Some text!} % \end{examplecode} % \end{examples} % % % \DescribeKey{reflect} % This key reflects the content by using \Macro\reflectbox internally, which is identical to \Macro\scalebox{-1}[1], % i.e.\ this key is identical to \Key{scale}'='{-1}{1}. % % \begin{examples} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{reflect}{Some text!} % \end{examplecode} % \end{examples} % % % \DescribeMacro\scalebox{}[]{} % \DescribeMacro\reflectbox{} % These macros is provided by the loaded \pkg{graphicx} package and only mentioned here for the sake of completeness. % See the |grfguide| for more details. % % % ^^A )))2 % \clearpage\subsection{Frame} ^^A (((2 % The following keys can be used to draw frames around the content. % % \DescribeKey{fbox} % \DescribeKey{fbox}'=' % \DescribeKey{fbox}'='~ % \DescribeKey{fbox}'='~~ % Draws a framed box around the content like \Macro\fbox would do. % Using the optional space separated values the rule width, the separation (inner padding) and the outer margin can be set. % If not they default to the values \Macro\fbox uses by default: \Macro\fboxrule, \Macro\fboxsep and zero margin. % % \begin{examples} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{fbox}{Like \cs{fbox}} % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{fbox=1pt}{With 1pt rule width} % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{fbox=1pt 2pt}{With 1pt rule width and 2pt separation} % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{fbox={\fboxrule} 1pt}{With normal rule width and 1pt separation} % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{fbox=1pt 1pt 1pt}{With 1pt for rule width, separation and outer margin} % \end{examplecode} % \end{examples} % % % \DescribeKey{frame} % \DescribeKey{frame}'=' % \DescribeKey{frame}'='~ % \DescribeKey{frame}'='~~ % The \Key{frame} key has the same effect as the \Key{fbox} key but is modeled after \LaTeX's \Macro\frame macro (not the version \cls{beamer} defines). % This means it adds a tight frame with zero separation around the content by default. Besides that it accepts the same space separated values. % This key is useful to easily add a tight frame around images where the normal separation wouldn't fit. % % \begin{examples} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{frame}{Tight box} % \end{examplecode} % \end{examples} % % % \DescribeKey{cfbox}'=' % \DescribeKey{cfbox}'='~ % \DescribeKey{cfbox}'='~~ % \DescribeKey{cfbox}'='~~~ % Identical to \Key{fbox} but uses the given color for the frame. % The \pkg{xcolor} package must be loaded manually in order for this key to work. % \begin{example} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{cfbox=blue 1pt}{Like a blue \cs{fbox} with \cs{fboxrule}=1pt} % \end{examplecode} % \end{example} % % % \DescribeKey{cframe}'=' % \DescribeKey{cframe}'='~ % \DescribeKey{cframe}'='~~ % \DescribeKey{cframe}'='~~~ % Identical to \Key{frame} but uses the given color for the frame. % The \pkg{xcolor} package must be loaded manually in order for this key to work. % \begin{example} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{cframe=blue!50!green} % {Like a blue and green \cs{frame}} % \end{examplecode} % \end{example} % % % \DescribeKey{rndframe}'=' % \DescribeKey{rndframe}'='~ % \DescribeKey{rndframe}'='~~~ % \DescribeKey{rndframe}'='{}{} % \DescribeKey{rndframe}'='{}{~} % \DescribeKey{rndframe}'='{}{~~~} % % \begingroup % \colorlet{keydesc}{keydesc!50!green} % \DescribeKey{color}'='{} % \DescribeKey{color*}'='{} % \DescribeKey{width}'='{} % \DescribeKey{sep}'='{} % % \DescribeKey{clip} % \DescribeKey{clip}'=true|false' % \endgroup % % \begin{example} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{scale=3,bgcolor=gray,rndframe={color=red,width=2\fboxrule,sep=2\fboxsep}{15pt}} % {\Huge XXXX}% % \end{examplecode} % \end{example} % % \DescribeKey{rndcornersbox} % Like \Key{rndframe} (see argument list there) but only clips the corners without drawing a frame. % % \DescribeKey{rndfbox} % Like \Key{rndframe} (see argument list there) but with preset % \begingroup % \colorlet{keydesc}{keydesc!50!green} % \Key{sep}'='0pt. % \endgroup % % \DescribeMacro\rndcornersbox % \DescribeMacro\rndframebox % \DescribeMacro\rndfbox % Standalone macro versions of the corresponding keys. See there for the list of arguments. % % ^^A )))2 % \clearpage\subsection{Vertical Alignment} ^^A (((2 % The following keys can be used to adjust the vertical alignment and size of the content. % % \DescribeKey{valign}'=' % This key allows to vertically align the content to the top, middle and bottom. The uppercase letters |T|, |M| and |B| % align to the content top (i.e. all depth, no height), the geometric, vertical center (equal height and depth) and to % the bottom (all height, no depth), respectively. This allows the alignment of content of different size, but will not % result in good alignment with text. The lowercase letters |t|, |m| and |b| are aligning the content again to the top, % center and bottom but take the current text size in account. % The |t| letter leaves a certain height given by the macro\footnote{A macro and not a length is used to allow for % font size relative values like \texttt{1ex}.} \Macro\adjboxvtop\relax % (by default set to the height of \Macro\strut\relax, i.e.\ |\ht\strutbox|, which is |.7\baselineskip|), % while |b| sets a certain depth given (as negative length) by the macro \Macro\adjboxvbottom\relax % (by default equal to the (negated) \Macro\strut depth, i.e.