%%  The LaTeX Graphics Companion, 2ed (first printing May 2007)
%%  Example 10-6-5 on page 706.
%%  Copyright (C) 2007 Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach, Denis Roegel, Sebastian Rahtz, Herbert Vo\ss 
%%  It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
%%  of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%%  of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%%  See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for details.

|[1] D| *   |[2]T |    N|    S|    E|[3] P| *   |[4] C|    L|[5] I|    P|.
|[6] O|    m|   E |    G|    A| *   |[7] A|    L|    L| *   |[8] B|    B|.
|    N| *   |   T | *   | *   |[9] L|    R| *   |    A| *   |    B| *   |.
| *   |[10]B|   E |[11]M|    B|    O| *   |[12]P|    S|[13]N|    U|[14]P|.
| *   |    I|   X |    S| *   |[15]R|[16]A|    I|    S|    E| *   |    R|.
|[17]A|    T| *   |    A|[18]X| *   |    N| *   | *   |[19]W|    P| *   |.
|    A| *   |[20]D|    V|    I| *   |[21]G|    R|    A|    P| *   |[22]L|.
| *   |[23]A| *   |    E| *   |[24]A|    L|    P|    H|    A| *   |    E|.
|[25]F|    R|[26]E| *   |[27]P|    R|    E|    C| *   |[28]T|    I|    N|.
|    D| *   |[29]T|    H|    E|    M| *   | *   |[30]S|    H| *   |    G|.
|[31]D|[32]I|    A|    G|    R|    A|    M| *   |    I| *   |[33]P|    T|.
| *   |    N| *   | *   |    P| *   | *   |[34]K|    N|    U|    T|    H|.
     \Clue{2}{TNSEP}{Gap between tree node labels and
                           the node in \textsf{PSTricks} (5)}
  \\ \Clue{4}{CLIP}{Modern replacement for scissors and glue (4)}
  \\ \Clue{6}{OMEGA}{A Unicode \TeX{} variant (5)}
  \\ \Clue{7}{ALL}{\ldots{} you always wanted to know but never
                          dared to ask (3)}
  \\ \Clue{8}{BB}{A graphics key that needs four numbers (2)}
  \\ \Clue{10}{BEMBO}{Called \texttt{bb} in Karl Berry's
                          font-naming schemes (5)}
  \\ \Clue{12}{PSNUP}{A way to make your pages into thumbnails (5)}
  \\ \Clue{15}{RAISE}{You can do it to a box but
                            it isn't proper \LaTeX{} (5)}
  \\ \Clue{19}{WP}{In \LaTeX{} denotes \(\wp\); in other
                          circumstances might
                          mean a word processor (2)}
  \\ \Clue{20}{DVI}{Result of a \TeX{} run (3)}
  \\ \Clue{21}{GRAP}{A language whose name should probably have five
                          letters, but then it was developed for Unix (4)}
  \\ \Clue{24}{ALPHA}{It's not Intel (5)}
  \\ \Clue{25}{FRE}{A pointer misspelled (3)}
  \\ \Clue{27}{PREC}{Testing your \LaTeX{} knowledge: \(\prec\) (4)}
  \\ \Clue{28}{TIN}{Label for a signal line (3)}
  \\ \Clue{29}{THEM}{Another name for the \LaTeX3 project
                            team on c.t.t.\ (3)}
  \\ \Clue{30}{SH}{One way to get a sharp in
                          \textsf{MusiX\TeX} (2)}
  \\ \Clue{31}{DIAGRAM}{A figure or plan intended to
                          explain rather than represent actual appearance (7)}
  \\ \Clue{33}{PT}{72.27 to an inch (2)}
  \\ \Clue{34}{KNUTH}{see \textbf{1d} (5)}
     \Clue{1 \& a34}{DON}{Grand wizard of \TeX{} (3,5)}
  \\ \Clue{2}{TETEX}{A ready-to-run \TeX{} for Unix (5)}
  \\ \Clue{3}{PAR}{A novice golfer's dream (3)}
  \\ \Clue{4}{CLASS}{\LaTeXe{} name for document style (5)}
  \\ \Clue{5}{IBBU}{Double beam above notes in \textsf{MusiX\TeX} (4)}
  \\ \Clue{9}{LOR}{Either/or---mathematically speaking (3)}
  \\ \Clue{10}{BIT}{German beer (3)}
  \\ \Clue{11}{MSAVE}{Save your coordinates (\textsf{PSTricks}) (5)}
  \\ \Clue{12}{PI}{Approximation of \TeX{}'s version number (2)}
  \\ \Clue{13}{NEWPATH}{A PostScript operator (7)}
  \\ \Clue{14}{PR}{Probability function (2)}
  \\ \Clue{16}{ANGLE}{A divine messenger misspelled (5)}
  \\ \Clue{17}{AA}{How do you get an \AA? (2)}
  \\ \Clue{18}{XI}{\(\xi\) (2)}
  \\ \Clue{22}{LENGTH}{\LaTeX{} has rigid and rubber ones (6)}
  \\ \Clue{23}{AR}{Amor uses them and \XYPIC{} calls them (2)}
  \\ \Clue{24}{ARMA}{Length of the line segment where the
                           connector joins the first node (4)}
  \\ \Clue{25}{FDD}{Files containing \LaTeX{}
                          font-definition documentation (3)}
  \\ \Clue{26}{ETA}{\(\eta\)---don't say this is all Greek to you (3)}
  \\ \Clue{27}{PERP}{\(\perp\), also the first letters
                           of everlasting (4)}
  \\ \Clue{30}{SIN}{We plot it in Chapter 4 (3)}
  \\ \Clue{32}{IN}{\TeX{}'s name for inch (2)}
  \\ \Clue{33}{PT}{Lula is chief of (2)}