NAME Net::CloudStack::API - Basic request and response handling for calls to a CloudStack service. VERSION This document describes v0.02 of Net::CloudStack::API - released July 13, 2012 as part of Net-CloudStack-API. SYNOPSIS use Net::CloudStack::API; my $cs = Net::CloudStack::API->new; $cs->api( 'see Net::CloudStack docs for setup details' ); print $cs->listVolumes; use Net::CloudStack::API 'listVolumes'; Net::CloudStack::API::api( 'see Net::CloudStack docs for setup details' ); print listVolume(); use Net::CloudStack::API ':Volume'; Net::CloudStack::API::api( 'see Net::CloudStack docs for setup details' ); print listVolumes(); DESCRIPTION This module handles parameter checking for the various calls available from a cloudstack service. Probably should include some explanatory text here about how this file is generated. METHODS Something about how these are the methods available. (A) indicates the method is asynchronous. Include text and reference here for async calls from docs. Account Methods createAccount Creates an account User Level: 3 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters accounttype Type of the account. Specify 0 for user, 1 for root admin, and 2 for domain admin email email firstname firstname lastname lastname password Hashed password (Default is MD5). If you wish to use any other hashing algorithm, you would need to write a custom authentication adapter See Docs section. username Unique username. Optional Parameters account Creates the user under the specified account. If no account is specified, the username will be used as the account name. domainid Creates the user under the specified domain. networkdomain Network domain for the account's networks timezone Specifies a timezone for this command. For more information on the timezone parameter, see Time Zone Format. Response account the account name of the user accounttype the account type of the user apikey the api key of the user created the date and time the user account was created domain the domain name of the user domainid the domain ID of the user email the user email address firstname the user firstname id the user ID lastname the user lastname secretkey the secret key of the user state the user state timezone the timezone user was created in username the user name deleteAccount Deletes a account, and all users associated with this account User Level: 3 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id Account id Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully updateAccount (A) Updates account information for the authenticated user User Level: 3 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters account the current account name domainid the ID of the domain where the account exists newname new name for the account Optional Parameters networkdomain Network domain for the account's networks Response accounttype account type (admin, domain-admin, user) domain name of the Domain the account belongs too domainid id of the Domain the account belongs too id the id of the account ipavailable the total number of public ip addresses available for this account to acquire iplimit the total number of public ip addresses this account can acquire iptotal the total number of public ip addresses allocated for this account iscleanuprequired true if the account requires cleanup name the name of the account networkdomain the network domain receivedbytes the total number of network traffic bytes received sentbytes the total number of network traffic bytes sent snapshotavailable the total number of snapshots available for this account snapshotlimit the total number of snapshots which can be stored by this account snapshottotal the total number of snapshots stored by this account state the state of the account templateavailable the total number of templates available to be created by this account templatelimit the total number of templates which can be created by this account templatetotal the total number of templates which have been created by this account user(*) the list of users associated with account vmavailable the total number of virtual machines available for this account to acquire vmlimit the total number of virtual machines that can be deployed by this account vmrunning the total number of virtual machines running for this account vmstopped the total number of virtual machines stopped for this account vmtotal the total number of virtual machines deployed by this account volumeavailable the total volume available for this account volumelimit the total volume which can be used by this account volumetotal the total volume being used by this account disableAccount Disables an account User Level: 7 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters account Disables specified account. domainid Disables specified account in this domain. lock If true, only lock the account; else disable the account Response accounttype account type (admin, domain-admin, user) domain name of the Domain the account belongs too domainid id of the Domain the account belongs too id the id of the account ipavailable the total number of public ip addresses available for this account to acquire iplimit the total number of public ip addresses this account can acquire iptotal the total number of public ip addresses allocated for this account iscleanuprequired true if the account requires cleanup name the name of the account networkdomain the network domain receivedbytes the total number of network traffic bytes received sentbytes the total number of network traffic bytes sent snapshotavailable the total number of snapshots available for this account snapshotlimit the total number of snapshots which can be stored by this account snapshottotal the total number of snapshots stored by this account state the state of the account templateavailable the total number of templates available to be created by this account templatelimit the total number of templates which can be created by this account templatetotal the total number of templates which have been created by this account user(*) the list of users associated with account vmavailable the total number of virtual machines available for this account to acquire vmlimit the total number of virtual machines that can be deployed by this account vmrunning the total number of virtual machines running for this account vmstopped the total number of virtual machines stopped for this account vmtotal the total number of virtual machines deployed by this account volumeavailable the total volume available for this account volumelimit the total volume which can be used by this account volumetotal the total volume being used by this account enableAccount (A) Enables an account User Level: 7 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters account Enables specified account. domainid Enables specified account in this domain. Response accounttype account type (admin, domain-admin, user) domain name of the Domain the account belongs too domainid id of the Domain the account belongs too id the id of the account ipavailable the total number of public ip addresses available for this account to acquire iplimit the total number of public ip addresses this account can acquire iptotal the total number of public ip addresses allocated for this account iscleanuprequired true if the account requires cleanup name the name of the account networkdomain the network domain receivedbytes the total number of network traffic bytes received sentbytes the total number of network traffic bytes sent snapshotavailable the total number of snapshots available for this account snapshotlimit the total number of snapshots which can be stored by this account snapshottotal the total number of snapshots stored by this account state the state of the account templateavailable the total number of templates available to be created by this account templatelimit the total number of templates which can be created by this account templatetotal the total number of templates which have been created by this account user(*) the list of users associated with account vmavailable the total number of virtual machines available for this account to acquire vmlimit the total number of virtual machines that can be deployed by this account vmrunning the total number of virtual machines running for this account vmstopped the total number of virtual machines stopped for this account vmtotal the total number of virtual machines deployed by this account volumeavailable the total volume available for this account volumelimit the total volume which can be used by this account volumetotal the total volume being used by this account listAccounts Lists accounts and provides detailed account information for listed accounts User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters accounttype list accounts by account type. Valid account types are 1 (admin), 2 (domain-admin), and 0 (user). domainid list all accounts in specified domain. If used with the name parameter, retrieves account information for the account with specified name in specified domain. id list account by account ID iscleanuprequired list accounts by cleanuprequred attribute (values are true or false) isrecursive defaults to false, but if true, lists all accounts from the parent specified by the domain id till leaves. keyword List by keyword name list account by account name page no description pagesize no description state list accounts by state. Valid states are enabled, disabled, and locked. Response accounttype account type (admin, domain-admin, user) domain name of the Domain the account belongs too domainid id of the Domain the account belongs too id the id of the account ipavailable the total number of public ip addresses available for this account to acquire iplimit the total number of public ip addresses this account can acquire iptotal the total number of public ip addresses allocated for this account iscleanuprequired true if the account requires cleanup name the name of the account networkdomain the network domain receivedbytes the total number of network traffic bytes received sentbytes the total number of network traffic bytes sent snapshotavailable the total number of snapshots available for this account snapshotlimit the total number of snapshots which can be stored by this account snapshottotal the total number of snapshots stored by this account state the state of the account templateavailable the total number of templates available to be created by this account templatelimit the total number of templates which can be created by this account templatetotal the total number of templates which have been created by this account user(*) the list of users associated with account vmavailable the total number of virtual machines available for this account to acquire vmlimit the total number of virtual machines that can be deployed by this account vmrunning the total number of virtual machines running for this account vmstopped the total number of virtual machines stopped for this account vmtotal the total number of virtual machines deployed by this account volumeavailable the total volume available for this account volumelimit the total volume which can be used by this account volumetotal the total volume being used by this account Address Methods associateIpAddress Acquires and associates a public IP to an account. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters zoneid the ID of the availability zone you want to acquire an public IP address from Optional Parameters account the account to associate with this IP address domainid the ID of the domain to associate with this IP address networkid The network this ip address should be associated to. Response account the account the public IP address is associated with allocated date the public IP address was acquired associatednetworkid the ID of the Network associated with the IP address domain the domain the public IP address is associated with domainid the domain ID the public IP address is associated with forvirtualnetwork the virtual network for the IP address id public IP address id ipaddress public IP address issourcenat true if the IP address is a source nat address, false otherwise isstaticnat true if this ip is for static nat, false otherwise jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the volume jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status networkid the ID of the Network where ip belongs to state State of the ip address. Can be: Allocatin, Allocated and Releasing virtualmachinedisplayname virutal machine display name the ip address is assigned to (not null only for static nat Ip) virtualmachineid virutal machine id the ip address is assigned to (not null only for static nat Ip) virtualmachinename virutal machine name the ip address is assigned to (not null only for static nat Ip) vlanid the ID of the VLAN associated with the IP address vlanname the VLAN associated with the IP address zoneid the ID of the zone the public IP address belongs to zonename the name of the zone the public IP address belongs to disassociateIpAddress (A) Disassociates an ip address from the account. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the id of the public ip address to disassociate Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listPublicIpAddresses (A) Lists all public ip addresses User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters account lists all public IP addresses by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. allocatedonly limits search results to allocated public IP addresses domainid lists all public IP addresses by domain ID. If used with the account parameter, lists all public IP addresses by account for specified domain. forloadbalancing list only ips used for load balancing forvirtualnetwork the virtual network for the IP address id lists ip address by id ipaddress lists the specified IP address keyword List by keyword page no description pagesize no description vlanid lists all public IP addresses by VLAN ID zoneid lists all public IP addresses by Zone ID Response account the account the public IP address is associated with allocated date the public IP address was acquired associatednetworkid the ID of the Network associated with the IP address domain the domain the public IP address is associated with domainid the domain ID the public IP address is associated with forvirtualnetwork the virtual network for the IP address id public IP address id ipaddress public IP address issourcenat true if the IP address is a source nat address, false otherwise isstaticnat true if this ip is for static nat, false otherwise jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the volume jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status networkid the ID of the Network where ip belongs to state State of the ip address. Can be: Allocatin, Allocated and Releasing virtualmachinedisplayname virutal machine display name the ip address is assigned to (not null only for static nat Ip) virtualmachineid virutal machine id the ip address is assigned to (not null only for static nat Ip) virtualmachinename virutal machine name the ip address is assigned to (not null only for static nat Ip) vlanid the ID of the VLAN associated with the IP address vlanname the VLAN associated with the IP address zoneid the ID of the zone the public IP address belongs to zonename the name of the zone the public IP address belongs to Alerts Methods listAlerts Lists all alerts. User Level: 3 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters id the ID of the alert keyword List by keyword page no description pagesize no description type list by alert type Response description description of the alert id the id of the alert sent the date and time the alert was sent type the alert type AsyncQuery Methods queryAsyncJobResult Retrieves the current status of asynchronous job. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters jobid the ID of the asychronous job Response accountid the account that executed the async command cmd the async command executed created the created date of the job jobid async job ID jobinstanceid the unique ID of the instance/entity object related to the job jobinstancetype the instance/entity object related to the job jobprocstatus the progress information of the PENDING job jobresult the result reason jobresultcode the result code for the job jobresulttype the result type jobstatus the current job status-should be 0 for PENDING userid the user that executed the async command listAsyncJobs Lists all pending asynchronous jobs for the account. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters account the account associated with the async job. Must be used with the domainId parameter. domainid the domain ID associated with the async job. If used with the account parameter, returns async jobs for the account in the specified domain. keyword List by keyword page no description pagesize no description startdate the start date of the async job Response accountid the account that executed the async command cmd the async command executed created the created date of the job jobid async job ID jobinstanceid the unique ID of the instance/entity object related to the job jobinstancetype the instance/entity object related to the job jobprocstatus the progress information of the PENDING job jobresult the result reason jobresultcode the result code for the job jobresulttype the result type jobstatus the current job status-should be 0 for PENDING userid the user that executed the async command Certificate Methods uploadCustomCertificate Uploads custom certificate User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters certificate the custom cert to be uploaded domainsuffix DNS domain suffix that the certificate is granted for Optional Parameters id the custom cert id in the chain name the alias of the certificate privatekey the private key for the certificate Response message message of the certificate upload operation CloudIdentifier Methods getCloudIdentifier (A) Retrieves a cloud identifier. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters userid the user ID for the cloud identifier Response cloudidentifier the cloud identifier signature the signed response for the cloud identifier userid the user ID for the cloud identifier Configuration Methods updateConfiguration Updates a configuration. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters name the name of the configuration Optional Parameters value the value of the configuration Response category the category of the configuration description the description of the configuration name the name of the configuration value the value of the configuration listConfigurations Lists all configurations. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters category lists configurations by category keyword List by keyword name lists configuration by name page no description pagesize no description Response category the category of the configuration description the description of the configuration name the name of the configuration value the value of the configuration createConfiguration Adds configuration value User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters category component's category component the component of the configuration instance the instance of the configuration name the name of the configuration Optional Parameters description the description of the configuration value the value of the configuration Response category the category of the configuration description the description of the configuration name the name of the configuration value the value of the configuration listCapabilities Lists capabilities User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Response cloudstackversion version of the cloud stack firewallRuleUiEnabled true if the firewall rule UI is enabled securitygroupsenabled true if security groups support is enabled, false otherwise supportELB true if region supports elastic load balancer on basic zones userpublictemplateenabled true if user and domain admins can set templates to be shared, false otherwise DiskOffering Methods createDiskOffering Creates a disk offering. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters displaytext alternate display text of the disk offering name name of the disk offering Optional Parameters customized whether disk offering is custom or not disksize size of the disk offering in GB domainid the ID of the containing domain, null for public offerings tags tags for the disk offering Response created the date this disk offering was created disksize the size of the disk offering in GB displaytext an alternate display text of the disk offering. domain the domain name this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable. domainid the domain ID this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable. id unique ID of the disk offering iscustomized true if disk offering uses custom size, false otherwise name the name of the disk offering tags the tags for the disk offering updateDiskOffering Updates a disk offering. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id ID of the disk offering Optional Parameters displaytext updates alternate display text of the disk offering with this value name updates name of the disk offering with this value Response created the date this disk offering was created disksize the size of the disk offering in GB displaytext an alternate display text of the disk offering. domain the domain name this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable. domainid the domain ID this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable. id unique ID of the disk offering iscustomized true if disk offering uses custom size, false otherwise name the name of the disk offering tags the tags for the disk offering deleteDiskOffering Updates a disk offering. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id ID of the disk offering Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listDiskOfferings Lists all available disk offerings. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters domainid the ID of the domain of the disk offering. id ID of the disk offering keyword List by keyword name name of the disk offering page no description pagesize no description Response created the date this disk offering was created disksize the size of the disk offering in GB displaytext an alternate display text of the disk offering. domain the domain name this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable. domainid the domain ID this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable. id unique ID of the disk offering iscustomized true if disk offering uses custom size, false otherwise name the name of the disk offering tags the tags for the disk offering Domain Methods createDomain Creates a domain User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters name creates domain with this name Optional Parameters networkdomain Network domain for networks in the domain parentdomainid assigns new domain a parent domain by domain ID of the parent. If no parent domain is specied, the ROOT domain is assumed. Response haschild whether the domain has one or more sub-domains id the ID of the domain level the level of the domain name the name of the domain networkdomain the network domain parentdomainid the domain ID of the parent domain parentdomainname the domain name of the parent domain path the path of the domain updateDomain Updates a domain with a new name User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id ID of domain to update Optional Parameters name updates domain with this name networkdomain Network domain for the domain's networks Response haschild whether the domain has one or more sub-domains id the ID of the domain level the level of the domain name the name of the domain networkdomain the network domain parentdomainid the domain ID of the parent domain parentdomainname the domain name of the parent domain path the path of the domain deleteDomain Deletes a specified domain User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id ID of domain to delete Optional Parameters cleanup true if all domain resources (child domains, accounts) have to be cleaned up, false otherwise Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listDomains (A) Lists domains and provides detailed information for listed domains User Level: 7 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters id List domain by domain ID. keyword List by keyword level List domains by domain level. name List domain by domain name. page no description pagesize no description Response haschild whether the domain has one or more sub-domains id the ID of the domain level the level of the domain name the name of the domain networkdomain the network domain parentdomainid the domain ID of the parent domain parentdomainname the domain name of the parent domain path the path of the domain listDomainChildren Lists all children domains belonging to a specified domain User Level: 7 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters id list children domain by parent domain ID. isrecursive to return the entire tree, use the value "true". To return the first level children, use the value "false". keyword List by keyword name list children domains by name page no description pagesize no description Response haschild whether the domain has one or more sub-domains id the ID of the domain level the level of the domain name the name of the domain networkdomain the network domain parentdomainid the domain ID of the parent domain parentdomainname the domain name of the parent domain path the path of the domain Events Methods listEvents A command to list events. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters account the account for the event. Must be used with the domainId parameter. domainid the domain ID for the event. If used with the account parameter, returns all events for an account in the specified domain ID. duration the duration of the event enddate the end date range of the list you want to retrieve (use format "yyyy-MM-dd" or the new format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") entrytime the time the event was entered id the ID of the event keyword List by keyword level the event level (INFO, WARN, ERROR) page no description pagesize no description startdate the start date range of the list you want to retrieve (use format "yyyy-MM-dd" or the new format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") type the event type (see event types) Response account the account name for the account that owns the object being acted on in the event (e.g. the owner of the virtual machine, ip address, or security group) created the date the event was created description a brief description of the event domain the name of the account's domain domainid the id of the account's domain id the ID of the event level the event level (INFO, WARN, ERROR) parentid whether the event is parented state the state of the event type the type of the event (see event types) username the name of the user who performed the action (can be different from the account if an admin is performing an action for a user, e.g. starting/stopping a user's virtual machine) listEventTypes List Event Types User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Response name Event Type ExternalFirewall Methods addExternalFirewall Adds an external firewall appliance User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters password Password of the external firewall appliance. url URL of the external firewall appliance. username Username of the external firewall appliance. zoneid Zone in which to add the external firewall appliance. Response id the ID of the external firewall ipaddress the management IP address of the external firewall numretries the number of times to retry requests to the external firewall privateinterface the private interface of the external firewall privatezone the private security zone of the external firewall publicinterface the public interface of the external firewall publiczone the public security zone of the external firewall timeout the timeout (in seconds) for requests to the external firewall usageinterface the usage interface of the external firewall username the username that's used to log in to the external firewall zoneid the zone ID of the external firewall deleteExternalFirewall Deletes an external firewall appliance. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id Id of the external firewall appliance. Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listExternalFirewalls List external firewall appliances. