Log::Any::Adapter::Carp - Simple adapter for logging via warnings

      use Log::Any::Adapter;
      # Minimal messages
      Log::Any::Adapter->set('Carp', no_trace => 1, log_level => 'warn');
      # Stack trace with every message
      Log::Any::Adapter->set('Carp', full_trace => 1, log_level => 'debug');

    This relatvely simple adapter for Log::Any is in many ways similar to
    the builtin Log::Any::Adapter::Stderr, but instead of writing messages
    directly to STDERR, it uses Perl's "warn" in perlfunc mechanism. This
    allows you to do things like generate stack traces, or redirect the
    message via a $SIG{__WARN__} hook, if you're using that to handle
    diagnostic reporting from your application.

    By default, the log message is generated by "carp" in Carp, so will have
    file and line information appended.

    Log category is ignored. Other attributes that can be used to configure
    the adapter include:

        The minimum level of message to log.

        If true, do not include any traceback or location information with
        the logged message. This causes a newline to be appended to the
        message, if it's not already there, and the result to be handed off
        to "warn" in perlfunc.

        A true value supersedes any of the other traceback-modifying
        attributes described below.

        Defaults to false.

        If true, the logged message is output with a full stack trace via
        "cluck" in Carp.

        A true value supersedes any of the other traceback-modifying
        attributes except "no_trace".

        Defaults to false.

        If true, this causes the package calling "set" in Log::Any::Adapter
        to be skipped when determining file and line information. This is
        probably not what you want in your application's mainline code, but
        may be useful if you're using a separate logging class, or logging
        messages from library. But rememeber that the application can
        override your settings if it chooses by calling "set" in

        Defaults to false.

        Allows you to specify other packages to skip when "carp" in Carp is
        looking for location information.

        If the value is an array reference, its contents are taken as
        package names to be excluded.

        If the value is a compiled regular expression, then Carp::Clan is
        loaded and the content are used as a pattern for excluding packages.
        If Carp::Clan can't be loaded, a fatal error occurs. (Usage note:
        Carp::Clan's peculiar habit of prepending to the message the name of
        the function called *from* the last skipped package may limit its
        value for this particular purpose. At a minimum, you may wish to
        consider trimming off the prefix via a $SIG{__WARN__} hook.)

        If the value is anything else, it's just used as is. This means a
        simple package name will let you skip just that package, but any
        type of reference will probably not be useful. Subclasses may, of
        course, elect to extend this behavior, such as by accepting a code

        Defaults to empty.


    Log::Any, Carp, Carp::Clan

    Are there, for certain, but have yet to be cataloged.

    version 1.02

    Charles Bailey <>

    Copyright (C) 2015 by Charles Bailey

    This software may be used under the terms of the Artistic License or the
    GNU General Public License, as the user prefers.

    The code incorporated into this package was originally written with
    United States federal funding as part of research work done by the
    author at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.