/** * @file win32pipestream.cc * @brief A reimplementation of pipestream for win32 * @author Supakorn "Jamie" Rassameemasmuang (jamievlin [at] outlook.com) */ #if defined(_WIN32) #include "win32pipestream.h" #include "win32helpers.h" #include "util.h" #include "errormsg.h" namespace w32 { namespace cw32 = camp::w32; Win32IoPipeStream::~Win32IoPipeStream() { // this is not the best idea, but this is what the // original code looks like (pipestream.h) pipeclose(); } void Win32IoPipeStream::open( mem::vector<string> const& command, char const* hint, char const* application, int out_fileno) { if (out_fileno != STDOUT_FILENO && out_fileno != STDERR_FILENO) { camp::reportError("out_fileno must be stdout or stdin"); } // creating pipes SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pipeSecurityAttr = {}; pipeSecurityAttr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); pipeSecurityAttr.bInheritHandle = true; pipeSecurityAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = nullptr; { cw32::HandleRaiiWrapper processStdinRd; cw32::checkResult(CreatePipe(processStdinRd.put(), &processStdinWr, &pipeSecurityAttr, 0)); cw32::HandleRaiiWrapper processOutWr; cw32::checkResult(CreatePipe(&processOutRd, processOutWr.put(), &pipeSecurityAttr, 0)); // building command string cmd= camp::w32::buildWindowsCmd(command); STARTUPINFOA startInfo= {}; startInfo.cb= sizeof(startInfo); startInfo.dwFlags= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; startInfo.hStdInput= processStdinRd.getHandle(); startInfo.hStdOutput= out_fileno == STDOUT_FILENO ? processOutWr.getHandle() : GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); startInfo.hStdError= out_fileno == STDERR_FILENO ? processOutWr.getHandle() : GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE); auto const result= CreateProcessA( nullptr, cmd.data(), nullptr, nullptr, true, 0, nullptr, nullptr, &startInfo, &procInfo); if (!result) { execError(command.at(0).c_str(), hint, application); cw32::checkResult(result, "Cannot open application"); } } ZeroMemory(buffer, BUFFER_LEN); Running=true; pipeopen=true; pipein=true; block(false,true); } void Win32IoPipeStream::block(bool write, bool read) { /* * Side note: what the hell, microsoft? * * Why is setting mode for anonymous pipe also called * "SetNamedPipeHandleState", why not "SetPipeHandleState"? * * (see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/namedpipeapi/nf-namedpipeapi-setnamedpipehandlestate?redirectedfrom=MSDN) */ DWORD blockMode = PIPE_WAIT; DWORD noBlockMode = PIPE_NOWAIT; cw32::checkResult(SetNamedPipeHandleState( processStdinWr, write ? &blockMode : &noBlockMode, nullptr, nullptr )); cw32::checkResult(SetNamedPipeHandleState( processOutRd, read ? &blockMode : &noBlockMode, nullptr, nullptr )); } void Win32IoPipeStream::eof() { if(pipeopen && pipein) { camp::w32::checkResult(CloseHandle(&processStdinWr)); pipein=false; } } void Win32IoPipeStream::pipeclose() { if(pipeopen) { cw32::checkResult(CloseHandle(processOutRd)); if (procInfo.hProcess != nullptr) { if (!TerminateProcess(procInfo.hProcess, 0) && GetLastError() != ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { camp::reportError("cannot terminate process"); } } Running=false; pipeopen=false; wait(); } } bool Win32IoPipeStream::isopen() const { return pipeopen; } Win32IoPipeStream::Win32IoPipeStream( mem::vector<string> const& command, char const* hint, char const* application, int out_fileno) { open(command, hint, application, out_fileno); } int Win32IoPipeStream::wait() { DWORD retcode = 0; if (procInfo.hProcess == nullptr) { return static_cast<int>(retcode); } switch(WaitForSingleObject(procInfo.hProcess, INFINITE)) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: cw32::checkResult(GetExitCodeProcess(procInfo.hProcess, &retcode)); break; default: closeProcessHandles(); camp::reportError("Wait for process error"); break; } closeProcessHandles(); return static_cast<int>(retcode); } void Win32IoPipeStream::Write(string const& s) { if (!pipeopen) { return; } if(settings::verbose > 2) cerr << s; DWORD bytesWritten=0; cw32::checkResult(WriteFile( processStdinWr, s.c_str(), s.length(), &bytesWritten, nullptr )); if (static_cast<DWORD>(s.length()) != bytesWritten) { camp::reportFatal("write to pipe failed"); } } void Win32IoPipeStream::wait(char const* prompt) { sbuffer.clear(); size_t plen=strlen(prompt); do { readbuffer(); if(*buffer == 0) camp::reportError(sbuffer); sbuffer.append(buffer); if(tailequals(sbuffer.c_str(),sbuffer.size(),prompt,plen)) break; } while(true); } ssize_t Win32IoPipeStream::readbuffer() { if (!(Running && pipeopen)) { return 0; } DWORD nc; if (!ReadFile(processOutRd, buffer, BUFFER_LEN - 1, &nc, nullptr)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) { // process could have exited camp::reportError("read failed from pipe"); } } buffer[nc]=0; if (nc > 0) { if (settings::verbose > 2) { cerr << buffer; } } else if (procInfo.hProcess != nullptr) { switch (WaitForSingleObject(procInfo.hProcess, 0)) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: { closeProcessHandles(); Running=false; break; } case WAIT_TIMEOUT: break; default: camp::reportError("Waiting for process failed"); break; } } return nc; } string Win32IoPipeStream::readline() { sbuffer.clear(); int nc; do { nc=readbuffer(); sbuffer.append(buffer); } while(buffer[nc-1] != '\n' && Running); return sbuffer; } bool Win32IoPipeStream::tailequals(char const* buf, size_t len, char const* prompt, size_t plen) { const char *a=buf+len; const char *b=prompt+plen; while(b >= prompt) { if(a < buf) return false; if(*a != *b) return false; // Handle MSDOS incompatibility: if(a > buf && *a == '\n' && *(a-1) == '\r') --a; --a; --b; } return true; } #pragma region "private functions" void Win32IoPipeStream::closeProcessHandles() { if (procInfo.hProcess != nullptr) { cw32::checkResult(CloseHandle(procInfo.hProcess)); procInfo.hProcess=nullptr; } if (procInfo.hThread != nullptr) { cw32::checkResult(CloseHandle(procInfo.hThread)); procInfo.hThread=nullptr; } } Win32IoPipeStream& Win32IoPipeStream::operator<< (imanip func) { return (*func)(*this); } Win32IoPipeStream& Win32IoPipeStream::operator>>(string& s) { readbuffer(); s=buffer; return *this; } Win32IoPipeStream& Win32IoPipeStream::operator<<(const string& s) { Write(s); return *this; } string Win32IoPipeStream::getbuffer() { return sbuffer; } bool Win32IoPipeStream::running() { return Running; } #pragma endregion } #endif