[](https://travis-ci.org/kazuho/p5-test-mysqld) # NAME Test::mysqld - mysqld runner for tests # SYNOPSIS use DBI; use Test::mysqld; use Test::More; my $mysqld = Test::mysqld->new( my_cnf => { 'skip-networking' => '', # no TCP socket } ) or plan skip_all => $Test::mysqld::errstr; plan tests => XXX; my $dbh = DBI->connect( $mysqld->dsn(dbname => 'test'), ); # start_mysqlds is faster than calling Test::mysqld->new twice my @mysqlds = Test::mysqld->start_mysqlds( 2, my_cnf => { 'skip-networking' => '', # no TCP socket } ) or plan skip_all => $Test::mysqld::errstr; Test::mysqlds->stop_mysqlds(@mysqlds); # DESCRIPTION `Test::mysqld` automatically setups a mysqld instance in a temporary directory, and destroys it when the perl script exits. # FUNCTIONS ## new Create and run a mysqld instance. The instance is terminated when the returned object is being DESTROYed. If required programs (mysql\_install\_db and mysqld) were not found, the function returns undef and sets appropriate message to $Test::mysqld::errstr. ## base\_dir Returns directory under which the mysqld instance is being created. The property can be set as a parameter of the `new` function, in which case the directory will not be removed at exit. ## copy\_data\_from If specified, uses a copy of the specified directory as the data directory of MySQL. "Mysql" database (which is used to store administrative information) is automatically created if necessary by invoking mysql\_install\_db. ## my\_cnf A hash containing the list of name=value pairs to be written into my.cnf. The property can be set as a parameter of the `new` function. ## mysql\_install\_db ## mysqld Path to `mysql_install_db` script or `mysqld` program bundled to the mysqld distribution. If not set, the program is automatically search by looking up $PATH and other prefixed directories. ## dsn Builds and returns dsn by using given parameters (if any). Default username is 'root', and dbname is 'test'. ## pid Returns process id of mysqld (or undef if not running). ## start Starts mysqld. ## stop Stops mysqld. ## setup Setups the mysqld instance. ## read\_log Returns the contents of the mysqld log file. ## start\_mysqlds Create and run some mysqld instances, and return a list of `Test::mysqld`. ## stop\_mysqlds Stop some mysqld instances. # COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2009 Cybozu Labs, Inc. Written by Kazuho Oku. # LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See [http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html](http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)