Pipeline::Config - configuration files for building Pipelines.

      use Error qw( :try );
      use Pipeline::Config;

      my $config = Pipeline::Config->new();

      try {
          my $pipe  = $config->load( 'somefile.type' );
          my $pipe2 = $config->load( 'somefile', 'type' );
      } catch Error with {
          print shift;

    Pipeline::Config lets you specify the structure of a Pipeline in a
    configuration file. This means you don't have to use() every Segment,
    call its constructor, and add it to the pipeline, because
    Pipeline::Config does it for you. It also means the flow of logic
    through your Pipeline is in one place, in a format that is easily read.

    "How nice", you say? Well, this all assumes you have relatively simple
    Pipeline Segments that don't need lots of configuration. If you don't,
    then maybe this module is not for you.

    "Pipeline::Config" is the frontend to various types of pipeline
    configuration files.

    At the moment, only "YAML" is supported.

        Get/set the hash of known pipeline config types & their class names.
        This is used to lookup & load config classes. If you write your own
        config parser you should register it like this:

          Pipeline::Config->types->{type} => 'MyConfig::Type';

    $pipe = $obj->load( $file [, $type ] )
        Load the config file given. Currently $file must be a valid path
        (file handles and text references are not yet supported). If $type
        is not passed, attempts to resolve it by seeing if the filename's
        suffix matches any of the known types listed in $class->types().

        Throws a "Pipeline::Config::UnknownTypeError" if the type could not
        be resolved, or a "Pipeline::Config::LoadError" if there was an
        error loading the config file.

    Here's an example YAML config file:

      # Pipeline configuration file
        - MyApp::Segment
        - MyApp::Segment::Foo
        # you don't have to name segments explicitly
        # if you're using search-packages:
        - Foo
        - this is a sub pipe:
            # anything with the word 'pipe' creates a new Pipeline
            # named sub-pipes are not yet supported
            - another sub pipe:
                - DeclineNoBar
                - GetDrink
            # this calls the 'foo' method with 'bar' as an argument:
            - Baz: { foo: "bar" }
        - AnotherApp::Segment::GoFish

    Steve Purkis <>

    Copyright (c) 2003 Steve Purkis. All rights reserved. Released under the
    same license as Perl itself.
