MooseX::Types::Structured - Structured Type Constraints for Moose

    The following is example usage for this module.

        package Person;
        use Moose;
        use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(Str Int HashRef);
        use MooseX::Types::Structured qw(Dict Tuple Optional);

        ## A name has a first and last part, but middle names are not required
        has name => (
                first => Str,
                last => Str,
                middle => Optional[Str],
        ## description is a string field followed by a HashRef of tagged data.
        has description => (

    Then you can instantiate this class with something like:

        my $john = Person->new(
            name => {
                first => 'John',
                middle => 'James'
                last => 'Napiorkowski',
            description => [
                'A cool guy who loves Perl and Moose.', {
                    married_to => 'Vanessa Li',
                    born_in => 'USA',

    Or with:

        my $vanessa = Person->new(
            name => {
                first => 'Vanessa',
                last => 'Li'
            description => ['A great student!'],

    But all of these would cause a constraint error for the 'name'

        ## Value for 'name' not a HashRef
        Person->new( name => 'John' );
        ## Value for 'name' has incorrect hash key and missing required keys
        Person->new( name => {
            first_name => 'John'
        ## Also incorrect keys
        Person->new( name => {
            first_name => 'John',
            age => 39,
        ## key 'middle' incorrect type, should be a Str not a ArrayRef
        Person->new( name => {
            first => 'Vanessa',
            middle => [1,2],
            last => 'Li',

    And these would cause a constraint error for the 'description'

        ## Should be an ArrayRef
        Person->new( description => 'Hello I am a String' );
        ## First element must be a string not a HashRef.
        Person->new (description => [{
            tag1 => 'value1',
            tag2 => 'value2'

    Please see the test cases for more examples.

    A structured type constraint is a standard container Moose type
    constraint, such as an ArrayRef or HashRef, which has been enhanced to
    allow you to explicitly name all the allowed type constraints inside the
    structure. The generalized form is:

        TypeConstraint[@TypeParameters or %TypeParameters]

    Where 'TypeParameters' is an array reference or hash references of
    Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint objects.

    This type library enables structured type constraints. It is built on
    top of the MooseX::Types library system, so you should review the
    documentation for that if you are not familiar with it.

  Comparing Parameterized types to Structured types
    Parameterized constraints are built into core Moose and you are probably
    already familar with the type constraints 'HashRef' and 'ArrayRef'.
    Structured types have similar functionality, so their syntax is likewise
    similar. For example, you could define a parameterized constraint like:

        subtype ArrayOfInts,
         as Arrayref[Int];

    which would constrain a value to something like [1,2,3,...] and so on.
    On the other hand, a structured type constraint explicitly names all
    it's allowed 'internal' type parameter constraints. For the example:

        subtype StringFollowedByInt,
         as Tuple[Str,Int];
    would constrain it's value to things like ['hello', 111] but ['hello',
    'world'] would fail, as well as ['hello', 111, 'world'] and so on.
    Here's another example:

        subtype StringIntOptionalHashRef,
         as Tuple[
            Str, Int,
    This defines a type constraint that validates values like:

        ['Hello', 100, {key1 => 'value1', key2 => 'value2'}];
        ['World', 200];
    Notice that the last type constraint in the structure is optional. This
    is enabled via the helper Optional type constraint, which is a variation
    of the core Moose type constraint 'Maybe'. The main difference is that
    Optional type constraints are required to validate if they exist, while
    'Maybe' permits undefined values. So the following example would not

        StringIntOptionalHashRef->validate(['Hello Undefined', 1000, undef]);
    Please note the subtle difference between undefined and null. If you
    wish to allow both null and undefined, you should use the core Moose
    'Maybe' type constraint instead:

        use MooseX::Types -declare [qw(StringIntMaybeHashRef)];
        use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(Maybe);
        use MooseX::Types::Structured qw(Tuple);

        subtype StringIntMaybeHashRef,
         as Tuple[
            Str, Int, Maybe[HashRef]

    This would validate the following:

        ['Hello', 100, {key1 => 'value1', key2 => 'value2'}];
        ['World', 200, undef];    
        ['World', 200];

    Structured constraints are not limited to arrays. You can define a
    structure against a HashRef with 'Dict' as in this example:

        subtype FirstNameLastName,
         as Dict[
            firstname => Str,
            lastname => Str,

    This would constrain a HashRef to something like:

        {firstname => 'Christopher', lastname= > 'Parsons'};
    but all the following would fail validation:

        ## Incorrect keys
        {first => 'Christopher', last => 'Parsons'};
        ## Too many keys
        {firstname => 'Christopher', lastname => 'Parsons', middlename => 'Allen'};
        ## Not a HashRef
        ['Christopher', 'Christopher']; 

    These structures can be as simple or elaborate as you wish. You can even
    combine various structured, parameterized and simple constraints all

        subtype Crazy,
         as Tuple[
            Dict[name=>Str, age=>Int],
    Which would match "[1, {name=>'John', age=>25},[10,11,12]]". Please
    notice how the type parameters can be visually arranged to your liking
    and to improve the clarity of your meaning. You don't need to run then
    altogether onto a single line.