\ |-\dp\strutbox|, which is |.3\baselineskip|). % The |m| letter will center towards the vertical center of the text line which is determined by the macro % \Macro\adjboxvcenter\relax (by default \texttt{1ex}). % % The following table shows the different alignments for three different sized blocks: % % \bigskip % \begingroup % \def\vr{% % \unskip % \tikz [gray] {\useasboundingbox (0,0); % \draw (-13.5em,0) -- (2.25em,0); % \draw (-13.5em,\adjboxvcenter) -- (2.25em,\adjboxvcenter); % }% % \unskip\ignorespaces % }% % \centerline{% % \begin{tabular}{cccm{2em}} % \toprule % \texttt{T} & \texttt{M} & \texttt{B} & Text \\ % \adjustbox{valign=T}{\textcolor{red}{\rule{1em}{2em}\unskip}}\unskip % \adjustbox{valign=T}{\textcolor{green}{\rule{1em}{3em}\unskip}}\unskip % \adjustbox{valign=T}{\textcolor{blue}{\rule{1em}{1ex}\unskip}} & % \adjustbox{valign=M}{\textcolor{red}{\rule{1em}{2em}\unskip}}\unskip % \adjustbox{valign=M}{\textcolor{green}{\rule{1em}{3em}\unskip}}\unskip % \adjustbox{valign=M}{\textcolor{blue}{\rule{1em}{1ex}\unskip}} & % \adjustbox{valign=B}{\textcolor{red}{\rule{1em}{2em}\unskip}}\unskip % \adjustbox{valign=B}{\textcolor{green}{\rule{1em}{3em}\unskip}}\unskip % \adjustbox{valign=B}{\textcolor{blue}{\rule{1em}{1ex}\unskip}} & % Mxy \newline \mbox{\vr Mxy}\newline Mxy \\ % \midrule % \texttt{t} & \texttt{m} & \texttt{b} & Text \\ % \adjustbox{valign=t}{\textcolor{red}{\rule{1em}{2em}\unskip}}\unskip % \adjustbox{valign=t}{\textcolor{green}{\rule{1em}{3em}\unskip}}\unskip % \adjustbox{valign=t}{\textcolor{blue}{\rule{1em}{1ex}\unskip}} & % \adjustbox{valign=m}{\textcolor{red}{\rule{1em}{2em}\unskip}}\unskip % \adjustbox{valign=m}{\textcolor{green}{\rule{1em}{3em}\unskip}}\unskip % \adjustbox{valign=m}{\textcolor{blue}{\rule{1em}{1ex}\unskip}} & % \adjustbox{valign=b}{\textcolor{red}{\rule{1em}{2em}\unskip}}\unskip % \adjustbox{valign=b}{\textcolor{green}{\rule{1em}{3em}\unskip}}\unskip % \adjustbox{valign=b}{\textcolor{blue}{\rule{1em}{1ex}\unskip}} & % Mxy \newline \mbox{\vr Mxy}\newline Mxy \\ % \bottomrule % \end{tabular}} % \endgroup % % % \DescribeKey{raise}'=' % \DescribeKey{raise}'='{}{} % \DescribeKey{raise}'='{}{}{} % This key uses % \Macro\raisebox{}{\ldots} to raise the content upwards for the given \meta{amount} (length). % A negative length moves the content down. % The two optional arguments of \Macro\raisebox{}[][]{\ldots}\relax are also available % as optional brace arguments. They can be used to set the official height and depth of the content. % This is also possible using the \Key{set height} and \Key{set depth} keys. % % \begin{examples} % \begin{examplecode} % Is \adjustbox{raise=1ex}{higher} % than the normal text % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % Is \adjustbox{raise={1ex}{\height}}{higher} % than the normal text but sill has % its original official height % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % Is \adjustbox{raise={1ex}{1ex}{0pt}}{higher and % \rotatebox{-90}{deeper}} but with limited official % height and no depth. % \end{examplecode} % \end{examples} % % % \DescribeKey{set height}'=' % This sets the official height of the content without actual changing it. This can be seen as a form of trimming. % It uses the same internal code as\\ % \Macro\raisebox{'0pt'}[]{}. % % \begin{example} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{set height=.5\height} % {\shortstack{some stacked\\content}} % \end{examplecode} % \end{example} % % \DescribeKey{set depth}'=' % This sets the official depth of the content without actual changing it. This can be seen as a form of trimming. % It uses the same internal code as\\ % \Macro\raisebox{'0pt'}['\height'][]{}. % % \begin{example} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{set depth=0pt} % {\shortstack{some stacked\\content % with \raisebox{-1ex}{depth}}} % \end{examplecode} % \end{example} % % \DescribeKey{set vsize}'='{}{} % This sets the official height of depth of the content without actual changing it. % This key is simply the combination of \Key{set height} and \Key{set depth}. % % \begin{example} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{set vsize={2pt}{1pt}} % {\shortstack{some stacked\\content % with \raisebox{-1ex}{depth}}} % \end{examplecode} % \end{example} % % % ^^A )))2 % \clearpage\subsection{Horizontal Alignment} ^^A (((2 % The following keys can be used to adjust the horizontal alignment and size of the content. % % \DescribeKey{center} % \DescribeKey{center}'=' % This key places % the content in a horizontal box which is by default \Macro\linewidth wide (i.e.\ as wide as a normal text paragraph) % and centers it in it. The effect is very similar to \Macro\centerline. The original content is unchanged, but simply identical % white space is added as a left and right margin. This is useful if the content is a figure or table and can be used as a replacement % for \Macro\centering. One important difference is that the content will then have the given width which might influence (sub-)caption % placement. % If the content is wider than the available width it will stick out on both sides equally without causing an overfull hbox warning. % Note that when \Macro\adjustbox paragraph is used at the beginning of a paragraph the normal paragraph indention is added, which % will push the while box to the right and might cause an overfull line. In such cases a \Macro\noindent must be added beforehand. % The \env{adjustbox} environment already uses this macro. % % \begin{examples} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{center}{Some content} % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{center=5cm}{Some content} % \end{examplecode} % \end{examples} % % % \DescribeKey{right} % \DescribeKey{right}'=' % Like \Key{center} this key % places the content in a box with the given width (by default \Macro\linewidth) but right aligns it. % If the content is wider than the available width it will stick out into the left side without causing an overfull hbox warning. % % \begin{examples} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{right}{Some content} % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{right=5cm}{Some content} % \end{examplecode} % \end{examples} % % % \DescribeKey{left} % \DescribeKey{left}'=' % Like \Key{center} this key % places the content in a box with the given width (by default \Macro\linewidth) but left aligns it. % If the content is wider than the available width it will stick out into the right side without causing an overfull hbox warning. % % \begin{examples} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{left}{Some content} % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{left=5cm}{Some content} % \end{examplecode} % \end{examples} % % % \DescribeKey{inner} % \DescribeKey{inner}'=' % Like \Key{center}, \Key{left} and \Key{right} this key % places the content in a box with the given width (by default \Macro\linewidth) but aligns it towards the inner margin. % If the content is wider than the available width it will stick into the outer margin without causing an overfull hbox warning. % In |twoside| mode this key is equal to \Key{left} for odd pages and equal to \Key{right} for even pages. % For |oneside| mode it is equal to \Key{left}. % Note that the page-is-odd test might not always lead to correct results for some material close to a page boundary, because \TeX\ % might not have decided on which page it will be placed. This can be improved by loading the \pkg{changepage} package with the % \opt{strict} option, which uses a reference to determine the correct page number (and requires the usual additional compiler run). % % % \DescribeKey{outer} % \DescribeKey{outer}'=' % Identical to \Key{inner} but aligns the content towards the outer margin. % For |oneside| mode it is equal to \Key{right}. % If the content is wider than the available width it will stick into the outer inner without causing an overfull hbox warning. % % % \DescribeKey{pagecenter} % \DescribeKey{pagecenter}'=' % This key centers the content relative to the page and independent from the text area. Afterwards the content has the same distance to the % left and right page borders. It differs from the \Key{center} key when the left and right page margins are different which is the case in % |twoside| documents or in environments which change the margins. % % Note that the content will look misalign to the text paragraphs before and afterwards and is therefore only % pleasing for overwide images or similar content. % % The optional width defaults to \Macro\linewidth and determines the official width of the content. If a smaller value is selected % following material will be placed on the same line while maybe overlapping the content. % Larger values will cause an |Overfull \hbox| warning. % % \DescribeKey{pageleftalign} % \DescribeKey{pageleftalign}'=' % Similar to \Key{pagecenter}\relax{} (see remarks there) but aligns the content on the left side of the page instead of centering it. % % \DescribeKey{pagerightalign} % \DescribeKey{pagerightalign}'=' % Similar to \Key{pagecenter}\relax{} (see remarks there) but aligns the content on the left side of the page instead of centering it. % % \DescribeKey{pageinner} % \DescribeKey{pageinner}'=' % Similar to \Key{pagecenter}\relax{} (see remarks there) but aligns the content on the inner side of the page instead of centering it. % This assumes that the document is compiled in |twoside| mode. % In |oneside| mode the macro is identical to \Key{pageleftalign}, i.e. always aligns to the left of the page. % % \DescribeKey{pageouter} % \DescribeKey{pageouter}'=' % Similar to \Key{pagecenter}\relax{} (see remarks there) but aligns the content on the outer side of the page instead of centering it. % This assumes that the document is compiled in |twoside| mode. % In |oneside| mode the macro is identical to \Key{pagerightalign}, i.e. always aligns to the right of the page. % % % \DescribeKey{textareacenter} % \DescribeKey{textareacenter}'=' % This key centers the content on the text area (the box with size \Macro\textwidth$\times$\Macro\textheight containing the text on a page) % even if the box is inside an indending environment like \env{enumerate}. For this it is assumed that the adjusted box is on the start % of a line or paragraph. If this is not the case the content will be overlapping the material on its left side. % % The optional width defaults to \Macro\linewidth and determines the official width of the content. If a smaller value is selected % following material will be placed on the same line while maybe overlapping the content. % Larger values will cause an |Overfull \hbox| warning.% % % % \DescribeKey{textareatalign} % \DescribeKey{textareatalign}'=' % Similar to \Key{textareacenter}\relax{} (see remarks there) but aligns the content on the left side of the text area instead of centering it. % % \DescribeKey{textareatalign} % \DescribeKey{textareatalign}'=' % Similar to \Key{textareacenter}\relax{} (see remarks there) but aligns the content on the left side of the text area instead of centering it. % % \DescribeKey{textareainner} % \DescribeKey{textareainner}'=' % Similar to \Key{textareacenter}\relax{} (see remarks there) but aligns the content on the inner side of the text area instead of centering it. % This assumes that the document is compiled in |twoside| mode. % In |oneside| mode the macro is identical to \Key{pageleftalign}, i.e. always aligns to the left of the text area. % % \DescribeKey{textareaouter} % \DescribeKey{textareaouter}'=' % Similar to \Key{textareacenter}\relax{} (see remarks there) but aligns the content on the outer side of the text area instead of centering it. % This assumes that the document is compiled in |twoside| mode. % In |oneside| mode the macro is identical to \Key{pagerightalign}, i.e. always aligns to the right of the text area. % % % % \DescribeKey{noindent} % This key will issue an \Macro\noindent for the \Macro\adjustbox to avoid a paragraph indention if it starts a paragraph. % It does not expect a value and will ignore it if provided. % % % \DescribeKey{leavevmode} % This key will issue an \Macro\leavevmode for the \Macro\adjustbox to enter paragraph mode, i.e.