# NAME Business::Monzo - Perl library for interacting with the Monzo API (https://api.monzo.com) [](https://travis-ci.org/leejo/business-monzo?branch=master) [](https://coveralls.io/r/leejo/business-monzo?branch=master) # VERSION 0.12 # DESCRIPTION Business::Monzo is a library for easy interface to the Monzo banking API, it implements all of the functionality currently found in the service's API documentation: [https://monzo.com/docs](https://monzo.com/docs) **You should refer to the official Monzo API documentation in conjunction** **with this perldoc**, as the official API documentation explains in more depth some of the functionality including required / optional parameters for certain methods. Please note this library is very much a work in progress, as is the Monzo API. Also note the Monzo were previously called Mondo, so if you see any references to Mondo they are either typos or historical references that have not yet been updated to reflect the changes. All objects within the Business::Monzo namespace are immutable. Calls to methods will, for the most part, return new instances of objects. # SYNOPSIS my $monzo = Business::Monzo->new( token => $token, # REQUIRED api_url => $url, # optional ); # transaction related information my @transactions = $monzo->transactions( account_id => $account_id ); my $Transaction = $monzo->transaction( id => 1 ); $Transaction->annotate( foo => 'bar', baz => 'boz, ); my $annotations = $Transaction->annotations; # account related information my @accounts = $monzo->accounts; foreach my $Account ( @accounts ) { my @transactions = $Account->transactions; $Account->add_feed_item( params => { title => 'My Feed Item', image_url => 'http://...', } ); # balance information my $Balance = $Account->balance; # webhooks my @webhooks = $Account->webhooks; my $Webhook = $Account->register_webhook( callback_url => 'http://www.foo.com', ); $Webhook->delete } # pots my @pots = $monzo->pots(); # attachments my $Attachment = $monzo->upload_attachment( file_name => 'foo.png', file_type => 'image/png', ); $Attachment->register( external_id => 'my_id' ); $Attachment->deregister; # ERROR HANDLING Any problems or errors will result in a Business::Monzo::Exception object being thrown, so you should wrap any calls to the library in the appropriate error catching code (ideally a module from CPAN): try { ... } catch ( Business::Monzo::Exception $e ) { # error specific to Business::Monzo ... say $e->message; # error message say $e->code; # HTTP status code say $e->response; # HTTP status message # ->request may not always be present say $e->request->{path} if $e->request; say $e->request->{params} if $e->request; say $e->request->{headers} if $e->request; say $e->request->{content} if $e->request; } catch ( $e ) { # some other failure? ... } You can view some useful debugging information by setting the MONZO\_DEBUG env varible, this will show the calls to the Monzo endpoints as well as a stack trace in the event of exceptions: $ENV{MONZO_DEBUG} = 1; # ATTRIBUTES ## token Your Monzo access token, this is required ## api\_url The Monzo url, which will default to https://api.monzo.com ## client A Business::Monzo::Client object, this will be constructed for you so you shouldn't need to pass this # METHODS In the following %query\_params refers to the possible query params as shown in the Monzo API documentation. For example: limit=100. # transactions in the previous month my @transactions = $monzo->transactions( since => DateTime->now->subtract( months => 1 ), ); ## transactions $monzo->transactions( %query_params ); Get a list of transactions. Will return a list of [Business::Monzo::Transaction](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Monzo::Transaction) objects. Note you must supply an account\_id in the params hash; ## balance my $Balance = $monzo->balance( account_id => $account_id ); Get an account balance Returns a [Business::Monzo::Balance](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Monzo::Balance) object. ## transaction my $Transaction = $monzo->transaction( id => $id, expand => 'merchant' ); Get a transaction. Will return a [Business::Monzo::Transaction](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Monzo::Transaction) object ## accounts $monzo->accounts; # all accounts $monzo->accounts( account_type => "uk_prepaid" ); # prepaid accounts $monzo->accounts( account_type => "uk_retail" ); # current accounts Get a list of accounts. Will return a list of [Business::Monzo::Account](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Monzo::Account) objects ## pots $monzo->pots; Get a list of pots. Will return a list of [Business::Monzo::Pot](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Monzo::Pot) objects # PAGINATION As per the Monzo docs: [https://monzo.com/docs/#pagination](https://monzo.com/docs/#pagination) - you can pass through arguments to the methods (e.g. `transactions`) to limit the return data or set date ranges, etc: # last three months transactions, but only show 5 my $since = DateTime->now->subtract( months => 3 )->iso8601 . "Z"; my $limit = 5; foreach my $transaction ( $monzo->transactions( account_id => $account_id, limit => $limit, since => $since, ) { ... } The supported pagination keys are `limit`, `since`, and `before` - where `since` can be an RFC 3339-encoded timestamp or an object id, and `before` can be an RFC 3339-encoded timestamp. `limit` should always be an integer. # EXAMPLES See the t/002\_end\_to\_end.t test included with this distribution. you can run this test against the Monzo emulator by running end\_to\_end\_emulated.sh (this is advised, don't run it against a live endpoint). You can also see the scripts in the bin/ directory included in this dist for more examples. # SEE ALSO [Business::Monzo::Account](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Monzo::Account) [Business::Monzo::Attachment](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Monzo::Attachment) [Business::Monzo::Balance](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Monzo::Balance) [Business::Monzo::Transaction](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Monzo::Transaction) [Business::Monzo::Webhook](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Monzo::Webhook) # AUTHOR Lee Johnson - `leejo@cpan.org` With contributions from: Chris Merry Aaron Moses Dave Cross # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. If you would like to contribute documentation, features, bug fixes, or anything else then please raise an issue / pull request: https://github.com/leejo/business-monzo