# Template::Swig Perl interface to Django-inspired Swig templating engine. ### Synopsis ```perl my $swig = Template::Swig->new; # Compile and render an inline template: $swig->compile('message', 'Welcome, {{name}}'); my $output = $swig->render('message', { name => 'Arthur' }); # Compile and render a file: $swig->compileFromFile('path/to/file.html'); my $output = $swig->render('path/to/file.html', { some_param => 'foo' }); ``` ### Description Template::Swig uses [JavaScript::V8](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?JavaScript::V8) and [Paul Armstrong's Swig](https://github.com/paularmstrong/swig/) templating engine to provide fast Django-inspired templating in a Perl context. Templates are compiled to JavaScript functions and stored in memory, then executed each time they're rendered. Swig's feature list includes multiple inheritance, formatter and helper functions, macros, auto-escaping, and custom tags. See the [Swig Documentation](https://github.com/paularmstrong/swig/blob/master/docs/README.md) for more. ### Methods #### new( template_dir => $path, extends_callback => sub { } ) Initialize a swig instance, given the follwing parameters: > ###### template_dir > > Optional path where templates live > > ###### extends_callback > > Optional callback to be run when Swig encounters an `extends` tag; receives filename and its encoding as parameters #### compile($template\_name, $swig\_source) Compile a template given, given a template name and swig template source as a string. #### render($template\_name, $data) Render a template, given a name and a reference to a hash of data to interpolate. ### Template Examples Iterate through a list: ```html {% for image in images %} <img src="{{ image.src }}" width="{{ image.width }}" height="{{ image.height }}"> {% else %} <div class="message">No images to show</div> {% endfor %} ``` Custom helpers / filters: ```html {{ created|date('r') }} ``` #### Inheritance In main.html: ``` {% block greeting %} Hi, there. {% endblock %} ``` In custom.html: ``` {% extends 'main.html' %} {% block greeting %} Welcome, {{ name }} {% endblock %} ``` ### See Also [Dotiac::DTL](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Dotiac::DTL), [Text::Caml](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Text::Caml), [Template::Toolkit](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Template::Toolkit) ### Copyright and License Copyright (c) 2012, David Chester This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.