App::MineralUtils - Utilities related to mineral supplements

    This document describes version 0.021 of App::MineralUtils (from Perl
    distribution App-MineralUtils), released on 2025-03-11.

    This distributions provides the following command-line utilities:

    *   convert-calcium-unit

    *   convert-iron-unit

    *   convert-magnesium-unit

    *   convert-potassium-unit

    *   convert-sodium-unit

    *   convert-zinc-unit


     convert_calcium_unit(%args) -> [$status_code, $reason, $payload, \%result_meta]

    Convert an iron quantity from one unit to another.


    *   Show all possible conversions:



               amount  => 1,
               pct_ca  => 100,
               unit    => "mg-ca-elem",
               summary => "Elemental calcium, in milligrams",
               amount  => 2.5,
               pct_ca  => 40.0432024570648,
               unit    => "mg-ca-carbonate",
               summary => "Calcium carbonate (CaCO3), in milligrams",
               amount  => 7.40740740740741,
               pct_ca  => 13.5266124405144,
               unit    => "mg-ca-pidolate",
               summary => "Calcium pidolate (C10H12CaN2O6), in milligrams",
               amount  => 5.43478260869565,
               pct_ca  => 18.3658693062048,
               unit    => "mg-ca-lactate",
               summary => "Calcium lactate (C6H10CaO6), in milligrams",
               amount  => 4.149377593361,
               pct_ca  => 24.1239967897271,
               unit    => "mg-ca-citrate-anhydrous",
               summary => "Calcium citrate anhydrous (C12H10Ca3O14), in milligrams",
               amount  => 4.739336492891,
               pct_ca  => 21.0751971954426,
               unit    => "mg-ca-citrate-tetrahydrate",
               summary => "Calcium citrate tetrahydrate (C12H18Ca3O18) [most common hydrate form of Ca-citrate], in milligrams",
               amount  => 10.6382978723404,
               pct_ca  => 9.40047849134494,
               unit    => "mg-ca-ascorbate-dihydrate",
               summary => "Calcium ascorbate dihydrate (C12H18CaO14), in milligrams",
               amount  => 10.752688172043,
               pct_ca  => 9.31245207612055,
               unit    => "mg-ca-gluconate",
               summary => "Calcium gluconate (C12H22CaO14), in milligrams",
               amount  => 5.23560209424084,
               pct_ca  => 19.0720472066242,
               unit    => "mg-ca-glycerophosphate",
               summary => "Calcium glycerophosphate (C3H7CaO6P), in milligrams",
             "table.field_aligns"  => ["number", "number", "left", "left"],
             "table.field_formats" => [
                                        ["number", { precision => 3, thousands_sep => "" }],
                                        ["number", { thousands_sep => "", precision => 3 }],
             "table.fields"        => ["amount", "pct_ca", "unit", "summary"],

    If target unit is not specified, will show all known conversions.

    This function is not exported.

    Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

    *   quantity => *str* (default: "1 mg")

        (No description)

    *   to_unit => *str*

        (No description)

    Returns an enveloped result (an array).

    First element ($status_code) is an integer containing HTTP-like status
    code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second
    element ($reason) is a string containing error message, or something
    like "OK" if status is 200. Third element ($payload) is the actual
    result, but usually not present when enveloped result is an error
    response ($status_code is not 2xx). Fourth element (%result_meta) is
    called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra
    information, much like how HTTP response headers provide additional

    Return value: (any)


     convert_iron_unit(%args) -> [$status_code, $reason, $payload, \%result_meta]

    Convert an iron quantity from one unit to another.


    *   Show all possible conversions:



