;; ;; This file is automatically generated by asy-list.py. ;; Changes will be overwritten. ;; (defvar asy-keywords-version "3.01") (defvar asy-keyword-name '( and controls tension atleast curl if else while for do return break continue struct typedef using new access import unravel from include quote static autounravel public private restricted this explicit true false null cycle newframe operator )) (defvar asy-type-name '( Braid FitResult Label Legend Solution TreeNode abscissa arc arrowhead arrowhead3 binarytree binarytreeNode block bool bool3 bounds bqe circle conic coord coordsys cputime ellipse evaluatedpoint file filltype frame grid3 guide horner hsv hyperbola int interaction inversion key light line linefit marginT marginT3 marker mass material node object pair parabola patch path path3 pen picture point position positionedvector projection rational real realschur revolution rmf scaleT schur scientific segment side slice solution splitface string surface tensionSpecifier ticklocate ticksgridT tickvalues transform transformation tree triangle trilinear triple vector vertex void )) (defvar asy-function-name '( AND Align Arc ArcArrow ArcArrow3 ArcArrows ArcArrows3 Arrow Arrow3 Arrows Arrows3 AtA Automatic AvantGarde B03 B13 B23 B33 BBox BWRainbow BWRainbow2 Bar Bar3 Bars Bars3 BeginArcArrow BeginArcArrow3 BeginArrow BeginArrow3 BeginBar BeginBar3 BeginDotMargin BeginDotMargin3 BeginMargin BeginMargin3 BeginPenMargin BeginPenMargin2 BeginPenMargin3 Blank Bookman Bottom BottomTop Bounds Break Broken BrokenLog CLZ CTZ Ceil Circle CircleBarIntervalMarker Cos Courier CrossIntervalMarker DOSendl DOSnewl DefaultFormat DefaultHead2 DefaultLogFormat Degrees Dir DotMargin DotMargin3 DotMargins DotMargins3 Dotted DoubleLineMidArrow Draw Drawline Embed EndArcArrow EndArcArrow3 EndArrow EndArrow3 EndBar EndBar3 EndDotMargin EndDotMargin3 EndMargin EndMargin3 EndPenMargin EndPenMargin2 EndPenMargin3 Fill FillDraw Finite Floor Format Full Gaussian Gaussrand Gaussrandpair Gradient Grayscale Helvetica Hermite HookHead HookHead2 HookHead3 InOutTicks InTicks Jn Label LabelInteraction Landscape Left LeftRight LeftTicks Legend Linear Log LogFormat Margin Margin3 Margins Margins3 Mark MidArcArrow MidArcArrow3 MidArrow MidArrow3 NOT NewCenturySchoolBook NoBox NoMargin NoMargin3 NoModifier NoTicks NoTicks3 NoZero NoZeroFormat None OR OmitFormat OmitTick OmitTickInterval OmitTickIntervals OutTicks Ox Oy Palatino PaletteTicks Pen PenMargin PenMargin2 PenMargin3 PenMargins PenMargins2 PenMargins3 Pentype Portrait RGB RadialShade RadialShadeDraw Rainbow Range Relative Right RightTicks Rotate Round SQR Scale ScaleX ScaleY ScaleZ Seascape Shift Sin Slant Spline StickIntervalMarker Straight Symbol Tan TeXHead2 TeXify Ticks Ticks3 TildeIntervalMarker TimesRoman Top TrueMargin TrueMargin3 UnFill UpsideDown Wheel X XEquals XOR XY XYEquals XYZero XYgrid XYplane XZ XZEquals XZZero XZero XZgrid Y YEquals YX YXgrid YZ YZEquals YZZero YZero YZgrid YZplane Yn Z ZX ZXgrid ZXplane ZY ZYgrid ZapfChancery ZapfDingbats _begingroup3 _cputime _draw _eval _findroot _image _labelpath _projection _schur _shipout _strokepath _texpath aCos aSin aTan abort abs abs2 absorthographic absperspective accel acos acos1 acosh acot acsc activatequote add add2 addArrow addMargins addPath addSaveFunction addStereoViews addViews addpenarc addpenline addseg adjust adjustedIndex aim alias align alignshift aligntransform all altitude angabscissa angle angledegrees angpoint animate annotate anticomplementary antipedal apply approach approximate arc arcarrowsize arccircle arcdir arcfromcenter arcfromfocus arclength arcnodesnumber arcpoint arcsubtended arcsubtendedcenter arctime arctopath array arrow arrow2 arrowbase arrowbasepoints arrowsize ascii asec asin asin1 asinh ask assert asy asycode asydir asyfigure asyfilecode asyinclude asywrite atan atan2 atanh atbreakpoint atexit attach attract atupdate autoformat autoscale autoscale3 axes axes3 axialshade axis axiscoverage azimuth babel