    You should exercise some care as to whether or not your complex
    structured constraints would be better off contained by a real object as
    in the following example:

        package MyApp::MyStruct;
        use Moose;
        ## lazy way to make a bunch of attributes
        has $_ for qw(full_name age_in_years);
        package MyApp::MyClass;
        use Moose;
        has person => (isa => 'MyApp::MyStruct');           
        my $instance = MyApp::MyClass->new(
                full_name => 'John',
                age_in_years => 39,
    This method may take some additional time to setup but will give you
    more flexibility. However, structured constraints are highly compatible
    with this method, granting some interesting possibilities for coercion.

        package MyApp::MyClass;
        use Moose;
        use MyApp::MyStruct;
        ## It's recommended your type declarations live in a separate class in order
        ## to promote reusability and clarity.  Inlined here for brevity.
        use MooseX::Types::DateTime qw(DateTime);
        use MooseX::Types -declare [qw(MyStruct)];
        use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(Str Int);
        use MooseX::Types::Structured qw(Dict);

        ## Use class_type to create an ISA type constraint if your object doesn't
        ## inherit from Moose::Object.
        class_type 'MyApp::MyStruct';

        ## Just a shorter version really.
        subtype MyStruct,
         as 'MyApp::MyStruct';
        ## Add the coercions.
        coerce MyStruct,
         from Dict[
         ], via {
         from Dict[
         ], via {
            my $name = $_->{firstname} .' '. $_->{lastname};
            my $age = DateTime->now - $_->{dob};
        has person => (isa=>MyStruct);      
    This would allow you to instantiate with something like:

        my $obj = MyApp::MyClass->new( person => {
            full_name=>'John Napiorkowski',
    Or even:

        my $obj = MyApp::MyClass->new( person => {

    If you are not familiar with how coercions work, check out the Moose
    cookbook entry Moose::Cookbook::Recipe5 for an explanation. The section
    "Coercions" has additional examples and discussion.

  Subtyping a Structured type constraint
    You need to exercise some care when you try to subtype a structured type
    as in this example:

        subtype Person,
         as Dict[name => Str];
        subtype FriendlyPerson,
         as Person[
            name => Str,
            total_friends => Int,
    This will actually work BUT you have to take care that the subtype has a
    structure that does not contradict the structure of it's parent. For now
    the above works, but I will clarify the syntax for this at a future
    point, so it's recommended to avoid (should not really be needed so much
    anyway). For now this is supported in an EXPERIMENTAL way. Your
    thoughts, test cases and patches are welcomed for discussion. If you
    find a good use for this, please let me know.

    Coercions currently work for 'one level' deep. That is you can do:

        subtype Person,
         as Dict[
            name => Str,
            age => Int
        subtype Fullname,
         as Dict[
            first => Str,
            last => Str
        coerce Person,
         ## Coerce an object of a particular class
         from BlessedPersonObject, via {
         ## Coerce from [$name, $age]
         from ArrayRef, via {
         ## Coerce from {fullname=>{first=>...,last=>...}, dob=>$DateTimeObject}
         from Dict[fullname=>Fullname, dob=>DateTime], via {
            my $age = $_->dob - DateTime->now;
            my $firstn = $_->{fullname}->{first};
            my $lastn = $_->{fullname}->{last}
                name => $_->{fullname}->{first} .' '. ,
                age =>$age->years
    And that should just work as expected. However, if there are any 'inner'
    coercions, such as a coercion on 'Fullname' or on 'DateTime', that
    coercion won't currently get activated.

    Please see the test '07-coerce.t' for a more detailed example.
    Discussion on extending coercions to support this welcome on the Moose
    development channel or mailing list.

    Newer versions of MooseX::Types support recursive type constraints. That
    is you can include a type constraint as a contained type constraint of
    itself. For example:

            subtype Person,
             as Dict[
    This would declare a Person subtype that contains a name and an optional
    ArrayRef of Persons who are friends as in:

                    name => 'Mike',
                    friends => [
                            { name => 'John' },
                            { name => 'Vincent' },
                                    name => 'Tracey',
                                    friends => [
                                            { name => 'Stephenie' },
                                            { name => 'Ilya' },

    Please take care to make sure the recursion node is either Optional, or
    declare a Union with an non recursive option such as:

            subtype Value
             as Tuple[
    Which validates:

                    'Hello', [
                            'World', [
                                    'Is', [

    Otherwise you will define a subtype thatis impossible to validate since
    it is infinitely recursive. For more information about defining
    recursive types, please see the documentation in MooseX::Types and the
    test cases.

    This type library defines the following constraints.