\ it starts a paragraph. % This is usually done automatically by all Keys, but is provided as a failsafe in case of any bugs. % % % \DescribeMacro\centerbox[]{} % \vspace{-1.5\baselineskip}\nopagebreak % \DescribeEnv[]{centerbox}[] % Macro and environment version of the \Key{center} key. The optional width argument defaults to \Macro\linewidth. % Both include a \Macro\noindent to avoid paragraph indention. If an paragraph indention is wanted it can be created by % placing a |\mbox{}| or the identical |\null| macro before it. % % % \DescribeMacro\leftalignbox[]{} % \vspace{-1.5\baselineskip}\nopagebreak % \DescribeEnv[]{leftalignbox}[] % Macro and environment version of the \Key{left} key. The optional width argument defaults to \Macro\linewidth. % Both include a \Macro\noindent to avoid paragraph indention. If an paragraph indention is wanted it can be created by % placing a |\mbox{}| or the identical |\null| macro before it. % % % \DescribeMacro\rightalignbox[]{} % \vspace{-1.5\baselineskip}\nopagebreak % \DescribeEnv[]{rightalignbox}[] % Macro and environment version of the \Key{rightalign} key. The optional width argument defaults to \Macro\linewidth. % Both include a \Macro\noindent to avoid paragraph indention. If an paragraph indention is wanted it can be created by % placing a |\mbox{}| or the identical |\null| macro before it. % % % \DescribeMacro\innersidebox[]{} % \vspace{-1.5\baselineskip}\nopagebreak % \DescribeEnv[]{innersidebox}[] % Macro and environment version of the \Key{inner} key. The optional width argument defaults to \Macro\linewidth. % Both include a \Macro\noindent to avoid paragraph indention. If an paragraph indention is wanted it can be created by % placing a |\mbox{}| or the identical |\null| macro before it. % % % \DescribeMacro\outersidebox[]{} % \vspace{-1.5\baselineskip}\nopagebreak % \DescribeEnv[]{outersidebox}[] % Macro and environment version of the \Key{outer} key. The optional width argument defaults to \Macro\linewidth. % Both include a \Macro\noindent to avoid paragraph indention. If an paragraph indention is wanted it can be created by % placing a |\mbox{}| or the identical |\null| macro before it. % % % \DescribeMacro\centerpagebox[]{} % \vspace{-1.5\baselineskip}\nopagebreak % \DescribeEnv[]{centerpagebox}[] % Macro and environment version of the \Key{centerpage} key. The optional width argument defaults to \Macro\linewidth. % Both include a \Macro\noindent to avoid paragraph indention. If an paragraph indention is wanted it can be created by % placing a |\mbox{}| or the identical |\null| macro before it. % % % \DescribeMacro\pagecenterbox[]{} % \vspace{-1.5\baselineskip}\nopagebreak % \DescribeEnv[]{pagecenterbox}[] % Macro and environment version of the \Key{pagecenterbox} key. The optional width argument defaults to \Macro\linewidth. % Both include a \Macro\noindent to avoid paragraph indention. If an paragraph indention is wanted it can be created by % placing a |\mbox{}| or the identical |\null| macro before it. % % \DescribeMacro\pageleftalignbox[]{} % \vspace{-1.5\baselineskip}\nopagebreak % \DescribeEnv[]{pageleftalignbox}[] % Macro and environment version of the \Key{pageleftalignbox} key. The optional width argument defaults to \Macro\linewidth. % Both include a \Macro\noindent to avoid paragraph indention. If an paragraph indention is wanted it can be created by % placing a |\mbox{}| or the identical |\null| macro before it. % % \DescribeMacro\pagerightalignbox[]{} % \vspace{-1.5\baselineskip}\nopagebreak % \DescribeEnv[]{pagerightalignbox}[] % Macro and environment version of the \Key{pagerightalignbox} key. The optional width argument defaults to \Macro\linewidth. % Both include a \Macro\noindent to avoid paragraph indention. If an paragraph indention is wanted it can be created by % placing a |\mbox{}| or the identical |\null| macro before it. % % \DescribeMacro\pageinnerbox[]{} % \vspace{-1.5\baselineskip}\nopagebreak % \DescribeEnv[]{pageinnerbox}[] % Macro and environment version of the \Key{pageinnerbox} key. The optional width argument defaults to \Macro\linewidth. % Both include a \Macro\noindent to avoid paragraph indention. If an paragraph indention is wanted it can be created by % placing a |\mbox{}| or the identical |\null| macro before it. % % \DescribeMacro\pageouterbox[]{} % \vspace{-1.5\baselineskip}\nopagebreak % \DescribeEnv[]{pageouterbox}[] % Macro and environment version of the \Key{pageouterbox} key. The optional width argument defaults to \Macro\linewidth. % Both include a \Macro\noindent to avoid paragraph indention. If an paragraph indention is wanted it can be created by % placing a |\mbox{}| or the identical |\null| macro before it. % % \DescribeMacro\textareacenterbox[]{} % \vspace{-1.5\baselineskip}\nopagebreak % \DescribeEnv[]{textareacenterbox}[] % Macro and environment version of the \Key{textareacenterbox} key. The optional width argument defaults to \Macro\linewidth. % Both include a \Macro\noindent to avoid paragraph indention. If an paragraph indention is wanted it can be created by % placing a |\mbox{}| or the identical |\null| macro before it. % % \DescribeMacro\textareatalignbox[]{} % \vspace{-1.5\baselineskip}\nopagebreak % \DescribeEnv[]{textareatalignbox}[] % Macro and environment version of the \Key{textareatalignbox} key. The optional width argument defaults to \Macro\linewidth. % Both include a \Macro\noindent to avoid paragraph indention. If an paragraph indention is wanted it can be created by % placing a |\mbox{}| or the identical |\null| macro before it. % % \DescribeMacro\textareatalignbox[]{} % \vspace{-1.5\baselineskip}\nopagebreak % \DescribeEnv[]{textareatalignbox}[] % Macro and environment version of the \Key{textareatalignbox} key. The optional width argument defaults to \Macro\linewidth. % Both include a \Macro\noindent to avoid paragraph indention. If an paragraph indention is wanted it can be created by % placing a |\mbox{}| or the identical |\null| macro before