    \vbox{\hrule width.3em height .6pt}\kern.08em}%
    \vbox{\hrule width.3em height .6pt}\kern.08em}%
    \vbox{\hrule width.3em height .6pt}\kern.08em}%

% A--B = directrix, S = focus
vardef parabola(expr A, B, S) =
  save m, q, n, parabola;
  pair n;  % the point on A--B nearest to S
  n = whatever[A, B]; 
  n - S = whatever * (A-B) rotated 90;
  path parabola;
  for t=0 step 1/64 until 1:
    pair m, q;
    m = 1/2[S, t[A, B]];
    q = whatever[S, n]; q - m = whatever * (S - m) rotated 90;
    parabola := if known parabola: parabola -- fi
      q reflectedabout(S, m);
input colorbrewer-rgb

  numeric i; i = 16;
  pair a, b, s; a = 160 up rotated 5; b = 160 down rotated 5; s = 60 * right;
  draw a--b; 

  path ff; ff = (-1, 1){1, -2} .. (-1/2, 1/4){1, -1} .. 
    (0, 0){right} .. (1/2, 1/4){1, 1} .. (1, 1){1, 2};

  path p; p = parabola(a, b, s);
  pair tab; tab = whatever[a, b]; point i of p - tab = whatever * (a-b) rotated 90;
  pair q; q = point i of p reflectedabout(s, tab);
  pair n; n = whatever[a,b] = whatever[q, s];
  pair o; o = 1/2[n, s];

  % draw ff scaled 4 abs(s-o) rotated angle (b-a) shifted o;

  interim ahangle := 24;
  drawarrow (b--a) shifted (o-n) withcolor 3/4;
  drawarrow (1/2[a, n] --b) rotatedabout(n, 90) withcolor 3/4;

  draw tab -- point i of p -- q -- tab -- s withcolor 3/4;

  drawarrow s -- point i of p 
    -- s reflectedabout(precontrol i of p rotatedabout(point i of p, 90), 
    postcontrol i of p rotatedabout(point i of p, 90))
    withcolor Blues 8 4;

  draw p withcolor Blues 8 6;
  dotlabel.lrt("$S$", s);
  dotlabel.urt("$A$", a);
  dotlabel.lrt("$B$", b);
  dotlabel.ulft("\kw{point} $i$ \kw{of} $p$", point i of p);
  interim dotlabeldiam := 2;
  dotlabel.bot("$\scriptstyle q$", q);
  dotlabel.llft("$\scriptstyle n$", n);
  dotlabel.llft("$\scriptstyle o$", o);
  dotlabel.lft("$\scriptstyle m\:$", 1/2[tab, s]); 
  dotlabel.lft("$\scriptstyle t[A, B]$", tab);