    This defines an ArrayRef based constraint which allows you to validate a
    specific list of contained constraints. For example:

        Tuple[Int,Str]; ## Validates [1,'hello']
        Tuple[Str|Object, Int]; ## Validates ['hello', 1] or [$object, 2]

    This defines a HashRef based constraint which allowed you to validate a
    specific hashref. For example:

        Dict[name=>Str, age=>Int]; ## Validates {name=>'John', age=>39}

    This is primarily a helper constraint for Dict and Tuple type
    constraints. What this allows if for you to assert that a given type
    constraint is allowed to be null (but NOT undefined). If the value is
    null, then the type constraint passes but if the value is defined it
    must validate against the type constraint. This makes it easy to make a
    Dict where one or more of the keys doesn't have to exist or a tuple
    where some of the values are not required. For example:

        subtype Name() => as Dict[
    Creates a constraint that validates against a hashref with the keys
    'first' and 'last' being strings and required while an optional key
    'middle' is must be a string if it appears but doesn't have to appear.
    So in this case both the following are valid:

        {first=>'John', middle=>'James', last=>'Napiorkowski'}
        {first=>'Vanessa', last=>'Li'}

    This type library makes available for export the following subroutines

    Structured type constraints by their nature are closed; that is
    validation will depend and an exact match between your structure
    definition and the arguments to be checked. Sometimes you might wish for
    a slightly looser amount of validation. For example, you may wish to
    validate the first 3 elements of an array reference and allow for an
    arbitrary number of additional elements. At first thought you might
    think you could do it this way:

        #  I want to validate stuff like: [1,"hello", $obj, 2,3,4,5,6,...]
        subtype AllowTailingArgs,
         as Tuple[

    However what this will actually validate are structures like this:

        [10,"Hello", $obj, [11,12,13,...] ]; # Notice element 4 is an ArrayRef

    In order to allow structured validation of, "and then some", arguments,
    you can use the </slurpy> method against a type constraint. For example:

        use MooseX::Types::Structured qw(Tuple slurpy);
        subtype AllowTailingArgs,
         as Tuple[
           slurpy ArrayRef[Int],

    This will now work as expected, validating ArrayRef structures such as:

        [1,"hello", $obj, 2,3,4,5,6,...]
    A few caveats apply. First, the slurpy type constraint must be the last
    one in the list of type constraint parameters. Second, the parent type
    of the slurpy type constraint must match that of the containing type
    constraint. That means that a Tuple can allow a slurpy ArrayRef (or
    children of ArrayRefs, including another Tuple) and a Dict can allow a
    slurpy HashRef (or children/subtypes of HashRef, also including other
    Dict constraints).

    Please note the the technical way this works 'under the hood' is that
    the slurpy keywork transforms the target type constraint into a coderef.
    Please do not try to create your own custom coderefs; always use the
    slurpy method. The underlying technology may change in the future but
    the slurpy keyword will be supported.

    Here are some additional example usage for structured types. All
    examples can be found also in the 't/examples.t' test. Your
    contributions are also welcomed.

  Normalize a HashRef
    You need a hashref to conform to a canonical structure but are required
    accept a bunch of different incoming structures. You can normalize using
    the Dict type constraint and coercions. This example also shows
    structured types mixed which other MooseX::Types libraries.

        package Test::MooseX::Meta::TypeConstraint::Structured::Examples::Normalize;
        use Moose;
        use DateTime;
        use MooseX::Types::Structured qw(Dict Tuple);
        use MooseX::Types::DateTime qw(DateTime);
        use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(Int Str Object);
        use MooseX::Types -declare => [qw(Name Age Person)];
        subtype Person,
         as Dict[
        coerce Person,
         from Dict[
         ], via { +{
            name => "$_->{first} $_->{last}",
            age => $_->{years},
         from Dict[
         ## DateTime needs to be inside of single quotes here to disambiguate the
         ## class package from the DataTime type constraint imported via the
         ## line "use MooseX::Types::DateTime qw(DateTime);"
         via { +{
            name => "$_->{fullname}{first} $_->{fullname}{last}",
            age => ($_->{dob} - 'DateTime'->now)->years,
        has person => (is=>'rw', isa=>Person, coerce=>1);
    And now you can instantiate with all the following:

            name=>'John Napiorkowski',
            fullname => {
            dob => 'DateTime'->new(
    This technique is a way to support various ways to instantiate your
    class in a clean and declarative way.

    The following modules or resources may be of interest.

    Moose, MooseX::Types, Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint,

    Here's a list of stuff I would be happy to get volunteers helping with:

    All POD examples need test cases in t/documentation/*.t Want to break
    out the examples section to a separate cookbook style POD. Want more
    examples and best practice / usage guidance for authors Need to clarify
    deep coercions, Need to clarify subtypes of subtypes.

    John Napiorkowski, "<>"

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.