-- | -- Module : HsIndex.Types -- Copyright : Jean-Luc JOULIN 2018-2020 -- License : General Public Licence (GPLv3) -- Maintainer : Jean-Luc JOULIN <jean-luc-joulin@orange.fr> -- Stability : alpha -- Portability : portable -- The definition of main types for HsIndex. module HsIndex.Types where import Text.Parsec import Text.Parsec.String import Data.Char import qualified Data.Text as T -- -- The main data structure of an index is made like this -- -- * Section "" -- -- * Subsection "" -- -- * Entry "" [4] -- -- * Entry "" [17,12] -- -- * SubEntry "" [21] -- -- * SubSubEntry "" [22] -- -- * SubEntry "" [29] -- -- * Subsection "" -- -- -- * Section B" -- -- * .... -- -- * .... -- -- -- Sections are made to store SubSections starting with the same first letter. -- -- SubSections are made to store Entries starting with the same two letters. -- -- Entry is made to store a word, it's pages numbers and a list of SubEntries. It's equivalent to "imakeidx" items. -- -- SubEntry is made to store a word, it's pages numbers and a list of SubSubEntries. It's equivalent to "imakeidx" subitems. -- -- SubSubEntry is made to store a word and it's pages numbers. It's equivalent to "imakeidx" subsubitems. -- -- -- This data structure is deep enough to comply with "imakeidx" LaTeX package. -- -- | The type to describe the style of the Index -- -- preamble -- -- prefix heading layer1 suffix -- -- name1 delimiters 1, 3, 4 -- -- name2 delimiters 4, 9 -- -- name3 delimiters 9, 12 -- -- postamble -- data IndexStyle = IndexStyle { idxPreamble :: T.Text -- ^ The preamble , idxPostamble :: T.Text -- ^ The postamble , idxHeadingFlag0 :: Heading -- ^ The flag for the layer 0 heading, in connection with 'IndexSection's , idxHeadingFlag1 :: Heading -- ^ The flag for the layer 1 heading, in connection with 'IndexSubSection's , idxHeadingPreL0 :: T.Text -- ^ The prefix for the Layer 0 heading, in connection with 'IndexSection's , idxHeadingSufL0 :: T.Text -- ^ The suffix for the Layer 0 heading, in connection with 'IndexSection's , idxHeadingPreL1 :: T.Text -- ^ The prefix for the Layer 1 heading, in connection with 'IndexSubSection's , idxHeadingSufL1 :: T.Text -- ^ The suffix for the Layer 1 heading, in connection with 'IndexSubSection's , idxSymhead :: T.Text -- ^ The title for the "symbols" section , idxNumhead :: T.Text -- ^ The title for the "numbers" section , idxGroupSkip0 :: T.Text -- ^ The skip command after a layer 0 group ('IndexSection') , idxGroupSkip1 :: T.Text -- ^ The skip command after a layer 1 group ('IndexSubSection') , idxItem0 :: T.Text -- ^ The command to place before the index "items" , idxItem1 :: T.Text -- ^ The command to place before the index "subitems" , idxItem2 :: T.Text -- ^ The command to place before the index "subsubitems" , idxItem01 :: T.Text -- ^ The command to place between an index "items" and an index "subitems" , idxItem12 :: T.Text -- ^ The command to place between an index "subitems" and an index "subsubitems" , idxDelim0 :: T.Text -- ^ The delimiter between the name and the pages numbers for "items" , idxDelim1 :: T.Text -- ^ The delimiter between the name and the pages numbers for "subitems" , idxDelim2 :: T.Text -- ^ The delimiter between the name and the pages numbers for "subsubitems" , idxDelimn :: T.Text -- ^ The delimiter between pages numbers. , idxDelimr :: T.Text -- ^ The delimiter between pages range. , idxEncapPre :: T.Text , idxEncapSuf :: T.Text } -- | The list of chars to define a language. data LangDef = LangDef { lstLetters :: [Char] -- ^ Chars considered as letters. , lstNumbers :: [Char] -- ^ Chars considered as numbers. , lstSymbols :: Maybe [Char] -- ^ Chars considered as symbols. , lstSubs :: [(Char,String)] -- ^ List of substitutions to perform. , lstSecOrder :: [Section] } -- | The style of a heading. data Heading = None -- ^ No heading | UpperCase -- ^ Upper case heading | LowerCase -- ^ Lower case heading deriving (Eq) -- | The category of a section. -- -- A section can be one of these three categories : -- -- * Letters -- -- * Numbers -- -- * Symbols -- data Section = Letters | Numbers | Symbols deriving (Eq, Show) -- | An alias for a list of 'IndexSection's type Index = [IndexSection] -- | The type for a section. data IndexSection = IndexSection { secTitle :: T.Text -- ^ The section title. , secSubSections :: [IndexSubSection] -- ^ The subsections. } deriving (Show) -- | The type for a subsection. data IndexSubSection = IndexSubSection { subSecTitle :: T.Text -- ^ The subsection title. , subSecEntries :: [IndexItem] -- ^ The entries. } deriving (Show) -- | The type for an item. data IndexItem = IndexItem { itemName :: T.Text -- ^ The name of the index item. , itemEqui :: (Section, T.Text) -- ^ The equivalent name and the section of the item. , itemPageCommand :: T.Text -- ^ The command to insert before page number , itemPages :: [Int] -- ^ The pages numbers it refers to. , itemContent :: [IndexSubItem] -- ^ The subitems. } deriving (Show) -- | The type for a subitem. data IndexSubItem = IndexSubItem { subItemName :: T.Text -- ^ The name of the index subitem. , subItemEqui :: (Section, T.Text) -- ^ The equivalent name and the section of the subitem. , subItemPageCommand :: T.Text -- ^ The command to insert before page number , subItemPages :: [Int] -- ^ The pages numbers it refers to. , subItemContent :: [IndexSubSubItem] -- ^ The subsubitems. } deriving (Show) -- | The type for a subsubitem. data IndexSubSubItem = IndexSubSubItem { subSubItemName :: T.Text -- ^ The name of the index subsubitem. , subSubItemEqui :: (Section, T.Text) -- ^ The equivalent name and the section of the subsubitem. , subSubItemPageCommand :: T.Text -- ^ The command to insert before page number , subSubItemPages :: [Int] -- ^ The pages numbers it refers to. } deriving (Show) -- | The type of index to use data IndexType = StyleBasic -- ^ The default basic style | StyleDouble -- ^ The default double header style | Stylecustom FilePath -- ^ A custom style (path to the style file). -- | A state to accumulate the 'Section' order. data PermState = PermState{ order::[Section]} -- | The empty state emptyPermState = PermState []