--[[ File l3build-file-functions.lua Copyright (C) 2018-2025 The LaTeX Project It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in the file https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt This file is part of the "l3build bundle" (The Work in LPPL) and all files in that bundle must be distributed together. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The development version of the bundle can be found at https://github.com/latex3/l3build for those people who are interested. --]] local lfs = require("lfs") local print = print local open = io.open local attributes = lfs.attributes local currentdir = lfs.currentdir local chdir = lfs.chdir local lfs_dir = lfs.dir local execute = os.execute local exit = os.exit local getenv = os.getenv local remove = os.remove local os_type = os.type local luatex_revision = status.luatex_revision local luatex_version = status.luatex_version local match = string.match local sub = string.sub local gsub = string.gsub local insert = table.insert -- Convert a file glob into a pattern for use by e.g. string.gub -- Based on https://github.com/davidm/lua-glob-pattern -- Simplified substantially: "[...]" syntax not supported as is not -- required by the file patterns used by the team. Also note style -- changes to match coding approach in rest of this file. -- -- License for original globtopattern --[[ (c) 2008-2011 David Manura. Licensed under the same terms as Lua (MIT). Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. (end license) --]] function glob_to_pattern(glob) local pattern = "^" -- pattern being built local i = 0 -- index in glob local char -- char at index i in glob -- escape pattern char local function escape(char) return match(char, "^%w$") and char or "%" .. char end -- Convert tokens. while true do i = i + 1 char = sub(glob, i, i) if char == "" then pattern = pattern .. "$" break elseif char == "?" then pattern = pattern .. "." elseif char == "*" then pattern = pattern .. ".*" elseif char == "[" then -- Ignored print("[...] syntax not supported in globs!") elseif char == "\\" then i = i + 1 char = sub(glob, i, i) if char == "" then pattern = pattern .. "\\$" break end pattern = pattern .. escape(char) else pattern = pattern .. escape(char) end end return pattern end -- Detect the operating system in use -- Support items are defined here for cases where a single string can cover -- both Windows and Unix cases: more complex situations are handled inside -- the support functions os_concat = ";" os_null = "/dev/null" os_pathsep = ":" os_setenv = "export" os_yes = "printf 'y\\n%.0s' {1..300}" os_ascii = "echo \"\"" os_diffext = getenv("diffext") or ".diff" os_diffexe = getenv("diffexe") or "diff -c --strip-trailing-cr" os_grepexe = "grep" os_newline = "\n" if os_type == "windows" then os_ascii = "@echo." os_concat = "&" os_diffext = getenv("diffext") or ".fc" os_diffexe = getenv("diffexe") or "fc /n" os_grepexe = "findstr /r" os_newline = "\n" if tonumber(luatex_version) < 100 or (tonumber(luatex_version) == 100 and tonumber(luatex_revision) < 4) then os_newline = "\r\n" end os_null = "nul" os_pathsep = ";" os_setenv = "set" os_yes = "for /l %I in (1,1,300) do @echo y" end -- Deal with codepage hell on Windows local function fixname(f) return f end if chgstrcp then fixname = chgstrcp.utf8tosyscp end -- Deal with the fact that Windows and Unix use different path separators local function unix_to_win(path) return fixname(gsub(path, "/", "\\")) end function normalize_path(path) if os_type == "windows" then return unix_to_win(path) end return path end -- Return an absolute path from a relative one -- Due to chdir, path must exist and be accessible. function abspath(path) local oldpwd = currentdir() local ok, msg = chdir(path) if ok then local result = currentdir() chdir(oldpwd) return escapepath(gsub(gsub(result,"^\\\\%?\\",""), "\\", "/")) end error(msg) end -- TODO: Fix the cross platform problem function escapepath(path) if os_type == "windows" then local path,count = gsub(path,'"','') if count % 2 ~= 0 then print("Unbalanced quotes in path") exit(0) else if match(path," ") then return '"' .. path .. '"' end return path end else path = gsub(path,"\\ ","[PATH-SPACE]") path = gsub(path," ","\\ ") return gsub(path,"%[PATH%-SPACE%]","\\ ") end end -- For cleaning out a directory, which also ensures that it exists function cleandir(dir) local errorlevel = mkdir(dir) if errorlevel ~= 0 then return errorlevel end return rm(dir, "**") end function direxists(dir) return attributes(dir, "mode") == "directory" end function fileexists(file) local f = open(file, "r") if f ~= nil then f:close() return true else return false -- also file exits and is not readable end end -- Copy files 'quietly' function cp(glob, source, dest) local errorlevel for _,p in ipairs(tree(source, glob)) do -- p_src is a path relative to `source` whereas -- p_cwd is the counterpart relative to the current working directory if os_type == "windows" then if direxists(p.cwd) then errorlevel = execute( 'xcopy /y /e /i "' .. unix_to_win(p.cwd) .. '" ' .. unix_to_win(dest .. '/' .. escapepath(p.src)) .. ' > nul' ) and 0 or 1 else errorlevel = execute( 'xcopy /y "' .. unix_to_win(p.cwd) .. '" ' .. unix_to_win(dest .. '/') .. ' > nul' ) and 0 or 1 end else -- Ensure we get similar behavior on all platforms if not direxists(dirname(dest)) then errorlevel = mkdir(dirname(dest)) if errorlevel ~=0 then return errorlevel end end errorlevel = execute( "cp -RLf '" .. p.cwd .. "' " .. dest ) and 0 or 1 end if errorlevel ~=0 then return errorlevel end end return 0 end -- Generate a table containing all file names of the given glob or all files -- if absent function filelist(path, glob) local files = { } local pattern if glob then pattern = glob_to_pattern(glob) end if direxists(path) then for entry in lfs_dir(path) do if pattern then if match(entry, pattern) then insert(files, entry) end else if entry ~= "." and entry ~= ".." then insert(files, entry) end end end end return files end function ordered_filelist(...) local files = filelist(...) table.sort(files) return files end ---@class tree_entry_t ---@field src string path relative to the source directory ---@field cwd string path counterpart relative to the current working directory ---Does what filelist does, but can also glob subdirectories. ---In the returned table, the keys are paths relative to the given source path, ---the values are their counterparts relative to the current working directory. ---@param src_path string ---@param glob string ---@return table function tree(src_path, glob) local function cropdots(path) return path:gsub( "^%./", ""):gsub("/%./", "/") end src_path = cropdots(src_path) glob = cropdots(glob) local function always_true() return true end ---@type table local result = { { src = ".", cwd = src_path, } } for glob_part, sep in glob:gmatch("([^/]+)(/?)/*") do local accept = sep == "/" and direxists or always_true ---Feeds the given table according to `glob_part` ---@param p tree_entry_t path counterpart relative to the current working directory ---@param table table local function fill(p, table) for _,file in ipairs(filelist(p.cwd, glob_part)) do if file ~= "." and file ~= ".." then local pp = { src = p.src .. "/" .. file, cwd = p.cwd .. "/" .. file, } if pp.cwd ~= builddir -- TODO: ensure that `builddir` is properly formatted and accept(pp.cwd) then insert(table, pp) end end end end local new_result = {} if glob_part == "**" then local i = 1 while true do local p = result[i] i = i + 1 if not p then break end insert(new_result, p) -- shorter path fill(p, result) -- after longer end else for _,p in ipairs(result) do fill(p, new_result) end end result = new_result end return result end function remove_duplicates(a) -- Return array with duplicate entries removed from input array `a`. local uniq = {} local hash = {} for _,v in ipairs(a) do if (not hash[v]) then hash[v] = true uniq[#uniq+1] = v end end return uniq end function mkdir(dir) dir = escapepath(dir) if os_type == "windows" then -- Windows (with the extensions) will automatically make directory trees -- but issues a warning if the dir already exists: avoid by including a test dir = unix_to_win(dir) return execute( "if not exist " .. dir .. "\\nul " .. "mkdir " .. dir ) else return execute("mkdir -p " .. dir) end end -- Rename function ren(dir, source, dest) dir = dir .. "/" if os_type == "windows" then source = gsub(source, "^%.+/", "") dest = gsub(dest, "^%.+/", "") return execute("ren " .. unix_to_win(dir) .. source .. " " .. dest) else return execute("mv " .. dir .. source .. " " .. dir .. dest) end end -- Remove file(s) based on a glob function rm(source, glob) for _,p in ipairs(tree(source, glob)) do rmfile(source,p.src) end -- os.remove doesn't give a sensible errorlevel return 0 end -- Remove file function rmfile(source, file) remove(source .. "/" .. file) -- os.remove doesn't give a sensible errorlevel return 0 end -- Remove a directory tree function rmdir(dir) -- First, make sure it exists to avoid any errors mkdir(dir) if os_type == "windows" then return execute("rmdir /s /q " .. unix_to_win(dir)) else return execute("rm -r " .. dir) end end -- Run a command in a given directory function run(dir, cmd) return execute("cd " .. dir .. os_concat .. cmd) end -- Split a path into file and directory component function splitpath(file) local path, name = match(file, "^(.*)/([^/]*)$") if path then return path, name else return ".", file end end -- Arguably clearer names function basename(file) return(select(2, splitpath(file))) end function dirname(file) return(select(1, splitpath(file))) end -- Strip the extension from a file name (if present) function jobname(file) local name = match(basename(file), "^(.*)%.") return name or file end -- Look for files, directory by directory, and return the first existing function locate(dirs, names) for _,i in ipairs(dirs) do for _,j in ipairs(names) do local path = i .. "/" .. j if fileexists(path) then return path end end end end