What is it?
   Astro::FITS::CFITSIO is a Perl interface to William Pence's cfitsio
   subroutine library. For more information on cfitsio, see

Where can (did) I get it?

What version of cfitsio does this module require?
  Astro::FITS::CFITSIO version 1.15 requires at least cfitsio version 3.48

   For installation instructions, see the 'INSTALL' file in the base
   distribution directory. Essentially, it just tells you to set the
   CFITSIO environment variable, and then do

     $ perl Makefile.PL
     $ make
     $ make test
     $ make install

Copyright and License
   Copyright (C) 2002,2004,2006,2011,2012,2013,2016,2018,2020 by the
   Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

   This software is released under the same terms as Perl. A copy of
   the Perl license may be obtained at

   The demonstration image m51.fits.gz is derived from the Hubble
   Heritage project archival images; its creation was funded in part
   by a grant from NASA. The image is in the public domain.