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters zoneid zone Id Optional Parameters keyword List by keyword page no description pagesize no description Response id the ID of the external firewall ipaddress the management IP address of the external firewall numretries the number of times to retry requests to the external firewall privateinterface the private interface of the external firewall privatezone the private security zone of the external firewall publicinterface the public interface of the external firewall publiczone the public security zone of the external firewall timeout the timeout (in seconds) for requests to the external firewall usageinterface the usage interface of the external firewall username the username that's used to log in to the external firewall zoneid the zone ID of the external firewall ExternalLoadBalancer Methods addExternalLoadBalancer Adds an external load balancer appliance. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters password Password of the external load balancer appliance. url URL of the external load balancer appliance. username Username of the external load balancer appliance. zoneid Zone in which to add the external load balancer appliance. Response id the ID of the external load balancer inline configures the external load balancer to be inline with an external firewall ipaddress the management IP address of the external load balancer numretries the number of times to retry requests to the external load balancer privateinterface the private interface of the external load balancer publicinterface the public interface of the external load balancer username the username that's used to log in to the external load balancer zoneid the zone ID of the external load balancer deleteExternalLoadBalancer Deletes an external load balancer appliance. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id Id of the external loadbalancer appliance. Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listExternalLoadBalancers List external load balancer appliances. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters keyword List by keyword page no description pagesize no description zoneid zone Id Response allocationstate the allocation state of the host averageload the cpu average load on the host capabilities capabilities of the host clusterid the cluster ID of the host clustername the cluster name of the host clustertype the cluster type of the cluster that host belongs to cpuallocated the amount of the host's CPU currently allocated cpunumber the CPU number of the host cpuspeed the CPU speed of the host cpuused the amount of the host's CPU currently used cpuwithoverprovisioning the amount of the host's CPU after applying the cpu.overprovisioning.factor created the date and time the host was created disconnected true if the host is disconnected. False otherwise. disksizeallocated the host's currently allocated disk size disksizetotal the total disk size of the host events events available for the host hasEnoughCapacity true if this host has enough CPU and RAM capacity to migrate a VM to it, false otherwise hosttags comma-separated list of tags for the host hypervisor the host hypervisor id the ID of the host ipaddress the IP address of the host islocalstorageactive true if local storage is active, false otherwise jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the host jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status lastpinged the date and time the host was last pinged managementserverid the management server ID of the host memoryallocated the amount of the host's memory currently allocated memorytotal the memory total of the host memoryused the amount of the host's memory currently used name the name of the host networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on the host networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on the host oscategoryid the OS category ID of the host oscategoryname the OS category name of the host podid the Pod ID of the host podname the Pod name of the host removed the date and time the host was removed state the state of the host type the host type version the host version zoneid the Zone ID of the host zonename the Zone name of the host Firewall Methods listPortForwardingRules Lists all port forwarding rules for an IP address. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters account account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. domainid the domain ID. If used with the account parameter, lists port forwarding rules for the specified account in this domain. id Lists rule with the specified ID. ipaddressid the id of IP address of the port forwarding services keyword List by keyword page no description pagesize no description Response cidrlist the cidr list to forward traffic from id the ID of the port forwarding rule ipaddress the public ip address for the port forwarding rule ipaddressid the public ip address id for the port forwarding rule privateendport the ending port of port forwarding rule's private port range privateport the starting port of port forwarding rule's private port range protocol the protocol of the port forwarding rule publicendport the ending port of port forwarding rule's private port range publicport the starting port of port forwarding rule's public port range state the state of the rule virtualmachinedisplayname the VM display name for the port forwarding rule virtualmachineid the VM ID for the port forwarding rule virtualmachinename the VM name for the port forwarding rule createPortForwardingRule Creates a port forwarding rule User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters ipaddressid the IP address id of the port forwarding rule privateport the starting port of port forwarding rule's private port range protocol the protocol for the port fowarding rule. Valid values are TCP or UDP. publicport the starting port of port forwarding rule's public port range virtualmachineid the ID of the virtual machine for the port forwarding rule Optional Parameters cidrlist the cidr list to forward traffic from openfirewall if true, firewall rule for source/end pubic port is automatically created; if false - firewall rule has to be created explicitely. Has value true by default privateendport the ending port of port forwarding rule's private port range publicendport the ending port of port forwarding rule's private port range Response cidrlist the cidr list to forward traffic from id the ID of the port forwarding rule ipaddress the public ip address for the port forwarding rule ipaddressid the public ip address id for the port forwarding rule privateendport the ending port of port forwarding rule's private port range privateport the starting port of port forwarding rule's private port range protocol the protocol of the port forwarding rule publicendport the ending port of port forwarding rule's private port range publicport the starting port of port forwarding rule's public port range state the state of the rule virtualmachinedisplayname the VM display name for the port forwarding rule virtualmachineid the VM ID for the port forwarding rule virtualmachinename the VM name for the port forwarding rule deletePortForwardingRule (A) Deletes a port forwarding rule User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the port forwarding rule Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully createFirewallRule (A) Creates a firewall rule for a given ip address User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters ipaddressid the IP address id of the port forwarding rule protocol the protocol for the firewall rule. Valid values are TCP/UDP/ICMP. Optional Parameters cidrlist the cidr list to forward traffic from endport the ending port of firewall rule icmpcode error code for this icmp message icmptype type of the icmp message being sent startport the starting port of firewall rule Response cidrlist the cidr list to forward traffic from endport the ending port of firewall rule's port range icmpcode error code for this icmp message icmptype type of the icmp message being sent id the ID of the firewall rule ipaddress the public ip address for the port forwarding rule ipaddressid the public ip address id for the port forwarding rule protocol the protocol of the firewall rule startport the starting port of firewall rule's port range state the state of the rule deleteFirewallRule (A) Deletes a firewall rule User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the firewall rule Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listFirewallRules (A) Lists all firewall rules for an IP address. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters account account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. domainid the domain ID. If used with the account parameter, lists firewall rules for the specified account in this domain. id Lists rule with the specified ID. ipaddressid the id of IP address of the firwall services keyword List by keyword page no description pagesize no description Response cidrlist the cidr list to forward traffic from endport the ending port of firewall rule's port range icmpcode error code for this icmp message icmptype type of the icmp message being sent id the ID of the firewall rule ipaddress the public ip address for the port forwarding rule ipaddressid the public ip address id for the port forwarding rule protocol the protocol of the firewall rule startport the starting port of firewall rule's port range state the state of the rule GuestOS Methods listOsTypes Lists all supported OS types for this cloud. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters id list by Os type Id keyword List by keyword oscategoryid list by Os Category id page no description pagesize no description Response description the name/description of the OS type id the ID of the OS type oscategoryid the ID of the OS category listOsCategories Lists all supported OS categories for this cloud. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters id list Os category by id keyword List by keyword page no description pagesize no description Response id the ID of the OS category name the name of the OS category Host Methods addHost Adds a new host. User Level: 3 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters hypervisor hypervisor type of the host password the password for the host url the host URL username the username for the host zoneid the Zone ID for the host Optional Parameters allocationstate Allocation state of this Host for allocation of new resources clusterid the cluster ID for the host clustername the cluster name for the host hosttags list of tags to be added to the host podid the Pod ID for the host Response allocationstate the allocation state of the host averageload the cpu average load on the host capabilities capabilities of the host clusterid the cluster ID of the host clustername the cluster name of the host clustertype the cluster type of the cluster that host belongs to cpuallocated the amount of the host's CPU currently allocated cpunumber the CPU number of the host cpuspeed the CPU speed of the host cpuused the amount of the host's CPU currently used cpuwithoverprovisioning the amount of the host's CPU after applying the cpu.overprovisioning.factor created the date and time the host was created disconnected true if the host is disconnected. False otherwise. disksizeallocated the host's currently allocated disk size disksizetotal the total disk size of the host events events available for the host hasEnoughCapacity true if this host has enough CPU and RAM capacity to migrate a VM to it, false otherwise hosttags comma-separated list of tags for the host hypervisor the host hypervisor id the ID of the host ipaddress the IP address of the host islocalstorageactive true if local storage is active, false otherwise jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the host jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status lastpinged the date and time the host was last pinged managementserverid the management server ID of the host memoryallocated the amount of the host's memory currently allocated memorytotal the memory total of the host memoryused the amount of the host's memory currently used name the name of the host networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on the host networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on the host oscategoryid the OS category ID of the host oscategoryname the OS category name of the host podid the Pod ID of the host podname the Pod name of the host removed the date and time the host was removed state the state of the host type the host type version the host version zoneid the Zone ID of the host zonename the Zone name of the host addCluster Adds a new cluster User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters clustername the cluster name clustertype type of the cluster: CloudManaged, ExternalManaged hypervisor hypervisor type of the cluster: XenServer,KVM,VMware,Hyperv,BareMetal,Simulator zoneid the Zone ID for the cluster Optional Parameters allocationstate Allocation state of this cluster for allocation of new resources password the password for the host podid the Pod ID for the host url the URL username the username for the cluster Response allocationstate the allocation state of the cluster clustertype the type of the cluster hypervisortype the hypervisor type of the cluster id the cluster ID managedstate whether this cluster is managed by cloudstack name the cluster name podid the Pod ID of the cluster podname the Pod name of the cluster zoneid the Zone ID of the cluster zonename the Zone name of the cluster deleteCluster Deletes a cluster. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the cluster ID Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully updateCluster Updates an existing cluster User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the Cluster Optional Parameters allocationstate Allocation state of this cluster for allocation of new resources clustername the cluster name clustertype hypervisor type of the cluster hypervisor hypervisor type of the cluster managedstate whether this cluster is managed by cloudstack Response allocationstate the allocation state of the cluster clustertype the type of the cluster hypervisortype the hypervisor type of the cluster id the cluster ID managedstate whether this cluster is managed by cloudstack name the cluster name podid the Pod ID of the cluster podname the Pod name of the cluster zoneid the Zone ID of the cluster zonename the Zone name of the cluster reconnectHost Reconnects a host. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the host ID Response allocationstate the allocation state of the host averageload the cpu average load on the host capabilities capabilities of the host clusterid the cluster ID of the host clustername the cluster name of the host clustertype the cluster type of the cluster that host belongs to cpuallocated the amount of the host's CPU currently allocated cpunumber the CPU number of the host cpuspeed the CPU speed of the host cpuused the amount of the host's CPU currently used cpuwithoverprovisioning the amount of the host's CPU after applying the cpu.overprovisioning.factor created the date and time the host was created disconnected true if the host is disconnected. False otherwise. disksizeallocated the host's currently allocated disk size disksizetotal the total disk size of the host events events available for the host hasEnoughCapacity true if this host has enough CPU and RAM capacity to migrate a VM to it, false otherwise hosttags comma-separated list of tags for the host hypervisor the host hypervisor id the ID of the host ipaddress the IP address of the host islocalstorageactive true if local storage is active, false otherwise jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the host jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status lastpinged the date and time the host was last pinged managementserverid the management server ID of the host memoryallocated the amount of the host's memory currently allocated memorytotal the memory total of the host memoryused the amount of the host's memory currently used name the name of the host networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on the host networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on the host oscategoryid the OS category ID of the host oscategoryname the OS category name of the host podid the Pod ID of the host podname the Pod name of the host removed the date and time the host was removed state the state of the host type the host type version the host version zoneid the Zone ID of the host zonename the Zone name of the host updateHost (A) Updates a host. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the host to update Optional Parameters allocationstate Allocation state of this Host for allocation of new resources hosttags list of tags to be added to the host oscategoryid the id of Os category to update the host with Response allocationstate the allocation state of the host averageload the cpu average load on the host capabilities capabilities of the host clusterid the cluster ID of the host clustername the cluster name of the host clustertype the cluster type of the cluster that host belongs to cpuallocated the amount of the host's CPU currently allocated cpunumber the CPU number of the host cpuspeed the CPU speed of the host cpuused the amount of the host's CPU currently used cpuwithoverprovisioning the amount of the host's CPU after applying the cpu.overprovisioning.factor created the date and time the host was created disconnected true if the host is disconnected. False otherwise. disksizeallocated the host's currently allocated disk size disksizetotal the total disk size of the host events events available for the host hasEnoughCapacity true if this host has enough CPU and RAM capacity to migrate a VM to it, false otherwise hosttags comma-separated list of tags for the host hypervisor the host hypervisor id the ID of the host ipaddress the IP address of the host islocalstorageactive true if local storage is active, false otherwise jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the host jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status lastpinged the date and time the host was last pinged managementserverid the management server ID of the host memoryallocated the amount of the host's memory currently allocated memorytotal the memory total of the host memoryused the amount of the host's memory currently used name the name of the host networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on the host networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on the host oscategoryid the OS category ID of the host oscategoryname the OS category name of the host podid the Pod ID of the host podname the Pod name of the host removed the date and time the host was removed state the state of the host type the host type version the host version zoneid the Zone ID of the host zonename the Zone name of the host deleteHost Deletes a host. User Level: 3 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the host ID Optional Parameters forced Force delete the host. All HA enabled vms running on the host will be put to HA; HA disabled ones will be stopped forcedestroylocalstorage Force destroy local storage on this host. All VMs created on this local storage will be destroyed Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully prepareHostForMaintenance Prepares a host for maintenance. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the host ID Response allocationstate the allocation state of the host averageload the cpu average load on the host capabilities capabilities of the host clusterid the cluster ID of the host clustername the cluster name of the host clustertype the cluster type of the cluster that host belongs to cpuallocated the amount of the host's CPU currently allocated cpunumber the CPU number of the host cpuspeed the CPU speed of the host cpuused the amount of the host's CPU currently used cpuwithoverprovisioning the amount of the host's CPU after applying the cpu.overprovisioning.factor created the date and time the host was created disconnected true if the host is disconnected. False otherwise. disksizeallocated the host's currently allocated disk size disksizetotal the total disk size of the host events events available for the host hasEnoughCapacity true if this host has enough CPU and RAM capacity to migrate a VM to it, false otherwise hosttags comma-separated list of tags for the host hypervisor the host hypervisor id the ID of the host ipaddress the IP address of the host islocalstorageactive true if local storage is active, false otherwise jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the host jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status lastpinged the date and time the host was last pinged managementserverid the management server ID of the host memoryallocated the amount of the host's memory currently allocated memorytotal the memory total of the host memoryused the amount of the host's memory currently used name the name of the host networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on the host networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on the host oscategoryid the OS category ID of the host oscategoryname the OS category name of the host podid the Pod ID of the host podname the Pod name of the host removed the date and time the host was removed state the state of the host type the host type version the host version zoneid the Zone ID of the host zonename the Zone name of the host cancelHostMaintenance (A) Cancels host maintenance. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the host ID Response allocationstate the allocation state of the host averageload the cpu average load on the host capabilities capabilities of the host clusterid the cluster ID of the host clustername the cluster name of the host clustertype the cluster type of the cluster that host belongs to cpuallocated the amount of the host's CPU currently allocated cpunumber the CPU number of the host cpuspeed the CPU speed of the host cpuused the amount of the host's CPU currently used cpuwithoverprovisioning the amount of the host's CPU after applying the cpu.overprovisioning.factor created the date and time the host was created disconnected true if the host is disconnected. False otherwise. disksizeallocated the host's currently allocated disk size disksizetotal the total disk size of the host events events available for the host hasEnoughCapacity true if this host has enough CPU and RAM capacity to migrate a VM to it, false otherwise hosttags comma-separated list of tags for the host hypervisor the host hypervisor id the ID of the host ipaddress the IP address of the host islocalstorageactive true if local storage is active, false otherwise jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the host jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status lastpinged the date and time the host was last pinged managementserverid the management server ID of the host memoryallocated the amount of the host's memory currently allocated memorytotal the memory total of the host memoryused the amount of the host's memory currently used name the name of the host networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on the host networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on the host oscategoryid the OS category ID of the host oscategoryname the OS category name of the host podid the Pod ID of the host podname the Pod name of the host removed the date and time the host was removed state the state of the host type the host type version the host version zoneid the Zone ID of the host zonename the Zone name of the host listHosts (A) Lists hosts. User Level: 3 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters allocationstate list hosts by allocation state clusterid lists hosts existing in particular cluster details give details. 1 = minimal; 2 = include static info; 3 = include events; 4 = include allocation and statistics id the id of the host keyword List by keyword name the name of the host page no description pagesize no description podid the Pod ID for the host state the state of the host type the host type virtualmachineid lists hosts in the same cluster as this VM and flag hosts with enough CPU/RAm to host this VM zoneid the Zone ID for the host Response allocationstate the allocation state of the host averageload the cpu average load on the host capabilities capabilities of the host clusterid the cluster ID of the host clustername the cluster name of the host clustertype the cluster type of the cluster that host belongs to cpuallocated the amount of the host's CPU currently allocated cpunumber the CPU number of the host cpuspeed the CPU speed of the host cpuused the amount of the host's CPU currently used cpuwithoverprovisioning the amount of the host's CPU after applying the cpu.overprovisioning.factor created the date and time the host was created disconnected true if the host is disconnected. False otherwise. disksizeallocated the host's currently allocated disk size disksizetotal the total disk size of the host events events available for the host hasEnoughCapacity true if this host has enough CPU and RAM capacity to migrate a VM to it, false otherwise hosttags comma-separated list of tags for the host hypervisor the host hypervisor id the ID of the host ipaddress the IP address of the host islocalstorageactive true if local storage is active, false otherwise jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the host jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status lastpinged the date and time the host was last pinged managementserverid the management server ID of the host memoryallocated the amount of the host's memory currently allocated memorytotal the memory total of the host memoryused the amount of the host's memory currently used name the name of the host networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on the host networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on the host oscategoryid the OS category ID of the host oscategoryname the OS category name of the host podid the Pod ID of the host podname the Pod name of the host removed the date and time the host was removed state the state of the host type the host type version the host version zoneid the Zone ID of the host zonename the Zone name of the host addSecondaryStorage Adds secondary storage. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters url the URL for the secondary storage Optional Parameters zoneid the Zone ID for the secondary storage Response allocationstate the allocation state of the host averageload the cpu average load on the host capabilities capabilities of the host clusterid the cluster ID of the host clustername the cluster name of the host clustertype the cluster type of the cluster that host belongs to cpuallocated the amount of the host's CPU currently allocated cpunumber the CPU number of the host cpuspeed the CPU speed of the host cpuused the amount of the host's CPU currently used cpuwithoverprovisioning the amount of the host's CPU after applying the cpu.overprovisioning.factor created the date and time the host was created disconnected true if the host is disconnected. False otherwise. disksizeallocated the host's currently allocated disk size disksizetotal the total disk size of the host events events available for the host hasEnoughCapacity true if this host has enough CPU and RAM capacity to migrate a VM to it, false otherwise hosttags comma-separated list of tags for the host hypervisor the host hypervisor id the ID of the host ipaddress the IP address of the host islocalstorageactive true if local storage is active, false otherwise jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the host jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status lastpinged the date and time the host was last pinged managementserverid the management server ID of the host memoryallocated the amount of the host's memory currently allocated memorytotal the memory total of the host memoryused the amount of the host's memory currently used name the name of the host networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on the host networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on the host oscategoryid the OS category ID of the host oscategoryname the OS category name of the host podid the Pod ID of the host podname the Pod name of the host removed the date and time the host was removed state the state of the host type the host type version the host version zoneid the Zone ID of the host zonename the Zone name of the host updateHostPassword Update password of a host/pool on management server. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters password the new password for the host/cluster username the username for the host/cluster Optional Parameters clusterid the cluster ID. Either this parameter, or hostId has to be passed in hostid the host ID. Either this parameter, or clusterId has to be passed in Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully ISO Methods attachIso Attaches an ISO to a virtual machine. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the ISO file virtualmachineid the ID of the virtual machine Response account the account associated with the virtual machine cpunumber the number of cpu this virtual machine is running with cpuspeed the speed of each cpu cpuused the amount of the vm's CPU currently used created the date when this virtual machine was created displayname user generated name. The name of the virtual machine is returned if no displayname exists. domain the name of the domain in which the virtual machine exists domainid the ID of the domain in which the virtual machine exists forvirtualnetwork the virtual network for the service offering group the group name of the virtual machine groupid the group ID of the virtual machine guestosid Os type ID of the virtual machine haenable true if high-availability is enabled, false otherwise hostid the ID of the host for the virtual machine hostname the name of the host for the virtual machine hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the ID of the virtual machine ipaddress the ip address of the virtual machine isodisplaytext an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoid the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoname the name of the ISO attached to the virtual machine jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the virtual machine jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status memory the memory allocated for the virtual machine name the name of the virtual machine networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on the vm networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on the host nic(*) the list of nics associated with vm password the password (if exists) of the virtual machine passwordenabled true if the password rest feature is enabled, false otherwise rootdeviceid device ID of the root volume rootdevicetype device type of the root volume securitygroup(*) list of security groups associated with the virtual machine serviceofferingid the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine serviceofferingname the name of the service offering of the virtual machine state the state of the virtual machine templatedisplaytext an alternate display text of the template for the virtual machine templateid the ID of the template for the virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the virtual machine was created from an ISO file. templatename the name of the template for the virtual machine zoneid the ID of the availablility zone for the virtual machine zonename the name of the availability zone for the virtual machine detachIso (A) Detaches any ISO file (if any) currently attached to a virtual machine. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters virtualmachineid The ID of the virtual machine Response account the account associated with the virtual machine cpunumber the number of cpu this virtual machine is running with cpuspeed the speed of each cpu cpuused the amount of the vm's CPU currently used created the date when this virtual machine was created displayname user generated name. The name of the virtual machine is returned if no displayname exists. domain the name of the domain in which the virtual machine exists domainid the ID of the domain in which the virtual machine exists forvirtualnetwork the virtual network for the service offering group the group name of the virtual machine groupid the group ID of the virtual machine guestosid Os type ID of the virtual machine haenable true if high-availability is enabled, false otherwise hostid the ID of the host for the virtual machine hostname the name of the host for the virtual machine hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the ID of the virtual machine ipaddress the ip address of the virtual machine isodisplaytext an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoid the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoname the name of the ISO attached to the virtual machine jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the virtual machine jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status memory the memory allocated for the virtual machine name the name of the virtual machine networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on the vm networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on the host nic(*) the list of nics associated with vm password the password (if exists) of the virtual machine passwordenabled true if the password rest feature is enabled, false otherwise rootdeviceid device ID of the root volume rootdevicetype device type of the root volume securitygroup(*) list of security groups associated with the virtual machine serviceofferingid the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine serviceofferingname the name of the service offering of the virtual machine state the state of the virtual machine templatedisplaytext an alternate display text of the template for the virtual machine templateid the ID of the template for the virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the virtual machine was created from an ISO file. templatename the name of the template for the virtual machine zoneid the ID of the availablility zone for the virtual machine zonename the name of the availability zone for the virtual machine listIsos (A) Lists all available ISO files. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters account the account of the ISO file. Must be used with the domainId parameter. bootable true if the ISO is bootable, false otherwise domainid lists all available ISO files by ID of a domain. If used with the account parameter, lists all available ISO files for the account in the ID of a domain. hypervisor the hypervisor for which to restrict the search id list all isos by id isofilter possible values are "featured", "self", "self-executable","executable", and "community". * featured-ISOs that are featured and are publicself-ISOs that have been registered/created by the owner. * selfexecutable-ISOs that have been registered/created by the owner that can be used to deploy a new VM. * executable-all ISOs that can be used to deploy a new VM * community-ISOs that are public. ispublic true if the ISO is publicly available to all users, false otherwise. isready true if this ISO is ready to be deployed keyword List by keyword name list all isos by name page no description pagesize no description zoneid the ID of the zone Response account the account name to which the template belongs accountid the account id to which the template belongs bootable true if the ISO is bootable, false otherwise checksum checksum of the template created the date this template was created crossZones true if the template is managed across all Zones, false otherwise details additional key/value details tied with template displaytext the template display text domain the name of the domain to which the template belongs domainid the ID of the domain to which the template belongs format the format of the template. hostid the ID of the secondary storage host for the template hostname the name of the secondary storage host for the template hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the template ID isextractable true if the template is extractable, false otherwise isfeatured true if this template is a featured template, false otherwise ispublic true if this template is a public template, false otherwise isready true if the template is ready to be deployed from, false otherwise. jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the template jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status name the template name ostypeid the ID of the OS type for this template. ostypename the name of the OS type for this template. passwordenabled true if the reset password feature is enabled, false otherwise removed the date this template was removed size the size of the template sourcetemplateid the template ID of the parent template if present status the status of the template templatetag the tag of this template templatetype the type of the template zoneid the ID of the zone for this template zonename the name of the zone for this template registerIso Registers an existing ISO into the Cloud. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters displaytext the display text of the ISO. This is usually used for display purposes. name the name of the ISO url the URL to where the ISO is currently being hosted zoneid the ID of the zone you wish to register the ISO to. Optional Parameters account an optional account name. Must be used with domainId. bootable true if this ISO is bootable domainid an optional domainId. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used. isextractable true if the iso or its derivatives are extractable; default is false isfeatured true if you want this ISO to be featured ispublic true if you want to register the ISO to be publicly available to all users, false otherwise. ostypeid the ID of the OS Type that best represents the OS of this ISO Response account the account name to which the template belongs accountid the account id to which the template belongs bootable true if the ISO is bootable, false otherwise checksum checksum of the template created the date this template was created crossZones true if the template is managed across all Zones, false otherwise details additional key/value details tied with template displaytext the template display text domain the name of the domain to which the template belongs domainid the ID of the domain to which the template belongs format the format of the template. hostid the ID of the secondary storage host for the template hostname the name of the secondary storage host for the template hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the template ID isextractable true if the template is extractable, false otherwise isfeatured true if this template is a featured template, false otherwise ispublic true if this template is a public template, false otherwise isready true if the template is ready to be deployed from, false otherwise. jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the template jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status name the template name ostypeid the ID of the OS type for this template. ostypename the name of the OS type for this template. passwordenabled true if the reset password feature is enabled, false otherwise removed the date this template was removed size the size of the template sourcetemplateid the template ID of the parent template if present status the status of the template templatetag the tag of this template templatetype the type of the template zoneid the ID of the zone for this template zonename the name of the zone for this template updateIso Updates an ISO file. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the image file Optional Parameters bootable true if image is bootable, false otherwise displaytext the display text of the image format the format for the image name the name of the image file ostypeid the ID of the OS type that best represents the OS of this image. passwordenabled true if the image supports the password reset feature; default is false Response account the account name to which the template belongs accountid the account id to which the template belongs bootable true if the ISO is bootable, false otherwise checksum checksum of the template created the date this template was created crossZones true if the template is managed across all Zones, false otherwise details additional key/value details tied with template displaytext the template display text domain the name of the domain to which the template belongs domainid the ID of the domain to which the template belongs format the format of the template. hostid the ID of the secondary storage host for the template hostname the name of the secondary storage host for the template hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the template ID isextractable true if the template is extractable, false otherwise isfeatured true if this template is a featured template, false otherwise ispublic true if this template is a public template, false otherwise isready true if the template is ready to be deployed from, false otherwise. jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the template jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status name the template name ostypeid the ID of the OS type for this template. ostypename the name of the OS type for this template. passwordenabled true if the reset password feature is enabled, false otherwise removed the date this template was removed size the size of the template sourcetemplateid the template ID of the parent template if present status the status of the template templatetag the tag of this template templatetype the type of the template zoneid the ID of the zone for this template zonename the name of the zone for this template deleteIso Deletes an ISO file. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the ISO file Optional Parameters zoneid the ID of the zone of the ISO file. If not specified, the ISO will be deleted from all the zones Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully copyIso (A) Copies a template from one zone to another. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters destzoneid ID of the zone the template is being copied to. id Template ID. sourcezoneid ID of the zone the template is currently hosted on. Response account the account name to which the template belongs accountid the account id to which the template belongs bootable true if the ISO is bootable, false otherwise checksum checksum of the template created the date this template was created crossZones true if the template is managed across all Zones, false otherwise details additional key/value details tied with template displaytext the template display text domain the name of the domain to which the template belongs domainid the ID of the domain to which the template belongs format the format of the template. hostid the ID of the secondary storage host for the template hostname the name of the secondary storage host for the template hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the template ID isextractable true if the template is extractable, false otherwise isfeatured true if this template is a featured template, false otherwise ispublic true if this template is a public template, false otherwise isready true if the template is ready to be deployed from, false otherwise. jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the template jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status name the template name ostypeid the ID of the OS type for this template. ostypename the name of the OS type for this template. passwordenabled true if the reset password feature is enabled, false otherwise removed the date this template was removed size the size of the template sourcetemplateid the template ID of the parent template if present status the status of the template templatetag the tag of this template templatetype the type of the template zoneid the ID of the zone for this template zonename the name of the zone for this template updateIsoPermissions (A) Updates iso permissions User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the template ID Optional Parameters accounts a comma delimited list of accounts. If specified, "op" parameter has to be passed in. isextractable true if the template/iso is extractable, false other wise. Can be set only by root admin isfeatured true for featured template/iso, false otherwise ispublic true for public template/iso, false for private templates/isos op permission operator (add, remove, reset) Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listIsoPermissions List template visibility and all accounts that have permissions to view this template. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the template ID Optional Parameters account List template visibility and permissions for the specified account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. domainid List template visibility and permissions by domain. If used with the account parameter, specifies in which domain the specified account exists. Response account the list of accounts the template is available for domainid the ID of the domain to which the template belongs id the template ID ispublic true if this template is a public template, false otherwise extractIso Extracts an ISO User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the ISO file mode the mode of extraction - HTTP_DOWNLOAD or FTP_UPLOAD zoneid the ID of the zone where the ISO is originally located Optional Parameters url the url to which the ISO would be extracted Response accountid the account id to which the extracted object belongs created the time and date the object was created extractId the upload id of extracted object extractMode the mode of extraction - upload or download id the id of extracted object name the name of the extracted object state the state of the extracted object status the status of the extraction storagetype type of the storage uploadpercentage the percentage of the entity uploaded to the specified location url if mode = upload then url of the uploaded entity. if mode = download the url from which the entity can be downloaded zoneid zone ID the object was extracted from zonename zone name the object was extracted from Limit Methods updateResourceLimit (A) Updates resource limits for an account or domain. User Level: 7 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters resourcetype Type of resource to update. Values are 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. 0 - Instance. Number of instances a user can create. 1 - IP. Number of public IP addresses a user can own. 2 - Volume. Number of disk volumes a user can create.3 - Snapshot. Number of snapshots a user can create.4 - Template. Number of templates that a user can register/create. Optional Parameters account Update resource for a specified account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. domainid Update resource limits for all accounts in specified domain. If used with the account parameter, updates resource limits for a specified account in specified domain. max Maximum resource limit. Response account the account of the resource limit domain the domain name of the resource limit domainid the domain ID of the resource limit max the maximum number of the resource. A -1 means the resource currently has no limit. resourcetype resource type. Values include 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. See the resourceType parameter for more information on these values. updateResourceCount Recalculate and update resource count for an account or domain. User Level: 7 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters domainid If account parameter specified then updates resource counts for a specified account in this domain else update resource counts for all accounts & child domains in specified domain. Optional Parameters account Update resource count for a specified account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. resourcetype Type of resource to update. If specifies valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. If not specified will update all resource counts0 - Instance. Number of instances a user can create. 1 - IP. Number of public IP addresses a user can own. 2 - Volume. Number of disk volumes a user can create.3 - Snapshot. Number of snapshots a user can create.4 - Template. Number of templates that a user can register/create. Response account the account for which resource count's are updated domain the domain name for which resource count's are updated domainid the domain ID for which resource count's are updated resourcecount resource count resourcetype resource type. Values include 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. See the resourceType parameter for more information on these values. listResourceLimits Lists resource limits. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters account Lists resource limits by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. domainid Lists resource limits by domain ID. If used with the account parameter, lists resource limits for a specified account in a specified domain. id Lists resource limits by ID. keyword List by keyword page no description pagesize no description resourcetype Type of resource to update. Values are 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. 0 - Instance. Number of instances a user can create. 1 - IP. Number of public IP addresses a user can own. 2 - Volume. Number of disk volumes a user can create.3 - Snapshot. Number of snapshots a user can create.4 - Template. Number of templates that a user can register/create. Response account the account of the resource limit domain the domain name of the resource limit domainid the domain ID of the resource limit max the maximum number of the resource. A -1 means the resource currently has no limit. resourcetype resource type. Values include 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. See the resourceType parameter for more information on these values. LoadBalancer Methods createLoadBalancerRule Creates a load balancer rule User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters algorithm load balancer algorithm (source, roundrobin, leastconn) name name of the load balancer rule privateport the private port of the private ip address/virtual machine where the network traffic will be load balanced to publicport the public port from where the network traffic will be load balanced from Optional Parameters account the account associated with the load balancer. Must be used with the domainId parameter. cidrlist the cidr list to forward traffic from description the description of the load balancer rule domainid the domain ID associated with the load balancer openfirewall if true, firewall rule for source/end pubic port is automatically created; if false - firewall rule has to be created explicitely. Has value true by default publicipid public ip address id from where the network traffic will be load balanced from zoneid public ip address id from where the network traffic will be load balanced from Response account the account of the load balancer rule algorithm the load balancer algorithm (source, roundrobin, leastconn) cidrlist the cidr list to forward traffic from description the description of the load balancer domain the domain of the load balancer rule domainid the domain ID of the load balancer rule id the load balancer rule ID name the name of the load balancer privateport the private port publicip the public ip address publicipid the public ip address id publicport the public port state the state of the rule zoneid the id of the zone the rule belongs to deleteLoadBalancerRule (A) Deletes a load balancer rule. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the load balancer rule Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully removeFromLoadBalancerRule (A) Removes a virtual machine or a list of virtual machines from a load balancer rule. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id The ID of the load balancer rule virtualmachineids the list of IDs of the virtual machines that are being removed from the load balancer rule (i.e. virtualMachineIds=1,2,3) Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully assignToLoadBalancerRule (A) Assigns virtual machine or a list of virtual machines to a load balancer rule. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the load balancer rule virtualmachineids the list of IDs of the virtual machine that are being assigned to the load balancer rule(i.e. virtualMachineIds=1,2,3) Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listLoadBalancerRules (A) Lists load balancer rules. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters account the account of the load balancer rule. Must be used with the domainId parameter. domainid the domain ID of the load balancer rule. If used with the account parameter, lists load balancer rules for the account in the specified domain. id the ID of the load balancer rule keyword List by keyword name the name of the load balancer rule page no description pagesize no description publicipid the public IP address id of the load balancer rule virtualmachineid the ID of the virtual machine of the load balancer rule zoneid the availability zone ID Response account the account of the load balancer rule algorithm the load balancer algorithm (source, roundrobin, leastconn) cidrlist the cidr list to forward traffic from description the description of the load balancer domain the domain of the load balancer rule domainid the domain ID of the load balancer rule id the load balancer rule ID name the name of the load balancer privateport the private port publicip the public ip address publicipid the public ip address id publicport the public port state the state of the rule zoneid the id of the zone the rule belongs to listLoadBalancerRuleInstances List all virtual machine instances that are assigned to a load balancer rule. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the load balancer rule Optional Parameters applied true if listing all virtual machines currently applied to the load balancer rule; default is true keyword List by keyword page no description pagesize no description Response account the account associated with the virtual machine cpunumber the number of cpu this virtual machine is running with cpuspeed the speed of each cpu cpuused the amount of the vm's CPU currently used created the date when this virtual machine was created displayname user generated name. The name of the virtual machine is returned if no displayname exists. domain the name of the domain in which the virtual machine exists domainid the ID of the domain in which the virtual machine exists forvirtualnetwork the virtual network for the service offering group the group name of the virtual machine groupid the group ID of the virtual machine guestosid Os type ID of the virtual machine haenable true if high-availability is enabled, false otherwise hostid the ID of the host for the virtual machine hostname the name of the host for the virtual machine hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the ID of the virtual machine ipaddress the ip address of the virtual machine isodisplaytext an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoid the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoname the name of the ISO attached to the virtual machine jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the virtual machine jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status memory the memory allocated for the virtual machine name the name of the virtual machine networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on the vm networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on the host nic(*) the list of nics associated with vm password the password (if exists) of the virtual machine passwordenabled true if the password rest feature is enabled, false otherwise rootdeviceid device ID of the root volume rootdevicetype device type of the root volume securitygroup(*) list of security groups associated with the virtual machine serviceofferingid the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine serviceofferingname the name of the service offering of the virtual machine state the state of the virtual machine templatedisplaytext an alternate display text of the template for the virtual machine templateid the ID of the template for the virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the virtual machine was created from an ISO file. templatename the name of the template for the virtual machine zoneid the ID of the availablility zone for the virtual machine zonename the name of the availability zone for the virtual machine updateLoadBalancerRule Updates load balancer User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the id of the load balancer rule to update Optional Parameters algorithm load balancer algorithm (source, roundrobin, leastconn) description the description of the load balancer rule name the name of the load balancer rule Response account the account of the load balancer rule algorithm the load balancer algorithm (source, roundrobin, leastconn) cidrlist the cidr list to forward traffic from description the description of the load balancer domain the domain of the load balancer rule domainid the domain ID of the load balancer rule id the load balancer rule ID name the name of the load balancer privateport the private port publicip the public ip address publicipid the public ip address id publicport the public port state the state of the rule zoneid the id of the zone the rule belongs to NAT Methods enableStaticNat (A) Enables static nat for given ip address User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters ipaddressid the public IP address id for which static nat feature is being enabled virtualmachineid the ID of the virtual machine for enabling static nat feature Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully createIpForwardingRule Creates an ip forwarding rule User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters ipaddressid the public IP address id of the forwarding rule, already associated via associateIp protocol the protocol for the rule. Valid values are TCP or UDP. startport the start port for the rule Optional Parameters cidrlist the cidr list to forward traffic from endport the end port for the rule openfirewall if true, firewall rule for source/end pubic port is automatically created; if false - firewall rule has to be created explicitely. Has value true by default Response cidrlist the cidr list to forward traffic from id the ID of the port forwarding rule ipaddress the public ip address for the port forwarding rule ipaddressid the public ip address id for the port forwarding rule privateendport the ending port of port forwarding rule's private port range privateport the starting port of port forwarding rule's private port range protocol the protocol of the port forwarding rule publicendport the ending port of port forwarding rule's private port range publicport the starting port of port forwarding rule's public port range state the state of the rule virtualmachinedisplayname the VM display name for the port forwarding rule virtualmachineid the VM ID for the port forwarding rule virtualmachinename the VM name for the port forwarding rule deleteIpForwardingRule (A) Deletes an ip forwarding rule User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the id of the forwarding rule Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listIpForwardingRules (A) List the ip forwarding rules User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters account the account associated with the ip forwarding rule. Must be used with the domainId parameter. domainid Lists all rules for this id. If used with the account parameter, returns all rules for an account in the specified domain ID. id Lists rule with the specified ID. ipaddressid list the rule belonging to this public ip address keyword List by keyword page no description pagesize no description virtualmachineid Lists all rules applied to the specified Vm. Response cidrlist the cidr list to forward traffic from id the ID of the port forwarding rule ipaddress the public ip address for the port forwarding rule ipaddressid the public ip address id for the port forwarding rule privateendport the ending port of port forwarding rule's private port range privateport the starting port of port forwarding rule's private port range protocol the protocol of the port forwarding rule publicendport the ending port of port forwarding rule's private port range publicport the starting port of port forwarding rule's public port range state the state of the rule virtualmachinedisplayname the VM display name for the port forwarding rule virtualmachineid the VM ID for the port forwarding rule virtualmachinename the VM name for the port forwarding rule disableStaticNat Disables static rule for given ip address User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters ipaddressid the public IP address id for which static nat feature is being disableed Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully NetAppIntegration Methods createVolumeOnFiler (A) Create a volume User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters aggregatename aggregate name. ipaddress ip address. password password. poolname pool name. size volume size. username user name. volumename volume name. Optional Parameters snapshotpolicy snapshot policy. snapshotreservation snapshot reservation. Response destroyVolumeOnFiler Destroy a Volume User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters aggregatename aggregate name. ipaddress ip address. volumename volume name. Response listVolumesOnFiler List Volumes User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters poolname pool name. Response aggregatename Aggregate name id volume id ipaddress ip address poolname pool name size volume size snapshotpolicy snapshot policy snapshotreservation snapshot reservation volumename Volume name createLunOnFiler Create a LUN from a pool User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters name pool name. size LUN size. Response ipaddress ip address iqn iqn path pool path destroyLunOnFiler Destroy a LUN User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters path LUN path. Response listLunsOnFiler List LUN User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters poolname pool name. Response id lun id iqn lun iqn name lun name volumeid volume id associateLun Associate a LUN with a guest IQN User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters iqn Guest IQN to which the LUN associate. name LUN name. Response id the LUN id ipaddress the IP address of targetiqn the target IQN dissociateLun Dissociate a LUN User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters iqn Guest IQN. path LUN path. Response createPool Create a pool User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters algorithm algorithm. name pool name. Response deletePool Delete a pool User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters poolname pool name. Response modifyPool Modify pool User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters algorithm algorithm. poolname pool name. Response listPools List Pool User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Response algorithm pool algorithm id pool id name pool name Network Methods createNetwork Creates a network User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters displaytext the display text of the network name the name of the network networkofferingid the network offering id zoneid the Zone ID for the network Optional Parameters account account who will own the network domainid domain ID of the account owning a network endip the ending IP address in the network IP range. If not specified, will be defaulted to startIP gateway the gateway of the network isdefault true if network is default, false otherwise isshared true is network is shared across accounts in the Zone netmask the netmask of the network networkdomain network domain startip the beginning IP address in the network IP range tags Tag the network vlan the ID or VID of the network Response account the owner of the network broadcastdomaintype Broadcast domain type of the network broadcasturi broadcast uri of the network displaytext the displaytext of the network dns1 the first DNS for the network dns2 the second DNS for the network domain the domain name of the network owner domainid the domain id of the network owner endip the end ip of the network gateway the network's gateway id the id of the network isdefault true if network is default, false otherwise isshared true if network is shared, false otherwise issystem true if network is system, false otherwise name the name of the network netmask the network's netmask networkdomain the network domain networkofferingavailability availability of the network offering the network is created from networkofferingdisplaytext display text of the network offering the network is created from networkofferingid network offering id the network is created from networkofferingname name of the network offering the network is created from related related to what other network configuration securitygroupenabled true if security group is enabled, false otherwise service(*) the list of services startip the start ip of the network state state of the network tags comma separated tag traffictype the traffic type of the network type the type of the network vlan the vlan of the network zoneid zone id of the network deleteNetwork Deletes a network User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the network Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listNetworks (A) Lists all available networks. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters account account who will own the VLAN. If VLAN is Zone wide, this parameter should be ommited domainid domain ID of the account owning a VLAN id list networks by id isdefault true if network is default, false otherwise isshared true if network is shared across accounts in the Zone, false otherwise issystem true if network is system, false otherwise keyword List by keyword page no description pagesize no description traffictype type of the traffic type the type of the network zoneid the Zone ID of the network Response account the owner of the network broadcastdomaintype Broadcast domain type of the network broadcasturi broadcast uri of the network displaytext the displaytext of the network dns1 the first DNS for the network dns2 the second DNS for the network domain the domain name of the network owner domainid the domain id of the network owner endip the end ip of the network gateway the network's gateway id the id of the network isdefault true if network is default, false otherwise isshared true if network is shared, false otherwise issystem true if network is system, false otherwise name the name of the network netmask the network's netmask networkdomain the network domain networkofferingavailability availability of the network offering the network is created from networkofferingdisplaytext display text of the network offering the network is created from networkofferingid network offering id the network is created from networkofferingname name of the network offering the network is created from related related to what other network configuration securitygroupenabled true if security group is enabled, false otherwise service(*) the list of services startip the start ip of the network state state of the network tags comma separated tag traffictype the traffic type of the network type the type of the network vlan the vlan of the network zoneid zone id of the network restartNetwork Restarts the network; includes 1) restarting network elements - virtual routers, dhcp servers 2) reapplying all public ips 3) reapplying loadBalancing/portForwarding rules User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id The id of the network to restart. Optional Parameters cleanup If cleanup old network elements Response account the account the public IP address is associated with allocated date the public IP address was acquired associatednetworkid the ID of the Network associated with the IP address domain the domain the public IP address is associated with domainid the domain ID the public IP address is associated with forvirtualnetwork the virtual network for the IP address id public IP address id ipaddress public IP address issourcenat true if the IP address is a source nat address, false otherwise isstaticnat true if this ip is for static nat, false otherwise jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the volume jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status networkid the ID of the Network where ip belongs to state State of the ip address. Can be: Allocatin, Allocated and Releasing virtualmachinedisplayname virutal machine display name the ip address is assigned to (not null only for static nat Ip) virtualmachineid virutal machine id the ip address is assigned to (not null only for static nat Ip) virtualmachinename virutal machine name the ip address is assigned to (not null only for static nat Ip) vlanid the ID of the VLAN associated with the IP address vlanname the VLAN associated with the IP address zoneid the ID of the zone the public IP address belongs to zonename the name of the zone the public IP address belongs to updateNetwork (A) Updates a network User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the network Optional Parameters displaytext the new display text for the network name the new name for the network networkdomain network domain tags tags for the network Response account the owner of the network broadcastdomaintype Broadcast domain type of the network broadcasturi broadcast uri of the network displaytext the displaytext of the network dns1 the first DNS for the network dns2 the second DNS for the network domain the domain name of the network owner domainid the domain id of the network owner endip the end ip of the network gateway the network's gateway id the id of the network isdefault true if network is default, false otherwise isshared true if network is shared, false otherwise issystem true if network is system, false otherwise name the name of the network netmask the network's netmask networkdomain the network domain networkofferingavailability availability of the network offering the network is created from networkofferingdisplaytext display text of the network offering the network is created from networkofferingid network offering id the network is created from networkofferingname name of the network offering the network is created from related related to what other network configuration securitygroupenabled true if security group is enabled, false otherwise service(*) the list of services startip the start ip of the network state state of the network tags comma separated tag traffictype the traffic type of the network type the type of the network vlan the vlan of the network zoneid zone id of the network NetworkDevices Methods addNetworkDevice (A) List external load balancer appliances. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters networkdeviceparameterlist parameters for network device networkdevicetype Network device type, now supports ExternalDhcp, ExternalFirewall, ExternalLoadBalancer, PxeServer Response id the ID of the network device listNetworkDevice List network device. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters keyword List by keyword networkdeviceparameterlist parameters for network device networkdevicetype Network device type, now supports ExternalDhcp, ExternalFirewall, ExternalLoadBalancer, PxeServer page no description pagesize no description Response id the ID of the network device deleteNetworkDevice Delete network device. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters id Id of network device to delete Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully NetworkOffering Methods updateNetworkOffering Updates a network offering. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters availability the availability of network offering. Default value is Required for Guest Virtual network offering; Optional for Guest Direct network offering displaytext the display text of the network offering id the id of the network offering name the name of the network offering Response availability availability of the network offering created the date this network offering was created displaytext an alternate display text of the network offering. guestiptype guest ip type of the network offering id the id of the network offering isdefault true if network offering is default, false otherwise maxconnections the max number of concurrent connection the network offering supports name the name of the network offering networkrate data transfer rate in megabits per second allowed. specifyvlan true if network offering supports vlans, false otherwise tags the tags for the network offering traffictype the traffic type for the network offering, supported types are Public, Management, Control, Guest, Vlan or Storage. listNetworkOfferings Lists all available network offerings. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters availability the availability of network offering. Default value is Required displaytext list network offerings by display text guestiptype the guest ip type for the network offering, supported types are Direct and Virtual. id list network offerings by id isdefault true if need to list only default network offerings. Default value is false isshared true is network offering supports vlans keyword List by keyword name list network offerings by name page no description pagesize no description specifyvlan the tags for the network offering. traffictype list by traffic type zoneid list netowrk offerings available for network creation in specific zone Response availability availability of the network offering created the date this network offering was created displaytext an alternate display text of the network offering. guestiptype guest ip type of the network offering id the id of the network offering isdefault true if network offering is default, false otherwise maxconnections the max number of concurrent connection the network offering supports name the name of the network offering networkrate data transfer rate in megabits per second allowed. specifyvlan true if network offering supports vlans, false otherwise tags the tags for the network offering traffictype the traffic type for the network offering, supported types are Public, Management, Control, Guest, Vlan or Storage. Other Methods listHypervisors List hypervisors User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters zoneid the zone id for listing hypervisors. Response name Hypervisor name Pod Methods createPod Creates a new Pod. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters gateway the gateway for the Pod name the name of the Pod netmask the netmask for the Pod startip the starting IP address for the Pod zoneid the Zone ID in which the Pod will be created Optional Parameters allocationstate Allocation state of this Pod for allocation of new resources endip the ending IP address for the Pod Response allocationstate the allocation state of the cluster endip the ending IP for the Pod gateway the gateway of the Pod id the ID of the Pod name the name of the Pod netmask the netmask of the Pod startip the starting IP for the Pod zoneid the Zone ID of the Pod zonename the Zone name of the Pod updatePod Updates a Pod. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the Pod Optional Parameters allocationstate Allocation state of this cluster for allocation of new resources endip the ending IP address for the Pod gateway the gateway for the Pod name the name of the Pod netmask the netmask of the Pod startip the starting IP address for the Pod Response allocationstate the allocation state of the cluster endip the ending IP for the Pod gateway the gateway of the Pod id the ID of the Pod name the name of the Pod netmask the netmask of the Pod startip the starting IP for the Pod zoneid the Zone ID of the Pod zonename the Zone name of the Pod deletePod Deletes a Pod. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the Pod Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listPods Lists all Pods. User Level: 3 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters allocationstate list pods by allocation state id list Pods by ID keyword List by keyword name list Pods by name page no description pagesize no description zoneid list Pods by Zone ID Response allocationstate the allocation state of the cluster endip the ending IP for the Pod gateway the gateway of the Pod id the ID of the Pod name the name of the Pod netmask the netmask of the Pod startip the starting IP for the Pod zoneid the Zone ID of the Pod zonename the Zone name of the Pod Registration Methods registerUserKeys This command allows a user to register for the developer API, returning a secret key and an API key. This request is made through the integration API port, so it is a privileged command and must be made on behalf of a user. It is up to the implementer just how the username and password are entered, and then how that translates to an integration API request. Both secret key and API key should be returned to the user User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id User id Response apikey the api key of the registered user secretkey the secret key of the registered user Router Methods startRouter Starts a router. User Level: 7 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the router Response account the account associated with the router created the date and time the router was created dns1 the first DNS for the router dns2 the second DNS for the router domain the domain associated with the router domainid the domain ID associated with the router gateway the gateway for the router guestipaddress the guest IP address for the router guestmacaddress the guest MAC address for the router guestnetmask the guest netmask for the router guestnetworkid the ID of the corresponding guest network hostid the host ID for the router hostname the hostname for the router id the id of the router isredundantrouter if this router is an redundant virtual router linklocalip the link local IP address for the router linklocalmacaddress the link local MAC address for the router linklocalnetmask the link local netmask for the router linklocalnetworkid the ID of the corresponding link local network name the name of the router networkdomain the network domain for the router podid the Pod ID for the router publicip the public IP address for the router publicmacaddress the public MAC address for the router publicnetmask the public netmask for the router publicnetworkid the ID of the corresponding public network redundantstate the state of redundant virtual router serviceofferingid the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine serviceofferingname the name of the service offering of the virtual machine state the state of the router templateid the template ID for the router zoneid the Zone ID for the router zonename the Zone name for the router rebootRouter (A) Starts a router. User Level: 7 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the router Response account the account associated with the router created the date and time the router was created dns1 the first DNS for the router dns2 the second DNS for the router domain the domain associated with the router domainid the domain ID associated with the router gateway the gateway for the router guestipaddress the guest IP address for the router guestmacaddress the guest MAC address for the router guestnetmask the guest netmask for the router guestnetworkid the ID of the corresponding guest network hostid the host ID for the router hostname the hostname for the router id the id of the router isredundantrouter if this router is an redundant virtual router linklocalip the link local IP address for the router linklocalmacaddress the link local MAC address for the router linklocalnetmask the link local netmask for the router linklocalnetworkid the ID of the corresponding link local network name the name of the router networkdomain the network domain for the router podid the Pod ID for the router publicip the public IP address for the router publicmacaddress the public MAC address for the router publicnetmask the public netmask for the router publicnetworkid the ID of the corresponding public network redundantstate the state of redundant virtual router serviceofferingid the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine serviceofferingname the name of the service offering of the virtual machine state the state of the router templateid the template ID for the router zoneid the Zone ID for the router zonename the Zone name for the router stopRouter (A) Stops a router. User Level: 7 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the router Optional Parameters forced Force stop the VM. The caller knows the VM is stopped. Response account the account associated with the router created the date and time the router was created dns1 the first DNS for the router dns2 the second DNS for the router domain the domain associated with the router domainid the domain ID associated with the router gateway the gateway for the router guestipaddress the guest IP address for the router guestmacaddress the guest MAC address for the router guestnetmask the guest netmask for the router guestnetworkid the ID of the corresponding guest network hostid the host ID for the router hostname the hostname for the router id the id of the router isredundantrouter if this router is an redundant virtual router linklocalip the link local IP address for the router linklocalmacaddress the link local MAC address for the router linklocalnetmask the link local netmask for the router linklocalnetworkid the ID of the corresponding link local network name the name of the router networkdomain the network domain for the router podid the Pod ID for the router publicip the public IP address for the router publicmacaddress the public MAC address for the router publicnetmask the public netmask for the router publicnetworkid the ID of the corresponding public network redundantstate the state of redundant virtual router serviceofferingid the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine serviceofferingname the name of the service offering of the virtual machine state the state of the router templateid the template ID for the router zoneid the Zone ID for the router zonename the Zone name for the router destroyRouter (A) Destroys a router. User Level: 7 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the router Response account the account associated with the router created the date and time the router was created dns1 the first DNS for the router dns2 the second DNS for the router domain the domain associated with the router domainid the domain ID associated with the router gateway the gateway for the router guestipaddress the guest IP address for the router guestmacaddress the guest MAC address for the router guestnetmask the guest netmask for the router guestnetworkid the ID of the corresponding guest network hostid the host ID for the router hostname the hostname for the router id the id of the router isredundantrouter if this router is an redundant virtual router linklocalip the link local IP address for the router linklocalmacaddress the link local MAC address for the router linklocalnetmask the link local netmask for the router linklocalnetworkid the ID of the corresponding link local network name the name of the router networkdomain the network domain for the router podid the Pod ID for the router publicip the public IP address for the router publicmacaddress the public MAC address for the router publicnetmask the public netmask for the router publicnetworkid the ID of the corresponding public network redundantstate the state of redundant virtual router serviceofferingid the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine serviceofferingname the name of the service offering of the virtual machine state the state of the router templateid the template ID for the router zoneid the Zone ID for the router zonename the Zone name for the router changeServiceForRouter (A) Upgrades domain router to a new service offering User Level: 7 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id The ID of the router serviceofferingid the service offering ID to apply to the domain router Response account the account associated with the router created the date and time the router was created dns1 the first DNS for the router dns2 the second DNS for the router domain the domain associated with the router domainid the domain ID associated with the router gateway the gateway for the router guestipaddress the guest IP address for the router guestmacaddress the guest MAC address for the router guestnetmask the guest netmask for the router guestnetworkid the ID of the corresponding guest network hostid the host ID for the router hostname the hostname for the router id the id of the router isredundantrouter if this router is an redundant virtual router linklocalip the link local IP address for the router linklocalmacaddress the link local MAC address for the router linklocalnetmask the link local netmask for the router linklocalnetworkid the ID of the corresponding link local network name the name of the router networkdomain the network domain for the router podid the Pod ID for the router publicip the public IP address for the router publicmacaddress the public MAC address for the router publicnetmask the public netmask for the router publicnetworkid the ID of the corresponding public network redundantstate the state of redundant virtual router serviceofferingid the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine serviceofferingname the name of the service offering of the virtual machine state the state of the router templateid the template ID for the router zoneid the Zone ID for the router zonename the Zone name for the router listRouters List routers. User Level: 7 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters account the name of the account associated with the router. Must be used with the domainId parameter. domainid the domain ID associated with the router. If used with the account parameter, lists all routers associated with an account in the specified domain. hostid the host ID of the router id the ID of the disk router keyword List by keyword name the name of the router networkid list by network id page no description pagesize no description podid the Pod ID of the router state the state of the router zoneid the Zone ID of the router Response account the account associated with the router created the date and time the router was created dns1 the first DNS for the router dns2 the second DNS for the router domain the domain associated with the router domainid the domain ID associated with the router gateway the gateway for the router guestipaddress the guest IP address for the router guestmacaddress the guest MAC address for the router guestnetmask the guest netmask for the router guestnetworkid the ID of the corresponding guest network hostid the host ID for the router hostname the hostname for the router id the id of the router isredundantrouter if this router is an redundant virtual router linklocalip the link local IP address for the router linklocalmacaddress the link local MAC address for the router linklocalnetmask the link local netmask for the router linklocalnetworkid the ID of the corresponding link local network name the name of the router networkdomain the network domain for the router podid the Pod ID for the router publicip the public IP address for the router publicmacaddress the public MAC address for the router publicnetmask the public netmask for the router publicnetworkid the ID of the corresponding public network redundantstate the state of redundant virtual router serviceofferingid the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine serviceofferingname the name of the service offering of the virtual machine state the state of the router templateid the template ID for the router zoneid the Zone ID for the router zonename the Zone name for the router SSHKeyPair Methods registerSSHKeyPair Register a public key in a keypair under a certain name User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters name Name of the keypair publickey Public key material of the keypair Optional Parameters account an optional account for the ssh key. Must be used with domainId. domainid an optional domainId for the ssh key. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used. Response fingerprint Fingerprint of the public key name Name of the keypair privatekey Private key createSSHKeyPair Create a new keypair and returns the private key User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters name Name of the keypair Optional Parameters account an optional account for the ssh key. Must be used with domainId. domainid an optional domainId for the ssh key. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used. Response fingerprint Fingerprint of the public key name Name of the keypair privatekey Private key deleteSSHKeyPair Deletes a keypair by name User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters name Name of the keypair Optional Parameters account the account associated with the keypair. Must be used with the domainId parameter. domainid the domain ID associated with the keypair Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listSSHKeyPairs List registered keypairs User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters fingerprint A public key fingerprint to look for keyword List by keyword name A key pair name to look for page no description pagesize no description Response fingerprint Fingerprint of the public key name Name of the keypair privatekey Private key SecurityGroup Methods createSecurityGroup Creates a security group User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters name name of the security group Optional Parameters account an optional account for the security group. Must be used with domainId. description the description of the security group domainid an optional domainId for the security group. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used. Response account the account owning the security group description the description of the security group domain the domain name of the security group domainid the domain ID of the security group id the ID of the security group ingressrule(*) the list of ingress rules associated with the security group jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the volume jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status name the name of the security group deleteSecurityGroup Deletes security group User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters account the account of the security group. Must be specified with domain ID domainid the domain ID of account owning the security group id The ID of the security group. Mutually exclusive with name parameter name The ID of the security group. Mutually exclusive with id parameter Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully authorizeSecurityGroupIngress Authorizes a particular ingress rule for this security group User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters account an optional account for the virtual machine. Must be used with domainId. cidrlist the cidr list associated domainid an optional domainId for the security group. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used. endport end port for this ingress rule icmpcode error code for this icmp message icmptype type of the icmp message being sent protocol TCP is default. UDP is the other supported protocol securitygroupid The ID of the security group. Mutually exclusive with securityGroupName parameter securitygroupname The name of the security group. Mutually exclusive with securityGroupName parameter startport start port for this ingress rule usersecuritygrouplist user to security group mapping Response account account owning the ingress rule cidr the CIDR notation for the base IP address of the ingress rule endport the ending IP of the ingress rule icmpcode the code for the ICMP message response icmptype the type of the ICMP message response protocol the protocol of the ingress rule ruleid the id of the ingress rule securitygroupname security group name startport the starting IP of the ingress rule revokeSecurityGroupIngress (A) Deletes a particular ingress rule from this security group User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id The ID of the ingress rule Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listSecurityGroups (A) Lists security groups User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters account lists all available port security groups for the account. Must be used with domainID parameter domainid lists all available security groups for the domain ID. If used with the account parameter, lists all available security groups for the account in the specified domain ID. id list the security group by the id provided keyword List by keyword page no description pagesize no description securitygroupname lists security groups by name virtualmachineid lists security groups by virtual machine id Response account the account owning the security group description the description of the security group domain the domain name of the security group domainid the domain ID of the security group id the ID of the security group ingressrule(*) the list of ingress rules associated with the security group jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the volume jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status name the name of the security group ServiceOffering Methods createServiceOffering Creates a service offering. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters cpunumber the CPU number of the service offering cpuspeed the CPU speed of the service offering in MHz. displaytext the display text of the service offering memory the total memory of the service offering in MB name the name of the service offering Optional Parameters domainid the ID of the containing domain, null for public offerings hosttags the host tag for this service offering. issystem is this a system vm offering limitcpuuse restrict the CPU usage to committed service offering networkrate data transfer rate in megabits per second allowed. Supported only for non-System offering and system offerings having "domainrouter" systemvmtype offerha the HA for the service offering storagetype the storage type of the service offering. Values are local and shared. systemvmtype the system VM type. Possible types are "domainrouter", "consoleproxy" and "secondarystoragevm". tags the tags for this service offering. Response cpunumber the number of CPU cpuspeed the clock rate CPU speed in Mhz created the date this service offering was created defaultuse is this a default system vm offering displaytext an alternate display text of the service offering. domain Domain name for the offering domainid the domain id of the service offering hosttags the host tag for the service offering id the id of the service offering issystem is this a system vm offering limitcpuuse restrict the CPU usage to committed service offering memory the memory in MB name the name of the service offering networkrate data transfer rate in megabits per second allowed. offerha the ha support in the service offering storagetype the storage type for this service offering systemvmtype is this a the systemvm type for system vm offering tags the tags for the service offering deleteServiceOffering Deletes a service offering. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the service offering Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully updateServiceOffering Updates a service offering. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the service offering to be updated Optional Parameters displaytext the display text of the service offering to be updated name the name of the service offering to be updated Response cpunumber the number of CPU cpuspeed the clock rate CPU speed in Mhz created the date this service offering was created defaultuse is this a default system vm offering displaytext an alternate display text of the service offering. domain Domain name for the offering domainid the domain id of the service offering hosttags the host tag for the service offering id the id of the service offering issystem is this a system vm offering limitcpuuse restrict the CPU usage to committed service offering memory the memory in MB name the name of the service offering networkrate data transfer rate in megabits per second allowed. offerha the ha support in the service offering storagetype the storage type for this service offering systemvmtype is this a the systemvm type for system vm offering tags the tags for the service offering listServiceOfferings Lists all available service offerings. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters domainid the ID of the domain associated with the service offering id ID of the service offering issystem is this a system vm offering keyword List by keyword name name of the service offering page no description pagesize no description systemvmtype the system VM type. Possible types are "consoleproxy", "secondarystoragevm" or "domainrouter". virtualmachineid the ID of the virtual machine. Pass this in if you want to see the available service offering that a virtual machine can be changed to. Response cpunumber the number of CPU cpuspeed the clock rate CPU speed in Mhz created the date this service offering was created defaultuse is this a default system vm offering displaytext an alternate display text of the service offering. domain Domain name for the offering domainid the domain id of the service offering hosttags the host tag for the service offering id the id of the service offering issystem is this a system vm offering limitcpuuse restrict the CPU usage to committed service offering memory the memory in MB name the name of the service offering networkrate data transfer rate in megabits per second allowed. offerha the ha support in the service offering storagetype the storage type for this service offering systemvmtype is this a the systemvm type for system vm offering tags the tags for the service offering Session Methods login Logs a user into the CloudStack. A successful login attempt will generate a JSESSIONID cookie value that can be passed in subsequent Query command calls until the "logout" command has been issued or the session has expired. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters password Hashed password (Default is MD5). If you wish to use any other hashing algorithm, you would need to write a custom authentication adapter See Docs section. username Username Optional Parameters domain path of the domain that the user belongs to. Example: domain=/com/cloud/internal. If no domain is passed in, the ROOT domain is assumed. Response account the account name the user belongs to domainid domain ID that the user belongs to firstname first name of the user lastname last name of the user password Password sessionkey Session key that can be passed in subsequent Query command calls timeout the time period before the session has expired timezone user time zone timezoneoffset user time zone offset from UTC 00:00 type the account type (admin, domain-admin, read-only-admin, user) userid User id username Username logout Logs out the user User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Response success success if the logout action succeeded Snapshot Methods createSnapshot Creates an instant snapshot of a volume. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters volumeid The ID of the disk volume Optional Parameters account The account of the snapshot. The account parameter must be used with the domainId parameter. domainid The domain ID of the snapshot. If used with the account parameter, specifies a domain for the account associated with the disk volume. policyid policy id of the snapshot, if this is null, then use MANUAL_POLICY. Response account the account associated with the snapshot created the date the snapshot was created domain the domain name of the snapshot's account domainid the domain ID of the snapshot's account id ID of the snapshot intervaltype valid types are hourly, daily, weekly, monthy, template, and none. jobid the job ID associated with the snapshot. This is only displayed if the snapshot listed is part of a currently running asynchronous job. jobstatus the job status associated with the snapshot. This is only displayed if the snapshot listed is part of a currently running asynchronous job. name name of the snapshot snapshottype the type of the snapshot state the state of the snapshot. BackedUp means that snapshot is ready to be used; Creating - the snapshot is being allocated on the primary storage; BackingUp - the snapshot is being backed up on secondary storage volumeid ID of the disk volume volumename name of the disk volume volumetype type of the disk volume listSnapshots (A) Lists all available snapshots for the account. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters account lists snapshot belongig to the specified account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. domainid the domain ID. If used with the account parameter, lists snapshots for the specified account in this domain. id lists snapshot by snapshot ID intervaltype valid values are HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, and MONTHLY. isrecursive defaults to false, but if true, lists all snapshots from the parent specified by the domain id till leaves. keyword List by keyword name lists snapshot by snapshot name page no description pagesize no description snapshottype valid values are MANUAL or RECURRING. volumeid the ID of the disk volume Response account the account associated with the snapshot created the date the snapshot was created domain the domain name of the snapshot's account domainid the domain ID of the snapshot's account id ID of the snapshot intervaltype valid types are hourly, daily, weekly, monthy, template, and none. jobid the job ID associated with the snapshot. This is only displayed if the snapshot listed is part of a currently running asynchronous job. jobstatus the job status associated with the snapshot. This is only displayed if the snapshot listed is part of a currently running asynchronous job. name name of the snapshot snapshottype the type of the snapshot state the state of the snapshot. BackedUp means that snapshot is ready to be used; Creating - the snapshot is being allocated on the primary storage; BackingUp - the snapshot is being backed up on secondary storage volumeid ID of the disk volume volumename name of the disk volume volumetype type of the disk volume deleteSnapshot Deletes a snapshot of a disk volume. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id The ID of the snapshot Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully createSnapshotPolicy (A) Creates a snapshot policy for the account. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters intervaltype valid values are HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, and MONTHLY maxsnaps maximum number of snapshots to retain schedule time the snapshot is scheduled to be taken. Format is:* if HOURLY, MM* if DAILY, MM:HH* if WEEKLY, MM:HH:DD (1-7)* if MONTHLY, MM:HH:DD (1-28) timezone Specifies a timezone for this command. For more information on the timezone parameter, see Time Zone Format. volumeid the ID of the disk volume Response id the ID of the snapshot policy intervaltype the interval type of the snapshot policy maxsnaps maximum number of snapshots retained schedule time the snapshot is scheduled to be taken. timezone the time zone of the snapshot policy volumeid the ID of the disk volume deleteSnapshotPolicies Deletes snapshot policies for the account. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters id the Id of the snapshot ids list of snapshots IDs separated by comma Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listSnapshotPolicies Lists snapshot policies. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters volumeid the ID of the disk volume Optional Parameters account lists snapshot policies for the specified account. Must be used with domainid parameter. domainid the domain ID. If used with the account parameter, lists snapshot policies for the specified account in this domain. keyword List by keyword page no description pagesize no description Response id the ID of the snapshot policy intervaltype the interval type of the snapshot policy maxsnaps maximum number of snapshots retained schedule time the snapshot is scheduled to be taken. timezone the time zone of the snapshot policy volumeid the ID of the disk volume StoragePools Methods listStoragePools Lists storage pools. User Level: 3 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters clusterid list storage pools belongig to the specific cluster id the ID of the storage pool ipaddress the IP address for the storage pool keyword List by keyword name the name of the storage pool page no description pagesize no description path the storage pool path podid the Pod ID for the storage pool zoneid the Zone ID for the storage pool Response clusterid the ID of the cluster for the storage pool clustername the name of the cluster for the storage pool created the date and time the storage pool was created disksizeallocated the host's currently allocated disk size disksizetotal the total disk size of the storage pool id the ID of the storage pool ipaddress the IP address of the storage pool jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the storage pool jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status name the name of the storage pool path the storage pool path podid the Pod ID of the storage pool podname the Pod name of the storage pool state the state of the storage pool tags the tags for the storage pool type the storage pool type zoneid the Zone ID of the storage pool zonename the Zone name of the storage pool createStoragePool Creates a storage pool. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters name the name for the storage pool url the URL of the storage pool zoneid the Zone ID for the storage pool Optional Parameters clusterid the cluster ID for the storage pool details the details for the storage pool podid the Pod ID for the storage pool tags the tags for the storage pool Response clusterid the ID of the cluster for the storage pool clustername the name of the cluster for the storage pool created the date and time the storage pool was created disksizeallocated the host's currently allocated disk size disksizetotal the total disk size of the storage pool id the ID of the storage pool ipaddress the IP address of the storage pool jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the storage pool jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status name the name of the storage pool path the storage pool path podid the Pod ID of the storage pool podname the Pod name of the storage pool state the state of the storage pool tags the tags for the storage pool type the storage pool type zoneid the Zone ID of the storage pool zonename the Zone name of the storage pool deleteStoragePool Deletes a storage pool. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id Storage pool id Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listClusters Lists clusters. User Level: 3 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters allocationstate lists clusters by allocation state clustertype lists clusters by cluster type hypervisor lists clusters by hypervisor type id lists clusters by the cluster ID keyword List by keyword managedstate whether this cluster is managed by cloudstack name lists clusters by the cluster name page no description pagesize no description podid lists clusters by Pod ID zoneid lists clusters by Zone ID Response allocationstate the allocation state of the cluster clustertype the type of the cluster hypervisortype the hypervisor type of the cluster id the cluster ID managedstate whether this cluster is managed by cloudstack name the cluster name podid the Pod ID of the cluster podname the Pod name of the cluster zoneid the Zone ID of the cluster zonename the Zone name of the cluster enableStorageMaintenance Puts storage pool into maintenance state User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id Primary storage ID Response clusterid the ID of the cluster for the storage pool clustername the name of the cluster for the storage pool created the date and time the storage pool was created disksizeallocated the host's currently allocated disk size disksizetotal the total disk size of the storage pool id the ID of the storage pool ipaddress the IP address of the storage pool jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the storage pool jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status name the name of the storage pool path the storage pool path podid the Pod ID of the storage pool podname the Pod name of the storage pool state the state of the storage pool tags the tags for the storage pool type the storage pool type zoneid the Zone ID of the storage pool zonename the Zone name of the storage pool cancelStorageMaintenance (A) Cancels maintenance for primary storage User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the primary storage ID Response clusterid the ID of the cluster for the storage pool clustername the name of the cluster for the storage pool created the date and time the storage pool was created disksizeallocated the host's currently allocated disk size disksizetotal the total disk size of the storage pool id the ID of the storage pool ipaddress the IP address of the storage pool jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the storage pool jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status name the name of the storage pool path the storage pool path podid the Pod ID of the storage pool podname the Pod name of the storage pool state the state of the storage pool tags the tags for the storage pool type the storage pool type zoneid the Zone ID of the storage pool zonename the Zone name of the storage pool SystemCapacity Methods listCapacity (A) Lists capacity. User Level: 3 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters hostid lists capacity by the Host ID keyword List by keyword page no description pagesize no description podid lists capacity by the Pod ID type lists capacity by type* CAPACITY_TYPE_MEMORY = 0* CAPACITY_TYPE_CPU = 1* CAPACITY_TYPE_STORAGE = 2* CAPACITY_TYPE_STORAGE_ALLOCATED = 3* CAPACITY_TYPE_PUBLIC_IP = 4* CAPACITY_TYPE_PRIVATE_IP = 5* CAPACITY_TYPE_SECONDARY_STORAGE = 6 zoneid lists capacity by the Zone ID Response capacitytotal the total capacity available capacityused the capacity currently in use percentused the percentage of capacity currently in use podid the Pod ID podname the Pod name type the capacity type zoneid the Zone ID zonename the Zone name SystemVM Methods startSystemVm Starts a system virtual machine. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id The ID of the system virtual machine Response activeviewersessions the number of active console sessions for the console proxy system vm created the date and time the system VM was created dns1 the first DNS for the system VM dns2 the second DNS for the system VM gateway the gateway for the system VM hostid the host ID for the system VM hostname the hostname for the system VM id the ID of the system VM jobid the job ID associated with the system VM. This is only displayed if the router listed is part of a currently running asynchronous job. jobstatus the job status associated with the system VM. This is only displayed if the router listed is part of a currently running asynchronous job. linklocalip the link local IP address for the system vm linklocalmacaddress the link local MAC address for the system vm linklocalnetmask the link local netmask for the system vm name the name of the system VM networkdomain the network domain for the system VM podid the Pod ID for the system VM privateip the private IP address for the system VM privatemacaddress the private MAC address for the system VM privatenetmask the private netmask for the system VM publicip the public IP address for the system VM publicmacaddress the public MAC address for the system VM publicnetmask the public netmask for the system VM state the state of the system VM systemvmtype the system VM type templateid the template ID for the system VM zoneid the Zone ID for the system VM zonename the Zone name for the system VM rebootSystemVm (A) Reboots a system VM. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id The ID of the system virtual machine Response activeviewersessions the number of active console sessions for the console proxy system vm created the date and time the system VM was created dns1 the first DNS for the system VM dns2 the second DNS for the system VM gateway the gateway for the system VM hostid the host ID for the system VM hostname the hostname for the system VM id the ID of the system VM jobid the job ID associated with the system VM. This is only displayed if the router listed is part of a currently running asynchronous job. jobstatus the job status associated with the system VM. This is only displayed if the router listed is part of a currently running asynchronous job. linklocalip the link local IP address for the system vm linklocalmacaddress the link local MAC address for the system vm linklocalnetmask the link local netmask for the system vm name the name of the system VM networkdomain the network domain for the system VM podid the Pod ID for the system VM privateip the private IP address for the system VM privatemacaddress the private MAC address for the system VM privatenetmask the private netmask for the system VM publicip the public IP address for the system VM publicmacaddress the public MAC address for the system VM publicnetmask the public netmask for the system VM state the state of the system VM systemvmtype the system VM type templateid the template ID for the system VM zoneid the Zone ID for the system VM zonename the Zone name for the system VM stopSystemVm (A) Stops a system VM. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id The ID of the system virtual machine Optional Parameters forced Force stop the VM. The caller knows the VM is stopped. Response activeviewersessions the number of active console sessions for the console proxy system vm created the date and time the system VM was created dns1 the first DNS for the system VM dns2 the second DNS for the system VM gateway the gateway for the system VM hostid the host ID for the system VM hostname the hostname for the system VM id the ID of the system VM jobid the job ID associated with the system VM. This is only displayed if the router listed is part of a currently running asynchronous job. jobstatus the job status associated with the system VM. This is only displayed if the router listed is part of a currently running asynchronous job. linklocalip the link local IP address for the system vm linklocalmacaddress the link local MAC address for the system vm linklocalnetmask the link local netmask for the system vm name the name of the system VM networkdomain the network domain for the system VM podid the Pod ID for the system VM privateip the private IP address for the system VM privatemacaddress the private MAC address for the system VM privatenetmask the private netmask for the system VM publicip the public IP address for the system VM publicmacaddress the public MAC address for the system VM publicnetmask the public netmask for the system VM state the state of the system VM systemvmtype the system VM type templateid the template ID for the system VM zoneid the Zone ID for the system VM zonename the Zone name for the system VM destroySystemVm (A) Destroyes a system virtual machine. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id The ID of the system virtual machine Response activeviewersessions the number of active console sessions for the console proxy system vm created the date and time the system VM was created dns1 the first DNS for the system VM dns2 the second DNS for the system VM gateway the gateway for the system VM hostid the host ID for the system VM hostname the hostname for the system VM id the ID of the system VM jobid the job ID associated with the system VM. This is only displayed if the router listed is part of a currently running asynchronous job. jobstatus the job status associated with the system VM. This is only displayed if the router listed is part of a currently running asynchronous job. linklocalip the link local IP address for the system vm linklocalmacaddress the link local MAC address for the system vm linklocalnetmask the link local netmask for the system vm name the name of the system VM networkdomain the network domain for the system VM podid the Pod ID for the system VM privateip the private IP address for the system VM privatemacaddress the private MAC address for the system VM privatenetmask the private netmask for the system VM publicip the public IP address for the system VM publicmacaddress the public MAC address for the system VM publicnetmask the public netmask for the system VM state the state of the system VM systemvmtype the system VM type templateid the template ID for the system VM zoneid the Zone ID for the system VM zonename the Zone name for the system VM listSystemVms (A) List system virtual machines. User Level: 3 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters hostid the host ID of the system VM id the ID of the system VM keyword List by keyword name the name of the system VM page no description pagesize no description podid the Pod ID of the system VM state the state of the system VM systemvmtype the system VM type. Possible types are "consoleproxy" and "secondarystoragevm". zoneid the Zone ID of the system VM Response activeviewersessions the number of active console sessions for the console proxy system vm created the date and time the system VM was created dns1 the first DNS for the system VM dns2 the second DNS for the system VM gateway the gateway for the system VM hostid the host ID for the system VM hostname the hostname for the system VM id the ID of the system VM jobid the job ID associated with the system VM. This is only displayed if the router listed is part of a currently running asynchronous job. jobstatus the job status associated with the system VM. This is only displayed if the router listed is part of a currently running asynchronous job. linklocalip the link local IP address for the system vm linklocalmacaddress the link local MAC address for the system vm linklocalnetmask the link local netmask for the system vm name the name of the system VM networkdomain the network domain for the system VM podid the Pod ID for the system VM privateip the private IP address for the system VM privatemacaddress the private MAC address for the system VM privatenetmask the private netmask for the system VM publicip the public IP address for the system VM publicmacaddress the public MAC address for the system VM publicnetmask the public netmask for the system VM state the state of the system VM systemvmtype the system VM type templateid the template ID for the system VM zoneid the Zone ID for the system VM zonename the Zone name for the system VM migrateSystemVm Attempts Migration of a system virtual machine to the host specified. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters hostid destination Host ID to migrate VM to virtualmachineid the ID of the virtual machine Response hostid the host ID for the system VM id the ID of the system VM name the name of the system VM role the role of the system VM state the state of the system VM systemvmtype the system VM type Template Methods createTemplate (A) Creates a template of a virtual machine. The virtual machine must be in a STOPPED state. A template created from this command is automatically designated as a private template visible to the account that created it. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters displaytext the display text of the template. This is usually used for display purposes. name the name of the template ostypeid the ID of the OS Type that best represents the OS of this template. Optional Parameters bits 32 or 64 bit details Template details in key/value pairs. isfeatured true if this template is a featured template, false otherwise ispublic true if this template is a public template, false otherwise passwordenabled true if the template supports the password reset feature; default is false requireshvm true if the template requres HVM, false otherwise snapshotid the ID of the snapshot the template is being created from. Either this parameter, or volumeId has to be passed in templatetag the tag for this template. url Optional, only for baremetal hypervisor. The directory name where template stored on CIFS server virtualmachineid Optional, VM ID. If this presents, it is going to create a baremetal template for VM this ID refers to. This is only for VM whose hypervisor type is BareMetal volumeid the ID of the disk volume the template is being created from. Either this parameter, or snapshotId has to be passed in Response clusterid the ID of the cluster for the storage pool clustername the name of the cluster for the storage pool created the date and time the storage pool was created disksizeallocated the host's currently allocated disk size disksizetotal the total disk size of the storage pool id the ID of the storage pool ipaddress the IP address of the storage pool jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the storage pool jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status name the name of the storage pool path the storage pool path podid the Pod ID of the storage pool podname the Pod name of the storage pool state the state of the storage pool tags the tags for the storage pool type the storage pool type zoneid the Zone ID of the storage pool zonename the Zone name of the storage pool registerTemplate (A) Registers an existing template into the cloud. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters displaytext the display text of the template. This is usually used for display purposes. format the format for the template. Possible values include QCOW2, RAW, and VHD. hypervisor the target hypervisor for the template name the name of the template ostypeid the ID of the OS Type that best represents the OS of this template. url the URL of where the template is hosted. Possible URL include http:// and https:// zoneid the ID of the zone the template is to be hosted on Optional Parameters account an optional accountName. Must be used with domainId. bits 32 or 64 bits support. 64 by default checksum the MD5 checksum value of this template details Template details in key/value pairs. domainid an optional domainId. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used. isextractable true if the template or its derivatives are extractable; default is false isfeatured true if this template is a featured template, false otherwise ispublic true if the template is available to all accounts; default is true passwordenabled true if the template supports the password reset feature; default is false requireshvm true if this template requires HVM templatetag the tag for this template. Response account the account name to which the template belongs accountid the account id to which the template belongs bootable true if the ISO is bootable, false otherwise checksum checksum of the template created the date this template was created crossZones true if the template is managed across all Zones, false otherwise details additional key/value details tied with template displaytext the template display text domain the name of the domain to which the template belongs domainid the ID of the domain to which the template belongs format the format of the template. hostid the ID of the secondary storage host for the template hostname the name of the secondary storage host for the template hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the template ID isextractable true if the template is extractable, false otherwise isfeatured true if this template is a featured template, false otherwise ispublic true if this template is a public template, false otherwise isready true if the template is ready to be deployed from, false otherwise. jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the template jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status name the template name ostypeid the ID of the OS type for this template. ostypename the name of the OS type for this template. passwordenabled true if the reset password feature is enabled, false otherwise removed the date this template was removed size the size of the template sourcetemplateid the template ID of the parent template if present status the status of the template templatetag the tag of this template templatetype the type of the template zoneid the ID of the zone for this template zonename the name of the zone for this template updateTemplate Updates attributes of a template. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the image file Optional Parameters bootable true if image is bootable, false otherwise displaytext the display text of the image format the format for the image name the name of the image file ostypeid the ID of the OS type that best represents the OS of this image. passwordenabled true if the image supports the password reset feature; default is false Response account the account name to which the template belongs accountid the account id to which the template belongs bootable true if the ISO is bootable, false otherwise checksum checksum of the template created the date this template was created crossZones true if the template is managed across all Zones, false otherwise details additional key/value details tied with template displaytext the template display text domain the name of the domain to which the template belongs domainid the ID of the domain to which the template belongs format the format of the template. hostid the ID of the secondary storage host for the template hostname the name of the secondary storage host for the template hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the template ID isextractable true if the template is extractable, false otherwise isfeatured true if this template is a featured template, false otherwise ispublic true if this template is a public template, false otherwise isready true if the template is ready to be deployed from, false otherwise. jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the template jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status name the template name ostypeid the ID of the OS type for this template. ostypename the name of the OS type for this template. passwordenabled true if the reset password feature is enabled, false otherwise removed the date this template was removed size the size of the template sourcetemplateid the template ID of the parent template if present status the status of the template templatetag the tag of this template templatetype the type of the template zoneid the ID of the zone for this template zonename the name of the zone for this template copyTemplate Copies a template from one zone to another. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters destzoneid ID of the zone the template is being copied to. id Template ID. sourcezoneid ID of the zone the template is currently hosted on. Response account the account name to which the template belongs accountid the account id to which the template belongs bootable true if the ISO is bootable, false otherwise checksum checksum of the template created the date this template was created crossZones true if the template is managed across all Zones, false otherwise details additional key/value details tied with template displaytext the template display text domain the name of the domain to which the template belongs domainid the ID of the domain to which the template belongs format the format of the template. hostid the ID of the secondary storage host for the template hostname the name of the secondary storage host for the template hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the template ID isextractable true if the template is extractable, false otherwise isfeatured true if this template is a featured template, false otherwise ispublic true if this template is a public template, false otherwise isready true if the template is ready to be deployed from, false otherwise. jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the template jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status name the template name ostypeid the ID of the OS type for this template. ostypename the name of the OS type for this template. passwordenabled true if the reset password feature is enabled, false otherwise removed the date this template was removed size the size of the template sourcetemplateid the template ID of the parent template if present status the status of the template templatetag the tag of this template templatetype the type of the template zoneid the ID of the zone for this template zonename the name of the zone for this template deleteTemplate (A) Deletes a template from the system. All virtual machines using the deleted template will not be affected. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the template Optional Parameters zoneid the ID of zone of the template Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listTemplates (A) List all public, private, and privileged templates. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters templatefilter possible values are "featured", "self", "self-executable", "executable", and "community".* featured-templates that are featured and are public* self-templates that have been registered/created by the owner* selfexecutable-templates that have been registered/created by the owner that can be used to deploy a new VM* executable-all templates that can be used to deploy a new VM* community-templates that are public. Optional Parameters account list template by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. domainid list all templates in specified domain. If used with the account parameter, lists all templates for an account in the specified domain. hypervisor the hypervisor for which to restrict the search id the template ID keyword List by keyword name the template name page no description pagesize no description zoneid list templates by zoneId Response account the account name to which the template belongs accountid the account id to which the template belongs bootable true if the ISO is bootable, false otherwise checksum checksum of the template created the date this template was created crossZones true if the template is managed across all Zones, false otherwise details additional key/value details tied with template displaytext the template display text domain the name of the domain to which the template belongs domainid the ID of the domain to which the template belongs format the format of the template. hostid the ID of the secondary storage host for the template hostname the name of the secondary storage host for the template hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the template ID isextractable true if the template is extractable, false otherwise isfeatured true if this template is a featured template, false otherwise ispublic true if this template is a public template, false otherwise isready true if the template is ready to be deployed from, false otherwise. jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the template jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status name the template name ostypeid the ID of the OS type for this template. ostypename the name of the OS type for this template. passwordenabled true if the reset password feature is enabled, false otherwise removed the date this template was removed size the size of the template sourcetemplateid the template ID of the parent template if present status the status of the template templatetag the tag of this template templatetype the type of the template zoneid the ID of the zone for this template zonename the name of the zone for this template updateTemplatePermissions Updates a template visibility permissions. A public template is visible to all accounts within the same domain. A private template is visible only to the owner of the template. A priviledged template is a private template with account permissions added. Only accounts specified under the template permissions are visible to them. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the template ID Optional Parameters accounts a comma delimited list of accounts. If specified, "op" parameter has to be passed in. isextractable true if the template/iso is extractable, false other wise. Can be set only by root admin isfeatured true for featured template/iso, false otherwise ispublic true for public template/iso, false for private templates/isos op permission operator (add, remove, reset) Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listTemplatePermissions List template visibility and all accounts that have permissions to view this template. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the template ID Optional Parameters account List template visibility and permissions for the specified account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. domainid List template visibility and permissions by domain. If used with the account parameter, specifies in which domain the specified account exists. Response account the list of accounts the template is available for domainid the ID of the domain to which the template belongs id the template ID ispublic true if this template is a public template, false otherwise extractTemplate Extracts a template User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the template mode the mode of extraction - HTTP_DOWNLOAD or FTP_UPLOAD zoneid the ID of the zone where the ISO is originally located Optional Parameters url the url to which the ISO would be extracted Response accountid the account id to which the extracted object belongs created the time and date the object was created extractId the upload id of extracted object extractMode the mode of extraction - upload or download id the id of extracted object name the name of the extracted object state the state of the extracted object status the status of the extraction storagetype type of the storage uploadpercentage the percentage of the entity uploaded to the specified location url if mode = upload then url of the uploaded entity. if mode = download the url from which the entity can be downloaded zoneid zone ID the object was extracted from zonename zone name the object was extracted from prepareTemplate (A) load template into primary storage User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters templateid template ID of the template to be prepared in primary storage(s). zoneid zone ID of the template to be prepared in primary storage(s). Response account the account name to which the template belongs accountid the account id to which the template belongs bootable true if the ISO is bootable, false otherwise checksum checksum of the template created the date this template was created crossZones true if the template is managed across all Zones, false otherwise details additional key/value details tied with template displaytext the template display text domain the name of the domain to which the template belongs domainid the ID of the domain to which the template belongs format the format of the template. hostid the ID of the secondary storage host for the template hostname the name of the secondary storage host for the template hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the template ID isextractable true if the template is extractable, false otherwise isfeatured true if this template is a featured template, false otherwise ispublic true if this template is a public template, false otherwise isready true if the template is ready to be deployed from, false otherwise. jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the template jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status name the template name ostypeid the ID of the OS type for this template. ostypename the name of the OS type for this template. passwordenabled true if the reset password feature is enabled, false otherwise removed the date this template was removed size the size of the template sourcetemplateid the template ID of the parent template if present status the status of the template templatetag the tag of this template templatetype the type of the template zoneid the ID of the zone for this template zonename the name of the zone for this template TrafficMonitor Methods addTrafficMonitor Adds Traffic Monitor Host for Direct Network Usage User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters url URL of the traffic monitor Host zoneid Zone in which to add the external firewall appliance. Response id the ID of the external firewall ipaddress the management IP address of the external firewall numretries the number of times to retry requests to the external firewall privateinterface the private interface of the external firewall privatezone the private security zone of the external firewall publicinterface the public interface of the external firewall publiczone the public security zone of the external firewall timeout the timeout (in seconds) for requests to the external firewall usageinterface the usage interface of the external firewall username the username that's used to log in to the external firewall zoneid the zone ID of the external firewall deleteTrafficMonitor Deletes an traffic monitor host. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id Id of the Traffic Monitor Host. Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listTrafficMonitors List traffic monitor Hosts. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters zoneid zone Id Optional Parameters keyword List by keyword page no description pagesize no description Response id the ID of the external firewall ipaddress the management IP address of the external firewall numretries the number of times to retry requests to the external firewall privateinterface the private interface of the external firewall privatezone the private security zone of the external firewall publicinterface the public interface of the external firewall publiczone the public security zone of the external firewall timeout the timeout (in seconds) for requests to the external firewall usageinterface the usage interface of the external firewall username the username that's used to log in to the external firewall zoneid the zone ID of the external firewall Usage Methods generateUsageRecords Generates usage records User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters enddate End date range for usage record query. Use yyyy-MM-dd as the date format, e.g. startDate=2009-06-03. startdate Start date range for usage record query. Use yyyy-MM-dd as the date format, e.g. startDate=2009-06-01. Optional Parameters domainid List events for the specified domain. Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listUsageRecords Lists usage records for accounts User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters enddate End date range for usage record query. Use yyyy-MM-dd as the date format, e.g. startDate=2009-06-03. startdate Start date range for usage record query. Use yyyy-MM-dd as the date format, e.g. startDate=2009-06-01. Optional Parameters account List usage records for the specified user. accountid List usage records for the specified account domainid List usage records for the specified domain. keyword List by keyword page no description pagesize no description Response account the user account name accountid the user account Id assigneddate the assign date of the account description description of account, including account name, service offering, and template domainid the domain ID number enddate end date of account ipaddress the IP address issourcenat source Nat flag for IPAddress name virtual machine name offeringid service offering ID number rawusage raw usage in hours releaseddate the release date of the account startdate start date of account templateid template ID number type type usage usage in hours usageid id of the usage entity usagetype usage type virtualmachineid virtual machine ID number zoneid the zone ID number User Methods createUser Creates a user for an account that already exists User Level: 3 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters account Creates the user under the specified account. If no account is specified, the username will be used as the account name. email email firstname firstname lastname lastname password Hashed password (Default is MD5). If you wish to use any other hashing algorithm, you would need to write a custom authentication adapter See Docs section. username Unique username. Optional Parameters domainid Creates the user under the specified domain. Has to be accompanied with the account parameter timezone Specifies a timezone for this command. For more information on the timezone parameter, see Time Zone Format. Response account the account name of the user accounttype the account type of the user apikey the api key of the user created the date and time the user account was created domain the domain name of the user domainid the domain ID of the user email the user email address firstname the user firstname id the user ID lastname the user lastname secretkey the secret key of the user state the user state timezone the timezone user was created in username the user name deleteUser Creates a user for an account User Level: 3 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id Deletes a user Response account the account name of the user accounttype the account type of the user apikey the api key of the user created the date and time the user account was created domain the domain name of the user domainid the domain ID of the user email the user email address firstname the user firstname id the user ID lastname the user lastname secretkey the secret key of the user state the user state timezone the timezone user was created in username the user name updateUser Updates a user account User Level: 3 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id User id Optional Parameters email email firstname first name lastname last name password Hashed password (default is MD5). If you wish to use any other hasing algorithm, you would need to write a custom authentication adapter timezone Specifies a timezone for this command. For more information on the timezone parameter, see Time Zone Format. userapikey The API key for the user. Must be specified with userSecretKey username Unique username usersecretkey The secret key for the user. Must be specified with userApiKey Response account the account name of the user accounttype the account type of the user apikey the api key of the user created the date and time the user account was created domain the domain name of the user domainid the domain ID of the user email the user email address firstname the user firstname id the user ID lastname the user lastname secretkey the secret key of the user state the user state timezone the timezone user was created in username the user name listUsers Lists user accounts User Level: 7 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters account List user by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. accounttype List users by account type. Valid types include admin, domain-admin, read-only-admin, or user. domainid List all users in a domain. If used with the account parameter, lists an account in a specific domain. id List user by ID. keyword List by keyword page no description pagesize no description state List users by state of the user account. username List user by the username Response account the account name of the user accounttype the account type of the user apikey the api key of the user created the date and time the user account was created domain the domain name of the user domainid the domain ID of the user email the user email address firstname the user firstname id the user ID lastname the user lastname secretkey the secret key of the user state the user state timezone the timezone user was created in username the user name disableUser Disables a user account User Level: 7 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id Disables user by user ID. Response account the account name of the user accounttype the account type of the user apikey the api key of the user created the date and time the user account was created domain the domain name of the user domainid the domain ID of the user email the user email address firstname the user firstname id the user ID lastname the user lastname secretkey the secret key of the user state the user state timezone the timezone user was created in username the user name enableUser (A) Enables a user account User Level: 7 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id Enables user by user ID. Response account the account name of the user accounttype the account type of the user apikey the api key of the user created the date and time the user account was created domain the domain name of the user domainid the domain ID of the user email the user email address firstname the user firstname id the user ID lastname the user lastname secretkey the secret key of the user state the user state timezone the timezone user was created in username the user name VLAN Methods createVlanIpRange Creates a VLAN IP range. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters startip the beginning IP address in the VLAN IP range Optional Parameters account account who will own the VLAN. If VLAN is Zone wide, this parameter should be ommited domainid domain ID of the account owning a VLAN endip the ending IP address in the VLAN IP range forvirtualnetwork true if VLAN is of Virtual type, false if Direct gateway the gateway of the VLAN IP range netmask the netmask of the VLAN IP range networkid the network id podid optional parameter. Have to be specified for Direct Untagged vlan only. vlan the ID or VID of the VLAN. Default is an "untagged" VLAN. zoneid the Zone ID of the VLAN IP range Response account the account of the VLAN IP range description the description of the VLAN IP range domain the domain name of the VLAN IP range domainid the domain ID of the VLAN IP range endip the end ip of the VLAN IP range forvirtualnetwork the virtual network for the VLAN IP range gateway the gateway of the VLAN IP range id the ID of the VLAN IP range netmask the netmask of the VLAN IP range networkid the network id of vlan range podid the Pod ID for the VLAN IP range podname the Pod name for the VLAN IP range startip the start ip of the VLAN IP range vlan the ID or VID of the VLAN. zoneid the Zone ID of the VLAN IP range deleteVlanIpRange Creates a VLAN IP range. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the id of the VLAN IP range Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listVlanIpRanges Lists all VLAN IP ranges. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters account the account with which the VLAN IP range is associated. Must be used with the domainId parameter. domainid the domain ID with which the VLAN IP range is associated. If used with the account parameter, returns all VLAN IP ranges for that account in the specified domain. forvirtualnetwork true if VLAN is of Virtual type, false if Direct id the ID of the VLAN IP range keyword List by keyword networkid network id of the VLAN IP range page no description pagesize no description podid the Pod ID of the VLAN IP range vlan the ID or VID of the VLAN. Default is an "untagged" VLAN. zoneid the Zone ID of the VLAN IP range Response account the account of the VLAN IP range description the description of the VLAN IP range domain the domain name of the VLAN IP range domainid the domain ID of the VLAN IP range endip the end ip of the VLAN IP range forvirtualnetwork the virtual network for the VLAN IP range gateway the gateway of the VLAN IP range id the ID of the VLAN IP range netmask the netmask of the VLAN IP range networkid the network id of vlan range podid the Pod ID for the VLAN IP range podname the Pod name for the VLAN IP range startip the start ip of the VLAN IP range vlan the ID or VID of the VLAN. zoneid the Zone ID of the VLAN IP range VM Methods deployVirtualMachine Creates and automatically starts a virtual machine based on a service offering, disk offering, and template. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters serviceofferingid the ID of the service offering for the virtual machine templateid the ID of the template for the virtual machine zoneid availability zone for the virtual machine Optional Parameters account an optional account for the virtual machine. Must be used with domainId. diskofferingid the ID of the disk offering for the virtual machine. If the template is of ISO format, the diskOfferingId is for the root disk volume. Otherwise this parameter is used to indicate the offering for the data disk volume. If the templateId parameter passed is from a Template object, the diskOfferingId refers to a DATA Disk Volume created. If the templateId parameter passed is from an ISO object, the diskOfferingId refers to a ROOT Disk Volume created. displayname an optional user generated name for the virtual machine domainid an optional domainId for the virtual machine. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used. group an optional group for the virtual machine hostid destination Host ID to deploy the VM to - parameter available for root admin only hypervisor the hypervisor on which to deploy the virtual machine ipaddress the ip address for default vm's network iptonetworklist ip to network mapping. Can't be specified with networkIds parameter. Example: iptonetworklist[0].ip=[0].networkid=204 - requests to use ip in network id=204 keyboard an optional keyboard device type for the virtual machine. valid value can be one of de,de-ch,es,fi,fr,fr-be,fr-ch,is,it,jp,nl-be,no,pt,uk,us keypair name of the ssh key pair used to login to the virtual machine name host name for the virtual machine networkids list of network ids used by virtual machine. Can't be specified with ipToNetworkList parameter securitygroupids comma separated list of security groups id that going to be applied to the virtual machine. Should be passed only when vm is created from a zone with Basic Network support. Mutually exclusive with securitygroupnames parameter securitygroupnames comma separated list of security groups names that going to be applied to the virtual machine. Should be passed only when vm is created from a zone with Basic Network support. Mutually exclusive with securitygroupids parameter size the arbitrary size for the DATADISK volume. Mutually exclusive with diskOfferingId userdata an optional binary data that can be sent to the virtual machine upon a successful deployment. This binary data must be base64 encoded before adding it to the request. Currently only HTTP GET is supported. Using HTTP GET (via querystring), you can send up to 2KB of data after base64 encoding. Response account the account associated with the virtual machine cpunumber the number of cpu this virtual machine is running with cpuspeed the speed of each cpu cpuused the amount of the vm's CPU currently used created the date when this virtual machine was created displayname user generated name. The name of the virtual machine is returned if no displayname exists. domain the name of the domain in which the virtual machine exists domainid the ID of the domain in which the virtual machine exists forvirtualnetwork the virtual network for the service offering group the group name of the virtual machine groupid the group ID of the virtual machine guestosid Os type ID of the virtual machine haenable true if high-availability is enabled, false otherwise hostid the ID of the host for the virtual machine hostname the name of the host for the virtual machine hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the ID of the virtual machine ipaddress the ip address of the virtual machine isodisplaytext an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoid the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoname the name of the ISO attached to the virtual machine jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the virtual machine jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status memory the memory allocated for the virtual machine name the name of the virtual machine networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on the vm networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on the host nic(*) the list of nics associated with vm password the password (if exists) of the virtual machine passwordenabled true if the password rest feature is enabled, false otherwise rootdeviceid device ID of the root volume rootdevicetype device type of the root volume securitygroup(*) list of security groups associated with the virtual machine serviceofferingid the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine serviceofferingname the name of the service offering of the virtual machine state the state of the virtual machine templatedisplaytext an alternate display text of the template for the virtual machine templateid the ID of the template for the virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the virtual machine was created from an ISO file. templatename the name of the template for the virtual machine zoneid the ID of the availablility zone for the virtual machine zonename the name of the availability zone for the virtual machine destroyVirtualMachine (A) Destroys a virtual machine. Once destroyed, only the administrator can recover it. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id The ID of the virtual machine Response account the account associated with the virtual machine cpunumber the number of cpu this virtual machine is running with cpuspeed the speed of each cpu cpuused the amount of the vm's CPU currently used created the date when this virtual machine was created displayname user generated name. The name of the virtual machine is returned if no displayname exists. domain the name of the domain in which the virtual machine exists domainid the ID of the domain in which the virtual machine exists forvirtualnetwork the virtual network for the service offering group the group name of the virtual machine groupid the group ID of the virtual machine guestosid Os type ID of the virtual machine haenable true if high-availability is enabled, false otherwise hostid the ID of the host for the virtual machine hostname the name of the host for the virtual machine hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the ID of the virtual machine ipaddress the ip address of the virtual machine isodisplaytext an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoid the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoname the name of the ISO attached to the virtual machine jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the virtual machine jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status memory the memory allocated for the virtual machine name the name of the virtual machine networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on the vm networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on the host nic(*) the list of nics associated with vm password the password (if exists) of the virtual machine passwordenabled true if the password rest feature is enabled, false otherwise rootdeviceid device ID of the root volume rootdevicetype device type of the root volume securitygroup(*) list of security groups associated with the virtual machine serviceofferingid the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine serviceofferingname the name of the service offering of the virtual machine state the state of the virtual machine templatedisplaytext an alternate display text of the template for the virtual machine templateid the ID of the template for the virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the virtual machine was created from an ISO file. templatename the name of the template for the virtual machine zoneid the ID of the availablility zone for the virtual machine zonename the name of the availability zone for the virtual machine rebootVirtualMachine (A) Reboots a virtual machine. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id The ID of the virtual machine Response account the account associated with the virtual machine cpunumber the number of cpu this virtual machine is running with cpuspeed the speed of each cpu cpuused the amount of the vm's CPU currently used created the date when this virtual machine was created displayname user generated name. The name of the virtual machine is returned if no displayname exists. domain the name of the domain in which the virtual machine exists domainid the ID of the domain in which the virtual machine exists forvirtualnetwork the virtual network for the service offering group the group name of the virtual machine groupid the group ID of the virtual machine guestosid Os type ID of the virtual machine haenable true if high-availability is enabled, false otherwise hostid the ID of the host for the virtual machine hostname the name of the host for the virtual machine hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the ID of the virtual machine ipaddress the ip address of the virtual machine isodisplaytext an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoid the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoname the name of the ISO attached to the virtual machine jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the virtual machine jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status memory the memory allocated for the virtual machine name the name of the virtual machine networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on the vm networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on the host nic(*) the list of nics associated with vm password the password (if exists) of the virtual machine passwordenabled true if the password rest feature is enabled, false otherwise rootdeviceid device ID of the root volume rootdevicetype device type of the root volume securitygroup(*) list of security groups associated with the virtual machine serviceofferingid the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine serviceofferingname the name of the service offering of the virtual machine state the state of the virtual machine templatedisplaytext an alternate display text of the template for the virtual machine templateid the ID of the template for the virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the virtual machine was created from an ISO file. templatename the name of the template for the virtual machine zoneid the ID of the availablility zone for the virtual machine zonename the name of the availability zone for the virtual machine startVirtualMachine (A) Starts a virtual machine. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id The ID of the virtual machine Response account the account associated with the virtual machine cpunumber the number of cpu this virtual machine is running with cpuspeed the speed of each cpu cpuused the amount of the vm's CPU currently used created the date when this virtual machine was created displayname user generated name. The name of the virtual machine is returned if no displayname exists. domain the name of the domain in which the virtual machine exists domainid the ID of the domain in which the virtual machine exists forvirtualnetwork the virtual network for the service offering group the group name of the virtual machine groupid the group ID of the virtual machine guestosid Os type ID of the virtual machine haenable true if high-availability is enabled, false otherwise hostid the ID of the host for the virtual machine hostname the name of the host for the virtual machine hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the ID of the virtual machine ipaddress the ip address of the virtual machine isodisplaytext an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoid the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoname the name of the ISO attached to the virtual machine jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the virtual machine jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status memory the memory allocated for the virtual machine name the name of the virtual machine networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on the vm networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on the host nic(*) the list of nics associated with vm password the password (if exists) of the virtual machine passwordenabled true if the password rest feature is enabled, false otherwise rootdeviceid device ID of the root volume rootdevicetype device type of the root volume securitygroup(*) list of security groups associated with the virtual machine serviceofferingid the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine serviceofferingname the name of the service offering of the virtual machine state the state of the virtual machine templatedisplaytext an alternate display text of the template for the virtual machine templateid the ID of the template for the virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the virtual machine was created from an ISO file. templatename the name of the template for the virtual machine zoneid the ID of the availablility zone for the virtual machine zonename the name of the availability zone for the virtual machine stopVirtualMachine (A) Stops a virtual machine. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id The ID of the virtual machine Optional Parameters forced Force stop the VM. The caller knows the VM is stopped. Response account the account associated with the virtual machine cpunumber the number of cpu this virtual machine is running with cpuspeed the speed of each cpu cpuused the amount of the vm's CPU currently used created the date when this virtual machine was created displayname user generated name. The name of the virtual machine is returned if no displayname exists. domain the name of the domain in which the virtual machine exists domainid the ID of the domain in which the virtual machine exists forvirtualnetwork the virtual network for the service offering group the group name of the virtual machine groupid the group ID of the virtual machine guestosid Os type ID of the virtual machine haenable true if high-availability is enabled, false otherwise hostid the ID of the host for the virtual machine hostname the name of the host for the virtual machine hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the ID of the virtual machine ipaddress the ip address of the virtual machine isodisplaytext an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoid the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoname the name of the ISO attached to the virtual machine jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the virtual machine jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status memory the memory allocated for the virtual machine name the name of the virtual machine networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on the vm networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on the host nic(*) the list of nics associated with vm password the password (if exists) of the virtual machine passwordenabled true if the password rest feature is enabled, false otherwise rootdeviceid device ID of the root volume rootdevicetype device type of the root volume securitygroup(*) list of security groups associated with the virtual machine serviceofferingid the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine serviceofferingname the name of the service offering of the virtual machine state the state of the virtual machine templatedisplaytext an alternate display text of the template for the virtual machine templateid the ID of the template for the virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the virtual machine was created from an ISO file. templatename the name of the template for the virtual machine zoneid the ID of the availablility zone for the virtual machine zonename the name of the availability zone for the virtual machine resetPasswordForVirtualMachine (A) Resets the password for virtual machine. The virtual machine must be in a "Stopped" state and the template must already support this feature for this command to take effect. [async] User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id The ID of the virtual machine Response account the account associated with the virtual machine cpunumber the number of cpu this virtual machine is running with cpuspeed the speed of each cpu cpuused the amount of the vm's CPU currently used created the date when this virtual machine was created displayname user generated name. The name of the virtual machine is returned if no displayname exists. domain the name of the domain in which the virtual machine exists domainid the ID of the domain in which the virtual machine exists forvirtualnetwork the virtual network for the service offering group the group name of the virtual machine groupid the group ID of the virtual machine guestosid Os type ID of the virtual machine haenable true if high-availability is enabled, false otherwise hostid the ID of the host for the virtual machine hostname the name of the host for the virtual machine hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the ID of the virtual machine ipaddress the ip address of the virtual machine isodisplaytext an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoid the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoname the name of the ISO attached to the virtual machine jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the virtual machine jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status memory the memory allocated for the virtual machine name the name of the virtual machine networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on the vm networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on the host nic(*) the list of nics associated with vm password the password (if exists) of the virtual machine passwordenabled true if the password rest feature is enabled, false otherwise rootdeviceid device ID of the root volume rootdevicetype device type of the root volume securitygroup(*) list of security groups associated with the virtual machine serviceofferingid the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine serviceofferingname the name of the service offering of the virtual machine state the state of the virtual machine templatedisplaytext an alternate display text of the template for the virtual machine templateid the ID of the template for the virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the virtual machine was created from an ISO file. templatename the name of the template for the virtual machine zoneid the ID of the availablility zone for the virtual machine zonename the name of the availability zone for the virtual machine changeServiceForVirtualMachine (A) Changes the service offering for a virtual machine. The virtual machine must be in a "Stopped" state for this command to take effect. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id The ID of the virtual machine serviceofferingid the service offering ID to apply to the virtual machine Response account the account associated with the virtual machine cpunumber the number of cpu this virtual machine is running with cpuspeed the speed of each cpu cpuused the amount of the vm's CPU currently used created the date when this virtual machine was created displayname user generated name. The name of the virtual machine is returned if no displayname exists. domain the name of the domain in which the virtual machine exists domainid the ID of the domain in which the virtual machine exists forvirtualnetwork the virtual network for the service offering group the group name of the virtual machine groupid the group ID of the virtual machine guestosid Os type ID of the virtual machine haenable true if high-availability is enabled, false otherwise hostid the ID of the host for the virtual machine hostname the name of the host for the virtual machine hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the ID of the virtual machine ipaddress the ip address of the virtual machine isodisplaytext an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoid the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoname the name of the ISO attached to the virtual machine jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the virtual machine jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status memory the memory allocated for the virtual machine name the name of the virtual machine networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on the vm networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on the host nic(*) the list of nics associated with vm password the password (if exists) of the virtual machine passwordenabled true if the password rest feature is enabled, false otherwise rootdeviceid device ID of the root volume rootdevicetype device type of the root volume securitygroup(*) list of security groups associated with the virtual machine serviceofferingid the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine serviceofferingname the name of the service offering of the virtual machine state the state of the virtual machine templatedisplaytext an alternate display text of the template for the virtual machine templateid the ID of the template for the virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the virtual machine was created from an ISO file. templatename the name of the template for the virtual machine zoneid the ID of the availablility zone for the virtual machine zonename the name of the availability zone for the virtual machine updateVirtualMachine Updates parameters of a virtual machine. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id The ID of the virtual machine Optional Parameters displayname user generated name group group of the virtual machine haenable true if high-availability is enabled for the virtual machine, false otherwise ostypeid the ID of the OS type that best represents this VM. userdata an optional binary data that can be sent to the virtual machine upon a successful deployment. This binary data must be base64 encoded before adding it to the request. Currently only HTTP GET is supported. Using HTTP GET (via querystring), you can send up to 2KB of data after base64 encoding. Response account the account associated with the virtual machine cpunumber the number of cpu this virtual machine is running with cpuspeed the speed of each cpu cpuused the amount of the vm's CPU currently used created the date when this virtual machine was created displayname user generated name. The name of the virtual machine is returned if no displayname exists. domain the name of the domain in which the virtual machine exists domainid the ID of the domain in which the virtual machine exists forvirtualnetwork the virtual network for the service offering group the group name of the virtual machine groupid the group ID of the virtual machine guestosid Os type ID of the virtual machine haenable true if high-availability is enabled, false otherwise hostid the ID of the host for the virtual machine hostname the name of the host for the virtual machine hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the ID of the virtual machine ipaddress the ip address of the virtual machine isodisplaytext an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoid the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoname the name of the ISO attached to the virtual machine jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the virtual machine jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status memory the memory allocated for the virtual machine name the name of the virtual machine networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on the vm networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on the host nic(*) the list of nics associated with vm password the password (if exists) of the virtual machine passwordenabled true if the password rest feature is enabled, false otherwise rootdeviceid device ID of the root volume rootdevicetype device type of the root volume securitygroup(*) list of security groups associated with the virtual machine serviceofferingid the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine serviceofferingname the name of the service offering of the virtual machine state the state of the virtual machine templatedisplaytext an alternate display text of the template for the virtual machine templateid the ID of the template for the virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the virtual machine was created from an ISO file. templatename the name of the template for the virtual machine zoneid the ID of the availablility zone for the virtual machine zonename the name of the availability zone for the virtual machine recoverVirtualMachine Recovers a virtual machine. User Level: 7 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id The ID of the virtual machine Response account the account associated with the virtual machine cpunumber the number of cpu this virtual machine is running with cpuspeed the speed of each cpu cpuused the amount of the vm's CPU currently used created the date when this virtual machine was created displayname user generated name. The name of the virtual machine is returned if no displayname exists. domain the name of the domain in which the virtual machine exists domainid the ID of the domain in which the virtual machine exists forvirtualnetwork the virtual network for the service offering group the group name of the virtual machine groupid the group ID of the virtual machine guestosid Os type ID of the virtual machine haenable true if high-availability is enabled, false otherwise hostid the ID of the host for the virtual machine hostname the name of the host for the virtual machine hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the ID of the virtual machine ipaddress the ip address of the virtual machine isodisplaytext an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoid the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoname the name of the ISO attached to the virtual machine jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the virtual machine jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status memory the memory allocated for the virtual machine name the name of the virtual machine networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on the vm networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on the host nic(*) the list of nics associated with vm password the password (if exists) of the virtual machine passwordenabled true if the password rest feature is enabled, false otherwise rootdeviceid device ID of the root volume rootdevicetype device type of the root volume securitygroup(*) list of security groups associated with the virtual machine serviceofferingid the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine serviceofferingname the name of the service offering of the virtual machine state the state of the virtual machine templatedisplaytext an alternate display text of the template for the virtual machine templateid the ID of the template for the virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the virtual machine was created from an ISO file. templatename the name of the template for the virtual machine zoneid the ID of the availablility zone for the virtual machine zonename the name of the availability zone for the virtual machine listVirtualMachines List the virtual machines owned by the account. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters account account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. domainid the domain ID. If used with the account parameter, lists virtual machines for the specified account in this domain. forvirtualnetwork list by network type; true if need to list vms using Virtual Network, false otherwise groupid the group ID hostid the host ID hypervisor the target hypervisor for the template id the ID of the virtual machine isrecursive Must be used with domainId parameter. Defaults to false, but if true, lists all vms from the parent specified by the domain id till leaves. keyword List by keyword name name of the virtual machine networkid list by network id page no description pagesize no description podid the pod ID state state of the virtual machine storageid the storage ID where vm's volumes belong to zoneid the availability zone ID Response account the account associated with the virtual machine cpunumber the number of cpu this virtual machine is running with cpuspeed the speed of each cpu cpuused the amount of the vm's CPU currently used created the date when this virtual machine was created displayname user generated name. The name of the virtual machine is returned if no displayname exists. domain the name of the domain in which the virtual machine exists domainid the ID of the domain in which the virtual machine exists forvirtualnetwork the virtual network for the service offering group the group name of the virtual machine groupid the group ID of the virtual machine guestosid Os type ID of the virtual machine haenable true if high-availability is enabled, false otherwise hostid the ID of the host for the virtual machine hostname the name of the host for the virtual machine hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the ID of the virtual machine ipaddress the ip address of the virtual machine isodisplaytext an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoid the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoname the name of the ISO attached to the virtual machine jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the virtual machine jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status memory the memory allocated for the virtual machine name the name of the virtual machine networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on the vm networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on the host nic(*) the list of nics associated with vm password the password (if exists) of the virtual machine passwordenabled true if the password rest feature is enabled, false otherwise rootdeviceid device ID of the root volume rootdevicetype device type of the root volume securitygroup(*) list of security groups associated with the virtual machine serviceofferingid the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine serviceofferingname the name of the service offering of the virtual machine state the state of the virtual machine templatedisplaytext an alternate display text of the template for the virtual machine templateid the ID of the template for the virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the virtual machine was created from an ISO file. templatename the name of the template for the virtual machine zoneid the ID of the availablility zone for the virtual machine zonename the name of the availability zone for the virtual machine getVMPassword Returns an encrypted password for the VM User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id The ID of the virtual machine Response encryptedpassword The encrypted password of the VM migrateVirtualMachine Attempts Migration of a user virtual machine to the host specified. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters hostid destination Host ID to migrate VM to virtualmachineid the ID of the virtual machine Response account the account associated with the virtual machine cpunumber the number of cpu this virtual machine is running with cpuspeed the speed of each cpu cpuused the amount of the vm's CPU currently used created the date when this virtual machine was created displayname user generated name. The name of the virtual machine is returned if no displayname exists. domain the name of the domain in which the virtual machine exists domainid the ID of the domain in which the virtual machine exists forvirtualnetwork the virtual network for the service offering group the group name of the virtual machine groupid the group ID of the virtual machine guestosid Os type ID of the virtual machine haenable true if high-availability is enabled, false otherwise hostid the ID of the host for the virtual machine hostname the name of the host for the virtual machine hypervisor the hypervisor on which the template runs id the ID of the virtual machine ipaddress the ip address of the virtual machine isodisplaytext an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoid the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual machine isoname the name of the ISO attached to the virtual machine jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the virtual machine jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status memory the memory allocated for the virtual machine name the name of the virtual machine networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on the vm networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on the host nic(*) the list of nics associated with vm password the password (if exists) of the virtual machine passwordenabled true if the password rest feature is enabled, false otherwise rootdeviceid device ID of the root volume rootdevicetype device type of the root volume securitygroup(*) list of security groups associated with the virtual machine serviceofferingid the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine serviceofferingname the name of the service offering of the virtual machine state the state of the virtual machine templatedisplaytext an alternate display text of the template for the virtual machine templateid the ID of the template for the virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the virtual machine was created from an ISO file. templatename the name of the template for the virtual machine zoneid the ID of the availablility zone for the virtual machine zonename the name of the availability zone for the virtual machine VMGroup Methods createInstanceGroup (A) Creates a vm group User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters name the name of the instance group Optional Parameters account the account of the instance group. The account parameter must be used with the domainId parameter. domainid the domain ID of account owning the instance group Response account the account owning the instance group created time and date the instance group was created domain the domain name of the instance group domainid the domain ID of the instance group id the id of the instance group name the name of the instance group deleteInstanceGroup Deletes a vm group User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the instance group Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully updateInstanceGroup Updates a vm group User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id Instance group ID Optional Parameters name new instance group name Response account the account owning the instance group created time and date the instance group was created domain the domain name of the instance group domainid the domain ID of the instance group id the id of the instance group name the name of the instance group listInstanceGroups Lists vm groups User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters account list instance group belonging to the specified account. Must be used with domainid parameter domainid the domain ID. If used with the account parameter, lists virtual machines for the specified account in this domain. id list instance groups by ID keyword List by keyword name list instance groups by name page no description pagesize no description Response account the account owning the instance group created time and date the instance group was created domain the domain name of the instance group domainid the domain ID of the instance group id the id of the instance group name the name of the instance group VPN Methods createRemoteAccessVpn Creates a l2tp/ipsec remote access vpn User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters publicipid public ip address id of the vpn server Optional Parameters account an optional account for the VPN. Must be used with domainId. domainid an optional domainId for the VPN. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used. iprange the range of ip addresses to allocate to vpn clients. The first ip in the range will be taken by the vpn server openfirewall if true, firewall rule for source/end pubic port is automatically created; if false - firewall rule has to be created explicitely. Has value true by default Response account the account of the remote access vpn domainid the domain id of the account of the remote access vpn domainname the domain name of the account of the remote access vpn iprange the range of ips to allocate to the clients presharedkey the ipsec preshared key publicip the public ip address of the vpn server publicipid the public ip address of the vpn server state the state of the rule deleteRemoteAccessVpn (A) Destroys a l2tp/ipsec remote access vpn User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters publicipid public ip address id of the vpn server Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listRemoteAccessVpns (A) Lists remote access vpns User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters publicipid public ip address id of the vpn server Optional Parameters account the account of the remote access vpn. Must be used with the domainId parameter. domainid the domain ID of the remote access vpn rule. If used with the account parameter, lists remote access vpns for the account in the specified domain. keyword List by keyword page no description pagesize no description Response account the account of the remote access vpn domainid the domain id of the account of the remote access vpn domainname the domain name of the account of the remote access vpn iprange the range of ips to allocate to the clients presharedkey the ipsec preshared key publicip the public ip address of the vpn server publicipid the public ip address of the vpn server state the state of the rule addVpnUser Adds vpn users User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters password password for the username username username for the vpn user Optional Parameters account an optional account for the vpn user. Must be used with domainId. domainid an optional domainId for the vpn user. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used. Response account the account of the remote access vpn domainid the domain id of the account of the remote access vpn domainname the domain name of the account of the remote access vpn id the vpn userID username the username of the vpn user removeVpnUser (A) Removes vpn user User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters username username for the vpn user Optional Parameters account an optional account for the vpn user. Must be used with domainId. domainid an optional domainId for the vpn user. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used. Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listVpnUsers (A) Lists vpn users User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters account the account of the remote access vpn. Must be used with the domainId parameter. domainid the domain ID of the remote access vpn. If used with the account parameter, lists remote access vpns for the account in the specified domain. id the ID of the vpn user keyword List by keyword page no description pagesize no description username the username of the vpn user. Response account the account of the remote access vpn domainid the domain id of the account of the remote access vpn domainname the domain name of the account of the remote access vpn id the vpn userID username the username of the vpn user Volume Methods attachVolume Attaches a disk volume to a virtual machine. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the disk volume virtualmachineid the ID of the virtual machine Optional Parameters deviceid the ID of the device to map the volume to within the guest OS. If no deviceId is passed in, the next available deviceId will be chosen. Possible values for a Linux OS are:* 1 - /dev/xvdb* 2 - /dev/xvdc* 4 - /dev/xvde* 5 - /dev/xvdf* 6 - /dev/xvdg* 7 - /dev/xvdh* 8 - /dev/xvdi* 9 - /dev/xvdj Response account the account associated with the disk volume attached the date the volume was attached to a VM instance created the date the disk volume was created destroyed the boolean state of whether the volume is destroyed or not deviceid the ID of the device on user vm the volume is attahed to. This tag is not returned when the volume is detached. diskofferingdisplaytext the display text of the disk offering diskofferingid ID of the disk offering diskofferingname name of the disk offering domain the domain associated with the disk volume domainid the ID of the domain associated with the disk volume hypervisor Hypervisor the volume belongs to id ID of the disk volume isextractable true if the volume is extractable, false otherwise jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the volume jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status name name of the disk volume serviceofferingdisplaytext the display text of the service offering for root disk serviceofferingid ID of the service offering for root disk serviceofferingname name of the service offering for root disk size size of the disk volume snapshotid ID of the snapshot from which this volume was created state the state of the disk volume storage name of the primary storage hosting the disk volume storagetype shared or local storage type type of the disk volume (ROOT or DATADISK) virtualmachineid id of the virtual machine vmdisplayname display name of the virtual machine vmname name of the virtual machine vmstate state of the virtual machine zoneid ID of the availability zone zonename name of the availability zone detachVolume (A) Detaches a disk volume from a virtual machine. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters deviceid the device ID on the virtual machine where volume is detached from id the ID of the disk volume virtualmachineid the ID of the virtual machine where the volume is detached from Response account the account associated with the disk volume attached the date the volume was attached to a VM instance created the date the disk volume was created destroyed the boolean state of whether the volume is destroyed or not deviceid the ID of the device on user vm the volume is attahed to. This tag is not returned when the volume is detached. diskofferingdisplaytext the display text of the disk offering diskofferingid ID of the disk offering diskofferingname name of the disk offering domain the domain associated with the disk volume domainid the ID of the domain associated with the disk volume hypervisor Hypervisor the volume belongs to id ID of the disk volume isextractable true if the volume is extractable, false otherwise jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the volume jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status name name of the disk volume serviceofferingdisplaytext the display text of the service offering for root disk serviceofferingid ID of the service offering for root disk serviceofferingname name of the service offering for root disk size size of the disk volume snapshotid ID of the snapshot from which this volume was created state the state of the disk volume storage name of the primary storage hosting the disk volume storagetype shared or local storage type type of the disk volume (ROOT or DATADISK) virtualmachineid id of the virtual machine vmdisplayname display name of the virtual machine vmname name of the virtual machine vmstate state of the virtual machine zoneid ID of the availability zone zonename name of the availability zone createVolume (A) Creates a disk volume from a disk offering. This disk volume must still be attached to a virtual machine to make use of it. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters name the name of the disk volume Optional Parameters account the account associated with the disk volume. Must be used with the domainId parameter. diskofferingid the ID of the disk offering. Either diskOfferingId or snapshotId must be passed in. domainid the domain ID associated with the disk offering. If used with the account parameter returns the disk volume associated with the account for the specified domain. size Arbitrary volume size snapshotid the snapshot ID for the disk volume. Either diskOfferingId or snapshotId must be passed in. zoneid the ID of the availability zone Response account the account associated with the disk volume attached the date the volume was attached to a VM instance created the date the disk volume was created destroyed the boolean state of whether the volume is destroyed or not deviceid the ID of the device on user vm the volume is attahed to. This tag is not returned when the volume is detached. diskofferingdisplaytext the display text of the disk offering diskofferingid ID of the disk offering diskofferingname name of the disk offering domain the domain associated with the disk volume domainid the ID of the domain associated with the disk volume hypervisor Hypervisor the volume belongs to id ID of the disk volume isextractable true if the volume is extractable, false otherwise jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the volume jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status name name of the disk volume serviceofferingdisplaytext the display text of the service offering for root disk serviceofferingid ID of the service offering for root disk serviceofferingname name of the service offering for root disk size size of the disk volume snapshotid ID of the snapshot from which this volume was created state the state of the disk volume storage name of the primary storage hosting the disk volume storagetype shared or local storage type type of the disk volume (ROOT or DATADISK) virtualmachineid id of the virtual machine vmdisplayname display name of the virtual machine vmname name of the virtual machine vmstate state of the virtual machine zoneid ID of the availability zone zonename name of the availability zone deleteVolume (A) Deletes a detached disk volume. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id The ID of the disk volume Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listVolumes Lists all volumes. User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters account the account associated with the disk volume. Must be used with the domainId parameter. domainid Lists all disk volumes for the specified domain ID. If used with the account parameter, returns all disk volumes for an account in the specified domain ID. hostid list volumes on specified host id the ID of the disk volume isrecursive defaults to false, but if true, lists all volumes from the parent specified by the domain id till leaves. keyword List by keyword name the name of the disk volume page no description pagesize no description podid the pod id the disk volume belongs to type the type of disk volume virtualmachineid the ID of the virtual machine zoneid the ID of the availability zone Response account the account associated with the disk volume attached the date the volume was attached to a VM instance created the date the disk volume was created destroyed the boolean state of whether the volume is destroyed or not deviceid the ID of the device on user vm the volume is attahed to. This tag is not returned when the volume is detached. diskofferingdisplaytext the display text of the disk offering diskofferingid ID of the disk offering diskofferingname name of the disk offering domain the domain associated with the disk volume domainid the ID of the domain associated with the disk volume hypervisor Hypervisor the volume belongs to id ID of the disk volume isextractable true if the volume is extractable, false otherwise jobid shows the current pending asynchronous job ID. This tag is not returned if no current pending jobs are acting on the volume jobstatus shows the current pending asynchronous job status name name of the disk volume serviceofferingdisplaytext the display text of the service offering for root disk serviceofferingid ID of the service offering for root disk serviceofferingname name of the service offering for root disk size size of the disk volume snapshotid ID of the snapshot from which this volume was created state the state of the disk volume storage name of the primary storage hosting the disk volume storagetype shared or local storage type type of the disk volume (ROOT or DATADISK) virtualmachineid id of the virtual machine vmdisplayname display name of the virtual machine vmname name of the virtual machine vmstate state of the virtual machine zoneid ID of the availability zone zonename name of the availability zone extractVolume Extracts volume User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the volume mode the mode of extraction - HTTP_DOWNLOAD or FTP_UPLOAD zoneid the ID of the zone where the volume is located Optional Parameters url the url to which the volume would be extracted Response accountid the account id to which the extracted object belongs created the time and date the object was created extractId the upload id of extracted object extractMode the mode of extraction - upload or download id the id of extracted object name the name of the extracted object state the state of the extracted object status the status of the extraction storagetype type of the storage uploadpercentage the percentage of the entity uploaded to the specified location url if mode = upload then url of the uploaded entity. if mode = download the url from which the entity can be downloaded zoneid zone ID the object was extracted from zonename zone name the object was extracted from Zone Methods createZone (A) Creates a Zone. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters dns1 the first DNS for the Zone internaldns1 the first internal DNS for the Zone name the name of the Zone networktype network type of the zone, can be Basic or Advanced Optional Parameters allocationstate Allocation state of this Zone for allocation of new resources dns2 the second DNS for the Zone domain Network domain name for the networks in the zone domainid the ID of the containing domain, null for public zones guestcidraddress the guest CIDR address for the Zone internaldns2 the second internal DNS for the Zone securitygroupenabled true if network is security group enabled, false otherwise vlan the VLAN for the Zone Response allocationstate the allocation state of the cluster description Zone description dhcpprovider the dhcp Provider for the Zone displaytext the display text of the zone dns1 the first DNS for the Zone dns2 the second DNS for the Zone domain Network domain name for the networks in the zone domainid the ID of the containing domain, null for public zones guestcidraddress the guest CIDR address for the Zone id Zone id internaldns1 the first internal DNS for the Zone internaldns2 the second internal DNS for the Zone name Zone name networktype the network type of the zone; can be Basic or Advanced securitygroupsenabled true if security groups support is enabled, false otherwise vlan the vlan range of the zone zonetoken Zone Token updateZone Updates a Zone. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the Zone Optional Parameters allocationstate Allocation state of this cluster for allocation of new resources details the details for the Zone dhcpprovider the dhcp Provider for the Zone dns1 the first DNS for the Zone dns2 the second DNS for the Zone dnssearchorder the dns search order list domain Network domain name for the networks in the zone guestcidraddress the guest CIDR address for the Zone internaldns1 the first internal DNS for the Zone internaldns2 the second internal DNS for the Zone ispublic updates a private zone to public if set, but not vice-versa name the name of the Zone vlan the VLAN for the Zone Response allocationstate the allocation state of the cluster description Zone description dhcpprovider the dhcp Provider for the Zone displaytext the display text of the zone dns1 the first DNS for the Zone dns2 the second DNS for the Zone domain Network domain name for the networks in the zone domainid the ID of the containing domain, null for public zones guestcidraddress the guest CIDR address for the Zone id Zone id internaldns1 the first internal DNS for the Zone internaldns2 the second internal DNS for the Zone name Zone name networktype the network type of the zone; can be Basic or Advanced securitygroupsenabled true if security groups support is enabled, false otherwise vlan the vlan range of the zone zonetoken Zone Token deleteZone Deletes a Zone. User Level: 1 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Required Parameters id the ID of the Zone Response displaytext any text associated with the success or failure success true if operation is executed successfully listZones Lists zones User Level: 15 (FIXME: this needs to be improved) Request Optional Parameters available true if you want to retrieve all available Zones. False if you only want to return the Zones from which you have at least one VM. Default is false. domainid the ID of the domain associated with the zone id the ID of the zone keyword List by keyword page no description pagesize no description Response allocationstate the allocation state of the cluster description Zone description dhcpprovider the dhcp Provider for the Zone displaytext the display text of the zone dns1 the first DNS for the Zone dns2 the second DNS for the Zone domain Network domain name for the networks in the zone domainid the ID of the containing domain, null for public zones guestcidraddress the guest CIDR address for the Zone id Zone id internaldns1 the first internal DNS for the Zone internaldns2 the second internal DNS for the Zone name Zone name networktype the network type of the zone; can be Basic or Advanced securitygroupsenabled true if security groups support is enabled, false otherwise vlan the vlan range of the zone zonetoken Zone Token INSTALLATION See perlmodinstall for information and options on installing Perl modules. AUTHOR Alan Young <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Alan Young. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY BECAUSE THIS SOFTWARE IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE SOFTWARE, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE AS PERMITTED BY THE ABOVE LICENCE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.