               amount  => 1,
               pct_fe  => 100,
               unit    => "mg-fe-elem",
               summary => "Elemental iron, in milligrams",
               amount  => 4.97512437810945,
               pct_fe  => 20.0866844111934,
               unit    => "mg-ferrous-sulfate-heptahydrate",
               summary => "Ferrous sulphate heptahydrate (FeSO4.7H2O), in milligrams",
               amount  => 3.33333333333333,
               pct_fe  => 29.975443163672,
               unit    => "mg-fe-iii-pyrophosphate",
               summary => "Iron (III) pyrophosphate (Fe4O21P6), in milligrams",
               amount  => 12.5,
               pct_fe  => 8,
               unit    => "mg-lipofer",
               summary => "Lipofer (micronized, microencapsulated, water-soluble form of iron pyrophosphate), in milligrams",
               amount  => 12.5,
               pct_fe  => 8,
               unit    => "mg-sunactive-fe",
               summary => "SunActive Fe (micronized, microencapsulated form of iron pyrophosphate), in milligrams",
               amount  => 3.64963503649635,
               pct_fe  => 27.380368699745,
               unit    => "mg-fe-glycinate",
               summary => "Iron glycinate a.k.a. ferrous bisglycinate (C4H8FeN2O4), in milligrams",
               amount  => 3.64963503649635,
               pct_fe  => 27.380368699745,
               unit    => "mg-fe-bisglycinate",
               summary => "Iron glycinate a.k.a. ferrous bisglycinate (C4H8FeN2O4), in milligrams",
               amount  => 8,
               pct_fe  => 12.4610626656789,
               unit    => "mg-fe-gluconate",
               summary => "Iron (II) gluconate (C12H22FeO14), in milligrams",
             "table.field_formats" => [
                                        ["number", { precision => 3, thousands_sep => "" }],
                                        ["number", { thousands_sep => "", precision => 3 }],
             "table.fields"        => ["amount", "pct_fe", "unit", "summary"],
             "table.field_aligns"  => ["number", "number", "left", "left"],

    If target unit is not specified, will show all known conversions.

    This function is not exported.

    Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

    *   quantity => *str* (default: "1 mg")

        (No description)

    *   to_unit => *str*

        (No description)

    Returns an enveloped result (an array).

    First element ($status_code) is an integer containing HTTP-like status
    code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second
    element ($reason) is a string containing error message, or something
    like "OK" if status is 200. Third element ($payload) is the actual
    result, but usually not present when enveloped result is an error
    response ($status_code is not 2xx). Fourth element (%result_meta) is
    called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra
    information, much like how HTTP response headers provide additional

    Return value: (any)


     convert_magnesium_unit(%args) -> [$status_code, $reason, $payload, \%result_meta]

    Convert a magnesium quantity from one unit to another.


    *   Show all possible conversions:



