------------------------------- SMSCli --------------------------- Hector Valverde www.hectorvaverde.com hvalverde@uma.es ------------------------------------------------------------------ SMSCli is an interface developed by Hector Valverde that connects your computer to the servers of One-etere SMSTrend. You can send SMS from your personal computer or server easily. INSTALLATION You can install this App manually or using CPAN. 1. Manually: perl Makefile.PL make sudo make install 2. CPAN (Recomended): perl -MCPAN -e "install App::SMSCli" CONFIGURATION: Before use the program you must to sing up in SMSTrend (http://public.smstrend.net/) and configure your login data as following: $ sms config <username> <password> <message_type> <sender> USAGE $ sms <option> [<arguments] OPTIONS cancel <order_id> - Cancel a scheduled sms given an order id config <username> <password> <message_type> <sender> - Set up your login data, and params for SMSTrend credit - Show remaining credit fsend <file> <message> [<sheduledDate> <order_id>] - Send a massive message to a file list (new), numbers must be separated by a new line help - Show this text history <fromDate> <toDate> - View sent messages between two dates send <recipient> <message> [<scheduledDate> <order_id>] - Send a single sms status <order_id> - View the status of a scheduled sms ARGUMENTS <fromDate> - Date with format: yyyyMMddhhmmss <login> - Your SMSTrend username <message> - Message to send <message_type> - GP or GS (depends on your account settings) <order_id> - Id string for a given sms <password> - Your SMSTrend password <recipient> - A phone number to send the SMS, e.g.: +34610123456 or 0034605447804 <sender> - A phone number or alphanumeric short string only if message_type = GP <scheduledDate> - Date with format: yyyyMMddhhmmss <toDate> - Date with format: yyyyMMddhhmmss EXAMPLES 1. Send a single message: $ sms send +34610123456 "This is the message" 2. Scheduled a message for 25th June 2013 at 15:30:00 and identificate it with the name "hvSMS": $ sms send +34610123456 "Happy birthday, Hector" 20130625153000 hvSMS 3. View the status of a scheduled SMS $ sms status hvSMS 4. Cancel a scheduled SMS $ sms cancel hvSMS 5. View your credit $ sms credit 6. View your message history between two dates $ sms history 20120625153000 20121125153000 BUGS If you find any bug, please, send an email to hvalverde@uma.es