bookmarks - Export bookmarks from browsers and files.
$ bookmarks [-hVda] [-f format] [file ...]
-h, --help help
-V, --version version
-d debug (sent to STDERR)
-a all : process arguments and default locations
-f format export format : csv, csv-noheader, html, html-raw, or any combination
of characters t,u,d as <url> <description> (default : tud)
-s find schemeless URLs in text files (default : no)
`bookmarks` is a tool to export bookmarks from files supplied as arguments.
Without arguments, or with option -a, `bookmarks` will attempt to read files from browsers default locations.
If file is a dash "-", STDIN is read and processed as plain text source.
Supported sources :
- Safari (_*.plist_)
- Firefox (_*.sqlite_)
- Chrome and Edge (_*Bookmarks_)
- Internet Explorer (_*Favorites_)
- Netscape (_*.html_)
- Markdown (_*.md_)
- Gemini (_*.gmi_)
- Surfraw (same as plain text)
- Plain text (any other extension)
Supported fields :
- `<title>` is the name, alias or title.
- `<url>` is the address, URL or URI.
- `<description>` is only supported for Safari 'Description', Firefox 'Tags' and Markdown 'Title' (just the tooltip, actually).
Markdown, Gemini and plain text files are processed line by line (as UTF-8) :
[markdown example]( "with description")
=> gemini://example.gmi gemini example
plain text example http://example.txt with description
Output format :
By default, fields <title> <url> <description> are exported as plain text. This can be changed by using option -f and specifying any combination of characters t,u,d.
Other possible values :
- `csv` : Comma-separated values with double-quotes and CR NL (RFC 4180).
- `csv-noheader` : same as above, without header line.
- `html` : Netscape Bookmarks File Format.
- `html-raw` : raw list of HTML <A> elements.
This tool can be used to search, select and open bookmarks interactively from your terminal. The following instructions are for macOS.

Install the wonderful [fzf]( (available in [Homebrew](, [URI::Find]( (CPAN), [App::uricolor]( (CPAN), and add these aliases to your shell :
**Open link(s) with default application :**
alias lk="bookmarks | uricolor | fzf --ansi --exact --multi | urifind | xargs open"
- `uricolor` colorizes URIs to distinguish them from title and description.
- `fzf` is a fuzzy finder : use TAB for multiple selection, press ENTER to confirm, or ESC to cancel.
- `urifind` extracts all URIs. Try `uricolor -s` and `urifind --schemeless` to find schemeless URLs.
- Selected URIs will open with your default browser or application.
- Since `open` uses macOS _Launch Services_ to determine which program to run, most common schemes such as `ftp://` or `ssh://` are automatically recognized.
N.B. On Windows, I use [busybox-w32]( and a file `lk.bat` containing :
@echo off
bookmarks | uricolor | fzf --ansi --exact --multi | urifind | busybox xargs -n1 cmd /c start ""
**Copy link(s) to clipboard :**
alias lkc="bookmarks | uricolor | fzf --ansi --exact --multi | urifind | pbcopy"
These examples use the tool _http_status_ provided by [HTTP::SimpleLinkChecker]( (CPAN).
**Check links and show status :**
bookmarks -f u | xargs http_status
**Show only broken links (parallel) :**
bookmarks -f u | xargs -n10 -P16 http_status 2>/dev/null | perl -ne 'print if not /200$/'
To install this module automatically from CPAN :
cpan App::bookmarks
To install this module automatically from Git repository :
To install this module manually, run the following commands :
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
All are optional.
- Safari : macOS
- Firefox : DBI, DBD::SQLite
- Chrome : File::Slurper, JSON
- Internet Explorer : Config::Any, Config::Tiny, Win32
- Netscape : Netscape::Bookmarks
- Plain text : URI::Find
After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the
perldoc command :
perldoc bookmarks
You can also look for information at :
This software is Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by jul.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)