If you're sick of your buddies and their militaryspeak Alpha Bravo Charlie,
use this handy Module to "spell" out your words as NetHack monsters and items!

Or, next time you're on the phone with those confounded technical support nerds,
use NetHack words to make sure they get your name right!

S as in snake
m as in mimic
i as in imp
t as in trapper
h as in humanoid

Note 1: Actually, this might not a great idea to use on the telephone, 
because some NetHack monster names do NOT start with the letter used
to represent them.  For example, 'y' is a 'light' and 'f' is an 'cat'.

Note 2: Some ASCII characters in NetHack have multiple uses; in those cases, 
this module only returns one possible use
(but all characters return a unique term).