               amount  => 1,
               pct_mg  => 100,
               unit    => "mg-mg-elem",
               summary => "Elemental magnesium, in milligrams",
               amount  => 6.17283950617284,
               pct_mg  => 16.1631051604894,
               unit    => "mg-trimagnesium-dicitrate",
               summary => "Magnesium citrate a.k.a trimagnesium dicitrate (C12H10Mg3O14), in milligrams",
               amount  => 8.84955752212389,
               pct_mg  => 11.3357585933492,
               unit    => "mg-mg-citrate-dibasic",
               summary => "Magnesium citrate dibasic (C6H6MgO7), in milligrams",
               amount  => 6.28930817610063,
               pct_mg  => 15.9495581415697,
               unit    => "mg-mg-citrate-anhydrous",
               summary => "Magnesium citrate anhydrous ((C6H5O7)2Mg3, C12H16Mg3O14), in milligrams",
               amount  => 6.89655172413793,
               pct_mg  => 15.9495581415697,
               unit    => "mg-mg-citrate-anhydrous-nowfoods",
               summary => "Magnesium citrate in NOW Foods supplement (anhydrous, C12H16Mg3O14, 90.9% pure, contains citric acid etc), in milligrams",
               amount  => 25,
               pct_mg  => 3.96331023236853,
               unit    => "mg-mg-citrate-nonahydrate",
               summary => "Magnesium citrate nonahydrate ((C6H5O7)2Mg3 \xB7 9H2O, C12H28Mg3O23) [most common hydrate form of Mg-citrate at room temp], in milligrams",
               amount  => 7.09219858156028,
               pct_mg  => 14.0963925298689,
               unit    => "mg-mg-glycinate-anhydrous",
               summary => "Magnesium glycinate/bisglycinate anhydrous (C4H8MgN2O4) [most common hydrate form of Mg-glycinate], in milligrams",
               amount  => 7.09219858156028,
               pct_mg  => 14.0963925298689,
               unit    => "mg-mg-bisglycinate-anhydrous",
               summary => "Magnesium glycinate/bisglycinate (C4H8MgN2O4) [most common hydrate form of Mg-glycinate], in milligrams",
               amount  => 10,
               pct_mg  => 14.0963925298689,
               unit    => "mg-mg-bisglycinate-nowfoods",
               summary => "Magnesium bisglycinate in NOW Foods supplement (C4H8MgN2O4, 70.5% pure, contains citric acid etc), in milligrams",
               amount  => 15.3846153846154,
               pct_mg  => 6.48929353340097,
               unit    => "mg-mg-ascorbate-dihydrate",
               summary => "Magnesium ascorbate hydrate (C12H14MgO12) [anhydrous and dihydrate are the most common hydrate forms of Mg-ascorbate at room temp], in milligrams",
               amount  => 11.4942528735632,
               pct_mg  => 8.66435902280432,
               unit    => "mg-mg-pidolate",
               summary => "Magnesium pidolate (C10H12MgN2O6), in milligrams",
               amount  => 12.0481927710843,
               pct_mg  => 8.25297113752122,
               unit    => "mg-mg-l-threonate",
               summary => "Magnesium L-threonate (C8H14MgO10), in milligrams",
               amount  => 1.65837479270315,
               pct_mg  => 60.303589682516,
               unit    => "mg-mg-oxide-anhydrous",
               summary => "Magnesium oxide anhydrous (MgO) [most common hydrate form of MgO at room temp], in milligrams",
               amount  => 3.125,
               pct_mg  => 32,
               unit    => "mg-magshape",
               summary => "MAGSHAPE (microencapsulated form of magnesium oxide), in milligrams",
               amount  => 8.33333333333333,
               pct_mg  => 12.0054334403556,
               unit    => "mg-mg-lactate-anhydrous",
               summary => "Magnesium lactate dihydrate (C6H10MgO6), in milligrams",
               amount  => 9.80392156862745,
               pct_mg  => 10.1916303253942,
               unit    => "mg-mg-lactate-dihydrate",
               summary => "Magnesium lactate dihydrate (C6H14MgO8), in milligrams",
               amount  => 3.92156862745098,
               pct_mg  => 25.5275125773282,
               unit    => "mg-mg-chloride-ah",
               summary => "Magnesium chloride (anhydrous, MgCl2), in milligrams",
               amount  => 8.33333333333333,
               pct_mg  => 11.9546505336678,
               unit    => "mg-mg-chloride-hexahydrate",
               summary => "Magnesium chloride (hexahydrate, H12Cl2MgO6), in milligrams",
               amount  => 6.45161290322581,
               pct_mg  => 15.54266639382,
