NOTE The old name of this module is 'Script'. It was renamed 30/11/2001, thanks to Jonathan Stowe <> DESCRIPTION Win32::Script - system administrator`s library. At primary this module was written for system administrator needs in centralised administration of Win32 clients: logon and application startup scripts, etc. Later some functions useful in Windows NT server scripts was added. Now many functions may run on UNIX or may be developed for it. But area of Win32 servers and clients is very specific. SYNOPSIS use Win32::Script; $a =FileRead('c:\\autoexec.bat'); FileDelete('-r','c:\\tmp\\*'); FileEdit('c:\\autoexec.bat',sub{s/(SET *TMP *= *)/${1}c:\\tmp/i}); AUTHOR Andrew V Makarow <>, Denis E Medveduyk <> COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. PREREQUISITES Developed and tested with Active Perl 5.005 (builds 508,509,522,623). Function 'GUIMsg' developed and tested with Tk 800.012,800.013,800.022 800.019. HOW TO BUILD AND INSTALL Just type: perl Makefile.PL make make install Or: copy ./lib/* into perl/site/lib