Pure Perl HME SDK

Before doing ANYTHING check out http://tivohme.sourceforge.net/ so
we're all on the same page.  Download the SDK.  Untar it.  Get ready.

To run these examples you either need to run the Simulator that comes
with the SDK from sourceforge or have a real-live updated Series 2 TiVo.

The Sourceforge tells ya how to set up your TiVo so listen to them.
I'll just talk about the Simulator.  Run it like so:

% java -cp <path/to/>/simulator.jar com.tivo.hme.sim.Simulator

Now run a perl example:

% cd TiVo/HME
% perl start.pl

Now go to Simulator & in the URL box type:


& hit return - if you see boxes moving around YOU DID IT!!

If not...  welp... something is horribly, horribly wrong.
Make sure you didn't see any error messages when starting the simulator
or 'start.pl'.

Sorry that's all I got for ya - perldoc TiVo::HME::Application for details
about how to write HME apps.

Lemmie know how it goes!!