it. % % \DescribeMacro\textareainnerbox[]{} % \vspace{-1.5\baselineskip}\nopagebreak % \DescribeEnv[]{textareainnerbox}[] % Macro and environment version of the \Key{textareainnerbox} key. The optional width argument defaults to \Macro\linewidth. % Both include a \Macro\noindent to avoid paragraph indention. If an paragraph indention is wanted it can be created by % placing a |\mbox{}| or the identical |\null| macro before it. % % \DescribeMacro\textareaouterbox[]{} % \vspace{-1.5\baselineskip}\nopagebreak % \DescribeEnv[]{textareaouterbox}[] % Macro and environment version of the \Key{textareaouterbox} key. The optional width argument defaults to \Macro\linewidth. % Both include a \Macro\noindent to avoid paragraph indention. If an paragraph indention is wanted it can be created by % placing a |\mbox{}| or the identical |\null| macro before it. % % \clearpage\subsection*{Lapping} ^^A (((3 % The following features can be used to make the content lap over its left or right boundary. This is basically the same % as trimming, but provides a different, more dedicated interface. % % % \DescribeKey{lap}'=' % \DescribeKey{lap}'='{}{} % This key will make the content lap over the surrounding elements to the right or left by the given amount.. % A positive amount will make the content lap over to the right % and a negative one to the left. The optional \meta{length} argument allows to set the final width. % If not used the resulting width will be the original width minus the absolute lap amount. % This key internally uses \Macro\lapbox{}{\ldots} and \Macro\lapbox[]{}{\ldots}, respectively. % % \begin{examples} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{lap=.5\width}{Some content} % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{lap=-.5\width}{Some content} % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{lap=\width}{Some content} % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{lap=-\width}{Some content} % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{lap={\width}{\width}}{Some content} % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{lap={\width}{-\width}}{Some content} % \end{examplecode} % \end{examples} % % % \DescribeKey{rlap} % \DescribeKey{llap} % \DescribeKey{clap} % This makes the content to be officially 0pt wide and lap over to the right or left, respectively, like the \LaTeX\ macros \Macro\rlap, \Macro\llap and \Macro\clap do. % These are shortcuts for \Key{lap}'='\AlsoMacro\width, \Key{lap}'=-'\AlsoMacro\width and \Key{lap}'={0pt}{-0.5'\AlsoMacro\width'}', respectively. % The values for these keys are ignored and should not be used. % % \begin{examples} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{rlap}{Some content} % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{llap}{Some content} % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{clap}{Some content} % \end{examplecode} % \end{examples} % % % \DescribeMacro\lapbox[]{}{} % This macro is a generalisation of the \LaTeX\ core macros \Macro\rlap{} and \Macro\llap{} which lap the % text to the right or left without taking any official space. The \Macro\lapbox macro can be used to only partially lap % the content to the right (positive amount) or left (negative amount). As with all macros of this package the original width % can be references using \Macro\width. The resulting official width of the box is normally the original width minus the absolute % lap amount. However, it can also be set explicitly using the option argument. % It is also possible to use lap amount which absolute values are larger than the original width. In this case the resulting % official width will be zero by default and the content will padded with the required white space. % Note that the lap amount always states the distance between the right side of the official box and the right side of the actual % content for positive amounts or the distance between the left side of the official box and the left side of the actual content % for negative values. % % \begin{examples} % General lapping: % \begin{examplecode} % \lapbox{1cm}{Some Text} % \end{examplecode} % \vspace{-2\smallskipamount}% % \begin{examplecode} % \lapbox{-1cm}{Some Text} % \end{examplecode} % \vspace{-2\smallskipamount}% % \begin{examplecode} % \lapbox[4cm]{1cm}{Some Text} % \end{examplecode} % \vspace{-2\smallskipamount}% % \begin{examplecode} % \lapbox[3cm]{2cm}{Some Text} % \end{examplecode} % \vspace{\smallskipamount}% % Like \Macro\rlap: % \vspace{-\smallskipamount}% % \begin{examplecode} % \lapbox[0pt]{\width}{Some Text} % \end{examplecode} % \vspace{\smallskipamount}% % Like \Macro\llap: % \vspace{-\smallskipamount}% % \begin{examplecode} % \lapbox[0pt]{-\width}{Some Text} % \end{examplecode} % \vspace{\smallskipamount}% % A centering \Macro\clap macro can be achieved using: % \vspace{-\smallskipamount}% % \begin{examplecode} % \lapbox[0pt]{-.5\width}{Some Text} % \end{examplecode} % \vspace{-2\smallskipamount}% % \begin{examplecode} % \lapbox[0pt]{.5\width}{Some Text} % \end{examplecode} % % \end{examples} % % % ^^A )))3 % ^^A )))2 % \clearpage\subsection{Support for \pkg{graphicx} keys} ^^A (((2 % % \DescribeKey{bbllx}'=' % \DescribeKey{bblly}'=' % \DescribeKey{bburx}'=' % \DescribeKey{bbury}'=' % \DescribeKey{decodearray} % \DescribeKey{intent} % \DescribeKey{interpolate} % \DescribeKey{maskarray} % \DescribeKey{natheight}'=' % \DescribeKey{natwidth}'=' % \DescribeKey{ocobjnum} % \DescribeKey{ocobjref} % \DescribeKey{page}'=' % \DescribeKey{pagebox} % \DescribeKey{quiet} % \DescribeKey{resetcolor} % \DescribeKey{resolution} % \DescribeKey{xmpfile} % The above \pkg{graphicx} keys are also supported by \cs{adjustbox}. This is done by relying on the original % \pkg{graphicx} code, i.e. the key code is copied into the \pkg{adjustbox} namespace. These keys are therefore % mostly for use with images and might not work well with other content. % For more details on these keys see the \pkg{graphicx} manual. % % ^^A )))2 % \clearpage\subsection{Colors} ^^A (((2 % \vspace{-\baselineskip} % % \DescribeKey{color}'=' % \DescribeKey{color}'='{}{} % This key sets the color for all material. Both the content and further material added by other keys will be affected. % The color change is immediate and will occur before basically every other key takes effect. % The order in which this key is used is therefore meaningless. % Using this key several times will cause several color changes with the last one be used for the remaining material. % Note that \Key{color} will not influence any \Key{fgcolor} or \Key{bgcolor} beside the fact that it changes the % \emph{current color} accessible using the special name `|.