Last updated: Sat Feb 18 23:42:29 EST 2006

    CGI::Application::Standard::Config -- Define a standard configuration
    API for CGI::Application

    This module defines a minimum standard interface that configuration
    plugins for CGI::Application should meet. Having such a standard allows
    other plugin authors to rely on basic configuration functionality
    without coding exceptions for several configuration modules, or giving
    up on such integration.

  For Average Users
    Simply load the config plugin before other modules that might use it:

      use CGI::Application::Plugin::ConfigAuto;
      use CGI::Application::Plugin::Session;

  For Configuration plugin authors
    Configuration plugin authors only need to follow the standards
    documented below.

  For other plugin authors who wish to rely on the standard
    Plugin authors who want to possibly use this standard can do so by
    simply using this module:

      package CGI::Application::Plugin::Session;
      use CGI::Application::Standard::Config;

    If a standards complaint config module hasn't already been loaded a stub
    for config() will be added which will safely return "undef".

   Example use by another plugin
    Here code first tries to get configuration details first from a config
    file, then from options passed to a plugin-specific config method, and
    finally applies defaults if no configuration options are found.

     my $session_options = $self->config('Session_options')
                                          || $self->session_config()
                                          || $self->session_defaults;

Standard Interface Definition
    The following defines a minimum standard for configuration plugins to

    Config plugins are free to provide to additional functionality.

    Configuration plugins are also encourage to explicity document that they
    are using "CGI::Application::Standard::Config".

    If there are existing methods that follow the standard but have
    different names, you can use this example to always export your method:

      sub import {
        my $app = caller;
        no strict 'refs';
        my $full_name = $app . '::config';
        # Change cfg to your config()-compliant method name
        *$full_name = \&cfg;

    This method should be exported by default to simply declare that you
    meet the standard report which version of the standard you meet. This
    simple implementation is recommended:

     sub std_config { return 1; }

    The intended use is to load to read-only configuration details once from
    a config file at start up time.

    This service is provided by plugins (list below). They must support at
    at least this syntax:

     my $value = $self->config('key');

    By default, "config()" simply returns undef, making it safe for other
    plugins to directly to check if "$self-"config('key')> returns the value
    it needs.

    config() must be exported by default.

    For applications that need little configuration, config() is not
    necessary-- using "PARAMS" in an instance script should suffice.

    Also, the "param()" is the appropriate method to use to set a
    configuration value at run time.

    Configuration plugins that provide at least this basic API include:


   Standard config variables
    Users are encouraged to use these standard config variable names, to
    ease compatibility between plugins:

     ROOT_URI - A URI corresponding to the project root ( )
     ROOT_DIR - a file system path to the same location ( /home/joe/www/proj )

    All-caps are used to denote that config variables are essentially global

    Why URI and not URL? The wikipedia explains:

      The contemporary point of view among the working group that oversees URIs is
      that the terms URL and URN are context-dependent aspects of URI and rarely
      need to be distinguished. Furthermore, the term URL is increasingly becoming
      obsolete, as it is rarely necessary to differentiate between URLs and URIs,
      in general. 

Standard Version
    This is 1.0 of the CGI::Application config() standard.

    Written by Mark Stosberg <> with input from the
    CGI::Application community.

    Copyright (C) 2008, Mark Stosberg. All rights reserved.

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.