background bangles bar barmarksize barsize basealign baseline bbox beep begin beginclip begingroup begingroup3 beginpoint bend between bevel bezier bezierP bezierPP bezierPPP bezulate bibliography bibliographystyle binarytree binarytreeNode binomial bins bisector bisectorpoint bispline bispline0 bitreverse blend blockconnector box bqe brace breakpoint breakpoints brick buildRestoreDefaults buildRestoreThunk buildcycle bulletcolor byte byteinv calculateScaling camera canonical canonicalcartesiansystem cartesiansystem case1 case2 case3 cbrt cd ceil center centerToFocus centered centroid cevian change2 changecoordsys checkEmpty checkSegment check_fpt_zero checkconditionlength checker checkincreasing checklengths checkposition checkpt checkptincube checktriangle choose circle circlebarframe circlemarkradius circlenodesnumber circumcenter circumcircle clamped clear clip clipdraw close cmyk code colatitude collect collinear color colorless colors colorspace comma compassmark complement complementary computeNormals concat concurrent cone conic conicnodesnumber conictype conj connect containmentTree contains contour contour3 controlSpecifier convert coons coons3 coordinates coordsys copy copyPairOrTriple cos cosh cot countIntersections cputime crop cropcode cross crossframe crosshatch crossmarksize csc cubicroots curabscissa curlSpecifier curpoint currentarrow currentexitfunction currentmomarrow currentpolarconicroutine curve cut cutafter cutbefore cyclic cylinder deactivatequote debugger deconstruct defaultdir defaultformat defaultpen defined degenerate degrees delete deletepreamble determinant diagonal diamond diffdiv dir dirSpecifier dirtime display distance distort divisors do_overpaint dot dotframe dotsize downcase draw draw3D drawAll drawCylinder drawDisk drawDoubleLine drawFermion drawGhost drawGluon drawMomArrow drawPhoton drawScalar drawSphere drawTessellation drawTube drawVertex drawVertexBox drawVertexBoxO drawVertexBoxX drawVertexO drawVertexOX drawVertexTriangle drawVertexTriangleO drawVertexX drawarrow drawarrow2 drawbeziertriangle drawline drawpixel drawstrokepath drawtick duplicate elle ellipse ellipsenodesnumber embed embed3 embed3D embedder embedplayer emissive empty enclose end endclip endgroup endgroup3 endl endpoint endpoints eof eol equation equations erase erasestep erf erfc error errorbar errorbars eval excenter excircle exit exitfunction exp expfactors expi expm1 exradius extend extension extouch extrude fabs factorial fermat fft fhorner figure file filecode fill fillbox filldraw filloutside fillrule filltype find findall findroot finite finiteDifferenceJacobian firstcut firstframe fit fit2 fit3 fixedscaling flip floor flush fmdefaults fmod focusToCenter font fontcommand fontsize foot format frac frequency fromCenter fromFocus fspline functionshade gamma gcd generate_random_backtrace generateticks gergonne getc getint getpair getreal getstring gettriple gluon gouraudshade graph graphic graphicscale graphwithderiv gray grestore grid grid3 gsave halfbox hatch hdiffdiv hermite hex histogram history hline hprojection hsplit hsv hyperbola hyperbolanodesnumber hyperlink hypot identity image implicitsurface importv3d incenter incentral incircle increasing incrementposition indexedfigure initdefaults initialized input inradius insert inside insphere integrate interactive interior interp interpolate intersect intersection intersectionpoint intersectionpoints intersections intouch inverse inversion invert invisible is3D isDuplicate isnan isogonal isogonalconjugate isometry isotomic isotomicconjugate isparabola italic item jobname join3 key kurtosis kurtosisexcess label labelaxis labelmargin labelpath labels labeltick labelx labelx3 labely labely3 labelz labelz3 lastcut latex latitude latticeshade layer layout lcm ldexp leastsquares legend legenditem length lexorder lift light limits line linear linecap lineinversion linejoin linemargin lineskip linetype linewidth link list lm_enorm lm_evaluate_default lm_lmdif lm_lmpar