# NAME Map::Tube::Athens - Map::Tube interface to the Athens Metro # SYNOPSIS my $tube = Map::Tube::Athens->new; my $name = $tube->name; open(my $MAP_IMAGE, ">$name.png"); binmode($MAP_IMAGE); print $MAP_IMAGE decode_base64($tube->as_image); close($MAP_IMAGE); my $line = $tube->get_line_by_name('M1'); print $tube->to_string($line), "\n\n"; my $route = $tube->get_shortest_route('Piraeus', 'Syntagma'); print $tube->to_string($route); # AUTHOR Errietta Kostala <errietta@errietta.me> # DESCRIPTION It currently provides functionality to find the shortest route between the two given nodes. It covers the following metro lines: - Metro Line M1 - Metro Line M2 - Metro Line M3 # INFORMATION What I found out was that it's surprisingly difficult to find an up-to-date, accurate map of the Athens Metro. It seemed that the best source was actually a volunteer-made map from Wikipedia: [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/da/Athens\_Metro\_Map\_%28December\_2013%2C\_English%29.svg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/da/Athens_Metro_Map_%28December_2013%2C_English%29.svg). If you can read Greek, there's also [http://www.ypodomes.com/media/k2/items/cache/12a344790c511a0cdcacaded32f8a413\_XL.jpg](http://www.ypodomes.com/media/k2/items/cache/12a344790c511a0cdcacaded32f8a413_XL.jpg). # SEE ALSO [Map::Tube](https://metacpan.org/pod/Map::Tube)