[](https://travis-ci.org/karupanerura/Locale-Scope) # NAME Locale::Scope - scope based setlocale(3) # SYNOPSIS use POSIX qw/LC_TIME/; use Locale::Scope qw/locale_scope/; # hear LC_TIME locale is C!! { my $scope = locale_scope(LC_TIME, "ja_JP.UTF-8"); # hear LC_TIME locale is ja_JP.UTF-8!! { my $scope = locale_scope(LC_TIME, "es_AR.ISO8859-1"); # hear LC_TIME locale is es_AR.ISO8859-1!! } # hear LC_TIME locale is ja_JP.UTF-8!! } # hear LC_TIME locale is C!! # DESCRIPTION **THE SOFTWARE IS IT'S IN ALPHA QUALITY. IT MAY CHANGE THE API WITHOUT NOTICE.** Locale::Scope is scope based [setlocale(3)](http://man.he.net/man3/setlocale) for rollback locale at the end of a scope. # FUNCTION - $scope = locale\_scope($category, $locale); Set the program's current locale. It creates a new Locale::Scope object which rollbacks locale when its DESTROY method is called. my $scope = locale_scope($category, $locale); # or my $scope = Locale::Scope->new($category, $locale); # SEE ALSO [POSIX](https://metacpan.org/pod/POSIX) [Scope::Guard](https://metacpan.org/pod/Scope::Guard) # LICENSE Copyright (C) karupanerura. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR karupanerura <karupa@cpan.org>