		Release of version 0.62 of Tie::DNS

    Tie::DNS - Tied interface to Net::DNS

    tie (my %dns, 'Tie::DNS');

    #do some simple DNS lookups
    print "$dns{'www.cnn.com'}\n";

    print "$dns{''}\n";

    #do a zone transfer and see all A records in foo.com
    tie (my %dns, 'Tie::DNS', {'Domain' => 'foo.com'});

    while (my($name, $ip) = each %dns) {
        print "$name = $ip\n";

    This module is meant to be a simplified interface to the 
    excellent Net::DNS module.  Its goal is to make operations
    that are easy in Net::DNS trivial, and operations that are
    hard in Net::DNS easy.  

    This release also supports:

        The ability to access all of the different types of DNS records

	The ability to access all of the fields for each type of DNS record

        Access to multiple records per query

	Ability to change lookup parameters in the same DNS hash on the fly

        Dynamic updates using writes to the hash

        Application level caching of names

    Future point releases will support:
	Secure DNS updates

        Much more

    Dana M. Diederich (dana@realms.org)


    kevin brintnall (kbrint@rufus.net) for Caching patch

    Copyright (c) 2008, Dana M. Diederich. All Rights Reserved. This module
    is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under
    the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see



Tie::DNS has been uploaded to the CPAN.

