Yadis 0.7
Dag Arneson, JanRain Inc.  dag@janrain.com

This library does Yadis discovery and parses XRDS services documents
(hopefully) as per Yadis spec 0.92.  

LWPx::ParanoidAgent or LWP::UserAgent

Usage is simple:

my $yadis = Net::Yadis->discover($url);

#get the highest priority service matching $type_regexp
$svc = $yadis->service_of_type($type_regexp);
$nsvc = $yadis->service_of_type($type_regexp); # next one

@services = $yadis->services; # get all services as a list

$uri = $svc->uri; # The highest Priority URI
$backupuri = $svc->uri; # URI with next highest priority

@uris = $svc->uris; # or get them as a list

$svc->is_type($type_regexp) # just to be sure