Graph::Traverse - A traverse() method for the Graph module.


        use Graph;
        use Graph::Traverse;
        my $g = Graph->new();
        $g->add_path(qw(A B1 B2 C));
        $g->add_path(qw(A D1 D2 C));
        my $vertices = $g->traverse('A');
        # $vertices now is ['B', 'C', 'D'] or some combination thereof
        my $paths = $g->traverse('A', {hash => 1});
        # $paths contains a hash like this:
        # { 'B1' => { 'vertex' => 'B1',
        #             'path' => ['A', 'B1'],
        #             'weight' => 1 },
        #   'B2' => { 'vertex' => 'B2',
        #             'path' => ['A', 'B1', 'B2'],
        #             'weight' => 2 },
        #   'D1' => { 'vertex' => 'D1',
        #             'path' => ['A', 'D1'],
        #             'weight' => 1 },
        #   'D2' => { 'vertex' => 'D2',
        #             'path' => ['A', 'D1', 'D2'],
        #             'weight' => 2 },
        #   'C' =>  { 'vertex' => 'C',
        #             'path' => ['A', 'D1', 'D2', 'C'],
        #             'weight' => 3 }
        # }


    The only method resides in the Graph package (not Graph::Traverse) so
    that any descendant of Graph can call it.

 traverse ( $start_vertex, [ \%opts ] );

 traverse ( \@start_vertices , [ \%opts ] );

    Traverses edges from the start vertex (or vertices) [either a single
    vertex's name, or an array of vertex names, may be passed], finding
    adjacent vertices using the 'next' function (by default, 'successors'),
    until either a maximum accumulated edge weight ('max' option, if given)
    is exceeded (by default using the 'weight' attribute, or specify an
    'attribute'), or until a callback function ('cb') returns a nonzero
    value. By default, the return value is the list of vertices encountered
    in the search.

    Note that as we traverse the graph, we may encounter the same vertex
    several times, but only the shortest path (lowest weight) will be

    The following options are available:


      Use with a nonzero value to return a hash where keys are vertex
      names, and values are as follows:


	The current (found) vertex.


	The path from the starting vertex (or one of the starting vertices)
	to the current vertex.


	The accumulated weight from the starting vertex. By default, each
	edge's 'weight' attribute is used; see options 'attribute' and


	If the 'cb' option is provided, this is the value that the function
	returned at this vertex.


      The edge (or vertex) attribute to use as each edge's (vertex's)


      A maximum weight, above which the traversal will terminate. If
      undefined, the traversal continues either until there are no more
      vertices to search (e.g., no further successors), or until the
      callback function (if any) returns a nonzero value.


      The default weight value for an edge (or vertex).


      If this option is true, accumulate the weight of each successive
      vertex, rather than the weights of the edges.


      A callback function which is called for each discovered vertex. It is
      called as follows:

          &$callback($self, $vertex, $weight, $opts))

      Where the arguments are: the Graph object itself; the name of the
      current vertex; the accumulated weight at that vertex; and the
      options hash as passed to traverse().

      If the callback function returns a nonzero value, the successors (or
      whatever vertices might be returned by the 'next' function) beyond
      the current vertex are not searched. The callback's value at each
      vertex will be saved in the returned hash, if any.

      Note that multiple paths to a given vertex may cause multiple
      callbacks with varying weights.


      Useful only when 'hash' is true and a 'cb' function is given. If
      'all' is omitted, or is set to a nonzero value, the returned hash
      will include all vertices which were encountered in the traversal. If
      'all' has a nonzero value, only the vertices for which the callback
      returned a nonzero value will be added to the hash.


      Use option 'weights', with a nonzero value, to obtain a returned list
      of vertex=>weight_value.


      The name of a Graph method to find adjacent vertices. By default,
      'successors' is used; alternate useful values include 'predecessors'
      and 'neighbors'.


    William Lindley <>


    Copyright 2019, William Lindley


    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

