/***** Autogenerated from runhistory.in; changes will be overwritten *****/ #line 1 "./runtimebase.in" /***** * runtimebase.in * Andy Hammerlindl 2009/07/28 * * Common declarations needed for all code-generating .in files. * *****/ #line 1 "./runhistory.in" /***** * runhistory.in * * Runtime functions for history operations. * *****/ #line 23 "./runtimebase.in" #include "stack.h" #include "types.h" #include "builtin.h" #include "entry.h" #include "errormsg.h" #include "array.h" #include "triple.h" #include "callable.h" #include "opsymbols.h" using vm::stack; using vm::error; using vm::array; using vm::read; using vm::callable; using types::formal; using types::function; using camp::triple; #define PRIMITIVE(name,Name,asyName) using types::prim##Name; #include #undef PRIMITIVE void unused(void *); namespace run { typedef double real; array *copyArray(array *a); array *copyArray2(array *a); array *copyArray3(array *a); double *copyTripleArray2Components(array *a, size_t &N, GCPlacement placement=NoGC); triple *copyTripleArray2C(array *a, size_t &N, GCPlacement placement=NoGC); } function *realRealFunction(); #define CURRENTPEN processData().currentpen #line 12 "runhistory.in" #include "array.h" #include "mathop.h" #include "builtin.h" #if defined(_WIN32) #include #define isatty _isatty #else #include #endif using namespace camp; using namespace settings; using namespace vm; using namespace run; typedef array stringarray; using types::stringArray; namespace camp { bool allowRender=false; } #if defined(HAVE_LIBREADLINE) && defined(HAVE_LIBCURSES) #include #include struct historyState { bool store; HISTORY_STATE state; }; typedef mem::map historyMap_t; historyMap_t historyMap; static HISTORY_STATE history_save; // Store a deep copy of the current readline history in dest. void store_history(HISTORY_STATE *dest) { HISTORY_STATE *src=history_get_history_state(); if(src) { *dest=*src; for(Int i=0; i < src->length; ++i) dest->entries[i]=src->entries[i]; free(src); } } stringarray* get_history(Int n) { int N=intcast(n); if(N <= 0) N=history_length; else N=Min(N,history_length); array *a=new array((size_t) N); int offset=history_length-N+1; for(int i=0; i < N; ++i) { HIST_ENTRY *last=history_get(offset+i); string s=last ? last->line : ""; (*a)[i]=s; } return a; } string historyfilename(const string &name) { return historyname+"_"+name; } #endif namespace run { extern string emptystring; #if defined(HAVE_LIBREADLINE) && defined(HAVE_LIBCURSES) #endif void cleanup() { #if defined(HAVE_LIBREADLINE) && defined(HAVE_LIBCURSES) store_history(&history_save); int nlines=intcast(getSetting("historylines")); for(historyMap_t::iterator h=historyMap.begin(); h != historyMap.end(); ++h) { history_set_history_state(&h->second.state); if(h->second.store) { stifle_history(nlines); write_history(historyfilename(h->first).c_str()); unstifle_history(); } } history_set_history_state(&history_save); #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBGSL trans::GSLrngFree(); #endif } } // Autogenerated routines: #ifndef NOSYM #include "runhistory.symbols.h" #endif namespace run { // Return the last n lines of the history named name. #line 117 "./runhistory.in" // stringarray* history(string name, Int n=1); void gen_runhistory0(stack *Stack) { Int n=vm::pop(Stack,1); string name=vm::pop(Stack); #line 118 "./runhistory.in" #if defined(HAVE_LIBREADLINE) && defined(HAVE_LIBCURSES) bool newhistory=historyMap.find(name) == historyMap.end(); string filename; if(newhistory) { filename=historyfilename(name); std::ifstream exists(filename.c_str()); if(!exists) {Stack->push(new array(0)); return;} } store_history(&history_save); HISTORY_STATE& history=historyMap[name].state; history_set_history_state(&history); if(newhistory) read_history(filename.c_str()); array *a=get_history(n); store_history(&history); history_set_history_state(&history_save); {Stack->push(a); return;} #else