================================================================================ NAME Inline::Awk - Add awk code to your Perl programs. ================================================================================ SYNOPSIS Call an awk function from a Perl program: use Inline AWK; hello("awk"); __END__ __AWK__ function hello(str) { print "Hello " str } Or, call an entire awk program using the awk() function: use Inline AWK; awk(); # operates on @ARGV by default __END__ __AWK__ # Count the number of lines in a file END { print NR } ================================================================================ DESCRIPTION The Inline::Awk module allows you to include awk code in your Perl program. You can call awk functions or entire programs. Inline::Awk works by converting the awk code into Perl code using the a2p utility which comes as standard with Perl. This means that you don't require awk to use the Inline::Awk module. ================================================================================ INSTALLATION Use the standard installation procedure for any Perl module. perl Makefile.PL make make test make install ActivePerl users can use PPM as follows: C:\ppm PPM> set repository tmp http://homepage.eircom.net/~jmcnamara/perl PPM> install Inline-Awk PPM> quit C:\> If this fails try the following: PPM>install http://homepage.eircom.net/~jmcnamara/perl/Inline-Awk.ppd ================================================================================ AUTHOR John McNamara jmcnamara@cpan.org ================================================================================ COPYRIGHT � MMI, John McNamara. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.