- shows paths/values of complex data structures

DESCRIPTION is an object orientated (plain) Perl module to
	iterate over complex data structures (LoL, LoH, HoL, HoH etc.).

	While Perl's built-in functions foreach(), each(), keys() and
	values() handle just a given level of a structure, Iterator digs
	deeper - handling a structure like an one-dimensional hash.

	For each element of a nested data structure the symbolic name
	("data path"), The Value - as is! - plus some additional
	information are retrieved.

	That is, Iterator provides an unified syntax for simple handling
	of data sources of different types.

	Iterator does not alter the referenced structure, though values
	may be explicitly modified by the user.

	Iterator does not export any variables or functions. You /can/
	call arbitrary packet subs via &Packetname::subname(), but you
	/might/ be surprised of the results :-)


	- Just copy/move into your Perl's [/site]/lib/Data-
	directory. In your script,

		use Data::Iterator;

	- If you want to keep in any directory not in @INC,
	BEGIN unshift()ing this dir to @INC or

		use lib 'your/dir/here';

	In your script,

		use Iterator;


	(see Iterator's documentation for details.)

	- Data::Iterator->new(\data_structure)

	Takes the reference to a structure (Hash, Array, Scalar, Glob,
	FileHandle, '-File:path/to/file.ext') and returns a blessed hash
	reference (further on known as "$obj"). Returns undef on failure.

	- $obj->cfg()              # (1)
	- Data::Iterator->cfg()    # (2)
	- Data::Iterator::cfg()    # (2)

	Gets/sets the object's configuration (1) or the modules defaults
	(2). The latter will affect new() objects.

	- $obj->element('data path')

	returns information (data path, The Value, plus some more stuff)
	about the current element. Can be used to iterate over the data
	structure passed to new(), or to iterate over a sub-structure (if
	parameter 'data path' is provided)

	Data paths are strings in the form '[1]{key1}{key2}[0]'. Kind of
	stringified Perl data indices.

	- $obj->keys('data path')

	returns an array with all keys (no 'data path' provided) of the
	structure, those of a sub-structure, if 'data path' is present
	(and valid).

	- $obj->values('data path')

	returns an array with all values (no 'data path' provided) of the
	structure, those of a sub-structure, if 'data path' is present
	(and valid).

	- $obj->reset('data path')

	prepares for a new $obj->element()-iteration, if a previous loop
	(e.g. while...) was left before the last element of the structure
	(no data path provided) or of a substructure (data path provided)
	had been reached.


  0.021 dated from: 30.12.2000 (bugfix release)
    - Squashed a bug preventing iteration over array objects if data
      path is given
    - Cleaned up some "Use of uninitialized value..."-warnings
    - Example code corrected

  0.02  dated from: 10.12.2000 (initial release)


  readme          - module description (this file)     - The Module (including POD (in German))
  Iterator_en.pod - documentation in POD-Format (in English (hmmm...))


  Hartmut Camphausen
  Am kleinen Born 1
  35287 Am�neburg
  Fon:   06422/850527
  Fax:   06422/850528


  Copyright (c) 2000 by Hartmut Camphausen. All rights reserved. This
  is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified
  under the same terms as Perl itself.