lm_minimize lm_print_default lm_print_quiet lm_qrfac lm_qrsolv locale locate locatefile location log log10 log1p logaxiscoverage longitude look lookup make3dgrid makeMappingArray makeNode makecircle makedraw makepen maketriangle map mapArray mapArrayString margin markangle markangleradius markanglespace markarc marker markinterval marknodes markrightangle markthin markuniform mass masscenter massformat material math max max3 maxAfterTransform maxbezier maxbound maxcoords maxlength maxratio maxtimes mean medial median meshname midpoint min min3 minAfterTransform minbezier minbound minipage minratio mintimes miterlimit mktemp momArrowPath momarrowsize monotonic multifigure nGrad nativeformat natural newl newpage newslide newton newtree nextframe nextnormal nextpage nib nodabscissa node none norm normal normalout normalvideo notaknot nowarn nullpath3 numberpage nurb object oblique obliqueX obliqueY obliqueZ octant1 offset onpath opacity opposite orient orientation origin orthic orthocenter orthocentercenter orthographic outdirectory outformat outline outname outprefix output overlap overloadedMessage overwrite pack pad pairs palette parabola parabolanodesnumber parallel parallelogram partialsum partname patchwithnormals path path3 pathbetween pathinface pattern pause pdf pedal periodic perp perpendicular perpendicularmark perspective phantom phi1 phi2 phi3 phi4 photon piecewisestraight pixel plane planeproject point polar polarconicroutine polargraph polygon popcount position postcontrol postscript pow10 ppoint prc prc0 prconly precision precontrol prepend primitive printBytecode print_random_addresses progress project projection projecttospan projecttospan_findcoeffs purge pwhermite quadpatches quadrant quadraticroots quantize quarticroots quotient radialshade radians radicalcenter radicalline radius rand randompath randompath3 rationalidentity rd readline realmult realquarticroots rectangle rectangular rectify reference reflect regularize relabscissa relative relativedistance reldir relpoint reltime remainder remark removeDuplicates rename render replace report resetdefaultpen restore restoredefaults reverse reversevideo rf rfind rgb rgba rgbint rmf rms rotate rotateO rotation round roundbox roundedpath roundrectangle samecoordsys sameside sample save savedefaults saveline scale scale3 scaleO scaleT scaleless schur scientific search searchtree sec secondaryX secondaryY seconds section sector seek seekeof segment segmentlimits sequence setpens sgn sgnd sharpangle sharpdegrees shift shiftless shipout shipout3 show simeq simplexInit simplexPhase1 simplexPhase2 simplexTableau simplexWrite simpson sin sinh size size3 skewness skip slant sleep slice slope slopefield solve solveBVP sort sourceline sphere split sqrt square srand standardizecoordsys stdev step stickframe stickmarksize stickmarkspace stop straight straightness string stripdirectory stripextension stripfile stripsuffix strokepath subdivide subitem subpatch subpatchbegin subpatchend subpath substr sum surface symmedial symmedian system tab tableau tan tangent tangential tangents tanh tell tensionSpecifier tensor tensorshade tex texcolor texify texpath texpreamble texreset texshipout texsize texstring textpath theta thick thin tick tickMax tickMax3 tickMin tickMin3 ticklabelshift ticklocate tildeframe tildemarksize tile tiling time times title titlepage topbox transform transform3 transformation transpose trembleFuzz triangle triangleAbc triangleabc triangletoquads trianglewithnormals triangulate tricoef tridiagonal trilinear trim triples truepoint tube uncycle unfill uniform unique unit unitcylinderDraw unitfrustum unitfrustum1 unitrand unitsize unityroot unscaled unstraighten upcase updatefunction uperiodic upscale uptodate usepackage usersetting usetypescript usleep value variance variancebiased vbox vector vectorfield verbatim view viewportmargin vline vperiodic vprojection vsplit warn warning windingnumber write xasyKEY xaxis xaxis3 xaxis3At xaxisAt xequals xlimits