NAME Geo::IP6 - get country code for an ipv6 or ipv4 address VERSION Version 1.0 INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install SYNOPSIS use Geo::IP6; my $geo = Geo::IP6->new(); # default currently uses maxmind GeoLite2 my $geo = Geo::IP->new(db => 'software77'); # use software77 db say $geo->cc(""); # returns country code CZ say $geo->cc("2001:1488:0:3::2"); # returns country code CZ Hint: ipv6 network prefixes are sorted by network count internally for performance reasons, which may result in incorrect lookups. Currently (2019-07-01) there is only one minor overlap (2001:1c00::/22,ZZ vs 2001:1c00::/23,NL) in software77 and none in GeoLite2 ipv6db. If you want to avoid this condition use "$geo->cc_exact()" for ipv6 addresses. There is no cc_exact for ipv4 which is not affected. say $geo->cc("2001:1c00::1"); # returns country code ZZ say $geo->cc_exact("2001:1c00::1"); # returns country code NL DESCRIPTION This module provides functions to get the country code for ipv6 and ipv4 addresses using IPV6 CIDR and IPV4 RANGE files in csv format provided by and It depends on LMDB_FILE for internal storage and should run on 32bit and 64bit sytems as the databases are quite small (around 6MB each). LMDB is not platform independent and may not be portable. You can use the geoip6 cmdline tool to recreate all databases. Initial setup: If there are no geoip4-maxmind.lmdb/geoip4-software77.lmdb and geoip6-*.lmdb files in /usr/share/geoip6/ create them with the geoip6 cmdline tool: geoip6 update_maxmind geoip6 update_db4_software77 geoip6 update_db6_software77 EXPORT This module does not export any functions SUBROUTINES/METHODS cc Lookup country code for ipv6 or ipv4 address my $cc = $geo->cc("2001:1488:0:3::2"); # result: CZ my $cc = $geo->cc(""); # result: CZ cc_exact Lookup exact country code for ipv6. See SYNOPSIS for overlap information. my $cc = $geo->cc_exact("2001:1c00::1"); # result: NL new my $geo = Geo::IP6->new(); my $geo = Geo::IP6->new(db => 'maxmind', memcache => 0, debug => 0, ip4db_file => undef, ip6db_file => undef); db If not set, "maxmind" is currently used. You can choose "maxmind" (GeoIP2Lite) or "software77" ipv4/6 databases. memcache It is possible to load the ipv6 data into memory (probably not needed as LMDB is very fast). Ipv4 dataset is using ip-ranges (integers) instead of netmasks (CIDR). There is no memcache option. debug Print debug output for ipv4 addresses (mainly convert ipv4 to integers back and forth to show network ranges) [user@host ~]$ geoip6 ip4: = 3642740018, dbkey:3642740736 =, dbkey_last:3642744831 =, cc:DE ip4: = 3642740018, dbkey:3642736640 =, dbkey_last:3642740735 =, cc:CZ CZ [user@host ~]# geoip6 -debug 2001:1488:0:3::2 Loaded database /usr/share/geoip6/geoip4-maxmind.lmdb Loaded database /usr/share/geoip6/geoip6-maxmind.lmdb search 32/2001:1488:: search 48/2001:1488:: search 29/2001:1488:: CZ ip4db_file Manually set path to ip4 database file, e.g. /usr/share/geoip6/geoip4-maxmind.lmdb ip6db_file Manually set path to ip6 database file, e.g. /usr/share/geoip6/geoip6-software77.lmdb geoip6 cmdline tool This module includes the geoip6 program that can be used to get the country code of ipv6 and ipv4 addresses on the command line. [user@host ~] geoip6 geoip6 [options] 2001:1488:0:3::2 # returns country code CZ (2001:1488:0:3::2 = ipv6) geoip6 # returns country code CZ ( = ipv4) # options: -exact (slow but exact lookup for ipv4) # options: -debug (enable debug) # options: -memcache (load ipv6 data into ram) # options: -software77 (use software77 ip database) # options: -maxmind (use maxmind ip database; default) * Hint: ipv6 network prefixes are sorted by network count for performance reasons, which may result in incorrect lookups. * Currently (2019-07-01) there is only one minor overlap (2001:1c00::/22,ZZ vs 2001:1c00::/23,NL) * If you want to avoid this condition use "-exact" for ipv6 addresses. There is no "-exact" for ipv4 which is not affected. geoip6 update_maxmind # update using maxmind GeoLite2 Country (ipv4 and ipv6 databases) geoip6 update_db6_software77 # update ipv6 networks from # needs /usr/bin/curl | /usr/bin/wget, /usr/bin/gunzip, /usr/bin/unzip geoip6 update_db4_software77 # update ipv4 networks (same as above) geoip6 verify_db6 # show software77 ipv6 overlaps (ipv4 is not affected); see "geoip6 [-exact]" geoip6 version # show version number * geoip6 uses the IpToCountry database from which is donationware * See license and FAQ * geoip6 uses GeoLite2 Country data created by MaxMind, available from * See and AUTHOR GCORE, "<cpan at>" BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-geo-ip6 at", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Geo::IP6 You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here) <> * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation <> * CPAN Ratings <> * Search CPAN <> ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The IpToCountry databases are provided by and are donationware. is asking for donations to cope with hosting costs, see <> and <> GeoLite2 data is created by MaxMind, see <> and <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This software is Copyright (c) 2019 by GCore GmbH. <> This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)