               unit    => "mg-mg-malate",
               summary => "Magnesium malate (C4H4MgO5), in milligrams",
               amount  => 8.62068965517241,
               pct_mg  => 11.5518060836502,
               unit    => "mg-mg-malate-trihydrate",
               summary => "Magnesium malate (MgC4H4O5.3H2O), in milligrams",
               amount  => 4.95049504950495,
               pct_mg  => 20.1919082827947,
               unit    => "mg-mg-sulfate-anhydrous",
               summary => "Magnesium sulfate anhydrous (MgSO4), in milligrams",
               amount  => 5.68181818181818,
               pct_mg  => 17.5626851651131,
               unit    => "mg-mg-sulfate-monohydrate",
               summary => "Magnesium sulfate monohydrate (MgSO4.H2O), in milligrams",
               amount  => 10.1010101010101,
               pct_mg  => 9.86084063615709,
               unit    => "mg-mg-sulfate-heptahydrate",
               summary => "Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate (MgSO4.7H2O) a.k.a. Epsom salt, in milligrams",
               amount  => 3.47222222222222,
               pct_mg  => 28.8281342663978,
               unit    => "mg-mg-carbonate-anhydrous",
               summary => "Magnesium carbonate anhydrous (MgCO3), in milligrams",
               amount  => 6.02409638554217,
               pct_mg  => 16.6029100348384,
               unit    => "mg-mg-carbonate-trihydrate",
               summary => "Magnesium carbonate trihydrate (MgCO3.3H2O), in milligrams",
               amount  => 2.39808153477218,
               pct_mg  => 41.6752400548697,
               unit    => "mg-mg-hydroxide-anhydrous",
               summary => "Magnesium hydroxide anhydrous (Mg(OH)2), in milligrams",
               amount  => 5.68181818181818,
               pct_mg  => 17.5664932061289,
               unit    => "mg-mg-hydroxide-pentahydrate",
               summary => "Magnesium hydroxide pentahydrate (Mg(OH)2.5H2O), in milligrams",
               amount  => 5.84795321637427,
               pct_mg  => 17.0693166654962,
               unit    => "mg-mg-acetate-anhydrous",
               summary => "Magnesium acetate anhydrous (Mg(CH3COO)2), in milligrams",
               amount  => 8.84955752212389,
               pct_mg  => 11.3336442061087,
               unit    => "mg-mg-acetate-tetrahydrate",
               summary => "Magnesium acetate tetrahydrate (Mg(CH3COO)2.4H2O), in milligrams",
               amount  => 18.5185185185185,
               pct_mg  => 5.3935601269334,
               unit    => "mg-mg-gluconate-dihydrate",
               summary => "Magnesium gluconate dihydrate (C12H26MgO16), in milligrams",
               amount  => 17.8571428571429,
               pct_mg  => 5.61809440155333,
               unit    => "mg-mg-gluconate-hydrate",
               summary => "Magnesium gluconate dihydrate (C12H26MgO16), in milligrams",
               amount  => 8,
               pct_mg  => 12.5051450915826,
               unit    => "mg-mg-glycerophosphate-anhydrous",
               summary => "Magnesium glycerophosphate anhydrous (C\x{2083}H\x{2087}MgO\x{2086}P), in milligrams",
               amount  => 8.7719298245614,
               pct_mg  => 11.4442119973764,
               unit    => "mg-mg-glycerophosphate-hydrate",
               summary => "Magnesium glycerophosphate anhydrous (C\x{2083}H\x{2087}MgO\x{2086}P.H2O, C3H9MgO7P), in milligrams",
               amount  => 3.6101083032491,
               pct_mg  => 27.7393433785657,
               unit    => "mg-trimagnesium-orthophosphate-anhydrous",
               summary => "Trimagnesium orthophosphate (Mg3O8P2), in milligrams",
               amount  => 8.33333333333333,
               pct_mg  => 12,
               unit    => "mg-sunactive-mg",
               summary => "SunActive Magnesium (a micronized, microencapsulated form of trimagnesium orthophosphate), in milligrams",
               amount  => 11.2359550561798,
               pct_mg  => 8.91599413059428,
               unit    => "mg-mg-taurate",
               summary => "Magnesium taurate (C4H12MgN2O6S2), in milligrams",
             "table.field_aligns"  => ["number", "number", "left", "left"],
             "table.field_formats" => [
                                        ["number", { thousands_sep => "", precision => 3 }],
                                        ["number", { thousands_sep => "", precision => 3 }],
             "table.fields"        => ["amount", "pct_mg", "unit", "summary"],