xmap xpart xscale xscale3 xscaleO xtick xtick3 xtrans xypart yaxis yaxis3 yaxis3At yaxisAt yequals ylimits ypart yscale yscale3 yscaleO ytick ytick3 ytrans zaxis3 zaxis3At zero zlimits zpart zscale3 ztick ztick3 ztrans )) (defvar asy-variable-name '( Accent AliceBlue Align Allow AntiqueWhite Apricot Aqua Aquamarine Aspect Azure BackView BeginPoint Beige Billboard Bisque Bittersweet Black BlanchedAlmond Blue BlueGreen BlueViolet Blues Both BottomView BrBG Break BrickRed Brown BuGn BuPu BurlyWood BurntOrange CCW CMRmap CW CadetBlue CarnationPink Center Centered Cerulean Chartreuse Chocolate Coeff Coral CornflowerBlue Cornsilk Crimson Crop Cyan Dandelion Dark2 DarkBlue DarkCyan DarkGoldenrod DarkGray DarkGreen DarkKhaki DarkMagenta DarkOliveGreen DarkOrange DarkOrchid DarkRed DarkSalmon DarkSeaGreen DarkSlateBlue DarkSlateGray DarkTurquoise DarkViolet DeepPink DeepSkyBlue DefaultHead DefaultHead2 DefaultHead3 DimGray DodgerBlue Dotted Down Draw E ENE EPS ESE E_Euler E_PC E_RK2 E_RK3BS Embedded Emerald EndPoint Euler Fill FillDraw FireBrick FloralWhite ForestGreen FrontView Fuchsia Fuzz Gainsboro GhostWhite GnBu Gold Goldenrod Gray Green GreenYellow Greens Greys Headlamp High Honeydew HookHead HookHead2 HookHead3 Horizontal HotPink I IgnoreAspect IndianRed Indigo Infinity Ivory JOIN_IN JOIN_OUT JungleGreen Khaki LM_DWARF LM_MACHEP LM_SQRT_DWARF LM_SQRT_GIANT LM_USERTOL Label Lavender LavenderBlush LawnGreen Left LeftJustified LeftSide LeftView LemonChiffon LightBlue LightCoral LightCyan LightGoldenrodYellow LightGreen LightGrey LightPink LightSalmon LightSeaGreen LightSkyBlue LightSlateGray LightSteelBlue LightYellow Lime LimeGreen Linear Linen Log Logarithmic Low Magenta Mahogany Mark MarkFill MarkFillable MarkPath Maroon Max Medium MediumAquamarine MediumBlue MediumOrchid MediumPurple MediumSeaGreen MediumSlateBlue MediumSpringGreen MediumTurquoise MediumVioletRed Melon MidPoint MidnightBlue Min MintCream MistyRose Moccasin Move MoveQuiet Mulberry N NE NNE NNW NULL_VERTEX NURBSsphere NW NavajoWhite Navy NavyBlue NoAlign NoCrop NoFill NoSide O OldLace Olive OliveDrab OliveGreen OrRd Orange OrangeRed Oranges Orchid Ox Oy PC PRCsphere PRGn Paired PaleGoldenrod PaleGreen PaleTurquoise PaleVioletRed PapayaWhip Pastel1 Pastel2 Peach PeachPuff Periwinkle Peru PiYG PineGreen Pink Plum PowderBlue ProcessBlue PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd Purple Purples RELEASE RK2 RK3 RK3BS RK4 RK5 RK5DP RK5F RawSienna RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn Red RedOrange RedViolet Reds Rhodamine Right RightJustified RightSide RightView RosyBrown RoyalBlue RoyalPurple RubineRed S SE SSE SSW SW SaddleBrown Salmon SandyBrown SeaGreen Seashell Sepia Set1 Set2 Set3 Sienna Silver SimpleHead Single SixViews SixViewsFR SixViewsUS SkyBlue SlateBlue SlateGray Snow Spectral SpringGreen SteelBlue Suppress SuppressQuiet Tan TeXHead TeXHead2 TeXHead3 Teal TealBlue Thistle ThreeViews ThreeViewsFR ThreeViewsUS Ticksize Tomato TopView Turquoise UnFill Up VERSION Value Vertical Viewport Violet VioletRed W WNW WSW Wheat White WhiteSmoke WildStrawberry X XHIGH XLOW XY XYAlign XZ Y YAlign YHIGH YLOW YX YZ Yellow YellowGreen YellowOrange YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd Z ZHIGH ZLOW ZX ZY Zero _outpipe a aboveequationskip addpenarc addpenline align allowstepping angleprecision angularsystem animationdelay appendsuffix arcarrowangle arcarrowfactor arrow2sizelimit arrowangle arrowbarb arrowdir arrowfactor arrowhookfactor arrowlength arrowsizelimit arrowtexfactor artificialColumn authorpen autumn axis axiscoverage axislabelfactor background backgroundcolor backgroundpen barfactor barmarksizefactor basealign baselinetemplate bernstein beveljoin bigvertexpen bigvertexsize binary black blue bm bone bottom bp bracedefaultratio braceinnerangle bracemidangle braceouterangle brg brown bullet bwr byfoci byvertices camerafactor chartreuse circlemarkradiusfactor circlenodesnumberfactor circleprecision circlescale cividis cm