POE::Component::Client::UserAgent --------------------------------- POE::Component::Client::UserAgent is Copyright 2001-2010 Rocco Caputo <troc+pcua@pobox.com> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Abstract -------- POE::Component::Client::UserAgent is an asynchronous, event driven LWP and LWP::Parallel based user agent POE component. It lets other tasks run while making a request to an Internet server and waiting for a response, and it lets several requests run in parallel. Requirements ------------ This module requires POE, LWP and LWP::Parallel. The component requires POE version 0.1402 and LWP::Parallel version 2.51, which in turn requires LWP version 2.52 or 2.53. Availability ------------ The most recent POE::Component::Client::UserAgent version is available on CPAN: http://search.cpan.org/search?dist=POE-Component-Client-UserAgent Installation ------------ Create a makefile: perl Makefile.PL Install the module: make install Alternatively you can install the component using CPAN shell. You can also extract the archive manually. The component is written entirely in Perl and requires no compilation. Testing ------- Run all test scripts: make test If any of the test scripts fails, please run the script like so: perl 00test.t 9 where 00test.t is the name of the script that fails and the number 9 is the debug level. This will create a file with the same name as the script and a .log extension. Then send the .log file to the component author. Usage ----- An example of usage is found in the built in POD documentation. Test scripts are also good examples of the component usage. See Also -------- We recommend POE::Component::Client::HTTP as an alternative to this module. POE http://poe.perl.org/ LWP http://www.linpro.no/lwp/ LWP::Parallel http://www.inf.ethz.ch/~langhein/ParallelUA/