|'. % % \DescribeKey{color*}'=' % Like \Key{color} but awaits a full color macro as value. This allows to use other macros as \Macro\color like \Macro\blendcolors. % See the \pkg{xcolor} manual for more details. A \Macro\blendcolors will affect both \Key{fgcolor} and \Key{bgcolor}. % % % \DescribeKey{fgcolor}'=' % \DescribeKey{fgcolor}'='{}{} % This key sets the color for the content. % The value is passed to an internal \Macro\color macro. % This is done using \Key{innercode} because the color must be set before the content is boxed. % Further material added using keys, e.g.\ a \Key{frame}, is not affected by this key. % The \pkg{xcolor} package (or \pkg{color} or \pkg{xxcolor}) needs to be loaded otherwise an error will be raised. % % \DescribeKey{fgcolor*}'=' % Like \Key{fgcolor} but awaits a full color macro as value. This allows to use other macros as \Macro\color like \Macro\blendcolors. % See the \pkg{xcolor} manual for more details. % % % \DescribeKey{bgcolor}'=' % \DescribeKey{bgcolor}'='{}{} % This key adds a colored background to the content. The \pkg{xcolor} package (or \pkg{color} or \pkg{xxcolor}) needs to be loaded % as well in order for this to work. The value is passed to an internal \Macro\color macro. % \begin{examples} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{bgcolor=blue}{Text with blue background.} % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{bgcolor={rgb}{0 0 1}}{Text with blue background in the RGB color model.} % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{margin=1ex,bgcolor=green}{green with a little more margin} % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{margin=1ex,bgcolor=green,margin=1pt,bgcolor=yellow}{Emulation of colored frame} % \end{examplecode} % \end{examples} % % \DescribeKey{bgcolor*}'=' % Like \Key{bgcolor} but awaits a full color macro as value. This allows to use other macros as \Macro\color like \Macro\blendcolors. % See the \pkg{xcolor} manual for more details. % % \begin{examples} % \begin{examplecode} % \color{blue}Blue text % \adjustbox{bgcolor*=\blendcolors{!10!yellow}\color{.}}{with a yellow-bluish background} % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \color{green}Green text % \adjustbox{bgcolor*=\blendcolors{!10!yellow}\color{.}}{with a yellow-greenish background} % \end{examplecode} % \end{examples} % % \DescribeMacro{\bgcolorbox}[]{} % \DescribeMacro{\bgcolorbox}*{} % \vspace{-1.5\baselineskip}\nopagebreak % \DescribeEnv[]{bgcolorbox}[]{} % \vspace{-1.5\baselineskip}\nopagebreak % \DescribeEnv[]{bgcolorbox*}{} % Standalone macro and environment versions of the \Key{bgcolorbox} and \Key{bgcolorbox*} keys. % % % % ^^A )))2 % \clearpage\subsection{Background and Forground Images and Text} ^^A (((2 % The following keys, macros and environment allow to add background and foreground layers. % These layers are placed on the baseline of the original content and are horizontally centered, but can be adjusted % using own \Macro\adjustbox or \Macro\includegraphics keys. % The following dimension registers can be used to refer to the dimensions of the original content. % % \DescribeMacros % \hbox{\Macro\pwidth~~~\Macro\pheight~~~\Macro\pdepth~~~\Macro\ptotalheight}% % \endDescribeMacros % These dimension registers hold the width, height, depth and total height (height+depth) of the parent box and can be used % to resize a background or foreground layer accordantly. They are only defined inside the key=value arguments of the % following keys, macros and environments. % % \DescribeKey{bgimage}'=' % \DescribeKey{bgimage}'='{}{} % Adds a background image to the content. The image is stretched if required to fit exactly to the content. % It is also possible to provide \Macro\adjustbox or \Macro\includegraphics keys to modify the image (before the resizing is done). % \begin{examples} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{bgimage=example-grid-100x100bp}{Some text} % \end{examplecode} % \end{examples} % % \DescribeKey{bgimage*}'=' % \DescribeKey{bgimage*}'='{}{} % Adds a background image to the content like \Key{bgimage} but the image is not stretched to fit the content. % Instead it is added in its natural size but can be adjusted using \Macro\adjustbox or \Macro\includegraphics keys. % The image is placed on the baseline of the content and horizontally centered. It can be lowered to the lower edge of % the content using \Key{raise}'=-'\AlsoMacro\pdepth and left aligned using \Key{left}'='\AlsoMacro\pwidth etc. % % \DescribeMacro{\bgimagebox}[]{} % \DescribeMacro{\bgimagebox}*[]{} % \DescribeEnv[]{bgimagebox}[]{} % \DescribeEnv[]{bgimagebox*}[]{} % Standalone macro and environment versions of the \Key{bgimage} and \Key{bgimage*} keys. % % % \DescribeKey{fgimage}'=' % \DescribeKey{fgimage}'='{}{} % Adds a foreground image to the content. The image is stretched to fit exactly to the content. % It is also possible to provide \Macro\adjustbox or \Macro\includegraphics keys to modify the image (before the resizing is done). % The image is assumed to have transparent elements, otherwise the existing content is fully covered. % % \DescribeKey{fgimage*}'=' % \DescribeKey{fgimage*}'='{}{} % Adds a foreground