codefile codepen codeskip colorPen coloredNodes coloredSegments conditionlength conicnodesfactor cool coolwarm copper count cputimeformat crossmarksizefactor currentcoordsys currentlight currentpatterns currentpen currentpicture currentposition currentprojection curvilinearsystem cuttings cyan darkblue darkbrown darkcyan darkgray darkgreen darkgrey darkmagenta darkolive darkred dashdotted dashed datepen dateskip debuggerlines debugging deepblue deepcyan deepgray deepgreen deepgrey deepmagenta deepred deepyellow default defaultControl defaultS defaultbackpen defaultcoordsys defaultembed3Doptions defaultembed3Dscript defaultexcursion defaulteyetoview defaultfilename defaultformat defaultfresnel0 defaultmassformat defaultmetallic defaultpen defaultrender defaultseparator defaultshininess diamond differentlengths dot dotfactor dotfilltype dotframe dotted doublelinepen doublelinespacing down duplicateFuzz ellipsenodesnumberfactor eps epsgeo epsilon evenodd expansionfactor extendcap fermionpen figureborder figuremattpen file3 firstnode firststep foregroundcolor fuchsia fuzz gapfactor ghostpen gist_earth gist_ncar gist_stern gluonamplitude gluonpen gluonratio gray green grey hatchepsilon havepagenumber heavyblue heavycyan heavygray heavygreen heavygrey heavymagenta heavyred hline hot hsv hwratio hyperbolanodesnumberfactor i identity identity4 ignore implicitshipout inch inches includegraphicscommand inf inferno infinity institutionpen intMax intMin invert invisible itempen itemskip itemstep jet labelmargin landscape lastnode left legendhskip legendlinelength legendmargin legendmarkersize legendmaxrelativewidth legendvskip lightblue lightcyan lightgray lightgreen lightgrey lightmagenta lightolive lightred lightyellow linemargin lm_infmsg lm_shortmsg longdashdotted longdashed magenta magma magneticRadius mantissaBits markangleradius markangleradiusfactor markanglespace markanglespacefactor maxDenominator maxangleiterations maxrefinements mediumblue mediumcyan mediumgray mediumgreen mediumgrey mediummagenta mediumred mediumyellow middle minDistDefault minblockheight minblockwidth mincirclediameter minipagemargin minipagewidth minvertexangle miterjoin mm momarrowfactor momarrowlength momarrowmargin momarrowoffset momarrowpen monoPen morepoints nCircle nan newbulletcolor ngraph nil nineth nipy_spectral nmesh noTension nobasealign nocontrol nodeMarginDefault nodesystem nolight nomarker nopoint noprimary nslice nullpath nullpen nullpens nullsurface numarray oblique obliqueX obliqueY obliqueZ ocgindex octant1 octant1x oldbulletcolor olive optimizeTableau orange origin overpaint page pageheight pagemargin pagenumberalign pagenumberpen pagenumberposition pagewidth paleblue palecyan palegray palegreen palegrey palemagenta palered paleyellow parabolanodesnumberfactor perpfactor phi photonamplitude photonpen photonratio pi pink plain plain_bounds plasma plus preamblenodes pt purple r3 r4a r4b randMax realDigits realEpsilon realMax realMin red relativesystem reverse right roundcap roundjoin royalblue salmon saveFunctions scalarpen seismic sequencereal settings signedtrailingzero solid spinner spring springgreen sqrtEpsilon squarecap squarepen startposition stdin stdout stepfactor stepfraction steppagenumberpen stepping stickframe stickmarksizefactor stickmarkspacefactor summer swap t1 t2 t3 tab10 tab20 tab20b tab20c textpen ticksize tildeframe tildemarksizefactor tinv titlealign titlepagepen titlepageposition titlepen titleskip top trailingzero treeLevelStep treeMinNodeWidth treeNodeStep trembleAngle trembleFrequency trembleRandom tubegranularity tubethreshold twilight twilight_shifted undefined unitbox unitcircle unitcircle3 unitcone unitcube unitcylinder unitcylinder1 unitdisk unithemisphere unitplane unitsolidcone unitsphere unitsquare unitsquare3 up urlpen urlskip v3dheadertypes v3dtypes version vertexpen vertexsize viewportmargin viewportsize viridis vline white winter wistia wye yellow ylabelwidth zeroTransform zerotickfuzz zerowinding ))