Catalyst::Model::DBI::SQL::Library - SQL::Library DBI Model Class

      # use the helper
      create model DBI::SQL::Library DBI::SQL::Library dsn user password

      # lib/MyApp/Model/DBI/SQL/
      package MyApp::Model::DBI::SQL::Library;

      use base 'Catalyst::Model::DBI::SQL::Library';

      # define configuration in package
        dsn => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=myapp',
        username => 'postgres',
        password => '',
        options => { AutoCommit => 1 },
        sqldir => 'root/sql2' #optional, will default to $c->path_to( 'root/sql' ),
        sqlcache => 1 #can only be used when queries are loaded from file i.e. via scalar passed to load
        sqlcache_use_mtime => 1 #will use modification time of the file to determine when to refresh the cache, make sure sqlcache = 1
        loglevel = 1 #integer value to control log notifications between 1 and 3 with 3 being the most verbose, defaults to 1

      # or define configuration in myapp.conf
      name MyApp

        dsn "DBI:Pg:dbname=myapp"
        username pgsql
        password ""
          AutoCommit 1
        log_level 1
        sqlcache 1
        sqlcache_use_mtime 1

      # then in controller / model code

      my $model = $c->model( 'DBI::SQL::Library' );
      my $sql = $model->load( 'something.sql' ) ;

      #or my $sql = $model->load( [ <FH> ] );
      #or my $sql = $model->load( [ $sql_query1, $sql_query2 ] ) )

      my $query = $sql->retr( 'some_sql_query' );

      #or my $query = $model->sql->retr( 'some_sql_query );

      $model->dbh->do( $query );

      #do something else with $sql ...

    This is the "SQL::Library" model class. It provides access to
    "SQL::Library" via sql accessor. Additional caching options are provided
    for increased performance via sqlcache and sqlcache_use_mtime, these
    options can only be used when sql strings are stored within a file and
    loaded by using a scalar value passed to load. The load and parse phase
    is then bypassed if cached version of the file is found.

    The use of these options can result in more memory being used but faster
    access to query data when running under persistent environment such as
    mod_perl or FastCGI. When sqlcache_use_mtime is in use, last
    modification time of the file is being referenced upon every cache
    check. If the modification time has changed only then query file is
    re-loaded. This should be much faster then re-creating the SQL::Library
    instance on every load. Please refer to the "SQL::Library" for more

    new Initializes database connection

        Initializes "SQL::Library" instance

        Returns the current database handle.

        Returns the current "SQL::Library" instance

    Catalyst, DBI

    Alex Pavlovic, ""

    This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.