

        use Dist::HomeDir;
        my $dist_home = Dist::Homedir::dist_home(); # A Path::Tiny object of the Dist home
        use Dist::HomeDir lib => [qw( script/lib t/lib )];
        # @INC now contains $dist_home->child('script/lib') and t/lib

    Easily find the dist homedir for an application set up as a cpan(ish)
    distribution but intended to be deployed via git checkout or by a
    tarball in a self contained directory. You can also optionally modify
    @INC as documented above.

    DO NOT use this in code that is ever likely to be installed via cpan or
    other package manager.


    This module was inspired by Catalyst::Utils->home() to obtain the root
    directory for obtaining application code and self-contained support
    data in directories relative to the distribution root. It does this by
    returning a " Path::Tiny " object which has a very nice interface.
    However Catalyst::Utils->home only works for perl classes. This works
    for class files and perl scripts via examining  (caller)[1]  and thus
    should never be used in code that will be instaled via a cpan client or
    other package manager.

    Sometimes support libaries will also live in the t/lib directory and
    the script/lib directory.  dist_home  will ignore these  lib 
    directories as part of finding the distribution root. Future versions
    of this module may make the list of what directories to ignore other 
    lib  sub directories user-configurable (patches welcome).

    If you want to modify @INC with the import syntax in the second example
    in the summary, be careful. In particular if you use " Dist::HomeDir"
    in test files and in code to be used in production, @INC might be
    modified in unexpeted ways depending on the structure of your codebase.



    Returns a Path::Tiny object of where the current code file executed
    thinks the distribution home directory is.


    Mojo::Home - lots of features, no non-core perl dependencies

    FindBin - perl core, comes with gotchas if called multiple times.

    Test::InDistDir - where the import syntax for Dist::HomeDir came from.


    Kieren Diment <>


    This code can be distributed under the same terms as perl itself.


    Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained

    Around line 25:

      L<> starts or ends with whitespace

    Around line 40:

      L<> starts or ends with whitespace