image to the content like \Key{fgimage} but the image is not stretched to fit the content. % Instead it is added in its natural size but can be adjusted using \Macro\adjustbox or \Macro\includegraphics keys. % The image is placed on the baseline of the content and horizontally centered. % % \DescribeMacro{\fgimagebox}[]{} % \DescribeMacro{\fgimagebox}*[]{} % \DescribeEnv[]{fgimagebox}[]{} % \DescribeEnv[]{fgimagebox*}[]{} % Standalone macro and environment versions of the \Key{fgimage} and \Key{fgimage*} keys. % % % % \DescribeKey{background}'=' % \DescribeKey{background}'='{}{} % Adds the given content as background layer to the main content. The background content is stretched to fit the size of % the main content. It is also possible to provide \Macro\adjustbox or \Macro\includegraphics keys to modify the % background content (before the resizing is done). % \begin{examples} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{background={\color{red}xxx}}{Some text} % \end{examplecode} % \end{examples} % % \DescribeKey{background*}'=' % \DescribeKey{background*}'='{}{} % Like \Key{background} but does not resizes the background content. % Instead it is added in its natural size but can be adjusted using \Macro\adjustbox or \Macro\includegraphics keys. % % \DescribeMacro{\backgroundbox}[]{} % \DescribeMacro{\backgroundbox}*[]{} % \DescribeEnv[]{backgroundbox}[]{} % \DescribeEnv[]{backgroundbox*}[]{} % Standalone macro and environment versions of the \Key{background} and \Key{background*} keys. % % % \DescribeKey{foreground}'=' % \DescribeKey{foreground}'='{}{} % Adds the given content as foreground layer to the main content. The foreground content is stretched to fit the size of % the main content. It is also possible to provide \Macro\adjustbox or \Macro\includegraphics keys to modify the % foreground content (before the resizing is done). % \begin{examples} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{foreground={\color{red}xxx}}{Some text} % \end{examplecode} % \end{examples} % % \DescribeKey{foreground*}'=' % \DescribeKey{foreground*}'='{}{} % Like \Key{foreground} but does not resizes the foreground content. % Instead it is added in its natural size but can be adjusted using \Macro\adjustbox or \Macro\includegraphics keys. % % \DescribeMacro{\foregroundbox}[]{} % \DescribeMacro{\foregroundbox}*[]{} % \DescribeEnv[]{foregroundbox}[]{} % \DescribeEnv[]{foregroundbox*}[]{} % Standalone macro and environment versions of the \Key{foreground} and \Key{foreground*} keys. % % % % ^^A )))2 % \clearpage\subsection{Density / Pixel size} ^^A (((2 % The following keys allow to adjust the effective length of |pdftex| special |px| (pixel) unit. % This can be required for images which do not have the correct DPI meta-data included. % % % \DescribeKey{dpi}'=' % The \Key{dpi} key provides a simple interface to set the pixel size to the given DPI (dots per inch) value. % For |pdflatex| the length unit |px| can be used to specify pixels. However, the equivalent dimension (length) of one pixel must be % set using the \Macro\pdfpxdimen length register. To set a specific DPI value this length must be set using % \Macro\setlength\AlsoMacro\pdfpxdimen{'1in/'}, which is done by the \Key{dpi}'=' key. % Note that the key won't affect the setting for the content but only for the further used keys. % However, it is possible to use \Macro\setkeys{adjbox}{'dpi='} inside the content or anywhere else in the document to % set \Macro\pdfpxdimen using this interface. % % \begin{example} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{dpi=72,trim=10px,frame}{% % \setkeys{adjbox}{dpi=72}% % \textcolor{green}{\rule{50px}{50px}}% % } % \end{examplecode} % \end{example} % % \DescribeKey{pxdim}'=' % Alternatively % to the \Key{dpi} key the \Macro\pdfpxdimen length can be set directly to the given value. Afterwards |1px| will stand % for the given \meta{length}. % % \begin{example} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{pxdim=2pt,trim=2px,frame} % {\textcolor{green}{\rule{20pt}{20pt}}} % \end{examplecode} % \end{example} % % % ^^A )))2 % \clearpage\subsection{Minipage or other inner environments which change the processing of the content}\label{sec:inner} ^^A (((2 % The following keys set the way the content is processed before it is stored it in a box. % These keys will overwrite each other and only the latest used key will take effect. % Because they affect the inner content directly their order relative to other, normal keys is not meaningful. % Also they are only defined for \env{adjustbox} but do not apply for \Macro\includegraphics. % Because they are therefore only used inside a mandatory argument and never in an optional these keys allow for optional bracket arguments. % % \DescribeKey{minipage}'=' % \DescribeKey{minipage}'='[][][]{} % This key wraps the inner content in a \env{minipage} with the given \meta{width} before it is stored as horizontal box. % Its order relative to other keys is not meaningful (except that future keys of this sub-section will overwrite it). % This allows for line breaks and footnotes in the \env{adjustbox}. % All optional arguments of \env{minipage} are supported. I only the width is given it does not have to be enclosed in braces. % The \meta{position} argument must be "t" for top baseline, "b" for bottom baseline and "c" for center alignment relative to other % text, i.e.\ defines the resulting baseline. If a \meta{height} is defined the \meta{inner position} defaults to \meta{position} but % can also be "s" to stretch the content over the whole height. This requires the content to include some vertical stretchable material. % Note that all length arguments can include arithmetic expressions like for other keys. % % \begin{examples} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{minipage=5cm,angle=-10}{% % Some example code which will % be automatically broken or can include \\ % line breaks\footnote{AND footnotes!!