    *   How much of magnesium oxide provides 350 mg of elemental magnesium?:

         convert_magnesium_unit(quantity => "350 mg-mg-oxide-anhydrous", to_unit => "mg-mg-elem");


         [200, "OK", 211.05, {}]

    If target unit is not specified, will show all known conversions.

    This function is not exported.

    Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

    *   quantity => *str* (default: "1 mg")

        (No description)

    *   to_unit => *str*

        (No description)

    Returns an enveloped result (an array).

    First element ($status_code) is an integer containing HTTP-like status
    code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second
    element ($reason) is a string containing error message, or something
    like "OK" if status is 200. Third element ($payload) is the actual
    result, but usually not present when enveloped result is an error
    response ($status_code is not 2xx). Fourth element (%result_meta) is
    called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra
    information, much like how HTTP response headers provide additional

    Return value: (any)


     convert_potassium_unit(%args) -> [$status_code, $reason, $payload, \%result_meta]

    Convert a potassium quantity from one unit to another.


    *   Show all possible conversions:



               amount  => 1,
               pct_k   => 100,
               unit    => "mg-k-elem",
               summary => "Elemental potassium, in milligrams",
               amount  => 1.90839694656489,
               pct_k   => 52.4448265825009,
               unit    => "mg-k-chloride-anhydrous",
               summary => "Potassium chloride (KCl) anhydrous [most common hydrate form of KCl at room temp], in milligrams",
               amount  => 2.82485875706215,
               pct_k   => 35.3574787484174,
               unit    => "mg-k-chloride-dihydrate",
               summary => "Potassium chloride dihydrate (KCl.2H2O) [unstable at room temp], in milligrams",
               amount  => 2.61096605744125,
               pct_k   => 38.2822500367173,
               unit    => "mg-k-citrate-anhydrous",
               summary => "Tripotassium citrate anhydrous (K3C6H5O7), in milligrams",
               amount  => 2.76243093922652,
               pct_k   => 36.156376190623,
               unit    => "mg-k-citrate-monohydrate",
               summary => "Tripotassium citrate monohydrate (K3C6H5O7.H2O) [most common hydrate form of K-citrate at room temp], in milligrams",
               amount  => 1.76678445229682,
               pct_k   => 56.5801526717557,
               unit    => "mg-k-carbonate-anhydrous",
               summary => "Potassium carbonate anhydrous (K2CO3), in milligrams",
               amount  => 2.2271714922049,
               pct_k   => 44.8786730945822,
               unit    => "mg-k-carbonate-dihydrate",
               summary => "Potassium carbonate dihydrate (K2CO3.2H2O) [most common hydrate form of K-carbonate at room temp], in milligrams",
               amount  => 2.55754475703325,
               pct_k   => 39.0533886031064,
               unit    => "mg-k-bicarbonate-anhydrous",
               summary => "Potassium bicarbonate anhydrous (KHCO3) [most common hydrate form of K-bicarbonate at room temp], in milligrams",
               amount  => 2.51256281407035,
               pct_k   => 39.8393111880986,
               unit    => "mg-k-acetate-anhydrous",
               summary => "Potassium acetate anhydrous (C2H3O2K), in milligrams",
               amount  => 2.9673590504451,
               pct_k   => 33.6590048209366,
               unit    => "mg-k-acetate-monohydrate",
               summary => "Potassium acetate monohydrate (C2H9KO5) [most common hydrate form of K-acetate at room temp], in milligrams",
               amount  => 3.89105058365759,
               pct_k   => 25.6904527235692,
               unit    => "mg-k-acetate-trihydrate",
               summary => "Potassium acetate trihydrate (C2H9KO5), in milligrams",
             "table.field_formats" => [
                                        ["number", { thousands_sep => "", precision => 3 }],
                                        ["number", { precision => 3, thousands_sep => "" }],
             "table.fields"        => ["amount", "pct_k", "unit", "summary"],
             "table.field_aligns"  => ["number", "number", "left", "left"],

    *   How much of potassium chloride provides 1000 mg of elemental

         convert_potassium_unit(quantity => "1000 mg-k-elem", to_unit => "mg-k-chloride-anhydrous");


         [200, "OK", 1908.39694656489, {}]

    *   How much elemental potassium is in 1000mg (1g) of potassium chloride
        powder in capsule form?:

         convert_potassium_unit(quantity => "1000 mg-k-chloride-anhydrous", to_unit => "mg-k-elem");


         [200, "OK", 524, {}]

    *   A tablet supplement called KSR contains 600mg of potassium chloride;
        how much elemental potassium is that?:

         convert_potassium_unit(quantity => "600 mg-k-chloride-anhydrous", to_unit => "mg-k-elem");


         [200, "OK", 314.4, {}]

    *   Recommended daily intake (DV) of (elemental) potassium for adults
        and children 4 years or older is 4,700mg according to US FDA; how
        much is that equivalent to in KCl? Note that it is *NOT* recommended
        (and most probably dangerous) to take KCl supplement that much as
        potassium is contained in other sources too:

         convert_potassium_unit(quantity => "4700 mg-k-elem", to_unit => "mg-k-chloride-anhydrous");


         [200, "OK", 8969.46564885496, {}]

    If target unit is not specified, will show all known conversions.

    This function is not exported.

    Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

    *   quantity => *str* (default: "1 mg")

        (No description)

    *   to_unit => *str*

        (No description)

    Returns an enveloped result (an array).

    First element ($status_code) is an integer containing HTTP-like status
    code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second
    element ($reason) is a string containing error message, or something
    like "OK" if status is 200. Third element ($payload) is the actual
    result, but usually not present when enveloped result is an error
    response ($status_code is not 2xx). Fourth element (%result_meta) is
    called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra
    information, much like how HTTP response headers provide additional

    Return value: (any)


     convert_sodium_unit(%args) -> [$status_code, $reason, $payload, \%result_meta]

    Convert a sodium quantity from one unit to another.