unused(&n); {Stack->push(new array(0)); return;} #endif } // Return the last n lines of the interactive history. #line 150 "./runhistory.in" // stringarray* history(Int n=0); void gen_runhistory1(stack *Stack) { Int n=vm::pop(Stack,0); #line 151 "./runhistory.in" #if defined(HAVE_LIBREADLINE) && defined(HAVE_LIBCURSES) {Stack->push(get_history(n)); return;} #else unused(&n); {Stack->push(new array(0)); return;} #endif } // Prompt for a string using prompt, the GNU readline library, and a // local history named name. #line 162 "./runhistory.in" // string readline(string prompt=emptystring, string name=emptystring, bool tabcompletion=false); void gen_runhistory2(stack *Stack) { bool tabcompletion=vm::pop(Stack,false); string name=vm::pop(Stack,emptystring); string prompt=vm::pop(Stack,emptystring); #line 164 "./runhistory.in" bool stdinIsTty=isatty(STDIN_FILENO); bool hasInpipe=getSetting("inpipe") >= 0; if(!(stdinIsTty || hasInpipe)) { {Stack->push(emptystring); return;} } #if defined(HAVE_LIBREADLINE) && defined(HAVE_LIBCURSES) interact::init_readline(tabcompletion); store_history(&history_save); bool newhistory=historyMap.find(name) == historyMap.end(); historyState& h=historyMap[name]; HISTORY_STATE& history=h.state; history_set_history_state(&history); if(newhistory) read_history(historyfilename(name).c_str()); static char *line=NULL; /* Return the memory to the free pool if the buffer has already been allocated. */ if(line) { free(line); line=NULL; } /* Get a line from the user. */ bool allowRenderSave=allowRender; allowRender=false; line=readline(prompt.c_str()); allowRender=allowRenderSave; if(!line) cout << endl; history_set_history_state(&history_save); {Stack->push(line ? string(line) : emptystring); return;} #else cout << prompt; string s; getline(cin,s); unused(&tabcompletion); // Avoid unused variable warning message. {Stack->push(s); return;} #endif } // Save a string in a local history named name. // If store=true, store the local history in the file historyfilename(name). #line 213 "./runhistory.in" // void saveline(string name, string value, bool store=true); void gen_runhistory3(stack *Stack) { bool store=vm::pop(Stack,true); string value=vm::pop(Stack); string name=vm::pop(Stack); #line 214 "./runhistory.in" #if defined(HAVE_LIBREADLINE) && defined(HAVE_LIBCURSES) store_history(&history_save); bool newhistory=historyMap.find(name) == historyMap.end(); historyState& h=historyMap[name]; h.store=store; HISTORY_STATE& history=h.state; history_set_history_state(&history); if(newhistory) read_history(historyfilename(name).c_str()); if(value != "") { add_history(value.c_str()); if(store) { std::ofstream hout(historyfilename(name).c_str(),std::ios::app); hout << value << endl; } } store_history(&history); history_set_history_state(&history_save); #else unused(&store); #endif } } // namespace run namespace trans { void gen_runhistory_venv(venv &ve) { #line 116 "./runhistory.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runhistory0, stringArray(), SYM(history), formal(primString(), SYM(name), false, false), formal(primInt(), SYM(n), true, false)); #line 149 "./runhistory.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runhistory1, stringArray(), SYM(history), formal(primInt(), SYM(n), true, false)); #line 160 "./runhistory.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runhistory2, primString(), SYM(readline), formal(primString(), SYM(prompt), true, false), formal(primString(), SYM(name), true, false), formal(primBoolean(), SYM(tabcompletion), true, false)); #line 211 "./runhistory.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runhistory3, primVoid(), SYM(saveline), formal(primString(), SYM(name), false, false), formal(primString(), SYM(value), false, false), formal(primBoolean(), SYM(store), true, false)); } } // namespace trans