}\\ % or verbatim \verb+@%^&}_+!% % } % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % Before \begin{adjustbox}{minipage=[b][3cm][s]{5cm}} % Some example code % % \vfill % with line breaks\footnote{AND footnotes!!} % % \vfill % or verbatim \verb+@%^&}_+!% % \end{adjustbox} After % \end{examplecode} % \end{examples} % % % \DescribeKey{varwidth}'=' % Adds a \env{varwidth} environment from the \pkg{varwidth} package around the content. This is similar to the % \env{minipage} environment but the final width of the content will be as large as the widest line in the content up to % the maximum amount given by the width argument. % This environment key is vert useful if the content produces some paragraph material which can't be stored in an % horizontal box directly. % % % \DescribeKey{tabular}'='[]{} % \DescribeKey{tabular*}'='[]{}{} % \DescribeKey{array}'='[]{} % Places the content in a \env{tabular}, \env{tabular*} or \env{array} environment, respectively. % These keys require different implementations for macro (\Macro\adjustbox) and environment mode (\env{adjustbox} environment) in order to insert % the end code correctly. Note that the environment mode is more efficient and fully stable, while the macro mode requires the last row to end with % an explicit |\\| (which can be followed by \Macro\hline or any other macro which uses \Macro\noalign internally). In macro mode the |\\| is internally redefined % to check for the closing brace. While this was successful tested for normal usages it might still cause issues with unusual or complicated cases. % Note that these environments are taken as part of the content and so the usage of arithmetic expressions for length arguments is not supported. % % \begin{examples} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{tabular=lll}{% % \hline % A & B & C \\\hline % a & b & c \\\hline % } % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % \begin{adjustbox}{tabular=lll} % A & B & C \\ % a & b & c % \end{adjustbox} % \end{examplecode} % \end{examples} % % % \DescribeKey{stack} % \DescribeKey{stack}'=' % \DescribeKey{stack}'='{}{} % \Descsep % \DescribeMacro\stackbox!\optionaloff![][]{} % \Descsep % \DescribeEnv[]{stackbox}[][] % The \Key{stack} key and its corresponding macro and environment can be used to stack multiple lines similar to the \Macro\shortstack macro, but % both the horizontal and vertical alignment can be selected by a single letter each. Also a proper baseline skip is inserted. % This is implemented using the \env{varwidth} environment which is based on the \env{minipage} environment. % Its maximal width arguments is fixed internally to \Macro\linewidth. % % Possible horizontal alignments are: "l" (left), "r" (right), "c" (centered, default), "j" (justified). % Possible vertical alignments are the same as for \env{minipage}: "t" (top baseline), "b" (bottom baseline, default), "c" (vertical centered). % Because these arguments are always single letters the "{ }" around them can be skipped, so that the value can simple be two concatenated letters. % % \begin{example} % \begin{examplecode} % .\adjustbox{stack}{A\\B\\CC}. % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % .\adjustbox{stack=r}{A\\B\\CC}. % \end{examplecode} % \begin{examplecode} % .\adjustbox{stack=ct}{A\\B\\CC}. % \end{examplecode} % \end{example} % % % \DescribeKey{innerenv}'=' % \DescribeKey{innerenv}'='{} % Wraps the inner content in the given \meta{environment} before it is stored as horizontal box. % It should be kept in mind that there is some internal code between the begin of the environment and the content. For this reason % a \env{tabular}, \env{array} or similar environment will not work here, because that code will be taken as part of the first cell. % Note that such a environment is taken as part of the content and so the usage of arithmetic expressions for length arguments is not supported. % % \begin{example} % \begin{examplecode} % \newenvironment{myenv}[2][]{Before [#1](#2)}{After} % \adjustbox{innerenv={myenv}[ex]{amble}}{Content} % \end{examplecode} % \newenvironment{myenv}[2][]{Before [#1](#2)}{After} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{innerenv={myenv}{amble}}{Content} % \end{examplecode} % \end{example} % % % \DescribeKey{innercode}'='{}{} % Places the given code before and after the inner content before it is stored as horizontal box. % Note that such code is taken as part of the content and so the usage of arithmetic expressions for length arguments is not supported. % % \begin{example} % \begin{examplecode} % \adjustbox{innercode={\color{green}}{!}}{Content} % \end{examplecode} % \end{example} % % ^^A )))2 % \clearpage\subsection{Floats and non-float replacements} ^^A (((2 % The following keys can be used to turn an adjusted box into a float or a non-floating replacement which also allows % for a caption. These keys must be used last and no other normal keys must be used afterwards, otherwise an error will % occur because the added floating environment is boxed again. % % % \DescribeKey{caption}= % \DescribeKey{caption}=[]{} % Defines a caption which will be used by a following \Key{figure}, \Key{float} or \Key{nofloat} key. % The position of the caption defaults to top for a |table| (non-)float and bottom for every other type. % % \DescribeKey{captionabove}= % \DescribeKey{captionabove}=[]{} % Like the \Key{caption} key but forces the placement of the caption above the content. % The vertical skip above and below a normal below caption are reversed in this case to get proper % spacing. However, this is not done if the \pkg{caption} package is loaded. % It is recommended to load this package with the |tableposition=above| option. % % % \DescribeKey{captionbelow}= % \DescribeKey{captionbelow}=[]{} % Like the \Key{caption} key but forces the placement of the caption below the content. % % % \DescribeKey{label}=