[](https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple-subst-desumasu/actions) [](https://metacpan.org/release/App-Greple-subst-desumasu) # NAME App::Greple::subst::desumasu - Japanese DESU/MASU dictionary for App::Greple::subst # SYNOPSIS greple -Msubst::desumasu --dearu --subst --all file greple -Msubst::desumasu --dearu --diff file greple -Msubst::desumasu --dearu --replace file # DESCRIPTION greple -Msubst module based on [desumasu-converter](https://github.com/kssfilo/desumasu-converter). This is a simple checker/converter module for Japanese writing style so called DUSU/MASU (ですます調: 敬体) and DEARU (である調: 常体). This is not my own idea and the dictionary is based on [https://github.com/kssfilo/desumasu-converter](https://github.com/kssfilo/desumasu-converter). See article [https://kanasys.com/tech/722](https://kanasys.com/tech/722) for detail. # OPTIONS - **--dearu** - **--dearu-n** - **--dearu-N** Convert DESU/MASU to DEARU style. DESU (です) and MASU (ます) sometimes followed by NE (ね) in frank situation, and that NE (ね) is removed from converted result by default. Option with **-n** keep that NE (ね), and option with **-N** igonore them. - **--desumasu** - **--desumasu-n** - **--desumasu-N** Convert DEARU to DESU/MASU style. Use them with **greple** **-Msubst** options. - **--subst --all --no-color** Print converted text. - **--diff** Produce diff output of original and converted text. Use **cdif** command in [App::sdif](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3Asdif) to visualize the difference. - **--create** - **--replace** - **--overwrite** To update the file, use these options. Option **--create** make new file with `.new` suffix. Option **--replace** update the target file with backup, while option **--overwrite** does without backup. See [App::Greple::subst](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3AGreple%3A%3Asubst) for other options. # INSTALL ## CPANMINUS From CPAN: cpanm App::Greple::subst::desumasu From GIT repository: cpanm https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple-subst-desumasu.git # SEE ALSO [App::Greple](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3AGreple), [App::Greple::subst](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3AGreple%3A%3Asubst) [App::sdif](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3Asdif) [https://github.com/kssfilo/desumasu-converter](https://github.com/kssfilo/desumasu-converter), [https://kanasys.com/tech/722](https://kanasys.com/tech/722) [greple で「ですます調」を「である化」する](https://qiita.com/kaz-utashiro/items/8f4878300043ce7b73e7) # AUTHOR Kazumasa Utashiro # LICENSE Copyright 2021-2022 Kazumasa Utashiro. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.