    *   Show all possible conversions:



               amount  => 1,
               pct_na  => 100,
               unit    => "mg-na-elem",
               summary => "Elemental sodium, in milligrams",
               amount  => 2.54452926208651,
               pct_na  => 39.339098220397,
               unit    => "mg-na-chloride",
               summary => "Sodium chloride (NaCl), in milligrams",
               amount  => 2.54452926208651,
               pct_na  => 39.339098220397,
               unit    => "mg-na-cl",
               summary => "Sodium chloride (NaCl), in milligrams",
               amount  => 11.2359550561798,
               pct_na  => 8.90869138959932,
               unit    => "mg-na-citrate",
               summary => "Sodium citrate (Na3C6H5O7), in milligrams",
             "table.field_aligns"  => ["number", "number", "left", "left"],
             "table.fields"        => ["amount", "pct_na", "unit", "summary"],
             "table.field_formats" => [
                                        ["number", { thousands_sep => "", precision => 3 }],
                                        ["number", { precision => 3, thousands_sep => "" }],

    *   How much of sodium chloride provides 1000 mg of elemental sodium?:

         convert_sodium_unit(quantity => "1000 mg-na-elem", to_unit => "mg-na-cl");


         [200, "OK", 2544.52926208651, {}]

    If target unit is not specified, will show all known conversions.

    This function is not exported.

    Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

    *   quantity => *str* (default: "1 mg")

        (No description)

    *   to_unit => *str*

        (No description)

    Returns an enveloped result (an array).

    First element ($status_code) is an integer containing HTTP-like status
    code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second
    element ($reason) is a string containing error message, or something
    like "OK" if status is 200. Third element ($payload) is the actual
    result, but usually not present when enveloped result is an error
    response ($status_code is not 2xx). Fourth element (%result_meta) is
    called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra
    information, much like how HTTP response headers provide additional

    Return value: (any)


     convert_zinc_unit(%args) -> [$status_code, $reason, $payload, \%result_meta]

    Convert a zinc quantity from one unit to another.


    *   Show all possible conversions:



               amount  => 1,
               pct_zn  => 100,
               unit    => "mg-zn-elem",
               summary => "Elemental zinc, in milligrams",
               amount  => 3.71747211895911,
               pct_zn  => 26.8501026694045,
               unit    => "mg-zn-lactate-monohydrate",
               summary => "Zinc lactate monohydrate (Zn(C3H5O3)2.H2O), in milligrams",
               amount  => 4.5662100456621,
               pct_zn  => 21.8955123911587,
               unit    => "mg-zn-picolinate",
               summary => "Zinc picolinate (Zn(C6H4NO2)2), in milligrams",
               amount  => 6.99300699300699,
               pct_zn  => 14.347158218126,
               unit    => "mg-zn-gluconate-anhydrous",
               summary => "Zinc gluconate anhydrous (Zn(C6H11O7)2), in milligrams",
               amount  => 2.92397660818713,
               pct_zn  => 34.1528817691102,
               unit    => "mg-zn-citrate",
               summary => "Zinc citrate (Zn3(C6H5O7)2, trizinc dicitrate), in milligrams",
               amount  => 1.2453300124533,
               pct_zn  => 80.3391496682232,
               unit    => "mg-zn-oxide",
               summary => "Zinc oxide (ZnO), in milligrams",
               amount  => 2.46913580246914,
               pct_zn  => 40.4829721362229,
               unit    => "mg-zn-sulfate-anhydrous",
               summary => "Zinc sulfate (ZnSO4), in milligrams",
             "table.field_formats" => [
                                        ["number", { thousands_sep => "", precision => 3 }],
                                        ["number", { precision => 3, thousands_sep => "" }],
             "table.fields"        => ["amount", "pct_zn", "unit", "summary"],
             "table.field_aligns"  => ["number", "number", "left", "left"],

    If target unit is not specified, will show all known conversions.

    This function is not exported.

    Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

    *   quantity => *str* (default: "1 mg")

        (No description)

    *   to_unit => *str*

        (No description)

    Returns an enveloped result (an array).

    First element ($status_code) is an integer containing HTTP-like status
    code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second
    element ($reason) is a string containing error message, or something
    like "OK" if status is 200. Third element ($payload) is the actual
    result, but usually not present when enveloped result is an error
    response ($status_code is not 2xx). Fourth element (%result_meta) is
    called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra
    information, much like how HTTP response headers provide additional

    Return value: (any)

    Please visit the project's homepage at

    Source repository is at



    perlancar <>

    To contribute, you can send patches by email/via RT, or send pull
    requests on GitHub.

    Most of the time, you don't need to build the distribution yourself. You
    can simply modify the code, then test via:

     % prove -l

    If you want to build the distribution (e.g. to try to install it locally
    on your system), you can install Dist::Zilla,
    Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR, and sometimes one or two
    other Dist::Zilla- and/or Pod::Weaver plugins. Any additional steps
    required beyond that are considered a bug and can be reported to me.

    This software is copyright (c) 2025, 2024 by perlancar

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

    Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

    When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch
    to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.