CGI::Application::Plugin::FillInForm - integrate with HTML::FillInForm

        use CGI::Application::Plugin::FillInForm (qw/fill_form/);

        my $t = $self->load_tmpl('farm.html');
        $t->param( organic => 'less_pesticides' );

        return $self->fill_form( \$t->output );

    This plugin provides a mix-in method to make using HTML::FillInForm more

     # fill an HTML form with data in a hashref or from an object with with a param() method
     my $filled_html = $self->fill_form($html, $data);

     # ...or fill from a list of data sources
     # (each item in the list can be either a hashref or an object)
     my $filled_html = $self->fill_form($html, [$user, $group, $query]);

     # ...or default to getting data from $self->query()
     my $filled_html = $self->fill_form($html);

     # extra fields will be passed on through:
     my $filled_html = $self->fill_form($html, undef, fill_passwords => 0 );

    This method provides an easier syntax for calling HTML::FillInForm, and
    an intelligent default of using $self->query() as the default data

    If the query is used as the data source, we will ignore the mode param
    (usually 'rm') from the query object. This prevents accidently
    clobbering a run mode for the next field, which may be stored in a
    hidden field.

    $html must be a scalarref.

    Because this method only loads HTML::FillInForm if it's needed, it
    should be reasonable to load it in a base class and always have it

      use CGI::Application::Plugin::FillInForm (qw/fill_form/);

     Cees Hek published the first draft on the CGI::App wiki
     Mark Stosberg, C<< <> >> polished it for release.

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to
    "", or through the web
    interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll
    automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

    Patches, questions and feedback are welcome. This project is managed
    using the darcs source control system ( ). My
    darcs archive is here:

Copyright & License
    Copyright 2005 Mark Stosberg, All Rights Reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.