These files will allow you to automatically build a debian package from
a release perl source tree.

Simply do the following:
tar xzvf perl5.00?_??.tar.gz
cd perl5.00?_??
tar xzvf debian-build-?.??.tar.gz
./debian/rules this-version binary

You will have to supply your root password twice.  If you don't want to
do this, become root first.  You'll have the various
perl*_5.00?.??_*.deb files in the parent directory.

If for some reason, you need a debian version number greater than 1,
change the build line to: './debian/rules this-version binary expdebver=N'
where N is the new debian version.

Note that the make doesn't currently stop on a (partially) failed make
test due to a problem with locales.  This will (most likely) change in
the future.

Note that this hasn't been tested with sfio at all yet.  I haven't had
the time but it is on the plate.

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If you need to reach me, I'm at

Darren Stalder
Debian Perl Maintainer