NAME XML::Records - Perlish record-oriented interface to XML SYNOPSIS use XML::Records; my $p=XML::Records->new('data.lst'); $p->set_records('credit','debit'); my ($t,$r) while ( (($t,$r)=$p->get_record()) && $t) { my $amt=$r->{Amount}; if ($t eq 'debit') { ... } } DESCRIPTION XML::Records provides a single interface for processing XML data on a stream-oriented, tree-oriented, or record-oriented basis. A subclass of XML::TokeParser, it adds methods to read "records" and tree fragments from XML documents. In many documents, the immediate children of the root element form a sequence of identically-named and independent elements such as log entries, transactions, etc., each of which consists of "field" child elements or attributes. You can access each such "record" as a simple Perl hash. You can also read any element and its children into a lightweight tree implemented as a Perl hash, or feed the contents of any element and its children into a SAX handler (making it possible to process "records" with modules like XML::DOM or XML::XPath). METHODS $parser=XML::Records->new(source, [options]); Creates a new parser object *source* and *options* are the same as for XML::TokeParser. *source* is either a reference to a string containing the XML, the name of a file containing the XML, or an open IO::Handle or filehandle glob reference from which the XML can be read. $parser->set_records(name [,name]*); Specifies what XML element-type names enclose records. If a name is prefixed with '-' then the reader will treat a start-tag for that name as indicating the end of a record. ($type,$record)=$parser->get_record([{options}] [name [,name]*]); Retrieves the next record from the input, skipping through the XML input until it encounters a start tag for one of the elements that enclose records. If the first argument is a hash reference and the value of the key 'here' is set to a non-zero value, then non-comment tokens will not be skipped and the method will return (undef,undef) if the next token is not a start tag for a record-enclosing element (the token will be pushed back in this case). If arguments are given, they will temporarily replace the set of record-enclosing elements. The method will return a list consisting of the name of the record's enclosing element and a reference to a hash whose keys are the names of the record's child elements ("fields") and whose values are the fields' contents (if called in scalar context, the return value will be the hash reference). Both elements of the list will be undef if no record can be found. If a field's content is plain text, its value will be that text. If a field's content contains another element (e.g. a <customer> record contains an <address> field that in turn contains other fields), its value will be a reference to another hash containing the "sub-record"'s fields. If a record includes repeated fields, the hash entry for that field's name will be a reference to an array of field values. Attributes of record or sub-record elements are treated as if they were fields. Attributes of field elements are ignored. Mixed content (fields with both non-whitespace text and sub-elements) will lead to unpredictable results. Records do not actually need to be immediately below the document root. If a <customers> document consists of a sequence of <customer> elements which in turn contain <address> elements that include further elements, then calling get_record with the record type set to "address" will return the contents of each <address> element. $tree=$parser->get_simple_tree([{options}] [name [,name]*]); Returns a lightweight tree rooted at the next element whose name is listed in the arguments, or at the next start-tag token if no arguments are given, skipping over any intermediate tokens unless the 'here' option is set as in get_record(). The return value is a hash reference to the root node of the tree. Each node is a hash with a 'type' key whose value is the node's type: 'e' for elements, 't' for text, and 'p' for processing instructions; and a 'content' key whose value is a reference to an array of the element's child nodes for element nodes, the string value for text nodes, and the data value for processing instruction nodes. Element nodes also have an 'attrib' key whose value is a reference to a hash of attribute names and values. Processing instructions also have a 'target' key whose value is the PI's target. $result=$parser->drive_SAX(handler, [{options},[name [,name]*]); Skips to the next element whose names is listed in the arguments, or the next element if no arguments are given, and generates PerlSAX events which are sent to the SAX handler object in handler as if the element were an entire document. The return value is whatever the handler returned in response to the end_document event. If the 'here' option is set, returns undef without generating any SAX events if the next non-comment token is not a start tag for a record-enclosing element. If the 'wrap' option is set to 0, does not generate start_document or end_document events and returns 1. EXAMPLES Print a list of package names from a (rather out-of-date) list of XML modules: #!perl -w use strict; use XML::Records; my $p=XML::Records->new('modules.xml') or die "$!"; $p->set_records('module'); while (my $record=$p->get_record()) { my $pkg=$record->{package}; if (ref $pkg eq 'ARRAY') { for my $subpkg (@$pkg) { print $subpkg->{name},"\n"; } } else { print $pkg->{name},"\n"; } } Extract interesting items from an RSS 0.91 file #!perl -w use strict; use XML::Records; use XML::Handler::YAWriter; my $r=XML::Records->new('messages.rss'); $r->set_records('item'); my $h=XML::Handler::YAWriter->new(AsString=>1); $h->start_document({}); $h->start_element({Name=>'items'}); while (my $t=$r->get_tag('item')) { $r->unget_token($t); $r->begin_saving(); my $text=$r->get_text('/item'); if ($text=~/perl/i) { $r->restore_saved(); $r->drive_SAX($h,{wrap=>0,here=>1}); } } $h->end_element({Name=>'items'}); print $h->end_document({}); RATIONALE XML::RAX, which implements the proposed RAX standard for record-oriented XML access, does much of what XML::Records does but its interface is not very Perlish (due to the fact that RAX is a language-independent interface), it cannot cope with fields that have sub-structure (because RAX itself doesn't address the issue), and it doesn't allow mixing record- oriented and non-record-oriented operations. XML::Twig allows access to tree fragments, but only on a "push" (callback- driven) basis, and does not allow mixed tree- and token-level access. PREREQUISITES XML::TokeParser (version 0.03 or higher), XML::Parser. AUTHOR Eric Bohlman (, COPYRIGHT Copyright 2001 Eric Bohlman. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can use/modify/redistribute it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO XML::TokeParser XML::RAX XML::Twig XML::Parser::PerlSAX perl(1).